The not-immortal Blacksmith

02 The not-immortal Blacksmith - Chapter 1 - The Immortal Blacksmith

The not-immortal Blacksmith - Chapter 1 - The Immortal Blacksmith

I've been traveling the continent of my birth for around 40 years or so. It is the Year of the Wyvern, year 28 of the rule of King Ganglia the third. His great grandfather King Ganglia the 2nd was in charge when I was off killing the Demon lord with my friend Tristan. I still miss that man. I hope he did well when he returned to his own land of Murika.

I have seen every garden, landmark, temple, museum, art gallery, and villa of note. At some I made donations, at others I stole from the till. I'm not above petty revenge for stupidity. About three weeks ago I met a Dwarf, male or female I can not say, as they all have beards and wear armor. Now the Dwarf in question, one Bjorn Stoneaxe, is a master smith. Not just household items either, he (all Dwarves are HE; until you art told otherwise; NEVER assume; It is a majorly bad idea) also made armor, and weapons. Being a deft hand at the craft myself, I asked about an apprenticeship.

"Well, young lad, I don't know if ye are up to me standards." Said Bjorn.

"I tell you what, give me a week, and let me show you what I can do." Said I. Bjorn didn't take the bait, so I sweetened the pot. "I will even pay the appropriate cost for using your smithy."

"Oh, well why din'cha start with that, lad?" Bjorn replied.


I've now been with Bjorn for 49 years. I have learned so very much from him, and he from me. He turns 350 tomorrow. We are going out to celebrate after work.

King Ganglia the 3rd died last week. Prince Wilhelm Carbuncle will be crowned next week. I plan to keep on ignoring politics.


Bad news. Very bad news. I'm not even talking about the Goddess of Tranquility appearing to me in the toilet, telling me that I need to seek out the newly summoned "Chosen One from Another World!" I told her to "piss off, I'm leaving a shit here!" and she wouldn't relent! "The new Demon Lord has appeared in the far east! You must help!" To which I replied, "Been there, done that, got the shirt made out of a T. Find someone else to do your dirty work. I'm out." She disappeared. I may have mooned her too...

No, the Very bad news is that Bjorn has been covering for me for 30 years! Shit! Apparently he has been telling people that I am "Just an odd, overly tall Dwarf." I need to leave. I have spent too much time here. I have decided to leave tonight, and will leave a letter for Bjorn.

In the words of Tristan, TTFN.

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