The Mistress of Corrupted Magical girls

The Lone shut-in(♡♡ later in the chap)

Here I am once more wet, cold and alone. locked into bathroom by those Gyaru whores.

Oh look at the tall blond girl who is afraid to mess up making friends for the xth time.

let's push her around because, we won't end up like cheap whores tossing our body to the highest bidder, one after the next...

"Tessa are you in here?"

A familiar voice brings me out of my furious inner rambling.

"K-kaori... P-please.. let m-me out its cold"

It wasn't long before I heard something get shoved aside.

Finally free from this shitty situation,

I get out of the toilet stall and look at the shorter girl next to me.

My one and only friend.

Kaori Takamura.

She has short Black hair cut in a Bobcut, green eyes and most notably short yet bushy eyebrows that remind me of those from a fox. She is around 1,35m tall

"Tessa how long were you in here?"

"S-since our second break?"

"... I swear if I get them in my hands I will show them my righteous Fury"

While this give me the image of an angry fox cup I have to stop her because against those Bitches she doesn't have a chance.

"Don't you will only get yourself in trouble..."

She looked at me with sad eyes.

"B-besides this happens because I don't let them push me around enough to where I give them my money... not that they take what little I have with me anyway."

"B-but Tessa at least tell a teacher about this stuff."

"I did, believe me, I did but they have an in with the headmistress... damnable bloodrelated fucks.

"Tessa language!"

"Sorry... A-acho!"

Right I'm still drenched...

"H-hey Tessa? Why don't y- you C-come to my place to dry off? The last bell just rang before i found you."

She is so adorable but I can't trouble her anymore than I already do.

"S-sorry, I need to get going, M-my parents wanted to Chat with me online T-today."

I quickly pat her head before rushing to get my stuff along with retrieving the school blouse in my locker.

Looked like they tried to force my Locker open once again, but hey from the things they are, smart isn't one of it.

So off I go, still quite wet but thankfully it's almost summer so it's decently warm outside.

While walking some people give me side ganzes due to my miserable looks. 

Yeah, yeah, take a photo it will last you longer you assholes... oi I didn't mean it literally you fuck!

One by one more people look shocked at... no behind me so I turned around and saw ...

Crisis? ... Devourer? ... Evil Smuck number 75... yeah let's go with that.

They get defeated and replaced so often it's hard to keep track of all those Villains of the week.

So yeah here I was about to keep on walking when I remembered that they will soon come to defeat this guy relatively soon.

So I go towards some scaffolding and climb it a bit so I will have a clear view wen 'that' happens...

Oi who is drooling on my... *ahem* I clean my phone and my chin from... water... and prepare too take some pictures.

Looking up I see Three Magical girls starting to fight the evil guy.

The Three of them are:

Luna Miko dressed primarily in a white red magical girl dress.

She is around 1,5m tall has a b cup is more prim and proper with her demeanor, she is the more magically inclined heart of the group

Next is Lunar Sakura 

She is about 1,4m tall has a c cup while being a rather hot headed brawler. She wears mostly green along with her 'heart gauntles' 

Last but not least

Lunar Misaki Wearing mostly blue she is a tall and cold glass of water... *ahem* she is around 1,7m tall has a D cup and while having a relatively cold personality, she prefers archery over the other ways to fight not that she isn't capable of it.


Alright she is my favorite of those three and the one I wanna see squirm the most...

You didn't hear that!


Oh looks like the dude is using his Trump card.

And it's?.... great it's some really large centipedes gross.

But hey they nonetheless get the job done.


And that's my cue!

I move a bit more into the open and


Get as many adorable photos out of this as i can♡

Oh they are wearing their own color as underwear today?♡


Oh looks like Misaki freed herself and is blushing quit hard with her torn outfit.♡


Oh but before she can defeat him I see something really nice.♡♡♡

Sakura bra slipped  and her skirt is also quite ripped up, to a point where her panties are showing.♡♡♡ *click**click**click*

*slurp* sry I'm drooling too much right now.

But seeing Misaki pull her bow back.  

I took 1 last photo of her and as luck would have it a breeze flipped her skirt just enough to *click* aah what a lovely butt...♡

Sadly I need to scram unless I wanna get noticed.

Thanks for you sacrifice Evil guy number 57!


Pov Lunar Misaki

I finally landed the last hit on 'The Endless centipede' and se him drop down Unconscious.

But I still remember the eyes that I felt on me

And look towards some scaffolding nearby where felt them looking at me. But whoever it was is gone. This has been happening the last few months, where during the fights I felt someone watching us.

"Good work Misaki! With that he shouldn't be able to return." 

I look over to see Miko come over here all happy, while  holding the scraps of her outfit in place.

While the police where cuffing the 'Endless Centipede' in the background.

"While im happy the outfit is magical. Let's leave before I die of embarrassment!"

Sakura was sitting on the ground with her outfit in particularly bad shape.

Barely holding on to her skirt and having to hold her bra in place.

We better get going before she truly snaps.

