The Outbreak

C.46 : Dusk

"Is it very strange that I feel a bit excited now?" Orissa put her cheek on the back of Sierra's neck and inhaled her scent, neither keeping track of time since they were content.

"What kind of excitement?" Odelle asked in a deadpan voice, but her face lost it's seriousness when Zaylee looked up from her newly acquired tablet Ryan had someone deliver to her.

"Ah? No, not the aroused kind, I know that one pretty well. I meant, with this place, we have a safe haven where none of us have to hide or pretend with each other."

"We can live without the fear of being discriminated against. But, we still have a lot to do. We seemingly have forever to do it, but the situation is a bit unsafe." Orissa sighed and closed her eyes and entered a state which was far from what humans called sleep, a vampire's hibernation, only she ensured she wouldn't be under for long.

"When I turned you, I was alone and a bit malicious. If I didn't bite you then, you would have a normal life and be free of all this trouble. I didn't say it before, but for what it's worth, I'm sorry Orissa." Odelle let out a low sigh and was startled when Orissa opened her eyes with difficulty and reached towards her and beckoned.

"You're the reason this has happened to me Odelle, but I'm not mad at you, how could I be angry at my haughty and cold but inwardly warm sister?" Orissa's eyes were dim, a bright contrast from their usual luster.

"If I had known you'd get all sappy on me, I'd have delayed my hibernation state a bit~ Odelle, I won't hold you turning me against you because I love what I am, who I've become, and if you didn't, Zaylee would have died in that alleyway, scared and alone. You did something good." Odelle sat besides Orissa and wrapped her half limp arm around herself and closed her eyes.

"Thank you." Odelle murmured to Orissa who's body stopped emitting any presence, as if she had died, but no one panicked because they knew she was still alive, her body had just shutdown.

Unlike a human's sleep, a vampire's hibernation made it impossible to feel the passage of time. When your body shuts down to when you reawaken is a blank spot in which you'd feel as if no time had passed.


"It's definitely not sleep." Orissa sat up, strength flooding her limbs as she gently kissed Odelle's forehead and got up, letting Sierra free from her demonic clutches.

The heat outside had all but dissipated, so she called Ryan and told him to gather everyone on the seventieth floor in half an hour and told him to find some silver discreetly almost as an afterthought.

"Zaylee, do you want to go meet everyone else later?" Orissa poked Zaylee's cheek when she looked up with excitement almost dropping her tablet, but she caught it before it fell even half a centimeter and nodded.

"Want to make an announcement?" Odelle asked as she opened the door and looked down the hall, sniffing the air and feeling a bit relieved when no human scent was detected.

"Yes, I know we have the humans tied down for now, but the werewolves won't abide by the truce... I can't let the vampires still arriving die in such a pointless way, so I'll deal with them very soon." Sierra fixed Zaylee's clothes and looked at Orissa who left the room and followed.

"What floors do you think will be good to make into a lounge? We may be hunters, but we all seem like very social creatures." Orissa smirked when Odelle started to mull it over in her head as she herself liked drinking very much.

"You seem a bit restless?" Sierra looked at Orissa's tense body and spoke softly to which Orissa nodded and then shrugged and took the phone out and called Ryan again.

"Change of plans, the meeting is now. Anyone who's here but misses it will if they're female get to spend quality time with the flirty guy, and if he's a guy, I'll still make them spend time together." Ryan wiped the imaginary sweat from his brows and sent his bodyguards to alert the resting vampires.

"Floor fifty?" Looking at the number Ryan texted, they took an elevator to the floor after waiting for five minutes to give even the slowest of them a chance to avoid being made to spend time with the weirdo.

Stepping out of the elevator on floor fifty, the four Royal Vampires walked to the middle of the room and noted in the time it took for the sun to set, three more new faces had joined.

"Glad to see everyone's made it. For those of you who have just arrived, welcome to our new home. Ask a vampire who's been here longer than you the rules and don't seek death and you'll be perfectly fine."

"Did you get it?" Orissa asked Ryan who nodded with confusion but handed Orissa a light box. Opening it, she frowned and lifted the item out and held it up for the vampires to see.

"This is silver. If you're wondering why I'm showing you a rather cheap and inexpensive trinket, here's your answer." Orissa swiped the blade on her exposed forearm and watched as black blood trickled from a deep gash that knitted itself back together really quickly.

"As you can see, we vampires possess a certain level of immunity to damage, but silver seems able to bypass this directly and harms us. Since we have such a weakness and with the myths and legends surrounding vampires, I don't think someone won't try to make silver weapons."

"If you've fought armed humans before, you probably didn't bother to dodge their attacks, but from now on, you will. If they don't have silver weapons, dodge anyway because if someone does use silver and you dodge that but ignore everything else, you may as well broadcast our weakness to humankind."

"You all know, avoid the sun at all costs. Now that we have that out of the way, I need ten volunteers to go out tonight, anyone wanna go?" Orissa looked at the crowd and was surprised when more than ten hands went up quickly.

"Okay, you twelve can do it then. Go split into teams of three and search for any signs of wolves. If you find them, kill them. We don't need vampires dying to them in a place that is supposed to be our safe place."

"No killing so as to provoke any extreme human responses. Lidia, I can tell from that look of excitement that you've succeeded, then do something else, find lab supplies and necessary equipment for different fields, focus on those who we can actively work on right now."

"Ryan, thanks again for funding us when you could have kicked us to the curb." Orissa bowed her head slightly in gratitude that made Ryan wave a hand while gesturing for her to stop making a scene.

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