The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 227 Surveying and Mapping

Xiao En originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to find out their old nests, to see if he could find a few Sansett giant eagle eggs to go back, and if they could be hatched and domesticated.

It's just that these guys are very cunning, in this case, they won't return to the nest at all.

Sean didn't have that much time to waste on them, so he could only silently write down the surrounding terrain to see if there was any chance in the future.

Sean only stayed on Sunset Peak for a few minutes before coming down.

At this height, not to mention living things, even the wind and snow can't come up. The white snow above is unknown how many years ago, and the rest is only severe cold, as if the soul is about to freeze.

Unless this unconventional method is used, no one can reach here in a short time.

After descending from Sanset Mountain, Sean flew along the Andes Mountains at a fixed altitude.

Of course, this behavior is not aimless play, but to use Jinglei Golden Eagle's high-altitude flying ability and its own super memory to scan the map.

In this age, a detailed large map is a treasure that is hard to find.

Sean had only seen a large military map of the Arshan Continent in the hands of Princess Regent Sophilia, and she carefully kept it like a treasure, even showing the whole picture to Sean and Angel Bena.

In Xiao En's eyes, Sophilia's large military map is not only not as detailed as it should be, but also outdated, and there is a big gap between many places and the actual situation.

The Yongye Army has always paid attention to the cultivation of talents in this area, regardless of Ferdinand's bad temper, but he has trained a large number of architectural design surveyors for the Yongye Army, this is beyond doubt.

Only some of these architectural design surveyors were active in the front line of the Yongye Army's infrastructure projects, and most of them were scattered by the Yongye Army to survey and draw their own military maps.

It's just that the speed is not as good as it should be.

Compared with the area of ​​military maps that need to be surveyed and drawn, the number of surveyors trained by the Yongye Group Army is far from enough, and their surveying and mapping tools and methods are very backward, basically relying on sight, hand drawing, and foot measurement.

Not to mention the involvement of other military leaders, the production of the military map of the current leader of the Yongye Army alone is less than one third.

Now that there is Thunder Golden Eagle, the progress of this work will be accelerated a lot.

Under the persistent transformation of magical power, the brain with computer-like storage memory has played a huge role in this work. With just a casual glance, Sean can sketch or work on the sand table intact afterwards. restore it.

Soon a piece of local high-altitude overlooking maps came out, like a jigsaw puzzle, pieced together bit by bit, becoming more and more full.

Of course, there are still quite a few differences between this kind of map and the military maps produced by surveyors.

What Sean produced was at best a flat thumbnail, and the many mountains and rivers on it were more representative and recognizable.

Except for Sansett Peak, the ancient channel of the Jacob River, and the inland lake of Andes, these terrains, mountains and lakes that Sean already knew the names of, all of them are called by the name of No. 1 Peak, No. 2 River and so on.

It is not the same as the exact version of the surveyor and mapper. It can be used directly, and it must be compared on the spot, and the rest is half-guessed.

Even so, when it is fully produced, its value will be immeasurable, and it will be the first treasure of the Eternal Night Army, which can ensure that no matter where their army goes, their eyes will no longer be blacked out.

Sean's focus is not on the Andis crater. There are already a large number of surveyors working hard here. It won't be long before a more accurate version will be released, without the need for the abbreviated version of his overlooking.

Walk around twice in the area where there is a precise surveying and mapping version, and make a thumbnail version purely for comparison, so that it is convenient for you to make a map yourself, and it is also convenient for people who read the map to know.

There are five primary detection directions for Sean - the Kogel Grassland, the Swamp of Despair, the Eastern Range of the Andes Mountains, the Ancient Jacob River Channel, and the Karth Army Commander.

Among them, the Kogel Grassland is the primary task. It is not only to make military maps, but also to conduct high-altitude reconnaissance, to detect the movements of the Odin orc tribe, and to prepare for the winter strategy.

The magical power is like flowing water, extracted from the energy reaction chamber, continuously poured into the soul beast card through Xiao En, and then transformed into the Jinglei Golden Eagle.

Nothing is unachievable.

In order to cooperate with the soul beast card, Sean improved and adjusted his spell power.