"Yeah let's leave" Misaki

We quickly move over to sakura where I felt another breeze below me.

I quickly held my skirt down.

"Why did it have to be when I was swimming..."


Tessa Pov

"Im home..."

I toss my school bag to the side,

And as expected there came no reply.

*haah* I went to the kitchen and set up a nicer instant meal to start cooking, in the microwave, in a few minutes and went to take a shower.

They were so adorable today~♡.

The flustered look on Sakuras face when her bra slipped~.

The shock on Mikos face when the Centipede was holding onto her with her ripped up outfit.

And the Cold Shame of Misaki was so cute.~♡

*Haa* I really wanna do it right now but first food then my blog♡ and lastly the Good part~♡.


*Ding, Ding, Ding*

*Ah* as I was about to Play with my chest. I heard the microwave finish.

Thanks Chef Mike for being a Slick blocker.

I quickly dry up so I can chow down on some pasta and meatballs soup.

Soon after I go to my room in my towel to sit on the PC, Login  and connect my phone to pull up my bounty of today.

I sorted them by exposure and lewdety and had quite I got a few good ones.

I begin uploading them to my dark-web blog.

Before I see  something truly wonderful~~♡.

I didn't know Misaki likes to go Comando.♡♡♡

Oh you will be my personal treasure and star of tonight's Masturbation session~♡.

After uploading all the valuable pictures today I scan over the messages of gratitude and praise! Hufufu if you all would only know what truly wonderful Prize I gained today.~♡

But I need to 'Admire' it now so sorry but no replys from me today Hufufu.

<Smut from here on till the next bracket>

I pulled up Misakis last Picture and opened the towel around my body to slowly caress up to my breast and start playing with my nipple.

"Misaki... Do the others know how much of a Degenerat you truly are~?"

I moved my other hand  to grope my other breast.

"You act so Cold and calculating.~

You wanted me to see this didn't you?♡"

My hand playing with my nipple moved down gently gliding over my skin~.

Until it reached my slit where at first I started playing with my clit.

"Y-you are so cute how you hide from everyone your T-true self~♡"

I swapped to my other breast to give it some love~.

"You are, just as much of a P-Pervert, as am I hufufu~♡"

I started to insert a finger once I was wet enough...♡*slick*

And soon after the second followed~♡.*slick*

"I would show you the depth of my endless Love♡!" *slick**slick**slick*

As I was getting closer to Bliss I moved back to my other breast and kneaded my cherry thoroughly while increasing the speed of my fingers below.~♡♡♡ *slick* *slick* *slick*

"M-misaki I-I'm gonna make you mine!~♡♡♡"*squirt**squirt*

With that my vision became blissfully white.


<smut is finished>

A shame I'm not powerful enough to make her mine.

"Truly a Sshame" ???

Hearing unfamiliar hissing voice I froze up. wich in hindsight was a fatal mistake as something slithered around my exposed and exhausted body.

tying my arms and body to my chair,

before long I saw a snakes head staring at me face to face.

"Im a king cobra Thank you verry much." ???

... How?

"Magic my little adorable Pervert. Magic." ???

Taking a few shaky breaths and seeing as nothing else is happening sofar I decided to look for information.

"Who are you? W-what do you want?"

"Finally coming down from your high, are you? I don't know if I sshould be impressssed or not. But to answer Your quesstion. I am an Agent of Desstruction, Caoss and Darknessss.

My name iss Irina a Pleassssure to coil you up.

Hiss hiss hiss." Irina

I think she just laughed... it's kinda adorable...

"*ahem* B-but to Tell you what I'm here for iss rather simple. I'm here to Recruit you. Ssimple ass that and no issn't an option." Irina 


"Great just great im getting forcefully recruited as the next villain of the week..."

As I was starting to complain she tightened around me snapping me out of it

"Im not ssomeone they ssend to Recruit Cannon Fodder Girly" Irina 

Getting passed by being looked down upon I stare her deep in the eyes that now that I focus on it are tripple slitte almost like certain energy drinks.

"Don't call me Girly!"

I tried to headbutt her but she moved out of the way rather nimbly.

"Hooo, even now you have ssome bite? Maybe you aren't ssuch a Dissappointment afterall."

With the continued mockery. I start trying to get my arms free so I can tear this thing a new one.

But before long I get constricted once more to a point where it becomes harder to breath.

"Okay, enough of that. I apologise for my poor word choice can we move to the recruiting part or do i need to give you a make up kiss?" Irina 

.... Kiss?

Nothing happen for a moment before she moved to my cheek to give it a short few licks before returning her head to infront of me


I was left a bit stunned before I managed to stammer out.

"K-kinda, while not exactly as I expected. I'll take it for now."

"Sshamelessss girl ...

F-fine D-do well enough and I'll reward you quite handssomely okay?" Irina


" Im gonna take thiss ass your full acceptance of being Recruited no turning back now. Sso don't bite your tongue."

"Wha.." was all I managed to say before she bit me on my sternum all I felt after that was pain followed by Darkness.

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