The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 250 Conspiracy

Yes, what are your plans?

Over the years, he has been running here and there, but he has never once truly calmed down and asked himself what he wants.

Is it what he wants to rise up with the gladiators?

The answer is obviously no.

The whole process of his entry into the slave rebel army perfectly interprets the term forced to the top.

It was Starbuck who kidnapped him with his feelings for gladiators, which was not what he really wanted to do, even if he later led the slave rebel army to fight north and south.

It was not what he wanted, but he was pushed away by the sense of responsibility imposed on him.

When he was in the slave rebel army, the reason why he was incompatible with Starbuck was not only the completely different personality, but also inseparable from this concept.

Starbuck saw the slave revolt as a step to a higher power.

Dixon, on the other hand, saw it as a responsibility.

With the failure of the slave rebel army, Di Kelong should have already let go of this responsibility.

But he found himself in a daze, not knowing what to do.

Because looking at his whole life, from the moment he was born, he has not made a choice independently, such as becoming a slave, becoming a slave gladiator, and even becoming the leader of a slave rebel army.

It seems that there are only two things in his life - gladiatorial and war.

Are you going back to wrestling again?

Don't be kidding, let's not say that the gladiatorial competition has never been held since the moment the slave rebel army broke out.

When I was a gladiator in the past, the biggest pursuit of fighting to the death was not to win the gladiator championship and win freedom?

Now that I have the freedom I dreamed of before, but I have the idea of ​​returning to the arena, isn't this the most absurd joke?

Therefore, all he can do seems to be to fight, leading the remnants of the slave rebel army to deal with the cartel military leaders.

The situation now looks like they are fighting for survival, but for Di Kelong, it is fighting for the sake of fighting.

Because he didn't know what he should do or what he could do.

It is for this reason that the remnants of the slave rebel army led by Carter's army are like headless chickens, bumping into each other, making people completely confused.

Because its supreme commander Di Kelong didn't know what he was doing.

Sean and the others showed no signs of impatience, quietly waiting for Dixon's thoughts.

I don't know. This is the answer given by Di Kelong after serious thinking, with an extremely serious expression.

Understood. Sean was not surprised by such an answer, Have you considered coming to the Yongye Army Commander?

Are you willing to accept us? Di Kelong asked in surprise.

When the general's team was at its peak, we would never dare to do this. Sean said truthfully, After all, at that time, you were too strong, and we were too weak, so there is no problem now.

Di Kelong looked at Sean seriously for a while, nodded and said: I believe you, but it's not operational. Ake Messer is very strict with us. As long as we gather a little more people, the other party's army will be overwhelmed. They will surround them, and the elite soldiers can escape by breaking them into pieces, what about those old, weak, sick and disabled?

After all, Di Kelong couldn't give up the remnants of the slave rebel army.

Having said that, if he could give up, Di Kelong would not be Di Kelong.

If it doesn't work now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future. General, please take a look. Xiao En's eyes flashed a gleam of joy. What he was most afraid of was that Di Kelong would not accept his will, and he was unwilling to join the Yongye Army to lead the ship. Nod, the rest of the time will be much easier.

A large military map appeared in front of Di Kelong, not only from Man Yu's army, but also from the Carter Hills and the Swamp of Despair.

It's just that this map is rather weird. Except for the fact that Man Yu's army leader has marked it with his real name, only a small part of Kalt's army leader and the Swamp of Despair have names, and most of them are landmarks and code names.

Di Kelong, who had spent more than two years as a leader in the Carter army, recognized the authenticity of this map at a glance.

This made the general's eyes shine. If he had such a map in his hand, he would be able to do a lot more, and the strategic layout would be easier.

Sean pointed at the Swamp of Despair on the big map and said: After the reflow of the Jacob River, the water level here is dropping sharply. It will drop by a third in a year and a half at the earliest, or at least two or three years later. Second, a large area of ​​arable land is exposed, the Kingsley family has been longing for a grain-producing land, and they will definitely not let it go.

No wonder, it's no wonder that Axmesser's recent tactics are eager for quick success. The relationship problem is here. They want to solve us as soon as possible, and they are dispatching troops to the Swamp of Despair.

When it comes to military affairs, Di Kelong can understand at a glance, not only has insight into the situation of the Kingsley family, but also more or less understands the purpose of the leader of the Yongye army to contact him.

