The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 11

11. My brother-in-law decides.

The next day, even on the day I exchanged my subordinate contract, I still couldn’t swallow Lord Pride’s actions that night.

Even when it was breakfast time, I didn’t feel like face-to-face with Master Pride, and he let me take it in my room.

It overlapped with dinner last night, and I was also worried about buying royal objections, but I was feeling a little stronger than yesterday that that pride and the king’s opponent would surely forgive me.

Think in the room.

Until yesterday, I just had to despair, but now I was a little calm. I don’t know if it was simply because I was ready, or because I learned of a pride unlike rumors, or because I was refreshed by tears without knowing it, but I was only certain that my body would move more than yesterday.

I don’t get dragged by emotions like I did yesterday, except my shackled arms are heavy. I look in the mirror of the room and laugh to try it out. I could laugh without grin and bitterness.

I think.

Unlike rumors, Lord Pride is not a princess, she is a fine first princess. And he thinks about me and the people. Although there is no denying the sweetness and the fact that people are too good, they are almost the same age as me and my older friends around me were like that. The royal peculiar special abilities have also been awakened, and there is no doubt that that man will be Her Majesty the Queen. And I, too, will be the Regent, or the second greatest man in the country.

Even if it’s difficult now, Master Pride will like it, and if he grows up and me and Master Pride get the best of him, he’ll be able to change the country’s decision, and maybe even if he doesn’t, he’ll be able to see my mother freely. Because no one complains then.

Yes, as long as Lord Pride is on his side. When he grows up and becomes Her Majesty the Queen, Lord Pride may give priority to the country’s decision after all. But if I’d been greatly liked by then. Then you may be able to change the decision itself or get it tailored specifically. In order to do this, we need the King, Her Majesty the Queen, my sister Tiara, and Lord Pride to like it now. Worst of all, even if the future king disagrees with the one who marries Lord Pride, even these people will figure it out. The king is only as powerful as the Regent.

After all, it is His Majesty the Queen of the Future, Lord Pride, who counts.

I need to make the most of my position as an assistant and be my favorite by my side, Lord Pride.

So far I like Lord Pride. [M] He even stole the keys for me, and he cried so much for me.

Besides, those words…

‘I promise… I will never hurt you any more…’ you and this country with your mother will make everyone laugh…! Mine, as long as I have life… ”

Seriously, that’s what the words were believed to be at that time. This will be the first and last time I will receive such a shocking word from Master Pride, both later and earlier.

It’s settled, let’s do everything we can to make Lord Pride like it.

I’m not proud of it, but I was quite popular in the city. For boys and, of course, for girls.

I’m sure you’ll like it. As rumors have it, I wondered what I would do if I were an exhausted and mean person, but I don’t seem to worry about that either. Then let’s be good kids, healthy, and better.

Everything will meet my mother someday, for that day.

The contract time is approaching, and the person who came to call me rang a knock, so I leave the room immediately.

Master Pride was already waiting at the contract location. He gave me a worrying look as soon as I arrived, but he greeted me back like he was relieved when I called him “Good morning, Master Pride”.

Learn to thank the priest and proceed with the covenant. It was troublesome to write a name with shackles, but I managed to finish the ritual unharmed. My heartbeat became stronger and I felt strangely firmly connected to Lord Pride.

The shackles were removed and I felt uncomfortable that my hands were so light, even though it had only been about a day since I had been shackled by my free hands.

King… No, “Father” put my hand on my shoulder and said, “Please do me a favor, my son,” and I realized once again that I had become royal.

Answer that with a smile so as not to return a disrespectful attitude like yesterday. I felt relieved in my heart when I said, “The future of this country and for my pride, you will also be fully royal from today on…”

I went straight to Lord Pride when I greeted him in a paragraph.

Smile, cheerfully, to the ideal aide, to my brother-in-law!

“Thank you for coming. Lord Pride and your sister will always try to protect you.

As I thought, Lord Pride welcomed me with a gentle smile. It’s okay, I can do it.

But I was struck by what Pride said shortly afterwards.

“Thanks, Style. But it’s my family, so I don’t need it. Call me Pride. Something my mother had my uncle call me by name, too.

Don’t you need to be like that? I just became a family.

Even if Her Majesty the Queen is letting the Regent call it that, it is only because there is a definite trust that he should be called “First Princess” or “Dear Pride” or “Sister” as his brother-in-law. No, but if Lord Pride wants you to do that, you should live up to it, but even without it, I’m not ready to call Lord Pride a tame summons all of a sudden, even though it just happened last night…

The act of gradually abandoning Master Pride has become embarrassing in itself, just because words are overflowing without blurring and excuses or conclusions.

I don’t even know why. I’ve called an older girl to call me out many times before, but this guy’s a princess in this country, and he’s so beautiful, nice, and sweet…

“Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Pride.

When I realized it, the Prime Minister, who was attending as a courier, was peering into me and Master Pride. My mouth feels kind of unpleasant with only my eyes being weirdly cold even though I’m laughing.

“It is true that the Vest Regent has called Her Majesty the Queen by her first name, but in front of the people she is called“ Her Majesty the Queen ”or” Sister. ”

I am a little relieved by the Prime Minister’s words. [M]

Right, I’ve never heard of a conversation between Her Majesty the Queen and Regent either, but I figured that was the right decision. It was good before I called it off weirdly.

In the meantime, I was surprised by the words of the next Lord Pride.

“Then call me Pride when you’re with me, although it’s good for you in public, sister. ‘Cause me and Stayle are family, and we’re in a reciprocal relationship.”

Still told me to call you Pride.

Besides, I can’t believe it’s a “reciprocal relationship”!

Right now, me and Lord Pride have signed a subordinate contract, and it’s not reciprocity, it’s subordination, no matter who sees it.

Yet this man uttered no hesitation whatsoever that he and I were in a reciprocal relationship. Immediately I could only repair my expression and call Lord Pride “sister” and shake my hand, but honestly I felt the same way as the amazing adults around me.

After that, even while the King and the Chancellor were in the conversation, I kept thinking about how I could smoothly call Lord Pride “Pride” when the two of us were alone in the future.


… a little at first, it went away. Besides, I followed “Dear” at a volume that I didn’t know if it sounded like “Dear Pride.” Shortly after finishing the contract, it was time for Lord Pride to show us the library of the castle.

The second time, I accidentally called him Lord Pride. But Master Pride laughed at me without being angry, “I’m fine with pride”. It’s time for dinner, so let’s go back. and it was time to respond to the words that called my name.

For the fifth time, I could clearly say until Prye… Master Pride blushes a little, “Pride.” and returned it to me. Next… I could say normally. Rest, and we went straight back to each other’s rooms.

The eighth time, I could trace it to Prye… d. He laughed happily. Today was when you invited me to the garden because of the beautiful weather.

… and fifteenth time.

I was able to call her that naturally without any clogging. [M]

The more I realized, the more completely, at that time, the presence of “pride” permeated me.

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