The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 241 White Mountain Black Water Banner

It's not a bad thing. At least this time we met, we got to know him better, and it's better than turning his face at a critical moment. Sean was very pleased.

Life is unsatisfactory, nine times out of ten.

Even with a large amount of basic information in hand, the plan formulated may be full of loopholes, let alone such a plan that has a large number of human resources.

Philip is unreliable, so let's help Angelberina. Sophie Liya is not the kind of sad person, and she quickly gave the second plan.

Are you going to make me the first female Grand Duchess of Manyu? Angel Bena's spirit was shaken, and a blush welled up on her little face like a crystal flower.

Beautiful thinking. Sean and Sophie Liya said in unison.

Don't be so ruthless, I think this matter can be considered. Angel Bena also knew that this possibility was very small, and the resistance was not ordinary, but she still said in a half-joking tone.

Don't daydream, you know, it is impossible for me to send troops to assist you, even if I send troops, I can only help Philip, otherwise other families will intervene, and neutrality is your greatest protection. Competing with them for the position of Grand Duke, they are likely to join forces directly to clear you out.

The princess regent said helplessly that even if she is the leader of the Byron Alliance, she must follow the ancient rules of the game, otherwise she will be rejected by the collective.

In addition, she was full of worries about the Witches' Secret Society, but it was not suitable to say this in person.

Of course, Angel Bella knew that what Sophilia said was the truth. With the strength in her own hands, let alone clearing the other two out at the same time, it is very difficult for one side to be singled out. External forces must intervene to make it happen. , the only one who can help her in this regard is the Yongye Army, looking at Xiao En pitifully, like an abandoned kitten.

Don't look at me, we will launch the plan for the Swamp of Despair in the next year, and our own troops are stretched, let alone supporting you. Sean spread his hands, also looking helpless.

If possible, Sean would certainly like to see Angel Bena, who had a good relationship with them, take over the position, but they really didn't have enough resources to do two-pronged battles.

Sean is also unwilling to fall into this swamp of war easily. The Manyu people have been entangled with the Andis people for so many years, and the hatred has not been resolved. It is easy to set fire to yourself.

Xiao En changed the subject and said: It is impossible to send you to the position of Grand Duke, but it is no problem to help you gain control of the Jacob River in the Manyu Army, especially the control of major natural ports. You must take them all, you only have half a year, and within this half year, the battleships of Yong Ye will cooperate with your army.

Half a year is enough. Angelina nodded excitedly.

It is useless to become the leading lady of the Man Yu army, and it is also good to be able to expand one's own territory.

In fact, what Man Yu's army leaders valued most now, that is, the main waterway on the Jacob River, only by firmly grasping it in their hands, can the material exchange between the regent princess's fiefdom and the Yongye Army be completed smoothly.

Mineral salt and coal mines, the output in the territory controlled by Angel Bena is enough.

Although the four-party meeting collapsed, it did not prevent Angelbena from occupying the natural ports along the route in the area controlled by Patram under the banner of Philip's allied forces.

With the cooperation of hundreds of warships and merchant ships of the Yongye Army, Angel Bena's Knights of the Hospital are elusive, attacking wherever they point, Patram is hard to defend against.

After all, the Jacob River has just re-flowed, and those natural ports have not formed villages and towns, and many of them are wasteland.

There is no question of whether to fight or not. The warships of the Yongye Army transported them there, and planted a flag to show their sovereignty.

Patrem, who was confronting Philip head-on across the board, had no time to pay attention to her.

After the flags were planted, the main event was, the building materials of the Yongye Army continued to flow down the river.

With the help of the Yongye Group Army Corps of Engineers, ports of all sizes took shape rapidly.

Of course, the help of the Eternal Night Army is not free. In the future, Angel Bena will need to repay it with port taxes and various minerals. Some ports are even leased to the Eternal Night Army for a period of one hundred years.

The Lancelot royal family did not directly withdraw their assistance to Philip, they still needed him to help them hold Patraim.


Congratulations, my lord baron, from now on, you are my guardian knight. Sophilia smiled and handed Sean his personal seal, family badge and flag exclusively to Sean.

