The Outbreak

C.55 : Public Outrage

"Even if my words seem like I despise your race, I actually don't hate humanity." Orissa glanced up when footsteps neared the door and the vampire guards besides them tensed, their nails flashing with a metallic sheen.

"We have visitors it seems." The doors burst open and two soldiers taking the lead with two more behind and one in the middle, all guns pointed at Orissa and the four vampires standing behind her.

The last two, before they could realize what had transpired were disarmed and hoisted up with a single hand. Kira turned and realized aside from the four she had seen on screen and Orissa, there were two more vampires present.

"It's fine, let them through." Orissa said lazily to the guards holding the guards who dropped them like trash and blurred into motion, blocking the soldiers from approaching Orissa while the other four fanned out slightly with their guards up.

"We meet again... Hm, I don't think I know you actually." Orissa blinked and then shrugged and turned to Clara who stiffened. She had seen the two black cloaked vampires by the doors turn into blurs that couldn't be followed by a human's eyes and reappear, stopping the soldiers before they got too close.

"My name is Kira Verne, I work for the VPA and we've met before under less pleasant circumstances." Kira walked closer and was intercepted when one of the two vampires in front stepped forward, a low hiss making her pause.

"Oh, yeah. The restaurant right? That was interesting, no? Well, how can I help you?" Orissa waved a hand and the vampires blocking Kira stepped back and allowed her to pass.

"Ma'am!" Wolf One spoke but then stopped. Even if she was surrounded by Wolf Squad, it wouldn't make a difference because the vampires could kill them all the same.

"You went behind our backs and did this? What is the government going to do if the public demands that we take action against you?" Kira sat on a couch a few meters away.

"Oh come on! If I didn't, would you reveal our existence to the world, or would you cover it up and suppress what happened in Sapphire City?" Orissa chuckled seeing Clara's obvious unease.

"And do you know why I can do this without fear Kira?" Orissa smiled again, but this one was playful and challenging, as if daring someone, anyone, to call her out.

"Why?" Kira humored her because there was nothing else she could do. If Orissa had a motive, it would be good to find it out even if she had to play along.

"Because humans aren't equal. Nothing actually is, and the fact humans believe that to be true is amusing." Orissa saw the screen showing comments of angry nentizens and viewers and raised an eyebrow.

"Let's say two humans are running for their lives and one has more endurance. Logically, according to equality, shouldn't they both die since they're both equal?"

"Another example. Two humans are born, one being born to a wealthy family and another to a single parent family with debt. Is it equal? One gets everything they could ever ask for, and the other if they're unlucky will never rise up."

"And it's different with vampires?" Kira asked Orissa in a calm tone. Orissa could without a doubt create many scenarios in which human equality would seem like a joke, which would make everyone watching question themselves and the world.

"Yes. Very different. You see, unlike humans who are lucky to live past a century, we can quite literally exist forever. Sure, we have divisions between us, but if you prove yourself, you won't be neglected or downtrodden."

"We don't kill our own, well not normally anyway. Nor do we preach a lie to everyone. If you want the truth, why not ask what I believe directly?" Orissa's purple eyes glanced at Wolf Squad and then moved away.

"You say we humans are wrong, then why are you right?" Kira heard the door open and saw Irene walk in carefully, eyeing the vampires warily with her hand on her weapon.

"Survival of the fittest. We don't kill our own, but weakness is a sin. If we were weak, we would be imprisoned and experimented on. If I were weak, I would have met a fate quite literally worse than death."

"Unlike you humans who will die of natural causes anyway, I won't. I'm not bragging about vampires being superior, I'm saying that it would be a waste to die to a species that will inevitably wipe itself out when we can go much further than you can."

"You know you're harming the planet, but you won't stop or officially implement changes. You've directly enslaved your own and fought wars for land and resources."

"To a species like you who is destined to be forgotten in the endless river of time, why should we yield to you and be subjected to your experiments? Do not lie to me, if you had captured a vampire, would you not run your tests and seek to take what is not yours?"

"Unlike you, we don't need even a third of the resources you use. We won't fight wars, we won't enslave one another. To a species as flawed as you humans, what right do you have to decide whether whether or not we get to exist?"

"Of course, I won't take the path of genocide. We need you after all. If we don't have entertainment and blood, we would wither away in time. Those who are watching must all feel entitled to this planet as if you humans have ruled it for the past millennia."

"But, if I throw you in the wild and you meet a bear, will your so called superior intelligence save you from being eaten? No, it won't. Humans pride themselves with being at the top of the food chain, but I can tell you now you are not at the top."

"You can be angry or upset, but it's the truth. You can't outrun a vampire, you can't overpower one. You may be able to outsmart one, but if you can't get away, what's the point?"

"Humans have this strange fixation on hope. It's illusory and fickle. You can try to exterminate us, but I can assure you that humans won't win. At most, it will be troublesome, but that's it."

"We want to coexist if possible. If not, we can fight and reevaluate later, maybe in a century or two. You see me as an evil monster, I don't mind. Sure, I killed twenty thousand people in Sapphire City with my actions..."

"But every death of unnatural causes before that was solely humanity's fault. I'm not justifying my actions at all. Humans kill humans, and I as a vampire killed humans too."

"When a human kills a monkey, at most you feel regretful. It's the same for me. I would rather not sacrifice my people, so some humans had to die. A pity is what it is, but that's all. If even humans don't value a fellow human's life, why should we who hunt humans?" Orissa's voice was sharp and penetrating like a knife.

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