The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 258 Obscure Attitude

Seven days later, the Panshi sent the eleven crocodile elders out of the Death Waterway intact. During this period, Xiao En and the others did not make any small moves.

It has nothing to do with high morality, and the temptation of pure interests is not great.

If they are all detained, the crocodile tribe will be able to bow their heads and surrender. They will definitely not be soft-hearted.

Judging from the current situation, it doesn't make much sense for them to do so, except to anger the crocodile tribe and make them completely turn against themselves.

The same banquet, but this time it is not a welcome, but a send-off.

Xiao En stood up and said: After drinking this glass of wine, I will say goodbye to the elders. Before that, I have a few words to say. We have shown our sincerity. I dare not say anything else. I can Promise everyone, as long as you are willing to join Eternal Night, your people will have the same life as the Andes people. At that time, we will elect the elders from the Andes people to form a brand new team with the elders. Parliament, which participates in hearing the state, has the legislative power.

Sean's eyes swept over the eleven crocodile elders, and finally landed on Weber, the control-level warlock Nidia, and the champion knight Klein. This small team was faintly headed by these three.

During the seven days of being together day and night, although they did not express their views directly, Sean still felt their true inner thoughts from their subtle expressions and movements.

Among them, Nidia is the closest to the leader of the Yongye army. This old birthday star who is 135 years old and born in a warlock family, the ancient Andes Empire, which is very far away to others, is not very important to her. distant.

Her grandmother, a control-level sorcerer who lived for two centuries before she died, is a serious survivor of the ancient Andes Empire. She probably heard many stories about the ancient Andes Empire when she was a child.

The legendary history in the eyes of others is memory for her.

Therefore, I agree with Sean's concept that the Andes and the Crocodiles are a family.

He is even more interested in the history of the ancient Andes Empire. For this reason, when passing by the archaeological site, Xiao En specially sent someone to transfer Lanxili to accompany the old lady to discuss this aspect of knowledge.

Xiao En also has a natural affection for this kind-hearted old lady. Perhaps in her, he sees the shadow of his grandmother who loves him the most.

He doesn't talk too much, but his body lacks the radiance of wisdom, and he looks at things very detached. In some respects, even Xiao En can't help himself. This should be the benefit of living long enough.

Among the eleven elders of the crocodile clan, her status is very detached, not only because of her great strength, but also because most of them are her grandchildren, and her influence is far greater than it appears.

It is also brought by living for a long time.

Sean communicated with her the most.

However, this old lady is also the most cunning one. She only showed a little kindness from the beginning to the end, and she didn't give any more comments. It is difficult to figure out her real thoughts.

Contrary to Nidia's kindness, the champion knight Klein is hostile and resistant. The stronger the strength displayed by the leader of the Eternal Night, the stronger this hostility.

This should be related to the fact that they are in the prime of life, and their own group is one of the largest in the crocodile group.

The other party is probably thinking of taking advantage of the chaos in the Swamp of Despair to flex its muscles and expand the influence of its own group. Now that Army Leader Yongye is intervening, he is willing to accept it.

This person is afraid that he will become the biggest obstacle to the policy of the crocodile tribe leader Yongye, but he cannot be moved at this time.

Once he is moved, the efforts of the Yongye army before the lead will be in vain.

Then there is Weber, this is the most profound among these eleven people, and the one who observes the situation of the Yong Ye army leader most seriously and carefully.

When we greeted him seven days ago, Sean called him by his name, which was more or less deceitful and deceitful. Because he was worried about Bran's safety, Sean used the Shadow Soul Eater to secretly embed in Losangel and fought against him. Face to face, overheard his name.

It's hard to say how much you really know about him.

This person's influence among the elders is also not weak.

After a short period of deliberation, Xiao En finally said: Whether it is a friend or an enemy, the right to choose is not in our hands, but in the hands of the elders. No matter which choice you make in the end, please choose carefully. I look forward to it. The next time we meet, we will have a drink and talk with the elders, not a sword fight, no matter what the future holds, please drink this cup to the full and say goodbye.

Thank you, my lord, for your hospitality. I hope that if I have the opportunity, Your Excellency will visit Losangel as a guest. Just like when he came, Weber was also the first to turn over and jump off the Rock.

