The not-immortal Blacksmith

14 The not-immortal Blacksmith - Interlude - Dwarves

The not-immortal Blacksmith - Interlude - Dwarves

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Most High, Noble, God touched Archbishop,

A human male, known as Maxwell, visited our new temple today, here in Flagondburn. He looked young, perhaps 25 or 30 years of age? You know how hard it is to judge human ages.

But to continue, after viewing all (and I do mean all) the architecture, and even investigating the minuscule etching of the stones, often commenting on how well a particular piece of carving was done (he would have made an excellent Dwarf), he finally came into the sanctuary. There he also did his inspection. He proclaimed praise in all the proper places, and even pointed out a couple of places that even I had missed that were exquisitely done. Then...

THEN he commented on the statue of our great God Bjorn! Claiming that it looked like a "Fellow he had known some 200 or so years ago"! It was then that I knew him for who he was, The Great Heretic! We chased him from the temple, threatening him with divine retribution should he ever return.

But that wasn't the end of it. No. Later in the evening, The Heretic SNUCK BACK IN! Abbot Gornson found him yelling at the statue of our God! The Abbot immediately called the guards to him, to rid us of the Heretic once and for all. I am saddened to say that a grand brawl ensued. Throughout the entire thing The Heretic was cussing at the statue! When we finally had him pinned, ready for execution, a voice, The Voice, boomed through the sanctuary! And he said, unto the Heretic, "Did you need to know? Would it have mattered?" To which the Heretic answered, "Good point." So shocked were we at this revelation, we had let go of the Heretic. He then walked out, slapping me on the back and saying, "Nice place you got here. Keep up the good work, Bjorn would approve."

Most High, Noble, God touched Archbishop, what shall we do? The congregants are starting to argue as to whether or not Maxwell The Heretic is actually a Prophet, or Apostle, or Holy Champion of Bjorn, not even a question as to if he a heretic!

Please advise me,

Bishop Bjornson, Flagondburn


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