The Otaku Emperor

Chapter 4 – Grimoire Heart

He opened his eyes, finding himself in what seemed like an enormous underground cavern. He was naked without any tools or even clothes, with only his wrist trans dimensional portal device on his wrist like a watch.

Luckily he had enhanced eyesight, allowing him to see in near pitch black darkness. He looked at his wrist device, checking to see if he could figure out where he was.

“Fuck, I only have enough charge for another 3 jumps, unless I can get a source of electricity to recharge” he thought to himself.

“I wonder where this is?” he wondered. Before he removed Tatsumaki from the chamber, he was getting some hits in his research on transdimensional worlds. He had so far identified a few worlds that could support human life, but he only labelled them by numbers as he had no idea what kind of worlds these were.

He slowly walked around the large cavern, not knowing whether he was going deeper or was going out, when he found that around the corner was a light source. It wasn’t bright but had an eerie glow.

He slowly peeped around the corner, only to discover a castle surrounded by a black moat with still black water. The purplish glow seemed to come from torches all over the castle, all lit with strange purple flames.

He inspected the castle for a while, before concluding that there were no guards nor any sign of life in the castle.

He gave himself a running start before leaping a huge jump over the moat and sunk his fingers into the walls of the castle, and started climbing up the walls. He jumped over the walls and started creeping around the castle. 

After an hour of careful scouting, he finally concluded that the castle was empty. He was now wearing a large bathrobe he found that was the right size for him. Most of the other clothes of the occupants were too large, and he found the robe in a obviously female bedroom.

He familiarized himself with the castle and was now looking through the books in the library while drinking a glass of wine he found.

After flipping through a few books he realized that they were all books of magic, and he suspected by the titles of the first few books he read, that this was the Fairy Tail world.

He recognized many of the types of magic that were found in the Fairy Tail world. Of course the library was very large, but it did not have that many real spells in it.

There were the basic ones, like Transformation Magic which transforms objects and creates disguises, Magic Sword which allows the user to summon swords, Requip which allows to store and retrieve items in a pocket dimension, Telepathy, Possession and even Thought Possession. Then there were rarer ones like Ice-Make which is a advanced form of ice magic.

Finally there were books with labels of Lost Magic like Arc of Time, Arc of Embodiment, Human Subordination, Fire God Slaying Magic, Great Tree Arc, Ushi no Koku Mair, Maguity Sense and even Gravity Change.

"Why do these spells look so familiar? Wait a minute, I know!" he said to himself. 

These were:

Ultear’s Arc of Time allowing her to control time,

Rustyrose’s Arc of Embodiment which is his ability to create anything,

Zoldio’s Human Subordination which allows to control people,

Zancrow’s Fire God Slaying Magic which is the most powerful fire magic,

Azuma’s Great Tree Arc which allows him to control nature,

Kain Hikaru’s Ushi no Koku Mairi which allows him to control other people through dolls,

Meredy’s Maguity Sense  which allows her to link emotions; and even

Bluenote Stinger’s Gravity Change which is gravity control magic.

“Fuck, this is the hidden guild headquarters of Grimoire Heart, isn’t it? Or maybe even Hades’ personal abode” he exclaimed as he saw the books that contained Hades’ own magics such as several Resurrection tomes, Chain Magic, Grimoire Law, Amaterasu, Demon Eye and Devil Heart magical books.

It was well known that Hades thought his 7 Kin of Purgatory all these lost arts, and it was no surprise that he had a copy of Bluenote’s Gravity Magic, which he either took by force, or managed to get Bluenote to share it with him. 

He also mused at Hades’ thoughts on magic in this world which he wrote in his personal diary. He was one of Fairy Tail's former guild masters who eventually quit in search of the world's most powerful magics and was one of the most powerful mages ever in Fiore. So his insights would be incredibly interesting. 

Apparently magical ability is influenced by the amount of magical power in the magician’s body, as well as intelligence in being able to understand and use many different types of magic.

