The not-immortal Blacksmith

18 The not-immortal Blacksmith - Interlude - The Kid

The not-immortal Blacksmith - Interlude - The Kid

Excerpts from the journal of "Liam the Kid"

My name is William, Liam for short, William Johann Roosevelt for long. I was born in Chicago Illinois, USA. I died from complications of... I overdosed on an 8-ball in 1987, at a work party. There, are you happy? Maxwell is a dick, making me write this f-ing journal. I am pretty sure the dude hates me.

I was reborn into this magical world thanks to The Goddess. She wants me to be a hero. I plan to oblige her.

She has delivered me to the great "Maxwell the Immortal Heretic". At one time he apparently helped a great hero save the world. Now he is supposed to help me do the same. Unfortunately, he and the Goddess don't see eye to eye on things, so she had to find a way to make him help. That meant waiting for bad things to happen before introducing me to him.

My newborn body is now 11 years old. I was born into a large farming family, so much different to my original one. Plenty of love to go around, I learned all of the farm chores, "learned" to read and speak at an early age, and even tested positive for magic. It's like that demonic D&D shit the news is always talking about back home.

Anyway, short story short, growing up was fine, the Goddess came and took me away to become a hero. My family was happy for me.

Now I'm here with this 25 year old fuck who thinks he's better than me.


Okay. Fine. The asshole is better than me. I challenged him to a fight. I studied Karate at the dojo in the old world. I should have been able to take him.

I was on the ground every time. EVERY FUCKING TIME!!!


If I had gone into the Marines like my dad had wanted instead of college, I would have been trained nicer than this. My body hurts. My mind hurts. Dude just made a house out of an oak tree! And he was pissed that it didn't turn out right! Cussed out some elvish god. When the God actually showed up he cussed him out to his face!

The God called down his holy lightning and burned Maxwell to ash. I figured the rest of my training was done, and it was hero time for me. I'm better prepared after 6 weeks than a Seal is after a year.

Nope. Maxwell stood up from the pile of dust, said something along the lines of "That hurt, asshole!" and punched the God. Not even a punch to the face, no, he punched him in the nuts. Strait up nut shot! The Elvin god crumpled like a house of cards, mumbled something and dissipated. Color me impressed.


Wow, half a year. Bandits. I don't like bandits. Max "arranged" for us to be ambushed on the road today. He wanted me to put my training to use, so he stayed in the wagon. I was able to kill three of the seven, before they started to overwhelm me. Then the bandits just burned, in seconds they were reduced to ash. Their screams will haunt me for months.


It has been almost a year of learning under Master Maxwell. I have mastered what he calls the "Basics of Fighting", and said that I will need to find my own style from here on out. Now we have started on the basics of "Magic". Apparently I'm supposed to have some sort of affinity to one kind or another. He's doing what we used to call the "Spaghetti" method, you know throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks. Most things are sticking.


I am thirteen today. It has been a wild ride with Master Maxwell, Goddess bless his name.

He doesn't like to talk about his past, or why he hates the goddess so much. Or the rest of the Gods. He has brought me to the army's recruiting center, as he figures it is the best place for me to get involved in the war effort. I have a very important looking letter for the recruiter to read, by way of introduction. I asked Max why he didn't come with me, his reply was interesting, and very him, "Kid, I've been there, done that, and got the shirt with the T. Besides this is your turn to shine. Go make me proud." Then he turned and left.


The recruiter opened the letter and immediately freaked out. His commander came over to see what the commotion was, and he freaked out. Eventually some Captain from intelligence was called in. He didn't freak out, although his face did turn very pale. I guess I'm in the army now.

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