The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous


I like when my readers are passionate, so the review itself is fine.

However, I do go through great lengths to make all the crazy shit in my story have plausible rationality to where if you think about it, some of these things COULD happen. (All of it happening around one person would be ridiculous though).

(So I've studied some medical conditions, medicines, medicinal side affects, sexual techniques, etc, etc, etc.)

Anyway what takes me so long with chapters is that:

1) I already know what I want to happen, but I need it to happen in a way that is plausible so readers can be immersed.

2) the craziest things need to be able to be explained either by sitiation, choices, mental health, illness, coincidence, and so on. If it can't, I won't write it.

3) I will not betray my characters. If Haruto was cheated on for a long time and he decided to change, he won't be full alpha in 2 days like in a manga. He wants to be a good person and good people have rules. So in that sense I won't have any character break who they have been built up to be just to accommodate a situation. That means writing a struggle, writing about an MC who doesn't know all the ways to do things because the people that were suppose to guide him are not there, and writing the slow awful part of an attention starved boy being confessed to by 3 whores, who he actually enjoys spending time with without sex involved.

4) Haruto being violent is an example of him not knowing ways to deal with situations, and although he can go to the cops and risk all the blackmail material being exposed... the cops are the ones who took his beloved onee-san away from him so he doesn't trust them. (He actually is wary of adults in general because Himeno hates adults she doesn't know). So he can't be cunning or ruthless because he doesn't know any better socially.

5) Haruto grew up loving Sakura. When he saw her step father with Sakura, Sakura didn't look to be in pain or that she hated it. But he felt jealous and angry. He knew as a kid that if someone hurts someone, you call the cops, but Sakura wants hurt. Haruto got hurt by this and told his sister.( who HATES when Haruto is hurt.). So even while Sakura was cheating, she never looked forced or like she hated it or Haruto would have done something. Haruto wanted to be chosen by Sakura the same way he chose her, and her being the LAST piece of his *family* he endured everything because he literally had no one else. Until he found out Sakura was hiding his sister from him and that changed.

6) Rika HATES sex because all the sex she has ever done was a lie or prostitution. Her desire for Haruto actually comes from how much he can care for another person that she saw when he practiced her name and endured everything for Sakura. It gets her horny as hell and she starts to think sex could be good with Haruto. She stayed silent and kept whoring herself because Akio and Mirai were her first friends. Akio was the reason Rika didn't tell her father or the cops. Akio's constant complaints about her family finding out and how her families honor is the most important thing to her, made Rika stay silent and continue to be a prostitute. To not hurt Akio one of her only friends (Rika also already thought of herself as dirty because she was lied to by the boy she thought she loved, so the sacrifice to keep her friend was minimal. Until Haruto accepted her, she has not touched another man since and she was going to decline the job she went to, that no one showed up for.)

7) Mirai has never been penetrated anally. Because if Mirai thought that his "cherry" was for MARRIAGE like a good wife, than Sasuke would have an easier time manipulating him. Mirai was made to believe a lot of his "customers" were practice for when Sasuke cleaned up his act and married. Sasuke however would never marry Mirai because he feels emotional connections are a weakness, but he does, in a sick way, see Mirai as the only person he could love and never wants another man to mean more to Mirai, than he does. And the way to do that? Clean up your act and have a relationship right? Nope, just belittle Mirai and bully him, whole showing him all other men are sick perverts who just wanna do horrible things to Mirai. Yup thats how.

8) Akio....... needs her ass beat again.

So please, don't say a normal man wouldn't want these women.... thats the damn point. Haruto isn't normal, his life is different and he's socially dense. He only knows two types of conversations. The respectful one, and the one where he has to hit someone. 

If there are any other questions or theories, please comment them and I will answer them a.s.a.p

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