The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 16

16. The lowest princess is recognized.

Tiara’s Birthday Festival, and the performances were held up all over the country.

All the people are noisy and festive in the country’s lodgings, liquor stores and large squares in the morning.

And naturally, the most extravagant was the celebration in the castle, which is also Tiara’s house.

Elegant performances and sumptuous treats abound in the magnificent halls of the castle, where nobles and some middle-class people are also gathered by the royalty of neighbouring countries.

But the only royalty in the venue right now is my mother, the queen. Nor have I ever been busy with makeup, decoration, dresses and discipline, and I have not met my mother in person.

From now on, one more person and me, who is royal, and Style. It is the last step taken by Father to make Tiara appear.

Breathe in front of the stairs down the Great Hall.

Every year, I am used to royal birthdays and national events. But this tension was out of step with the usual.


Turning around, Style is smiling holding back. Unlike me, it’s supposed to be my first time, but it seems so calm.

“It’s okay, I’m attached.

“… thanks, Style. That’s comforting.”

Style caught me and I can laugh zero too. He’s a really sweet brother-in-law.

But yes, when I laughed, now Steele suddenly missed his face more. I asked him what was going on, but he said, “No, anything…” and he wouldn’t turn to me. If you look closely, your ears are red, were you nervous after all?

“Oh… and that… I missed you earlier…”

I put it down for a few dozen seconds, and Style finally turned to me. But I also feel more red on my face than I just did without a heart.

“Ki… it’s beautiful. … very.”

“… Huh, thanks. Style, you’re very nice, too.

I do my hand on my mouth like a lady, and I still laugh. Thanks to the memory of my previous life, I’m glad I could at least master the ladylike way of laughing early.

At the end of the first mantra, when we met each other, I was amazed at how well the style looked as a child. Character targeted for boulder attack. Rin face and neat dark hair accentuate the full range of beautiful men.

Though I accidentally forgot the words and shook them up, but I thought I was really nervous right now because I didn’t say anything because the style made my face bright red with the style and my mouth puckered… On the contrary, it’s really amazing because you flatter me on top of how you cheer me up.

Listening to Style and my conversation, the samurai and guards holding back around are smiling.

“Today, at the same time as Tiara’s presentation, it is also the presentation in which the First Princess of Pride became the first heir to the throne. Please, put your chest up.

Style awes while coughing small.

Yes, Tiara isn’t the only star of the day. Me too…

The soldier’s decree and the sound of the trumpet rings.

I turn forward haha and correct my posture.

Quiet as the voice of someone who had been zawazawa until just now struck the water.

With a sound voice, my, Pride Royal Ivy name is called.


Walk slowly and gracefully on the carpet. Wrapped in cracking applause, he steps on a shitty carpet that splits the waves of people and people in two.

Then the name of Style is also called early enough.

Though the First Prince, my aide, Style, appears from behind me in a way that is like an entourage. I hear “oops” and yellow screams from people who see the style for the first time as they pass by. I guess by then Stayle had been a stand-up and beauty that I didn’t think was common folk.

I’m sure Style and Tiara will catch people’s attention today rather than me, Mother and Father, who are already used to seeing some of them.

A few meters, slowly walking ahead of my mother.

“Long time no see, Pride. My dear daughter.

A beautiful voice echoes from the throne. My mother, Rosa Royal Ivy. Queen, the supreme power of this country.

Fluffy, wavy, golden hair and the original soft eyes are elegantly raised with makeup. “Rosa” is the right name, a beautiful and elegant person like a white rose.

“Yes, Mother. Long time no see. Looking good, above all.”

That’s what makes me laugh. Learn to smile gracefully like your mother.

“He’s our new family.

That’s how I do my gaze behind my back.

“Yes, Stale Royal Ivy. This is my brother-in-law. He trades subordinate contracts and assists me for the rest of my life.

Turning around like that, Style had already knelt down and waited for words from her mother. Everything, as I was taught. Later, even while my mother made me look up and ask for a name, Style tried to give everyone an impressive answer without any bitterness.

Public greetings to your mother are over, and me and Stayle take their seats. Then the trumpet sounded again.

The name of Tiara is called at the same time as the father’s name.

With another big round of applause, Father draws his hand, and Tiara walks in.

She was a loving girl. White skin on the same fluffy golden hair as my mother. Even softer and gentler eyes highlight the girliness.

Everyone applauds me, and I can hear the words “beautiful” and “just like Her Majesty the Queen” in my mouth.

… ugh, not good. It’s a little mossy…

It would have been normal for me in my previous life to be flattered by the kids around me, but having lived as a pride, I had burned the grill a little.

Because you’re so cute, fluffy, and your mother says you look just like her… I wasn’t told that way. This father’s similarly caught eye and crimson hair really didn’t look like two melons to his mother around him and to his father, who is a man…

… and the game’s pride, did you regret it?

In my case, I’m extra jealous because my father, who loves Tiara, is drawing my hand. But the pride in the game… no, after I lost my father, I knew Tiara existed like an angel like that when my mother was still angry. Besides, a lot of people loved me, more attention than my right to inherit the throne. Maybe I got extra jealousy and hatred.

No, but! I will never abuse, I will not abuse, I will never

Concentrate all nerves on your face to avoid breaking your smile while suppressing your inner pride.

Tiara, who has been weak since she was born, has gone step by step with a dress she is unfamiliar with at the age of six.

When I reached before my mother, my father greeted my mother with Tiara and turned to me and Style.