Waiting for your call at any time, my princess. Sean responded respectfully.

Although he replied with respectful language and a very formal knight, but when matched with the situation in front of him, there was a sense of absurdity.

Because the whole program simplifies them enough.

There were only three or two kittens as witnesses. Except for Angel Berna, who belonged to a third party, the others were either from the Princess Regent or brought by Sean.

There is no officiant, no canonization ceremony, not even the oath of allegiance.

If it weren't for Amelia's strong objection, thinking that what they did was completely against tradition, they might even skip the process of awarding their personal seal, family crest and family flag just now, and just do it verbally and change their name. Just register it in the royal archives of the Lancelot royal family.

Anyway, their allegiance is verbal and has no actual binding meaning. It is to give Sean a legal Byron Alliance status, and incidentally whitewash the Eternal Night Army and become a part of the Byron Alliance.

Whether others will admit that it is a matter of the future, let's take advantage of the fact that both parties are in the honeymoon period and get an official certificate.

Even after a simple conferring ceremony, the person's seal, family crest and family flag were not bestowed by the Princess Regent, but were designed and made by the Yongye Group Army long ago, and it was just a handover from her.

The Princess Regent and her party rolled their eyes. It was the first time they had seen such a playful conferment. What made them even more unacceptable was that Her Royal Highness, who was always very serious, did not refuse, and was very interested in playing.

They really want to ask loudly, are you still our original princess? What kind of ecstasy soup did this guy give you?

What she shows doesn't represent her true character. Maybe the princess regent hides a rebellious heart under her calm appearance. She has long been tired of the same pattern, but limited by the environment and her own identity, she can't make any changes. .

Occasionally indulge like this now, like stealing a fishy cat, don't have a lot of fun.

Sean was conferred by the princess regent as a baron, the lowest level of real power in the Byron Union.

Higher, the Princess Regent can't give it, but it doesn't make any sense, and it will easily cause trouble for herself. The group of old foxes in the capital are always waiting to catch her.

As I said before, this is just a verbal oath of allegiance. Sean doesn't need to pay taxes to the Princess Regent, and naturally he won't get any additional land. The land is still his own.

It is worth mentioning that, with this unscrupulous canonization, the Yongye Army has officially established its own logo.

The personal seal, family crest and family flag handed over from the princess regent are the only serious things in this canonization.

They were designed by the Yongye Group Army from top to bottom, with painstaking brainstorming and repeated research, and they will represent the Yongye Group Army to the outside world.

People in Andis worship black, and the Yongye Army is named after Yongye, so they have always used black flags.

It took six or seven years, and many people have already developed feelings. Besides, they have a bit of reputation in the Andes Mountains. Many people know that the black flag is the symbol of the Eternal Night Army.

Therefore, when designing the new flag and badge, they did not change this point. They still used black as the base, but in order to make it look less thin, they added some things inside.

There are not many things added, just a mountain, a river, and a city.

The mountain, needless to say, is naturally the Andes crater. Although it is a few simple strokes, the Andes crater has a unique geographical environment and is highly recognizable. It can be recognized at a glance.

Jiang is the Jacob River who has just returned.

There is no dispute about this mountain and river. They not only raised the Andes people, but also the foundation for the development and growth of the Yongye Army. Whether it is the Jacob River before the reflow or the Jacob River after the reflow, they They will continue to feed the Andes people.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Andes Mountains are a sinister, wild place.

In the eyes of the Andes, she is the mother who gave birth to them and raised them.

A son doesn't think his mother is ugly, so what son doesn't love his mother and his homeland?

When this was brought up, it passed unanimously.

What is really in dispute is the city.

The recognition of that city is also quite high, it is the twin cities that have just been put into use.

The point of dispute is whether the Twin Cities are qualified to represent the Yongye Army.

Although the Twin Cities are now the first city of the Eternal Night Army, whether it is the northern fortress relying on the entire Odin Grand Canyon; After the water level has dropped significantly, a large basin is exposed, and a town is being built on the enclosure.

According to the style of the Yongye Army, no matter which one of these three is fully completed, it will not be inferior to the Twin Cities, and may even be improved to a higher level.