It is not only the Kingsley family who plotted the Swamp of Despair, but also the leader of the Yongye Army. The two sides will become the biggest competitors.

The leader of the Yongye army is now contacting himself, and it is probably secondary to accepting the remnants of the slave rebel army. He wants to use them to entangle the Kingsley family army as much as possible, and even attack the Kingsley family army back and forth when the time comes.

This is an out-and-out conspiracy.

Even if he knew that the leader of the Yongye army was using them, he couldn't refuse.

After all, due to the nature of their rebel army, there are only a handful of Byron Alliance willing to accept them. After all the calculations, the leader of the Eternal Night Army is the best choice.

After all, the two sides are inextricably linked, which is relatively strong in terms of trust. Secondly, Di Kelong has more or less understood some of the policies of the Yongye Army Leader in so many years of trading contacts. easy.

Wanting to understand the joints, Di Kelong was no longer polite, and said straightforwardly: Just based on our current situation, let alone three or two years, in a few months, we will be completely defeated by Ake Messer's army. Trapped to death.

I have heard a little about your situation. Sean nodded and said.

Di Kelong is not purely blackmailing now. When he was drawing the large military map of Carter's army, Sean often manipulated the thundering golden eagle to circle the heads of the slave rebels.

The main predicament of the remnants of the slave rebel army was not only caused by the encirclement and suppression of Akemesser's army, but also because of logistical supplies.

The situation here is even more extreme than that of the Man Yu army leader, and the number of miners is several times that of ordinary leaders.

The situation of ordinary citizens is slightly better than that of miners, but it is also quite limited. Most of the food is bought at high prices from the hands of lords and nobles, and there is no surplus food to grab.

Those lords and nobles usually attach great importance to their food and guard it heavily.

Ake Messer pays more attention to this part. If there is a real flaw in any part, don't be too happy, it may be a trap deliberately set by the other party.

Several remnants of the relatively large-scale slave rebel army did not resist this temptation, and plunged in. Just after successfully robbing the granary, before they had time to eat, they were captured by Akemesser's army. Surrounded by three layers outside, it is difficult to fly with wings.

We have no way to give you military support, but the material is not a problem, whether it is food or equipment, but we can only transport it to the Jacob River for you. If you want to transport it to the Karth army leader, you will need it. You can do it yourself.

The current strength of the Yong Ye army is rich, but the two sides have not yet torn their faces, and they cannot be completely involved, otherwise the nature will change.

It is one thing for them to accommodate the remnants of the slave rebel army, but it is another thing to fight side by side with the slave rebel army.

The leader of the Yong Ye army finally tore a piece of Byron Alliance skin for himself, and he couldn't tear it up casually.

I want to be a bitch and set up a torii.

This is what those lords and nobles often do, and the leader of the Yongye Army has to follow suit if he wants to get involved.

No problem. Di Kelong nodded and agreed.

From the very beginning, he didn't count on the military assistance from the leader of the Yongye army. He didn't have so many political considerations, but simply thought that the leader of the Yongye army didn't need to go through this muddy water. If it were him, he wouldn't easily enter the field. .

After the two parties reach a consensus, the rest is much simpler.

It is nothing more than a question of how much material is available.

The trade route on the Jacob River has been completely opened up, and the leader of the Yongye Army is now said to be rich and powerful, including food, which he does not have, and their ally, the Princess Regent, has no shortage.

The Asia Minor Plain has had a bumper harvest in recent years, and a lot of grain is piled up in warehouses and moldy.

It is entirely out of political considerations not to let go of selling to the Kingsley family. For their own benefit, many lords and aristocrats secretly sold grain to the Kingsley family.

As long as Di Kelong has a way to transport it back to Carter's army, Sean will not refuse as much as he wants.

Now the stronger the remnants of the slave rebel army, the stronger the restraint effect on the Karth army leader, and the more beneficial it is to the Yongye army leader.

After the two sides negotiated, Sean invited Di Kelong to the dinner again.

This time Dixon didn't refuse, not even a drink.

After talking with Sean, although I didn't find my life goal, I found a short-term goal, which is to bring out the remnants of the slave rebel army who trusted me alive, so that they can have a new start.

After finishing this matter, it is not too late to find a new goal.

This map is given to the general as a gift, and I hope it will help the general. Sean handed the large military map to Di Kelong.

Then I won't be polite. Di Kelong hesitated for a moment, and then took it. If the other party can make one, he will definitely be able to make the second one. This thing is too helpful to him, and he can't tolerate it. .