This is why smart magicians like Ultear, Hades himself, August and a few others could master several completely different styles of magic.

Of course, finding magical tomes or books is no easy feat. This is why magic guild members are still relatively rare as many of these magics are family secrets or are discovered by accident. Only genius level magicians can create their own magic, most just modify the usage of magics they already know.

With his enhanced intelligence, Emperor knew he could master several forms of magic. But he was unsure how much magical power his body has. Is there a way to measure it? He collected all the books and tomes and sat down, concentrating on several that he wanted to master.

He decided to master a few simpler magics like Requip and Transformation Magic first, as well as a few like Arc of Embodiment and Human Subordination Magic, as he thought those would be the best use in this world, and maybe even the next one he travels to.

With his superior intellect, he had memorized those forms of magic already, while he only glanced at the other books and tomes’ titles only.

After learning those 4 magic abilities, he requiped all the magic books and tomes into his pocket dimension and sat drinking a glass of wine he poured while reading Hades' magic insights in his diary. 

“Enjoying yourself?” a voice suddenly came from the shadows.

Emperor stood up in shock as Hades walked out from the shadows, with an angry, yet bemused look on his face.

He requiped the diary and rushed out only to be blocked at the corridor by Zancrow. Zancrow blasted a fireball at him, which he ducked into another corridor, barely missing him.

In front of him were Rusty Rose and Kain Hikaru who both attacked him at the same time.

Emperor deftly avoided Rusty Rose’s attack and started using Bang’s Water Stream Rock Breaking Fist, hammering Kain several times in seconds. Kain flew out the door, crashing into Zancrow who was just entering, and Emperor jumped over their bodies and rushed out again hoping to exit to the lower floors.

Hades’ chain magic barely missed him as he dodged and waived through the corridor, causing havoc.

By now, more people had joined the fray including Capricorn and Yomazu and Kawazu. By now, Emperor had guessed this time period is before their attack on Tenrou Island.

He smashed both Yomazu and Kawazu flying, while he was pinning Capricorn back. Azuma entered the room and now Emperor was facing Capricorn, Azuma and Kain in physical battle while avoiding the attacks of Hades and Rustyrose.

He was jumping around nimbly but was outnumbered and outgunned. He rushed out towards the rooms again, bouncing off the walls. By now he was practically naked with the bathrobe fully open and not providing much protection for his modesty.

He turned the corner bouncing off the walls when Ultear suddenly rushed out the door yelling “What is going on around…”

Just then, at head level, Emperor landed crotch first onto Ultear’s face, his long thick penis entering her mouth, deep into her throat and landed on the floor, pushing her backwards to the floor, sitting on her face.

She automatically chomped down on his cock, to try to prevent choking, causing Emperor to yell out in pain. At the same time, her biting his penis effectively immobilized him.

Without thinking, he instinctively cast Human Subordination on her, causing her to disappear from under him. His hands that were holding her head was now covering his sore penis. He was wondering what happened to Ultear who was biting his cock off.

Meredy came out from her room which was next to Ultear’s and gasped saying “My bathrobe! Eeek! Why are you naked?” she yelled just noticing his huge penis and the undone bathrobe.

Bluenote appeared and used his Gravity Magic Fall on him, crushing him to the ground just as the others finally arrived nearby.

Hades’ chains entered his body and he was immobilized. This young looking teenager was singlehandedly taking on the whole 7 Kin of Purgatory, and was quite a troublesome foe.

“Who are you, thief? Why are you in my castle, stealing my books?” Hades asked menacingly.

Emperor, who was grimacing due to the pain in his penis suddenly smiled. He realized that his arms were bound together, so all he had to do was press the button on his wrist device.

“Me? I’m just a lowly thief, wanting to steal your books” he answered, repeating Hades’ question, yet not answering anything of substance. Just as he said that, he disappeared.

All the members of Grimoire Heart stood there, stunned at the young boy’s escape, not realizing yet that one of theirs was missing.

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