The Old Man Villain of South Indian Movies Universe

Chapter 34: Destroying The Support: Assurance To His New Woman

Jayaraj and Vasundhara tried to calm down Ram Chandra Rao and Kavya and they even gave them the assurance that the marriage of Kavya and Rahul will never be affected by the deeds that Karthik has done.

These assurance from Jayaraj and Vasundhara gave some light of hope in the heart of Ram Chandra Rao.

After this Jayaraj and Vasundhara left Ram Chandra Rao and his family to look after his unconscious wife.

And while going towards their house, Vasundhara put her hand on the thigh of Jayaraj and said, "Now your enemy is gone and everything is settled."

Hearing her Jayaraj who was driving the car looked at her and placed his left hand on her hand that is on his thigh and said, "Everything is not settled till yet Vasu. I may have won the fight but the war is still there to be won and it will not be won until Karthik and Bhardwaj are not dead."

Vasundhara: "I understand Jay. But you have been tirelessly giving your mind some extra work to deal with your enemies and that's not good for your health. You need a good relaxation."

Jayaraj: "Indeed. I need some relaxation and short relaxation for that will come tomorrow for me. So for now let's go home and enjoy our time together and start the arrangements for the wedding of our son."

Vasundhara: "Whatever you say I will listen to it Jay."

With that both of them headed towards their house and after reaching in the house they found a worried Rahul walking left to right in the living room.

And once he saw both of them, Rahul came to them and asked them about the matter and after hearing him they calmed him down and told him everything that has happened after hearing all of that he also felt disgusted and angry towards Karthik.

But then Jayaraj and Vasundhara assured him that his wedding with Kavya will not be canceled and it will go on in the manner it has been decided which made Rahul happy.

And soon Muthyam was called and was given the responsibilities of overseeing all of the arrangements of Rahul's wedding and taking him to an isolated place Jayaraj asked him, "Muthyam how is it going with Ms. Shobha Shetty ?"

Maccha Muthyam: "Boss just as per the deal. She will come to your farmhouse tomorrow evening."

Hearing a smile appeared on the face of Jayaraj and with that both of them returned back to the side of Vasundhara and Rahul to help them for the preparations for the upcoming wedding.

Sunday Evening...

Jayaraj's farmhouse,

After dealing with Karthik for the time being and completing the preparations for the wedding it is now time for Jayaraj to receive his gift of sex with Shobha Shetty.

And to enjoy that gift of his, Jayaraj has arrived at his new farmhouse in the evening and soon her found himself standing before the small personal bar that he has set up in the farmhouse from where he has got a bottle of scotch for himself and pouring the drink in a glass started to take sip of drinks from it.

*tyre screeching...*

*tyre screeching...*

While taking the drinks, Jayaraj heard the screeching sound of the tyres which brought a smile on his face and following the sounds of the tyre, Jayaraj heard some footsteps coming towards him.

At this time Jayaraj was sitting on chair facing the wall of the bar that has bottles of alcohol and soon coming through the door Maccha Muthyam entered into the bar room first and following him Shobha Shetty entered inside the bar room dressed in a blue saree with a necklace around her neck and some bangles on her wrists.

With hesitation in her eyes and fidgeting her fingers due to the contemplation rising in her heart for the decision she has made to come here, Shobha Shetty stood at her place without moving further.

Meanwhile Muthyam moved towards his boss and whispered something in his ear and then giving a smile and thumbs up to Shobha, he moved away from the farmhouse taking the car with him as well.

Noticing no movement from the lady of the night other than the melodious music that is coming from her bangles, Jayaraj understood what the matter is.

Putting the glass on the counter of his bar, Jayaraj stood up and after fixing his button of the coat, he turned around and saw his lady for the night.

Just as how he has seen her in the TV serials and shows, Shobha Shetty remained the same beautiful and sexy.

Seeing her hesitation, Jayaraj moved closer to her and with a distance of one meter between both of them, he stopped his feet and put his right hand in his pocket.

And in a deep and calm voice while looking at the woman, he said, "Look at me."

The voice gave kind of safe feeling in the heart of Shobha that made her to stop fidgeting her fingers and then slowly slowly she moved her gaze towards the man standing before him with whom she has come to spend a night together.