In the past, the magical power was invisible and qualityless, and existed more by relying on the flow of blood. Now it has become consciously controlling them, letting them flow according to a fixed route, using the shortest route and the fastest speed to absorb the traveling magical power and transform it into my own.

This is not purely whimsical by Sean, but inspired by the talent organization.

The innate tissue is very mysterious, but in the physical body, it is actually a benign mutation of the blood vessel tissue, which makes the use of oxygen and magic power of the local tissue more perfect.

Guide the magic power, transform your own body, and form an acquired talent organization.

Xiao En didn't dare to mess around with this kind of dangerous experiment, but he consciously controlled his magical power, stimulated and exercised the blood vessels, and let them grow again, making them thicker and thicker, but there was no harm at all. The performance will rise with the tide.

The pain and sour taste in it is not enough for outsiders to understand.

Magical power has never been warm spring water, nourished silently, especially the magic power of fire attribute.

Rampage, destruction.

That's what they are.

Even if Xiao En tries his best to suppress it, he will hurt himself if he is not careful. Fortunately, when he was doing medical research, he paid great attention to the micro-manipulation of magical power, and when he was doing research with his own body, he was extremely cautious. Start with tiny, insignificant blood vessels.

Even now, Sean didn't dare to take action on his aorta. Instead, he stimulated them bit by bit through side effects, so as to achieve his goal.

Although the effect is slow, it is expensive because there are no side effects.

Under Xiao En's persistent transformation, a fast lane has been formed in his body - a fast lane for quickly absorbing and transforming magical power.

The speed of drawing power from the energy reaction chamber and replenishing the magic power is nearly three times faster than before.

In game terms, the speed of replenishing mana has been increased by three times.

The energy replenishment speed of the soul beast card has also been increased by three times, and the battery life has been greatly improved.

Charged for one week, it can maintain the Thunder Golden Eagle flying at high speed for twelve hours.

The consumption of the thundering golden eagle flying at high altitude is not high, most of the time it is in the gliding state, and the consumption is the most astonishing in the climbing state.

In view of this, Sean tried his best to make the most of every climb of the Thundering Golden Eagle, and once even took a risky attempt, preparing to reduce the energy consumption of the Thundering Golden Eagle to zero, to see what would happen.

Unexpectedly, the soul beast card has a protection mechanism. When the energy is lower than 10% of the maximum energy, it will automatically collapse and directly send Xiao En's consciousness back.

This set off alarm bells for Sean.

It seems that the energy of the soul beast card has returned to zero, and the loss may be greater than I expected.

Not necessarily the damage to the soul, but the damage to the soul beast card, it is very likely that the soul beast card will become what it was when I first saw it.

In other words, it is very likely that it will need to be unblocked again.

The more you think about this possibility, the greater the possibility. Energy depletion means that the energy skeleton is broken, and the process of unsealing is the process of remodeling the energy skeleton.

From this point of view, the death cost of the soul beast card is still not small, and re-unblocking means that this soul beast card will be in a gray state for a short time, and it can neither be used during the half-energy state, nor can it be placed in the energy reaction room for continuous strengthening .

It has to be said that after hundreds of years of accumulation, the energy reaction chamber is no longer as simple as a pure energy-gathering reaction device.

Already has a magical strengthening function.

Not only will warlock creations be enhanced when placed in it, even ordinary weapons will be enhanced after a period of time.

Although this enchanting enhancement is temporary and the effect is very weak, it will not take long to dissipate due to the flowing power of the spell when it is taken out from inside, but all this has indeed happened.

Don't forget that the Eternal Night Army is now capable of producing enchanted equipment.

Although there is no way to permanently strengthen these equipment with magic circuits inside, like the soul beast card, there is still a lot of benefit in throwing it in for a long time.

The only regret is that the energy reaction room is not a warehouse, and the interior space is really not big, such as armor, it can't fit a few pieces.

The reconnaissance effect of the thundering golden eagle was most vividly reflected in the small tribe of Odin orcs who went to the Kogel grassland for the winter.

Under the remote control command of Xiao En, who was in the northern fortress, the Third Corps seemed to have the ability to predict the future, and frequently attacked without failing.

Those small tribes of Odin orcs had just crossed the narrow and long Gobi area with great hardships, and they were ambushed by the elite Eternal Night Army several times their own, and there was basically no possibility of escape.