“Pride, stay. This is your sister… Tiara. Tiara, your sister, your pride, and your brother, your style.

Tiara watches as she punches her round, golden eyes over here.

Me and Stayle get up slowly too and walk over to Tiara as we step. First, a greeting from me, my sister.

“Tiara, it’s Pride Royal Ivy. It’s a pleasure to meet you, my dear sister.

That’s what I say and make you smile slowly. “Tiara Royal… it’s Ivy,” he said in a small voice, laughing as if she were a dusty and familiar person in the castle. Glad to see you… sister, “he replied.


It was so cute that earlier Moya Moya’s inner pride disappeared. Now that I think about it, the only style I can see of this cute protagonist’s childhood is probably the luckiest of the offensive targets.

Looking up close, she’s already really cute, and she looks like a little mother.

Next, the style leaves in front of Tiara.

At this time in the game, Style, who is killing his mother the night before, has little emotion, and says, “It’s Style Royal Ivy. Dear Tiara, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Thank you very much.” and ended with a minimal thank-you just for the shape. Tiara, who sees it, laughs as she squeezes both hands of the kneeling style. “Brother,” he said. It was the warmth of a long time family for a heavenly lonely style. Then Style is called “Brother” by Tiara, and as her brother she takes care of Tiara more than anyone else. Even after Tiara is trapped in the tower of separation, she frequently steals Pride’s eyes and goes to see him.

It would be nice if Tiara could heal the heart of the current style at all, like the game.

It was time to keep an eye on Style and Tiara with that in mind.

Style kneels down to Tiara and takes that hand.

“It’s the Stale Royal Ivy. Tiara, I’m honored to be your brother.

Is that it?

Until now, Tiara has only been called by me and some of the people in the castle. And then all of a sudden, in the first meeting, he called her away, and he talked to her with no respect.

For a moment, I saw the nobles of the castle, my mother and my father wondering if they cared, but there seemed to be no problem. Instead, they all seem impressed with their grand behavior as brothers, not as ordinary people of the style but as members of the royal family.

In the game’s retrospective scene, I think it was a kind of tribute at first… Of course, we’re both solving it by the time the game starts, though Tiara and Steele are talking to each other without any respect. For not killing my mother, my heart isn’t dead, so maybe I got intimate with my pretty sister-in-law all at once.

With that in mind, Style continues to tell Tiara.

“Your sister, the First Princess of Pride, who is also you, is a wonderful woman, just like your mother and father. We’ll do everything we can to help you, sister.

That’s what I say and smile at Tiara.

Tiara laughed back at Style gladly when she heard that, too, “Yes, brother,” and tried to hold Style’s hand back with both hands.

To be honest, I was pretty surprised.

I can’t believe you said that in a public place, though I felt that Stayle was breaking it to me less than the game. The person you’re talking to is Tiara, but the meaning of that statement changes dramatically in the public arena. Style told people in the castle… no, the whole country, more than a family of our brothers and sisters. Recognizing and supporting me as queen of the future.

Though my joy as a sister seemed to me to cry, I enjoyed it a lot.

Then, now Tiara was staring at us. Perhaps Style’s words made me interested again.

The style also turns small and looks at this one. My mother, my father…

Everyone in the castle is looking at me.

I can’t believe this is happening. I walk over to Tiara again with that in the corner of my mind.

“Thanks, Style, Tiara. I’m happy to have a comforting sibling.

That’s how I give in and stroke each of my two heads.

Here, I have to tell you. Um, words. But…

Me as a pride and myself knowing the end in the memory of my previous life.

Swallow your breath quietly to avoid finding out and slowly open your mouth.

“Three brothers and sisters, let’s protect this country… the people, shall we?

Moments, cheers.

The applause mixes with the applause, which makes for an awesome volume. Sometimes I get confused and say, “Long live Lord Pride!” “Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Pride” is heard.

This is such a compliment… I’ve never heard of it before since I was tempted.

The style is smiling satisfactorily.

Tiara holds my stroking hand back with both hands, laughing.

My father is gracefully clapping my hands with the people.

My mother… looks out for my father and laughs. And now… hand in hand with your father and clap your hands at me

Everyone recognizes me…!

It was an incredible sight in the memory of my previous life.

Even though I knew at a young age that I was still a princess, even in my life as a pride, I was being slapped in the pussy when it was too much for my eyes as a royal. Even at my birthday and ceremony, my emotions had never been so hot directed at me.

My mother lifts her hips off the throne for the first time. He slowly, slowly walks up to me.

Beautiful person. I thought so many times, even though it was in my body. Beautiful woman who doesn’t make you feel old. “This is what I expect from you, don’t forget this moment,” Mother said, as big as we could hear.

Yeah, I won’t forget, never.

Her mother opened her hands and stopped the noise as she turned back to the audience. The drinks stop.

“Pride, the first princess, blossomed a month ago a” predictive ability “, a special ability of the King. She will be the next queen to carry on my trail. Once again on this occasion, I recognize Pride Royal Ivy as my first heir to the throne!

The voice is loud and strong. I dreamed of where such a voice would come from such a thin woman.

At this time I officially gained new authority as the first heir to the throne.

Style, Tiara… Though I thought that at least these children alone would be a beloved royalty, but I knew that there was no way I could live up to the pride of the lowest princess to “protect this country from now on,” but at least for another decade… I swore so again, trying to do everything in my power to this country until the time of the denial.

Even if, ten years later, my beloved brother and sister hate me at that time.

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