Standing below and looking up at the Panshi once again, it is a different feeling, the heavy and oppressive feeling is always lingering.

Because until now, they have not thought of a way to compete with it other than using human lives.

The silver-haired Nitya walked last, and left a meaningful sentence, Young man, listen to my mother-in-law's advice, keep a line in your life, so that we can meet again in the future, and don't do anything wrong.

Without waiting for Sean's answer, he also turned over and got down. His body is not much worse than the champion knight.

It's no wonder that many people are desperately trying to reach the pinnacle of personal force, it's worth it just for the sake of growing old and strong.

Xiao En pondered over Nidia's words carefully, but he couldn't get to the point. Now the leader of the Yong Ye Army has done everything he can, and the rest is to wait.

Just like what Xiao En said just now, whether it is an enemy or a friend, the right to choose is not in the hands of the leader of the Eternal Night Army, but in the hands of the crocodile tribe.

After the eleven crocodile elders successfully returned to Losangel, they received a warm welcome like heroes.

However, most of these heroes were preoccupied, and immediately convened a council of elders.

This time it was an internal meeting, and Bran, the emissary of the Eternal Night Army, was blocked from outside.

The eleven elders who had gone to the Eternal Night Army vaguely became the center of the council of elders, all eyes were on them, anxiously waiting for their speech.

Who made them the ones who have first-hand information now? When they sent off, they had already seen the Panshi with their own eyes, and the tip of the iceberg revealed by the leader of the Yongye Army made them secretly startled.

When did the Andeans become so powerful? Why didn't they hear the slightest wind?

The news of occlusion has made most of the elders understand the Andes people in the Andes mountains. They still stay on the pattern of three caves and eight villages thirty years ago. Even in recent decades, the Andes people have always been plundered. Little is known about the situation of enslavement, let alone the rapid rise of the Yong Ye army leader.

This made some elders of the crocodile clan with lofty aspirations feel distressed. If they knew the current situation, even if they took some risks, they would squeeze their scalps and join the inspection team. How could it be cheaper for those seventy-one old man?

There are not so many people in this world who knew earlier, their hesitation and calculation before, they are doomed to be marginalized in this council of elders.

Was it a coincidence that Weber was very resolute in asking to join? I still see the current situation

If it's the latter, this person's palace and scheming are not so terrible.

After a brief discussion among the eleven members, the old lady Nitya still had a kind face and said: Elder Weber, you are the initiator of this meeting, so you should explain the situation to everyone and let everyone know the truth. Understand and understand the situation, after all, this is something that is actually related to every member of the crocodile tribe, and they have the right to know.

Then I will tell you what I saw. If there are any omissions or mistakes, the elders can interrupt at any time. Weber pondered slightly.

The eleven elders of the Yongye Army Leader who went to the Yongye Army Leader this time are generally too old. After all, when making a decision, they have very limited understanding of the Yongye Army Leader, and they all hold that they will never return. .

After all, older people have more open-minded thoughts, and there is always a kind of death that will not be too bad, but can leave a name in the history of the crocodile tribe.

But their energy is obviously not that strong, and some things are powerless. After all, they don't have the ability to control the warlock Nidia to delay the aging of the body, nor do they have the physical fitness of the champion knight Klein monster.

Weber, who is nearly fifty years old, is actually the youngest and most powerful among them. The champion knight Klein wants to stand out, but words are not what he is good at. Letting him speak in front of hundreds of pairs of eyes is better than letting him face hundreds of people in full armor. The enemy's pressure is a hundred times greater. In this situation, there is no power.

Wei Bo looked around, and said in an unhurried tone: I want to tell you a piece of unfortunate news. After our confirmation, the news from the leader of the Yong Ye army is true. This is not a natural disaster but a man-made disaster. It will never return, the weather changes will not slow down over time, but will intensify, and before long, more than 80% of the waters of the Swamp of Despair will be a thing of the past forever.

The blockbuster that Bran dropped half a month ago completely detonated at this moment, and the entire council of elders exploded, as if it was going to overturn the castle.

