The Paranoid Protagonist is Addicted To My Stickers

Chapter 14

Chapter 13 – Locked Door

Yan Ci let go of his arm, Xia Zhinian wanted to lean on the table, a hand suddenly stretched out from his waist and clasped it firmly through his clothes, which made him tremble all over, followed by his knees tightening, the whole life Life has been raised a bit!


Xia Zhinian’s eyes widened, subconsciously grabbing something, and his voice raised slightly, “Yan Ci!”

They became more noisy, and the people in the first few rows turned their heads to look. Yan Ci stood up, holding his buttocks like a child, and grasping his two slender wrists with the other hand.

“Yan Ci, what are you doing, let me down.” Xia Zhinian was held in Yan Ci’s arms, his eyes rounded, his attention was sucked away, he felt that his stomach didn’t hurt so much, and he tried to struggle.

The protagonist is insane?

Is he unclean?

Lao Qin stopped his lecture and was a little surprised, “Squad leader, what are you doing?”

Yan Ci easily hugged the dishonest, limp young man in his arms, feeling like he was hugging a rice cake dumpling, holding it firmly, calmly, “Teacher, Xia is not feeling well, I’ll send him to the infirmary.”

Old Qin: “Ao Ao, go quickly, don’t delay.”

“Thank you, teacher.”

Yan Ci nodded gently, and walked directly to the door with the person in his arms. Xia Zhinian turned his back to the classroom door, facing the surprised eyes of the class, with red ears, and suddenly caught a glimpse of the protagonist Gong who also turned his head to look over.

Xia Zhinian’s eyes lit up, he twisted his body, and called out in a low voice, “Brother Chu!”


Take care of yourself!

Chu Qingjian recently saw that Xia Zhinian was hesitant to speak, with a strange expression, looked at him for a while, turned around without saying a word, and became addicted to the phone again.

Xia Zhinian: “???”

“Brother Chu?!”

What are you doing!

Yan Ci was very close, and he could hear clearly the two low-pitched but expectant “Brother Chu”, he pulled the corners of his mouth and let out a loose sigh, walked to the door, and half-body left the classroom, just blocking the classmate look.

There was a crisp “snap”, with a bit of rebound.

Xia Zhinian’s thighs went numb, his eyes widened in an instant, his expression was dazed, the hair on the top of his head exploded, his whole face was hot and red like a fire, and he stared at the culprit tightly.

“…Yanci! You, you hit me, hit me…”

“how do I.”

Yan Ci closed the door, completely shielding him from looking at other people, and said in a casual voice, “Good boy, Xia, the door is closed, it’s no use calling anyone.”

Xia Zhinian: “!!”

Xia Zhinian’s eyes were round, and he stared at him ferociously without blinking. Just as he opened his mouth to say something, a sudden cramping pain came from his stomach, and he suppressed his voice.


He trembled slightly, pursed his lips, and a few traces of blood leaked from his chapped lips.

Yan Ci paused, stretched out his hand to comfort the top of his head, and walked out with long legs, “I heard from Meng Chen and Yuen Long that you ate a lot of barbecue at noon, and it might be spoiled, so go to the infirmary to see. “

Xia Zhinian’s temples were bulging, his stomach hurt and the nerves in his head were hurting, he wrinkled his face and struggled, and said in a light voice, “I won’t go, let go.”

Yan Ci has heard him say many times that he can’t go, and the last time he had a fever, he also yelled not to go, he paused, “Then go to the hospital?”

Xia Zhinian tried to get away from Yan Ci’s arm, swayed his legs and slid down, “No, it’s not bad, it’s just a bad stomach. I’ll just go back to the classroom and lie down for a while, and I won’t go anywhere.”

Going also does not allow the protagonist to accompany the villain to go.

This is not a mess.

Yan Ci’s face was pale, his eyes were slightly cold, and he didn’t speak.

Xia Zhinian shrank back, his amber eyes were clear and soft, and he quickly changed his words, “…Or, I will go by myself, you go back to class, or else, according to what you just said, find Brother Chu?”

In short, seldom deal with the protagonist.

“Brother Chu?”

Yan Ci’s long eyelashes drooped slightly, looking at his pale face and bloodshot lips, the roots of his teeth were itchy, a trace of hostility flashed in his eyes, and his deep voice became softer.

“I’ve changed my mind.”

“Student Xia, my patience is about to run out. I suggest you be good and stop saying things I don’t like to hear.”

The softer the black sesame glutinous rice balls, the worse it is. Xia Zhinian froze all over, “I—”

“Good job.”

Yan Ci interrupted with a smile, “Speak again, and I will have to knock you out again.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian opened his mouth, then held it back, flattened his mouth, and let out a muffled snort.

In fact, his stomach has been hurting for a while, and it started to hurt not long after he came back from eating. He wanted to endure it, but after tossing for a while, he felt his stomach churning, and his whole body was so sluggish.

