The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 271 Acknowledging relatives?

Since the return of the Jacob River, the leader of the Yongye army has been frantically constructing large-scale construction projects, relying on the trade dividends plundered through the Jacob River.

Since Yong Ye's military leader has always been in the integration of government and business, more than half of the trade bonus has directly entered their pockets.

Of course, the bonus of this piece is big enough, even if it is a little bit exposed between the fingers, it is enough for the local residents to earn a lot of money and provide food and clothing for the whole family. It is absolutely no problem. A little more, work harder, and don't make it too easy to collect a little extra money for your family.

For many mountain people who were still struggling below the food and clothing line a few years ago, this kind of life is simply a dream.

And wealth is like a snowball sometimes. The first pot of gold is the hardest to earn. After you have a certain amount of capital, the next step will be much easier.

The leaders of the Yongye Army Leader are in this state. From the beginning to the end, the Yongye Army Leader doesn't mind the leaders doing business, and even has an encouraging attitude.

Only when there are enough people doing business can the trade industry really flourish.

In fact, the current business model of Yongye Army Leader is deformed, because they are officials and businessmen, and they are bound to focus on those big projects that come in faster, and those small projects that are not profitable but involve people's livelihood, and have no time to take care of them. Small merchants formed spontaneously by the people of the territory need to fill this part of the vacancy.

There is never a shortage of smart people in this world, and the little people also have the shrewd calculations of the little people,

There are already leaders who have been eyeing this area. After they have some surplus money, they start to test the water cautiously. When they taste the sweetness, they will naturally increase their investment.

When they all got up and ran around chasing their interests, and the whole of Arshan was filled with their figures, the leader of the Yongye army really entered the era of economic plunder.

Now they are not even a prototype, and they still need to be carefully cared for by the leader of the Yongye Army. If necessary, they will sacrifice part of their own interests to feed them and help them grow up as soon as possible.

Of course, the food transported by the Yongye army to the Swamp of Despair is not self-produced. Although the first season of grain in the Andis Basin was a bumper harvest, most of it was miscellaneous grains, and it was impossible to be self-sufficient, let alone transported to the Swamp of Despair.

Fortunately, they have an ally with a large production capacity. After the Jacob River returned, they chose to trade with the regent princess Sophilia. The relationship with the regent princess has just been established, and it is not that stable yet. I am afraid that I will be blackmailed by the other party, so I will naturally hoard the opportunity crazily.

But I never thought that the relationship between the two parties not only showed no signs of deterioration, but went a step further.

And because of the Swamp of Despair, the Lancelot royal family has begun to shrink the grain trade with the Kingsley family, and the grain cut from it is not a small amount.

These grains can't be thrown in the warehouse to rot, right?

Even if the Princess Regent doesn't feel bad, those members of the Lancelot royal family are not happy. If Sophilia doesn't find a home for the food, they will definitely sell it to Kingsley at a high price in private like other lords and nobles. family.

Don't think they can't do this kind of thing. In the eyes of these selfish guys, the overall interests of the Lancelot royal family are far less important than their own interests.

There is no shortage of such moths in any family, and the older the big family, the more such moths there are.

For such people, even the Princess Regent, who is known for her iron fist, has nothing to do with them, after all, she still needs to rely on them in many places.

It seems to be a matter of course for the leader of the Yongye army to help share the burden.

Therefore, as for the source of food, as long as there are no natural disasters in the Asia Minor Plain for several years in a row, there is no need to worry at all. Now they are more stuck exporting, and they don't want to let the crocodile people eat enough at once.

As for Klein's assassination of the leader of the Eternal Night Army, of course, the leader of the Eternal Night Army will not just swallow his anger and let it go. Instead, he will continue to exert pressure on the Council of Elders, completely isolate it, and vote for it with the elders. The vote was passed to abolish Klein's position as Great Elder. The five-member Great Elder Council of the Crocodile tribe had just lasted for less than a year, and it became a past tense and became a four-member Great Elder Council.

The head of the envoy sent by the Council of Elders to deliver a message to the Klein ethnic group was directly thrown out, which represented a complete break between the two sides.

Klein seemed to have gone completely insane, and he didn't know what the hell he was doing in his lair.

But Ake Messer was pressing harder and harder, and the Council of Elders had no way to mobilize troops to come back and wipe him out directly, so they could only temporarily let him shrink in a corner.