After all, both the infrastructure of the Yongye Army and the architectural design team headed by Ferdinand are growing rapidly, and they are far from reaching their limit.

However, after arguing for a long time, the Twin Cities were finally selected.

As the opposition said, the Yongye Army is in the process of growing rapidly, and no one knows where the limit is, including Sean.

On the contrary, the Twin Cities, where they started, is very representative, representing the first step of the Yongye Army.

The meaning of the shape of the twin cities is also very good. It is like a door, which represents protection and welcome.

There is nothing wrong with using it as the symbol of the Yongye Army.

What's more, this kind of thing is not static and can be improved at any time. For example, the garrison in the Twin Cities uses the Twin Cities logo, and the Northern Corps in the Northern Fortress can completely replace the Twin Cities with the appearance of the Northern Fortress.

After the military flag of the Yongye Army is formed, it is very unique.

The white painting on black background is a bit similar to the ink painting with reversed colors, full of unique charm, it can be said to have a profound artistic conception, but it is not out of the ordinary.

Even in this regard, the well-informed Princess Regent praised her uniquely, and she could be recognized at a glance when placed among thousands of banners of lords and nobles.

The family crest is a simplified version of the family flag, on which are added their respective serial numbers according to different affiliations, and can be used for the identification plates of some departments.

For example, the Military Supervision Yuan directly prints the word Supervision in the middle, and the Military Staff Department directly prints the word Staff.

Both the family flag and the family badge are the names of the Byron Alliance, and they are called the military flag and military emblem within the Yongye Army.

It is worth mentioning the production process of the military emblem.

The special mold used is cast in one time, not only the three-dimensional effect of the emblem is full, some even have special functions.

That's right.

It is the enchantment that is used.

Once a charged gemstone is inlaid on it to form a complete circuit, it can exert special effects.

In the normal version, the above enchantments are all guardians, and some special ones require special customization.

Of course, the Yongye Army has not been extravagant enough to spread the enchanted military emblem to the whole army.

Now even the officers of the Hundred Guards can't have one for each of them, giving priority to those with outstanding meritorious service.

The meritorious service system of the Yongye Army has never been a simple decoration and reputation, but is linked to its own interests, not only pensions, but also equipment priority.

For some limited equipment that cannot be popularized, those soldiers can spend their meritorious service to exchange.

This is a very effective means of stimulation. From top to bottom, they pay great attention to the accumulation of meritorious service and are full of enthusiasm.

As for the personal seal, there is not much to say. This is a relatively personal thing. Sean directly used his own name, and added a little idea of ​​​​the army flag and emblem, which is quite satisfactory.

The award ceremony, they did it so-so.

The flag-giving ceremony of the Yongye Group Army was very lively.

Each legion sent its most elite hundred guards to the Twin Cities, not only to accept this honor, but also to accept inspections, reviewing the development achievements of the Yongye Army over the years.

On this solemn occasion,

I, Sean Don Augustine, announce in the name of the supreme commander of the Eternal Night Army,

The Yongye Group Army officially changed its name to the Yongye Army Commander,

I will take over the position of the leader of the Yongye Army as the supreme officer of the Yongye Army,

The leaders of the former Yongye Army will automatically obtain the status of leaders of the Yongye Army.

I will treat everyone equally, and treat every citizen as a brother, as a brother, as a family member,

Let us work together to build our common home;

We started out as legions,

But we don't advocate aggression,

We do not develop force for plunder,

but for the guard,

To guard our homeland from prying eyes and looting by robbers,

To guard our territories from coercion and oppression;

It is precisely because of the existence of these heroic fighters,

Only then can we live and work in peace and contentment and thrive.

Sean's speech speed was not fast, and his tone was not high, but this speech was spread far and far.

Not only was it transmitted to the ears of all the people present, but also across thousands of mountains and rivers, it was transmitted to the hearts of every Andesian, because he was also giving a speech with his heart, telling his heartfelt voice to every Eternal Night leader.

Sean didn't use any inspiring words in his speech, but it made people's blood boil when it reached the ears of every Eternal Night leader.

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