The not-immortal Blacksmith

12 The not-immortal Blacksmith - Interlude - Demons

The not-immortal Blacksmith - Interlude - Demons

Select dispatches between The Demon Lord Gexra, of the new lands, to High Commander Eserfin of the 4th army.

High Commander Eserfin,

We have had a sighting of Maxwell the Heretic. He attempted to sell his malicious wares to members of scout unit 7. The Sgt. in charge almost gave the go-ahead, but then looked into the Heretic's eyes, and knew him for what he is. He has now been god touched four (4) times! I have had orders sent to avoid interaction while keeping an eye on him.

Demon Lord Gexra, of the new lands


Demon Lord Gexra, of the new lands,

Wise choice on your orders. Give the Sgt. an additional kitten ration as my thanks for his quick thinking. Hell only knows what would have happened if any of our troops acquired His weapons.

High Commander Eserfin, 4th Army


High Commander Eserfin, 4th Army,

He has struck. He ran down a larger patrol and interrogated the Lieutenant in charge before killing her. I have called back the physical scouts and have assigned a sorcerer to keep watch over him. He is heading towards the town of Bumush. I hope that he will return to the human lands after he has finished his business there.

Demon Lord Gexra


Demon Lord Gexra,

Keep watching The Heretic. Orders from on high are to observe, but not detain. I am becoming concerned. The high one has taken an interest.

High Commander Eserfin, 4th Army


High Commander Eserfin, 4th Army,

He has arrived at Gilip, where we are laying siege. Before I could order any such action, our troops parted for him. This raises my concerns greatly. I pulled our troops back from the gate, and the townsfolk allowed him entrance. I await your orders before pressing the attack.

Lord Gexra


Lord Gexra,

He did what? By all the hells, the cheek of that man. Although it was probably for the best. Your orders are to wait him out. Cease all attacks until he has left the area, we have no idea as to his powers. God touched humans are bad, touched by four of them? I doubt even the High Lord knows.

High Commander Eserfin, 4th Army


High Commander Eserfin, 4th Army

He came out with the Knight Protector earlier today, under the white flag, not to surrender, but to parley. We eventually came to an accord, which I fully intended to break after the Heretic departed, But, he said words that made me feel, for the first time in my existence, fear.

He said "Would be a shame if I had to come back here."

I now know how our great uncle felt before he fell. What our your orders?




Get it together! Orders from on high say that we MUST abide by the accord until the Heretic dies. Your orders are simple, keep an eye on the Heretic. Obey the Accord. Do NOT attract the attention of The Heretic.

Perhaps, in the future, we could recruit him to our cause? Good luck, and hell speed.

High Commander Eserfin, 4th Army

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