The Eternal Night Army Leader had no intention of going through most of the Swamp of Despair to conquer them.

Generally speaking, the situation is going in the direction planned by the leader of the Yong Ye army. The Kingsley family is fighting to kill people in the front, not as much as the rats stealing oil behind them.

For a short time, the Swamp of Despair was at an impasse.

The Kingsley family is waiting, waiting for the warship ordered by the Commons family to spend a lot of money, and waiting for the natural environment of the Swamp of Despair to further change.

Axmesser also obviously realized that now is not the best time to invade the Swamp of Despair on a large scale, and is trying to communicate with Duke Buck.

Although Grand Duke Buck really wanted to swallow the Swamp of Despair, he was not the kind of person who was easily overwhelmed by desire, so he decided to trust Akemesser's judgment and stop pushing him blindly.

The leader of Yongye is also waiting, not only waiting for the natural environment of the Swamp of Despair to change, but also waiting for some of his own methods to be fermented among the crocodile tribe. , but they want to squeeze their scalps to join.

Such things as racial concepts are not completely unbreakable, it depends on the environment in which they are viewed.

If it is placed on the conflict between two villages, each village can be regarded as a collective race.

When sharper and more serious conflicts occur between two regions, those two nearby conflicts in one region become somewhat insignificant.

The conflict escalates and escalates and becomes a state-to-state conflict.

Now the leader of the Yong Ye army is making full use of the Kingsley family, who is a very obvious invader, as a common enemy of both, and keeps instilling in the Crocodile tribe the idea that the two are a family.

When the full-scale invasion of the Kingsley family comes, the more ferocious they are and the more desperate they are in persecuting the crocodile tribe, the sooner they will fall to the leader of the Yongye army.

The military chiefs led by the Yongye army can finally relax their tense nerves. Apart from leaving a legion to cooperate with the daily defense of the raging water army, the rest should do what to do.

Regardless of the past year, they did not mobilize a single soldier. In fact, the mobile troops of the entire army leader are stationed in the Andes Inland Lake and the Death Waterway. In the same direction, they will attack from both land and water routes, and take extreme force to intervene.

Fortunately, this situation did not arise.

Sean, who was free, fulfilled his promise to Netia and led her to visit the Institute of Biological Anomalies.

Of course, it wasn't the main body that had been relocated to the northern fortress. A control-level warlock like her, let alone entering the northern fortress, would be able to detect something strange even if she walked 20 kilometers, and the energy reaction room couldn't hide it at all.

Sean was going to support her to a certain extent, but it was not to the extent that nothing was left.

Xiao En took her to visit the branch of the medical research base. Due to the screening of the energy reaction room, many people had no way to live in the northern fortress, so some research projects were left here, especially when returning to ancient times failed. The part of the gene collapse caused by it is the main topic here. Some deformed and diseased beasts happened to be used by the medical research base to test drugs, and the two complement each other.

It's really not more than ten years since you built this place? Standing at the entrance of the medical research base, Nidia had a look of disbelief.

She is not the kind of crocodile who has never seen the world. Although she has not measured the entire continent with her feet like Darnell, she has gone out and wandered when she was young, whether it is the secret meeting of the witches on the Twin Islands or the Flower Language Plateau. Warlock Union, she has stayed there.

But among them, she had never seen a research base as large as her eyes.

As a special department established at the beginning of the establishment of the Yongye Army Leader, even in the most difficult time, the Yongye Army Leader has not stopped investing in it, let alone after seeing the effect and tangible benefits. further increase.

Before you know it, it has become an out-and-out behemoth.

The address of the medical research base has not changed, but with the expansion of the control area of ​​the Yongye army, its situation has undergone slight adjustments.

The original entrance, which was a thin line of sky, has now become its back door.

The underground karst tunnel used by the Walled City Alliance to attack the medical research base at the beginning has become the main gate. Not only is it hidden enough, but also because the transportation here is convenient enough. Turn around the inland lake, go upstream along the Sandong River, and directly lead to the door of the house.

After continuous construction and transformation, not only the entire valley has become a part of the medical research base, but even part of the mountain has been hollowed out and filled with stepped buildings.

Although relying on the geographical environment, the entire building structure is very reasonable, well-defined, orderly, and uniformly dressed personnel give it an ultra-modern atmosphere.

The roar of wild beasts and the screeching of birds of prey seemed to echo in my ears.