Impossible, this is not true, you tell us, this is not true, how can manpower do this? Our Desperate Swamp is not a small pond, it can be changed if we say it can be changed? You must have made a mistake.

Let's face it, it's not that you haven't seen the situation of the mother river. Who was able to go upstream and see the source of the mother river before? All the evidence has long been in front of us, but we can't believe it. What's more , these eleven elders are all jointly elected by you, the most respected and wise among us, their joint judgment will not be wrong, you don’t trust others, don’t you trust the ancestor of Nidia?

Old Ancestor Nidia, tell me something, is what Elder Weber said true?

Yes, old ancestor Nidia, among us, you are the wisest and most knowledgeable, so please say something!

What do you want me to say? All the evidence is already in front of you, but you don't want to open your eyes to see it, and you want to continue to deceive yourself? That will only lead your own people to the abyss of eternal doom, as Elder Weber said, It is the result of our eleven elders' joint determination.

Having been questioned by many people, there was no other way, Nidia, who was originally reluctant to stand out, said in a rare stern tone.

The heated scene suddenly cooled down a lot.

In fact, when they saw the source of the Danube with their own eyes, they already felt that the situation was wrong, and they faintly believed it, just holding the last sliver of luck.

Now that the last layer of window paper has been pierced, many people are on the verge of collapse, not knowing what to do with the crocodile tribe.

Because what they are facing now is not only the great changes in the world, but also the aliens who are staring at this place.

It has to be said that Xiao En is quite accurate in seeing people. The influence of this inconspicuous old lady among the crocodile tribe is indeed greater than imagined.

Seeing that the atmosphere had eased up again, Nidia winked at Weber and sat back down again.

Weber continued to speak in a tacit understanding: The cruel reality has been placed before us, blindly escaping is not the correct solution, if we work together, there is still a glimmer of hope, if we continue to fight like before, we will be in a mess The final fate will be that the homeland will be invaded and the people will be enslaved...

Elder Weber is a bit alarmist. I admit that the Andis man who claims to be the leader of the Eternal Night Army does have some strength, but if he wants to eat us in one bite, he will underestimate us, and he is not afraid of breaking his teeth.

An elder of the crocodile clan interrupted Weber's speech with a sneer, but it's hard to say whether it was aimed at the leader of Yongye or insinuated against Weber.

After all, judging from the current situation, once the crocodile tribe unites, it is very likely that these eleven elders will be the core at that time. This is not what other elders want to see, especially those who have competition and old enemies with their ethnic group. .

Scaremongering? Weber's face was shrouded in a deep chill, It is far more than the Yongye army leader who is peeking into the Swamp of Despair. I have received definite news. If it weren't for the Kingsley family's army being entangled by the rebels in the territory. , Their army has already arrived at our door. Why do you think the border towns are in such a mess recently? This is the Kingsley family's prelude to a large-scale invasion. You have to wait until the other party comes to your door to realize it. Is it realistic?

This news from Weber caused the Council of Elders to fall into chaos once again.

It's not that these elders are stupid and can't even see this clearly, but that all kinds of news come too fast, and they don't have time to digest it, let alone think in this direction.

After Wei Bo's call, he immediately understood what was going on.

This time no one questioned the accuracy of Webb's message.

Compared with the new force led by the Yong Ye Army, the Crocodiles have been entangled with the Kingsley family for a long time, and they not only know their strength very well, but also know their ambitions very well.

If it weren't for the unique geographical environment of the Swamp of Despair, they would have entered it long ago.

Their geographical advantage is about to disappear, and the other side invades aggressively, that is an inevitable thing.

Unlike the leader of the Yong Ye Army, the relationship between the Crocodile Clan and the Kingsley Family is on the same level.

Among the missing people of the crocodile tribe every year, less than half are swallowed by the mud, and the other half are kidnapped and sold to the Carter army leader as miners.

In the past, the Kingsley family could also buy Andeans from the Man Yu army on a large scale as miners.

With the rise of the Yongye army leader led by Xiao En, blocking the most important access to the mountain, the Man Yu army leader fell into civil strife, and Kingsley lost the largest source of miners.

However, the Carter army leader has long developed the habit of using miners as consumables. When he found out that something was wrong and corrected it, there was already a serious labor gap.

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