The not-immortal Blacksmith

The not-immortal Blacksmith - Interlude - The Kid IV

The not-immortal Blacksmith - Interlude - The Kid IV

I woke up on the plateau, with something licking my face. The goat. Why am I not surprised? The Ice Demon is dead. The "obelisk of Winter" as the troops are calling it, is destroyed. I gave orders for all of the demon, and the bodies of the undead to be tossed on top of a short house so we could give them a proper funeral and send off. It just seemed like the right thing to do.

We took every scrap of everything we could carry, as well as our own dead, and headed back to our base.


The weather is breaking up well. We had a warm wind this morning for PT. The goat brought in a pair of cows today, lowing to be milked. At least I'm not the only one who knows how to milk one.

No news yet from the rear guard. I will be cycling through our available units to provide scouts. Once that schedule is made I will be putting together ad-hoc units from the previous survivors. More people are stumbling into camp. Some military, others just civilians. The female adventurers are making their presence known by taking over empty positions like secretary. I miss my old secretary...She had nice...Anyway.


Three days out from the fight, and we finally have reinforcements coming in. The courier just arrived. Reinforcements and equipment will be here in two days. Our defeat of the demons and destruction of the "Obelisk of Winter" has freed up the roads, and thus our supplies.


I overheard my "Secretaries" this morning commenting on how "cute" I am. Whatever.

I have sent a letter by way of the courier, to Master Maxwell, asking for his opinion on a few things out here. And to ask if he and Tristan ever had a goat problem. I hope I will hear from him soon. Probably nor for a month or more, knowing him.


Reinforcement day! They showed up about an hour after PT and breakfast was over. They are an unruly mob. Looks like I will have to stand in the back and play instructor again.

Bad news rolls down hill. Again. I have received a citation for battle, and a promotion to Lieutenant. Officer country. Blah. At least I didn't get knighted. None of my original trainees have been promoted. I will be dispatching a strongly worded letter about that with the next messenger.

The other bad news is that in two weeks we will be advancing to a point 20 miles north, to take a ridge. From there we are to link up with several other units and assault the Demon General's palace. I think that this plan is a bit foolhardy, as the supply lines will be thin, and we will be easily cut off; unless they decide to send us a lot more food stuffs.

Training of the new arrivals will start in the morning.


Someone tried to shoot the goat last night. I will have to re-state the ban on harassing the goat. In other news, Lieutenant, Lord Oswald had a self inflicted arrow wound treated last night. He was not very good in PT this morning.

The newbies don't like the PT, or the training that has started, but I'm sure they will come around.


Three days into training and Oswald isn't getting it. Even the other nobles are doing the training and PT, but the asshole aristocrat just whines about it. It's almost like his father got sick of him being around and sent him off to die in the war.


I talked to some of the nobles. Oswald's father did indeed send him off to die. Called him a "useless piece of worthless trash" very loudly when he did it too. I think I will try and help Oswald. This will be difficult. I will call him into my office and talk to him about it tomorrow.


Oswald is a pig-headed fool. He will probably become the first noble to have ever been placed in the stocks. I give him a week to either wash out, or hang. The gall of the man.


Oswald is in the stocks. He fell asleep on watch last night. The only reason he isn't hanging is that I give people a second chance. But only one.

In other news, the goat brought in a minstrel this morning. A young lad from the "School of Rio". He plays fairly well, but his tunes sound a lot like thrash metal that has been mixed with classical. I'm homesick now. I miss the old club scene. I would almost kill for an 8ball.


We have a week before we move out. The land has mostly thawed. The 'new' recruits are still grumbling about the training etc. Oswald has finally seen the light, and is putting forth some effort.

I am starting to think about my future. Well I was, then the adventurers came into my office arguing about who should be the first. I stupidly opened my mouth and asked "First what?" They just stared daggers at me and left in a huff. Crazy women. It's almost like a harem series, where the protagonist can't tell that the girls like...well fuck...


Oswald came to my office this morning, and lodged a complaint. Apparently the goat was on his tent's roof this morning, and was making; I can't believe I'm writing this; "Rooster Noises". I asked what the hell I was supposed to do about it. His response? "You gave the order that the goat was to be left alone, so I didn't attack it. You figure it out." Then he turned on his heel and left.

He does have a point, but what am I supposed to do? Yell at the goat?

My 'secretaries' and I have had a long conversation. They claim that they will, as it were, "keep it in their pants" until I come of age in 3 years. I don't know exactly how I feel about it, but progress has been made.


We leave in three days. The goat has disappeared, I hope for good. He (someone caught him trying to mount a cow) was almost more trouble than he was worth.


A cleric for one of the small gods came this morning. He was looking for his goat, Ghondish. I told him about the strange goat, and the trouble it caused. He said that sounded like his goat. He was sad when I told him it was gone. He left. Strange people, the followers of the small gods.


The goat is in my fucking office. He left me a 'present' when I threw him out. I am beginning to hate goats.

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