Where is a research base here, it is basically a town, with all the facilities that belong to a town.

This is an inevitable trend after it develops to a certain scale. After all, researchers in medical research bases are also human beings, and they also need to eat, drink, and sleep.

Because of the particularity of the research it is engaged in, the research area and the living area are clearly separated, with a clear isolation zone.

One side is cold, solemn and solemn, and the other side is full of laughter and life, which has a strong contrast impact.

In fact, in terms of the scale of the building, the medical research base of the Eternal Night Army is not necessarily larger than the Mage Towers of the Witches' Secret Society and the Bachelor's College of the Warlock Union.

However, the power of the latter two in the common world is obviously not as concentrated as that of the Yongye Army Leader. Limited by the supply of resources, they are relatively scattered. Naturally, at first glance, there is no sense of scale in the medical research base that does not have a lot of buildings.

In addition, compared with the two that have been passed down for an unknown number of years, the establishment of the medical research base is too short, and the difference from expectations is too large, forming a subconscious shock and shock.

Netia also has her own mage tower, and knows how much manpower and material resources are needed to build it. Compared with the mage tower that she spent more than half a century of energy building, it pales in comparison.

If it's true, our Yongye has been established for less than ten years. The ancestors came with me. Due to more and more research projects and more and more fine-grained divisions, many projects began to separate. I am ashamed to say that in other aspects I put too much energy into it, but I don’t come here often. I don’t understand many things so thoroughly. My mother has been hosting this place. She will take the ancestors around here. I think you should talk about it. Come, let’s Let me introduce you, this is...

No need. Ms. Elena waved her hand and interrupted Sean's introduction, rushed up quickly, and gave Nidia a warm hug, Great-grandmother, is it really you? When I got the news, I guessed it was you, if you didn't come, I'll go find you, since you broke up with the secret society, you haven't been in the Swamp of Despair all these years, have you?

Eileen? Little Elena? Nidia asked back with some doubts.

It's me, the little Elena from back then. Ms. Elena nodded again and again, her expression excited like a child's.

It's really little Elena, he is your son? No wonder, no wonder when we met for the first time, I looked vaguely familiar, and there was indeed a bit of resemblance between eyebrows and eyes. Nitya There was a bit of sincere joy on her face, she didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here. know each other? Sean's eyes widened in surprise. This opening method is a bit wrong. It was obviously a friendly meeting between the heads of two forces, and then he was taken to visit important departments to reach a new consensus. Didn't it become a relative meeting?

If one's mother calls the other party's great-grandmother, isn't the other party's own great-great-grandmother? Truly a true ancestor.

It's so rare. The circle of warlocks can be said to be big or small, especially for witches. Since everyone has achieved something, they will have inextricable connections with witches. We have known each other half a century ago. Ms. Elena replied as a matter of course.

We met half a century ago, old lady, how long is your birthday this year?

This question turned around in Sean's stomach several times, but he didn't dare to ask it out, it was purely to make himself uncomfortable.

But one thing is certain, my mother will never be as simple as fifty or sixty years old. After all, since I can remember, my mother has been the same now. Because of the decline of childbirth, the peak period before childbirth was just a step away from the level of control.

The price Ms. Elena paid for giving birth to Sean was not small, and there must be stories in it that Sean didn’t know, but every time we talked about this, Ms. Elena would always talk about him, and it was really urgent. So I put up my mother's airs, and rarely lost my temper.

However, with the growth of its own strength and the increasing number of warlocks in the territory, the knowledge about warlocks has become more and more comprehensive.

Sean finds himself more and more different.

Awakening, condensing, manipulating, whispering, controlling.

Five levels and five hurdles.

Just an awakening will shut out 99.99% of the people, not to mention the past, even now it is basically certain that the general environment is changing, and the awakening has obviously become easier. The Andis people, who claim to have the highest awakening rate among the races, still have an awakening rate of 4 to 5 out of 10,000.

It sounds very high. According to this ratio, the population of Andis controlled by the leader of the Eternal Night Army is close to the million mark, and there should be as many as four to five hundred warlocks.

Actually, that's not the case at all.

Whether they are old or just awakened, including one pack, the number of warlocks led by the Yong Ye army has just reached triple digits.

Don't forget that awakening is an uncontrollable dangerous thing. The younger the age, the greater the danger. Many people have died before they realize it.

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