I won't send the general far away. Sean sent Di Kelong to the shore all the way.

To be honest, Sean had a good impression of the leader of the slave rebel army from the very beginning.

This kind of goodwill should be reversed to the first time Xiao En met him, but at that time the goodwill only stayed at sympathy.

It is indeed worthy of sympathy to be forced to go to Liangshan in front of him.

This kind of sympathy turned into goodwill is a series of actions taken by the other party in the slave rebel army.

Which lord doesn't like a general who is both wise and brave, loyal and righteous?

When the slave rebel army was about to come to an end, Sean had already sent someone to offer an olive branch to Di Kelong, but he was rejected by the other party.

Sean not only didn't get annoyed by this, but he also liked him even more.

Now that there is an opportunity to draw the other party over, it is natural to exhaust all means of win over and build a good impression.

With the relationship between Yongye Junling and Di Kelong, the second round of secret competition between Yongye Junling and the Kingsley family began.

As the commander-in-chief of the front line, Ake Messer feels the most obvious.

Bloody Storm Di Kelong not only appeared elusively, but also started to launch a counterattack, several times in succession, not to mention the failure of the encirclement and suppression, because the encirclement and suppression troops did not cooperate well enough, a bit out of touch, instead, the other party united with other remnants of the slave rebel army, under his nose eaten.

This is just a bit of nonsense.

And this kind of situation can be explained by coincidence and luck once or twice, how about three or four times in a row?

Then there is a problem.

But let Ake Messer think about it, and he didn't think about the problem. The only thing he could do was to make the encirclement and suppression troops more dense, and not give the opponent any opportunity to take advantage of it.

In this way, the low efficiency of encirclement and suppression becomes even lower.

However, the urging letters from Grand Duke Buck came one after another, and the words became more and more fierce. In the end, he almost pointed at Ake Messer's nose and said, if you don't complete the task as soon as possible, I will fire you.

But there are some things that really cannot be influenced by personal thoughts.

Di Kelong's tactical changes are naturally directly related to the leader of the Yong Ye army.

Among the first supplies that the Yongye army sent to Di Kelong, there were dozens of mountain eagle breeders and hundreds of messenger mountain eagles.

The fact that the Yong Ye army leader cannot engage in large-scale military intervention does not mean that he cannot send special troops to support him.

With these communication mountain eagles, the remnants of the slave rebel army can be linked together. With Di Kelong's super strategic command ability, it will inevitably produce unexpected effects.

Facts have proved that Di Kelong lived up to expectations.

It only took a few short months to use it flexibly, commanding the remnants of the slave rebel army to fight in a perfect coordinated operation, which really gave the thumbs up of the proud military staff members of the Yong Ye Army's military staff department.

Talents are sometimes really monstrous and can't be measured by common sense.

Ake Messer was not an idiot, he soon noticed Di Kelong's tricks in dealing with the Yong Ye army leader, and his lungs almost exploded.

At the same time, he wrote a letter to Grand Duke Buck, asking him to come forward to negotiate with the princess regent, and strongly condemned her subject's stabbing in the back.

On the one hand, the army is dispatched to try to cut off this kind of transaction between the two parties.

Either way, the effect is not very good.

If you want to put pressure on Yong Ye's army leader through the princess regent, let's not talk about whether the other party agrees or not, but just talk about the time limitation issue. After a series of turns, it will take three months if not half a year.

And the Jacob River flows along the border between the Manyu Army Commander and the Cartel Army Commander, at least three to four hundred kilometers of the river, as long as the water flow is slightly slower, it can become a trading place for both parties, Akeme Even if Se threw out all the troops in his hands, he would not be able to keep an eye on them all. If the troops were divided too much, they would be easily eaten by Di Kelong.

In the entanglement between the two sides, Ake Messer lost the best opportunity to wipe out the remnants of the slave rebel army.

Winter goes to spring, everything recovers.

After all, most of the area led by the Cartel army is hilly, not a desert, and there are still more or less various outputs. Coupled with the material assistance of the Yongye army leader, the life of the remnants of the slave uprising army is much easier. If they were all broken into pieces, and they drilled into the deep mountains and old forests, they would do nothing.

After more than a year of brewing, the summer of the second year of Jacob's return to the river is now officially showing its power.

Among them, Manyu Junling and Desperate Swamp are the most.

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