The Outbreak

C.8 : New Clothes, Beauty Unleashed

"A bit bigger than 30 A... and a small down below probably?" The cashier led Orissa to a changing room and did the approximate measurements internally.

"Can I..?" The woman was nervous, which Orissa could tell both by expression and her racing heart. Making sure not to exert too much strength while stripping down, Orissa gave the woman a few glances as well, ignoring the latter's eyes on her body.

"Go ahead." If she were still human, maybe she'd have gotten goosebumps or shivered a bit in the cold, but she realized that she had near absolute control over her body.

She shakily extended a hand and wrapped the measuring tape around Orissa's chest, then waist. She was quite good because her earlier measurements were correct.

When the plastic measurimg tape touched Orissa's skin, the woman expected her to flinch or show some sign of discomfort, but there was none. When the woman indicated she was finished, Orissa took the underwear and dressed herself.

No matter how much the woman told herself she wasn't attracted to women, how much she tried to peel her eyes away, something in her mind kept replaying Orissa's pale smooth skin and charming slender figure.

Orissa didn't even need help putting on the underwear, and after wearing the dress, she looked at herself in the mirror. A petite young woman stared back, black dress ending at her thighs.

The contrast between Orissa's skin and the dark fabric created an interesting picture. Her hair despite all the running and physical activity she did wasn't a mess, neither was Odelle's.

"You about done in there?" Odelle whispered to Orissa who turned to look at the door before sighing. Even if her emotions were muted, she still felt out of place.

"I need shoes." Orissa left the previous outfit on the ground as she couldn't wear them again. When the door opened, everyone's breath, minus Odelle's quickened.

Orissa walked out, feet lightly tapping the ground. Her irises were a deep shade of black which matched her nails. The dress hugged her figure quite nicely, showing some curves, but nothing in excess.

"Size six? Want some heels?" Odelle teased Orissa who rolled her eyes, letting out a low growl in response. The others felt fear, because no human should be capable of making such a noise so easily and naturally.

"If we go by colors, black?" Orissa turned and headed to the aisle with shoes, leaving Odelle by the door. In actuality, they could have wandered off in the store, because the chances of an employee being able to flee from them was low.

Even if they had a head start, they couldn't erase their scent or sounds. Orissa thought for a moment and chose a calf length pair of black boots. Finding the appropriate sized socks, she put on the boots and gave Odelle a look.

"Wow, you're so pretty!" Odelle gushed like a kid on Christmas receiving a present. Orissa wanted to leave, but she recalled she had yet to pay the people a dime.

"Did you have somewhere else you want to be?" Odelle shook her head and snapped a few pictures of Orissa quickly. Orissa looked at Odelle and then gestured at the employees.

"Hm? You wanna kill them?" Hearing Odelle, Orissa sighed and shook her head. After a moment, Odelle seemed to understand her intent. She shot Orissa a wry look.

"Payment? You do realize that your outfit is over three hundred dollars easily? If you want to pay them, go right ahead." Odelle shrugged and completely ignored the matter, walking towards the door.

"Pay with what?" Orissa asked incredulously, and Odelle shrugged once again, indicating it wasn't her problem. The duo tilted their heads slightly when the sound of a heart beat increased in pace.

Alexander, the security guard waited for Orissa to come closer before trying to apprehend her. Because she heard his heartbeat, she knew he was up to something.

He rushed forward, wanting to force Orissa back to keep her from leaving. Staring into his desperate eyes, Orissa felt her lips curl back, displaying her longer canines.

The security guard was hit twice, once in the arm reaching out and one in the chest. A sickening crunch sounded as the impacted bone in his arm shattered followed by him flying back as if he was hit by a speeding car.

He tumbled to the ground, groaning in agony, but Odelle also acted. She moved quickly, kicking the security guard's neck ruthlessly. The sound of bones splintering made the non infected humans present wince.

"So annoying. So I'd normally kill everyone here to cover my tracks, what do you want to do?" Odelle headed back to the door and everyone felt as if death were descending upon them.

"Since one is already dead, the others can go." Orissa thought about it and answered Odelle who just shrugged. The normal people present felt the weight of the world lifted off their chests.

Orissa walked out the entrance, shooting a look at the dead security guard, followed by Odelle who looked a bit remorseful. She was in fact, because if she didn't ask for Orissa's opinion, she could completely cover her tracks.

Sorry, this one was a bit short. I wrote the newest one before I finished this one. Hope you enjoy them. 😉 

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