Although her face became straight before Jayaraj but her eyes still remained closed.

Seeing that Jayaraj understood what is going on inside her mind. So he took out his right hand out of his pocket and extended it towards her and said, "Hold it and become my woman for all of your life."

Hearing this a very dry yet heartless laugh came from Shobha which made Jayaraj a little curious and after that small laugh of her Shobha opened her eyes and looked at Jayaraj.

And while giving that same look to Jayaraj, she said, "Money really can do anything. It turned me, an actress into a prostitute that sells her body. As disgusting it may sound to anyone but this has became my reality. My truth which I can never deny or wash away from my life till my death."

Although Jayaraj has no interest in hearing this peppy little self condemning words of the lady but the idea to make this woman crawl towards him on her own awakened the interest of Jayaraj once again.

So he stared deep in the eyes of the lady standing before him and said, "Hmm... these words of yours are indeed true but reality and truth which you have mentioned in your words are very different for you and the word that you have compared yourself with."

Jayaraj: "A prostitute sells her body for money to make a living for herself but she never gets that true affection and love which only one man give her. If a prostitute lives or dies no one really cares about her. They live in that shit hole which can never give them a good life. But on the brighter side you are standing who can create impact in the lives of the people. You are loved by the people for your profession and more than that you will get one man in your life who will love you endlessly and can give you anything that you want in the world. This is the significant difference between you and a prostitute."

Shobha Shetty: "No there is no difference. Just like a prostitute you will use me and my body whenever you need and wish for without giving me an official title in the eyes of the society."

Jayaraj chuckled a little after hearing these words of Shobha and said, "Society. Rules. Norms. These are made by the weak hypocrite people who never achieved or found anything in their lives. Those people tends to portray themselves as some savior or protector of humanity. But in reality those are just groups of people who are jealous and unhappy to see other people who never comes under them succeed in their lives. For example the prostitute that you have talked about is made by the same society to look bad and unethical that goes beyond morality and norms. But in reality this society is the same factor that has turned a woman into a prostitute. To hide their own deep, perverted and dark desires of enjoying other women the society created prostitution and taking the advantage of the darkness of the night the society visits the brothels and other places where prostitution is going on to quench their thirst for the body of women."

Shobha Shetty: "Haven't you done the same thing ?"

Jayaraj: "For anyone my action towards you from the past few days to till now might seem the same but in reality or truth about it are completely different. What I want from you is not one single night. But rather I want you for your whole life. I want you for me and me only. You will only be mine. That's what I want from you."

Shobha Shetty: "Okay for a second I agree with you but will you marry me ?"

Jayaraj: "Hahahahaaa... you really have knack of humor. Why don't you try comic roles ?"

Shobha Shetty: "Are you insulting me now ?"

Jayaraj: "Not at all. I am just appreciating your talent. But for now. The title or bound that you are talking about that we all known as Marriage. It is something that you have already experienced yourself but see where that brought you. After a few years of marriage you once again became single after divorcing your husband. The reason for it maybe anything but the matter of the fact is that you could sustain that title of yours and gained a new title which according to your society is not a good one either."

These words of the Jayaraj made Shobha completely silent as she started to remember her once married life.

At this time Jayaraj took one step forward and stopped his motion with his hand still extended towards her.

Jayaraj: "It's true that I will not give you any of those titles that your society has created to you. But what I can give you is the safety, protection and power that can bend the so called society of yours at your will and will empower you to make the decision which the so called society will be bound to obey. So hold my hand and become my woman and I am assuring you that I will put this so called society under your feet. So come and grab my hand to take a new leap towards better and strong life where you will be freed of any kind of bounds and filled with all the riches and power of the world. I will you the freedom to do anything that you wish to do for."

These words of Jayaraj created a very severe and great impact in the heart of Shobha as she remembered all of her life till this point.

And after reminiscing her entire life Shobha lifted her one feet started to moved towards Jayaraj with a smile on her face.

Soon she stood closer to Jayaraj and held his hand and once it was done, Jayaraj pulled her into his embrace and Shobha and just hid her head in his broad chest.

After hugging her for a few seconds, Jayaraj lifted up Shobha in bridal carrying style and took her into his bedroom where they will spend nights and days like tonight for the rest of their lives.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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