The Outbreak

C.20 : Interrogation, Beyond Redemption

"W-what do you w-want?" The man couldn't look at Odelle with lust anymore because her fangs and claws were extended, looking extremely menacing even without her trying to.

"Someone told me you traffic organs and people. How many have you killed while doing so?" The man paled, wondering who could possibly have access to that information that even the government was unaware of.

"I don't k-know what you mea-" Odelle extended a finger and slowly poked the man's arm. Like a hot knife in butter, two thirds of her finger sank into his arm, making him scream in pain.

"Lying will not help you. Answer my question while I'm still feeling merciful." Odelle withdrew her finger, licking the blood from it and stepping back.

"Te-" The man couldn't finish his words because Odelle grabbed his hand and squeezed lightly without changing her expression. The sound of bones popping came from her hand.

"Fuck! Fifty something?! Maybe more?! What does it matter?! They were just nobodies anyway!" He spat out in a mixture of pain and anger, shocking Alice greatly.

"And how many people have you stolen from their lives and sent them into hellish situations?" Perhaps because he had already experienced pain, he was more truthful this time.

"Thirty people or so? They had nothing and were worth nothing so why do this?! Did you know one of them?" The man wanted to figure out why this was happening since he didn't think he deserved this.

"You know, we hunt and kill to satiate our thirst, but this human has easily ended over eighty lives and affected even more people... And he doesn't see anything wrong with his actions." Odelle straightened up and grabbed her wine glass.

"So the government devises ways to capture us for killing a handful of people when this horrible excuse of a person has killed almost a hundred people with no reason?" Orissa sat back and sighed, crossing her arms.

"It's because we aren't the same as humans. Because we have differences, their first response is to kill us. Well, perhaps not all humans, but most think this way." Odelle looked at Alice momentarily and shrugged.

"What do we do with him?" Orissa turned her attention to the man who looked back angrily. Even Alice who considered herself a forgiving person looked at him and felt extremely uncomfortable.

"How about giving him an exciting death?" Odelle looked at the window and back at the man who shivered under her inhuman stare.

"Throw him down?" Orissa honestly had no qualms doing so. She got up and slid the window open, letting the night's air blow against her skin.

"We would draw attention to ourselves..." Orissa reminded Odelle who glanced at the clock. Deciding they'd have enough time to relocate if need be since it was only eleven in the night.

"It'll be fine." Odelle looked at the window and gestured to the man who looked back in an obvious state of confusion. Seeing his confusion and hearing his racing heart, Orissa clarified.

"Jump. We could throw you down, but wouldn't it be more redeeming if you jumped on your own? Just think of it as a making up for your wrongdoings."

"Who do you think you are?! You have no right to judge me!" The man wanted to continue yelling or screaming in the hopes to delay, but Orissa grabbed his shirt and dragged him along.

"Since you don't have the guts to do it, why have them at all?" Alice and the man looked at her with confusion, but she showed them what she meant.

"You have no need for these right? Then you wouldn't mind me taking them." Orissa smiled maliciously and with a quick jab, her nails grew and sank into his stomach.

He couldn't even yell because she had already grabbed his intestines and pulled. Alice lost her appetite seeing the organs slipping from the hole in his stomach.

"Well, have fun. It's not too far down." Orissa grabbed his neck and held him outside the window. He desperately gripped on to Orissa's arm, but she held him without any signs of struggling.

"No-!" He couldn't finish his words because Orissa let go. Him trying to cling to her arm was futile. He lasted less than a second before gravity claimed him and he plummeted.

Orissa's vision sharpened and she could see every pore on his face as he fell further and further. Every drop of sweat was clearly defined even from a distance of fifty feet away and growing.

"Oh, crap. He's gonna hit some people..." Orissa looked at the ground where she anticipated he would land and saw a woman and a young girl walking towards that area. 

"Ugh." Before Alice could ask her to intervene and because time was limited, she leapt through the window. The sudden pull of gravity made Orissa speed along towards the falling man who was basically half dead.

Maybe falling over a hundred feet without a human would scare the heck out of a normal person, but Orissa's mind couldn't even conceptualize the fact she'd be injured by such a fall.

To avoid landing on the mom and daughter and to keep the animal of a man from squashing them flat she kicked him away as she flew by. Falling the last twenty feet and landed, bending her knees minutely to absorb the impact.

At the same time, the man landed and burst apart ten feet away from the mother and daughter causing blood to splatter. The surrounding people gaped and pointed at Orissa who had literally fallen from the sky and landed intact and at the body which suffered a less fortunate fate.

"Whoops? Just keep on going about your lives." Orissa blinked a few times, finding the woman to be quite attractive. She figured it probably ran in the family since the younger girl was adorable as well.

"Ah!" The screams started and Orissa rolled her eyes at the exaggerated response of the humans who had probably never seen such a gory death before.

Orissa turned and walked away from the scene, but a young voice sounding like a bird chirping drew her attention to the young girl besides the woman.

"Did you save us miss?" The girl apparently didn't mind the dead body lying nearby, but instead wanted to thank Orissa who was indirectly and directly the cause of the situation.

"Hello." Orissa smiled gently, feeling a bit relaxed dealing with a harmless child, but she didn't relax fully because she could feel the echoes of thirst rising gradually.

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