Occasionally there are fish that slip through the net, and they are also those that are based on the family unit. There are no more than a hundred mouths, and no more than a thousand cattle and sheep. Small shrimp.

After one winter, the harvest of the Third Corps turned out to be more than double that of last year.

It’s not unusual to think about it. Last year, the Eternal Night Army was just waving the flag, and the Silver Wolf tribe was the main force. This year, they are eating alone. Even if there are no big tribes like Bad Wolves and Gray Wolves, the harvest is still considerable gratifying.

It's a pity that most of these things are a one-shot deal. The Kogel Grassland is a remote corner to the Eastern Odin Empire, but it is still very vast to the current Yongye Army.

What's more, due to the existence of the energy reaction chamber, the northern fortress is quite special.

Up to now, the soldiers and civilians in the entire Eternal Night Army who can freely enter and leave the northern fortress are only 50,000 to 60,000, and several thousand are still mercenaries from the mountain Kentana barbarians.

With this number of people, there is no way to completely block the Kogel Grassland. The news of the existence of the Yongye Army will spread to the prairie in a short time.

At that time, either there will be no more Odin orc tribes coming to the Kogel Grassland for the winter;

Or it is a large tribe that has confidence in its own strength and is ready to swallow the Yongye Army in one go.

But the soonest will be next year. With this loot, the Yongye Army has more or less confidence this year, and even if there is another disaster year, there will be no food crisis.

Luck is such a mysterious thing.

The fifth year of the establishment of the Yongye Army should be the smoothest year in history.

At the same time as the big harvest on the Kogel Grassland, the Jacob Ancient River also ushered in a big harvest. With a large amount of grain in their pockets, those Andes mountain people who diverted past were completely stabilized. Two or three more In the harvest year, the Walled City Alliance will be completely forgotten by them, and only the Yongye Army will be left in their eyes.

It's not their reality, but the good memories left to them by the Walled City Alliance. There are only a handful of them, and more of them are oppression and poverty.

Joining the Yongye Army is different now. Although it is also poor and even heavily in debt, there are narrow but warm houses to live in in winter, and food that can keep you from starving. If you work harder, you can even feed the whole family. , there are fields to cultivate.

Before the winter of this year, many families allocated animals with big bellies. Although it was foster care, the military reclaimed them according to the allocated quantity. During this period, those who gave birth could be bought at a low price. When they come down, they can also return it to the military in exchange for a fairly generous reward. No matter what you choose, it is a very cost-effective deal.

This is a welfare policy, which is given priority to those meritorious families or those who have children serving in the army.

It's true that those families who couldn't be assigned are envious. This is not just a benefit, but also a kind of honor and recognition.

Everyone is gearing up, ready to perform well, and strive for the coming year.

Those castle chiefs have already said that the hundreds of miles of grassland outside the northern fortress have become their pastures. Last winter, they snatched hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep from those Odin orcs with green faces and fangs. , that will be their chance.

The biggest difference between the Yongye Group Army and the Walled City Alliance is that being in it, even in a state of poverty with nothing, is full of hope.

The hope that tomorrow will be better than today.

In the merger of the Walled City Alliance, although there were some small twists and turns, but before the Yongye Army took action, the remaining leaders of the Walled City Alliance who tried to link up were uprooted by the acting city owner Ban Hebrew of Sishui City. The methods are so cruel that even many high-level officials of the Yongye Army have looked sideways at them.

Ban Hebrew has now become the person most hated by the resistance forces within the Walled City Alliance, referring to him as an old mad dog.

Ban Hebrew's approach is not difficult to understand.

He now firmly believes that the merger of the Walled City Alliance by the Yongye Group Army is an unstoppable trend. In order to draw a clear line with those resisting forces and not be dragged into the water, he must be ruthless. Proving his innocence is only the second. Yong Ye's army directly cleaned up, accidentally hurting his forces.

Then there is the exchange of political capital for his son Luo Lanen. This kind of intangible capital will help him integrate into the system of the Yongye Army, at least so that many people will no longer subconsciously reject him.

In such a big environment, Sishui City was torn apart, and the resident population was less than 100,000. Not to mention that it was not even 80% of the normal season compared to when it was crowded like sardines.

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