The Outbreak

C.53 : Mysterious Guests

PoV : Clara Zia

The sun had already set, and the more popular news anchors had already begun broadcasting, but because Clara had neither fame nor extremely good looks, she was often ignored in favor of the more outstanding people.

"Clara! I think someone's at the desk, go check it out." A really beautiful blonde woman spoke arrogantly when a staff member walked over and spoke in her ear.

Though there were still some sets open, if Clara missed her opportunity now, she wouldn't get another one until the following day if she were lucky, and maybe never if she wasn't.

If Clara didn't follow the woman's instructions, she would undoubtedly be fired because Wendy had their boss wrapped around her finger. If Wendy didn't like causing trouble and making life hard for Clara, she'd have already lost her job.

With a sigh, Clara left and headed to the first floor and frowned when she saw six people in black clothes that honestly frightened her and a woman wearing a black cloak and a hat that hid her face waiting and aside from them, it was empty.

"Good night." A voice that made Clara feel as if she were wrapped in a silky blanket sounded. Even if Clara couldn't see her face, she knew the speaker must be insanely beautiful.

"Um... Do you have an appointment?" Clara mumbled when she felt a few unkind gazes on her coming from the six people standing behind the woman, but they were unnaturally still which made her stare again.

"No, well, maybe? I originally reserved a slot with the government, but I didn't specify where. Is there a studio open? If not, we can clear it." The woman's voice was a bit amused as a slender hand pulled the cap off and revealed her face.

"Beautiful..." Clara had seen many beautiful people and considered herself above being lost in someone's beauty, but this woman's beauty simply exceeded what a human could achieve.

Black hair like a night with no stars, pale skin like snow with no blemishes. Meticulously done eyebrows and eyelashes but it didn't look unnatural or seem like too much, it was just right.

Her eyes were light purple but were also a little weird and made Clara feel as if she were being zapped. Her lips were full and perfectly complimented her face and the pointed ears honestly made Clara wonder if this woman was even human because she was too perfect.

"Thank you. May I have the pleasure of knowing your name?" The woman held out a perfectly manicured hand to Clara who shook it on reflex and nearly jumped when she felt as if she were touching ice.

"Clara. My name is Clara Zia and I'm just an assistant here." Clara saw the woman's lips curl into a breathtakingly beautiful smile that made Clara wonder if her orientation really suited her.

"Clara~ What a beautiful name. My name is Orissa. Clara, can we go up?" Orissa asked Clara who sucked a breath when she heard her name rolling over Orissa's tongue like music and nodded blankly in a daze.

"Thank you." Orissa smiled again and followed Clara to the elevator and got in after two guards got in. With the elevator being large enough, all eight of them got in and waited nearly fifteen seconds to get to the third floor.

"Is there an empty studio Clara?" Orissa's electrifying eyes landed on her so she guided them to a room in a haze. Without saying anything, four of the people behind Orissa split off and prepped the equipment for use.

"Lidia's program will activate soon and we happen to need an interviewer. Care to join me Clara~" Orissa rolled her name on her tongue again with a playful wink that made Clara's heart do little backflips in her chest.

"I'll take you silence as your agreement then. Is it ready?" Orissa found a chair and took off her coat, revealing a truly unparalleled body to Clara who felt her throat go dry.

A low growl snapped her out of it as the hair on the back of her neck stood on end, but when she looked over, all she saw was the two guards by Orissa's side, flanking her in her seat.

"Behave guys, she means no harm. Besides, we're simply guests today. After we begin, the higher ups will want to talk too, so have Lidia on standby to patch them into the feed too." Orissa smiled when two more guards returned to her side, leaving two on either sides of the door.

"Your Majesty, we're ready." A guard, definitely a woman from the voice, spoke and Clara felt her jaw drop. She was certain she heard Orissa being called Your Majesty, but didn't quite understand because she was sure someone like Orissa, even if she only appeared once would be well known.

"Good. Start the feed in three." Orissa smiled gently at Clara and then turned and looked at the large screen displaying their figures and let out a light breath and then looked at the camera.

"I'm sure majority of you are all shocked since you were probably busy watching something else, so I apologize in advance for being rash." Orissa bowed her head slightly, just enough to be recognized.

"My name is Orissa and I have some things I want to address before you all, everyone in the world." Orissa turned to the screen and took a breath and then continued.

"In myths and legends, there exists vampires who feed on blood and werewolves who... also exist. If it was up to your governments, they, we would remain myths unless something drastic happened in which they had no choice."

"You may recall Sapphire City's chaos a few days ago. I'm not sure if the videos were taken down, but I'll be honest. The events of Sapphire City some nights ago weren't an accident." Orissa shifted minutely in her seat.

"That was my doing. Over twenty thousand lives lost in a little over a few hours were the direct result of my actions. I understand humans will view my actions with outrage and anger, but I did what I believed was best."

"There are over seven billion humans on Earth, and far less vampires. Two vampires were killed by you humans, and the rest were scattered and alone, so I gave us a place we could call home, a place where we could hopefully coexist with humans peacefully." Orissa saw a guard gesture and a new window opened revealing several figures, some she had seen before and some she hadn't.

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