Yan Ci hugged him, but he didn’t touch him directly through his clothes. He was tall and had long legs, and his steps were very steady. Xia Zhinian’s body gradually became less tense, her crow-feather eyelashes drooped to cover her pupils, and her head swayed to the side bit by bit.

Yan Ci glanced down, let go of Xia Zhinian’s wrist, stroked his hairy head, and put it on his shoulder.

The gastrointestinal problems were troublesome to check. The infirmary did a preliminary examination and judged that it might be gastroenteritis. They prescribed medicine and told them to take a good rest and find time to go to the hospital for a comprehensive checkup.

There were other people in the small bed in the infirmary, and the school doctor suggested taking leave to go home and rest.

Yan Ci glanced at the young man in his arms, his porcelain white skin was bloodless, his eyes were closed, his lips were unconsciously pursed, and his brows were slightly frowned.

Looks good, but also very fragile.

He nodded and took people away.

In the dark room, the doors and windows were closed tightly, and a few gleams of light passed through the dark blue curtains, reflecting a deep blue color in the room.

The boy was lying on his side and curled up on the bed, with his hands casually placed on one side, his fingertips curled up naturally, his collar was scattered, revealing a small piece of delicate collarbone, and his white and tender neck was exposed to everyone without any cover.

Yan Ci sat on the side, leaning slightly, his eyes slowly swept across the young man’s face, slender eyelashes, small lips, and… the fragile Adam’s apple neck.

Yan Ci stretched out his hand, his slender jade knuckles slightly bent, and they were very close to the small Adam’s apple.

The pain and itching that pulled the nerves surged, as if countless bugs were biting the surface of the body, burrowing into the skin and into the heart, giving rise to countless irritating desires and longings.

Yan Ci’s expression didn’t change at all, his lips were slightly hooked, and his hand rested on the edge of Xia Zhinian’s Adam’s apple.

For a moment, the boy on the bed pursed his lips unconsciously, his Adam’s apple moved lightly, and he rubbed against the nearby fingertips very quickly, passing lightly in a flash.

But the itching of that small patch of skin was like morning and night.

When the light dissipates, it relaxes for a moment.

Yan Ci bent the corners of his mouth in a friendly manner, retracted his hand, and stared at Xia Zhinian with great interest.

It’s so strange, it’s obviously an unchanged face, but when Xia Zhinian met him in the past, he just felt that he was the same as everyone else, unbearably dirty.

How could it become a special medicine that he must have in such a short period of time.

It seems that… After the car accident, something is different.

Yan Ci glanced at Xia Zhinian’s face with great interest, trying to find if there was any difference from before, but in vain, he raised his hand and looked at his fingertips.

His obsession with cleanliness does not resent Xia Zhinian’s touch, but his skin hunger and thirst can be appeased for a short time, but the effect is not long-lasting, and the counterattack will become more violent after a long time.

But Xia Zhinian… seems to dislike skin-to-skin contact with people.

If you touch it while awake—

Yan Ci remembered the time when he was caught injecting injections in the hospital, and covered his eyes with his palms.

—The boy will tremble slightly.

Yan Ci raised the corners of his lips, looked away without approaching, picked up the medicine bottle from the table, poured out seven or eight pills, and swallowed it with water.

When Xia Zhinian woke up, it was already completely dark outside, the curtains were drawn tightly, and the room was silent, except for a weak night light on the table.

A small room with two single beds and a desk in between.

Xia Zhinian sat up, staring blankly at the completely unfamiliar environment for a moment, his eyes fell on the opposite bed that was only covered with a mattress.

The slender boy was lying on his back with his hands resting on his abdomen, his movements were very peaceful.

…Yan Ci?

Xia Zhinian’s memory slowly came back, he touched his stomach that was no longer hurting, and then looked at the clean and soft bed under him, two question marks slowly appeared above his head.

The protagonist takes him back to his dormitory?

Still put him in bed?

Xia Zhinian pursed her lips, feeling that something was very wrong.

He saw his mobile phone by the table. It was originally placed in the classroom, but it was probably brought by Yan Ci. Click to open it, there are several unread messages.

Xia Zhinian glanced at the time, hesitated for a moment, quietly got up with his mobile phone and walked towards the door.

I pressed the handle, but it didn’t open, and I turned the anti-lock switch below, but the door still couldn’t be opened.

…This is the door from the inside, locked with a key.

Xia Zhinian rubbed his fingertips against his neck as if there was an air current passing by the back of his neck, and suddenly felt something strange, he grasped the handle tightly and held his breath.

Turning his head abruptly, a pair of jet-black eyes caught off guard.

Yan Ci’s dark eyes stared at him, the corners of his lips were habitually bent, and his voice was very soft, slightly hoarse.

“Good evening, student Xia, where are you going?”

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