The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 12: Sad Excuse for an Empire, part one (77)

Chapter 12: Sad Excuse for an Empire

           Jircniv Farlord El Nix, or just Jircniv as his close confidants called him, was shocked. Utterly bamboozled was this man. He had sent a group of workers from his empire to the lands of the kingdom to explore a new tomb that had been found.

          That was where the problems had appeared. The men he had sent in, had been slain. The noble that had been used as a cover up, had been killed for the story to make sense. Now, he was looking at the courtyard, panicking in a rather confused state of mind.

          “What dragon is that?” he asked, hoping that his mentor, or any of his men had any info on what was happening.

          After only about a day had passed since hearing what had happened to the workers that had been sent to the new mystery tomb. Then, only an hour after the meeting to discuss what had happened with his advisors had started, a dragon had landed in his courtyard.

          As he took in the sight before him, his mentor spoke in a rather confused, yet eager, tone of voice. He looked over to the man, as if thinking he was stating the obvious. Sometimes he wondered if the old man was getting too old.

          “Look my lord, two dark elves are riding upon its back,” he said in a rather rapturous state of voice.

          Jircniv looked on at the interaction that had started after the two dark elf children had slid off of the dragon’s back. One of his knights, Nazami Enec, was speaking with them.

          He could have sworn that his knight said, “surely you jest,” after the boy elf said something seemingly outlandish. That was when the air suddenly took an abrupt shift.

          The conversation then seemed to have changed for the worse as the girl raised her staff over her head and hit in into the ground at her feet. The ground split. Dirt and stone getting sunlight that it hadn’t had in years as new stone and dirt that had been buried for countless years was unearthed.

          Dozens of his men fell into the earth. Just as the normal soldiers died, so did his knight. He could hear their screams from where he stood on the balcony. The girl then lifted her staff, and the ground closed like a wound being sewn shut.

          Then he heard it. The voice of the one that had ordered his men’s deaths spoke. He could tell now; it was a girl in boy’s clothes. She shouted at the top of her lungs, or so he assumed to be the top of her lungs.

          The voice haunted his mind for but a moment. The change in tone of the day sending his mind into a temporary shutdown. He then shook his mind off the stutter as he heard the words the girl spoke.

          “Hey everyone! I’m here on word of our dear Lord Ainz! Recently, your emperor sent a group of workers into our beloved home. That, for lack of a better term, has pissed him off!” she shouted casual words, then continued.

          “So, he sent us here to deliver a message! Yay! If the emperor doesn’t come to The great Underground Tomb of Nazarick in at least five days, this whole nation is going to be leveled! All the men women and children slain. All the nobles, be they just or corrupt won’t be spared either!” she finished with a, “Come out, come out, wherever you are!”

          Jircniv put a hand to his chin and thought for but a moment. It was all he needed, and could afford right now. He then spoke up and over the railing of the balcony, catching the attention of the twins.

          “I am Emperor Jircniv Farlord El Nix! I wish to talk!” he shouted down to them.

          Ainz watched through the view screen in the throne room as the carriage carrying the emperor of Baharuth stopped just outside of the outer walls of the tomb. Sat on a throne much smaller and to his left, but just as grandiose as the Throne of Kings, was Aeskell. In another throne to his right was Albedo.

          He had been wondering how he would introduce himself to the man. After all, this person was rather important in the world, and he wished to make a good impression. Or at least one that would last. Hopefully, Albedo being here instead of Aeskell would help with his nerves a bit.

          He didn’t really feel like he could be completely honest with Albedo. As cruel to her as that was, she had never lived on earth, never understood the hardship of it, and never in a million years would she understand the actually meaning of what Earth was.

          Yes sure, she knew that Earth was a thing, and that the people on it had made Yggdrasil the game world. She simply couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that the only beings living on it were human, or the fact that Ainz and Aeskell had been human at one point.

          It was incredibly hard to try and convince her it wasn’t all a big ploy or scheme to test her. In fact, when he often would complain about that fact and lament it along with Aeskell when she was teaching him how to act as a better ruler in their private study sessions. The other floor guardians might have thought that they were, “spending time together,” at first as a misunderstanding, he cleared that up right away.

          As he watched the emperor try to complement the Pleiades, he saw Aeskell from the side stand up from the corner of his eye. He turned his attention to her as she turned around to the look at the two others in the room.

          A motherly smile graced her lips. She was gorgeous like this, Ainz thought to himself. It had been a while since they last had sex. After all, he didn’t know what would have happened to the babies growing inside of her if they did that, so the two of them refrained.

          Albedo had wanted to, but he had told her that they shouldn’t do it without Aeskell. She acquiesced to that. Though now he wondered what she wanted, if she was satisfied with what they were doing now.

He shook his mind, and turned it back around to what they were currently doing. Aeskell seemed to have noticed what he was thinking, along with Albedo as the two of them were looking at him with slightly sensual faces. Then Aeskell spoke.

          “Alright Ainz and Albedo, I’m going to go take care of the kids. But after this whole meeting thing is done, we’re going to have a night together, alright?” she asked with an equally hopeful and hungry expression.

          Albedo looked back at her and nodded her head. Ainz simply raised a hand and waved in acknowledgement. Aeskell beamed yet another glee-filled smile and teleported away. Ainz then sighed, mentally getting ready for the meeting to take place.

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