The Mistress of Corrupted Magical girls

Acquiring some new Pet’s

As soon as I pulled the door to my home shut,  I was in a full sprint through the narrow pedestrian streets and back alleys.

There were some people that screamed bloody murder when I rushed  past them, but surprisingly most people were too distracted with their phones or talking to each other to notice a 2,1m woman blitz past them. The only thing they reacted to was the wind after the fact.

What surprised me the most was the almost 1,5 hour walk was reduced to a 15 minute Sprint.

And I wasn't even tired.

"Good amounts of sspeed, check. Aas well ass high amountss of Sstamina, check."

Irina, that's really bad timing right now.

"Ah right you can sstill hear me, ssorry about that. Just to let you know, when you usse your own power. Let me know, I want to watch it."


As much as I wanted to just rush in I first took care of any public cameras here. From Pulling out entire poles with alot of cameras on it, or simply taking a decent sized rock and chucking it at a Lone camera from out of view. I want no one to be able to hear. The unfortunate police officer that came for a patrol? He is now on the bottom of the lake with a broken neck. No one will intervene with what I'm about to do!

I made all the entrances look like a new Villain made its first appearance.

Irina I have two questions before i start this 1. Is there a way for me to get them home without having to carry them through the streets? And 2. How fast could I get two bundles of good rope, a personalized branding iron, a cattle prod, some steel collars and a decent array of piercings.

"... okay not what I expected... but 5 thoussand Yen will give you accessss to our portal ssysstem. The resst I would throw in on my cosst jusst to know what you will do with it later.The branding iron would at the earliesst arrive in a few dayss, but I'd need to know what exactly you want before I can order it."

Okay take the 5 thousand out of my account. And I'll talk to you later about what I want for the iron.

"I'm looking forward to what you will do with them."

You will, They won't.



Finishing my Deal with Irina. I took one last breath to relax my face and hide my intentions for the coming valuable few seconds.


I entered The toilets, Ready for my part in this rescue.



Walking in i see two of the group of Gyarus Lazying around. one sitting on the counter and the leading tormentor of mine leaning against the wall. the twins aren't around. targets for another round of pet collecting. and only 3 stalls on the right


I moved to the first stall pushing  open the door and looking inside i just saw the usual squat toilet. making a disgusted look i moved to the next stall and opened the door and it was just as empty


Both the Gyrus were now looking at me one worried one giving me the stink eye. but instead of moving to the last stall where Kaori has to be inside i see the stall is locked and move to the washbasin and mirror

"*hmph* what a dump!" Eclair

"What do you Expect bitch? A Hidden Beauty salon?"

ever the hothead, the girl leaning against the wall gets snappy. Masago (Sand in japanese) like her name implies, she has sand in her underwear almost 24/7.

"Whats even with your getup? are you some whore trying to be Exotic?" Masago

"Unlike some people, i don't smell of cheap spray tan and hair dye." Eclair

Tori (Bird in japanese), the girl Sitting on the counter became somewhat exasperated looking at her friend as miss sandpaper became redder by the second. 

"Masa Chan. P-please over think things we are still waiting for someone!" Tori

Miss Bird brain is trying to calm her down. but a shame im not planing on letting it work

"Yeah, MASA-Chan Listen to you your friend and be like a good sex doll and stay silent."

 The too proud for her own good gyaru lost it and tossed her phone to her friend

While the 1,65m girl was approaching me, i was wondering how i found this girl so intimidating in the past.

yeah she has some deep brown eyes but now those were just two disgusting blobs looking at me.

she has a pitiful b-cup for being so tall, the only thing going for her are a decent pair of thighs and a somewhat cute butt. that one can look at instead of her ugly mug.


while i was looking at her in pity induced distraction, she got close enough to give me a gut Punch. i however felt like i was given a light shove to the stomach.


looking down surprisingly she looked like a five year old that punched a brick wall.


"was that supposed to hurt?" I gently grabbed her shoulder with my gloved hand. "Let me show you, how to hurt someone." as i pulled my gauntlet-ed hand back she tried to move away from me. "Im gonna let you feel a Punch that can make a Magical girl Keel over." both the gyarus became pale after the meaning of my words settled in their pea brains.

But my Punch, fueled by spite and revenge, none the less crashed into her stomach like a comet. Masago, thanks to that,  made her best Imploding frog impression while folding like wet tissue paper. Sadly im gonna have to give her some negatives for almost throwing up on me though.


Im glad my two person comedy routine is being appreciated, even though it isn't the intended audience. 


I grabbed Masago by her jaw and held her up to look her in the eyes. Shame that no ones home at the moment.

"Irina give me a portal to my basement." Eclair

("A one way ticket to hell, coming up For a missss Massago!") 

Next to me opened a black rip in space, in wich i tossed the knocked out girl without a second thought.


Tori saw her friend disappear into a dark hole in terror. soon she heard me step closer to her.

in reaction to that she did some rather strange things, for one she dropped both the phones that were in her hands and secondly she tried to climb the wall with her back still facing it.

("I heard of certain sspiderss that can eat birdss, but thiss iss the firsst time i ssee a birdbrain trying to Imitate a sspider")

oh wait till you hear this then. this 1,5m tall birdie's only capabilities are looking nice with her mid back length, black hair and blue eyes, while barely keeping her d cup and plump ass with lower than average test scores in highschool after having repeated the year, twice.

("Her brain iss lighter than a feather, while her titss and assss are keeping her grounded.")

"H-hey, I-i-i tried to hold her back so there is no reason for you beat me up as well r-right? S-so we can just go our seperat ways?" Tori

Im amazed how quickly she tries to abandon her friend.

"Sure, but i have two questions first."

she nodded faster than a chicken in a corn silo.

"Y-yeah, i will answer anything you want!"

"First, Have you Recently helped that girl kidnap someone?"

she tried to look away while stuttering "N-no? W-who would d-do such a T-thing?"

"Yeah, Only really terrible people would Kidnap someone and turn them into a public toilet right?."

"H-heh-heh-heehe, y-yeah."

She really tried her best at an innocent laugh there.

I grab her under her arms like a parent picking up it's child an put her down on the floor and place an arm around her shoulders while taking her to the locked toilet stall.

 I grab a hold of the door and rip it off it's hinges. Revealing the tied up and shaking Kaori. The good part  is that she can't currently look at me thanks to a blindfold. The bad part is unlike the picture they cut of most of her clothes. then tied her up, gaged and blindfolded her.

The only clothed left on her were her socks, shoes and partially cut off panties...

Tori was trying oh so hard to get out of my grasp while coming up with excuses that I was absolutely no longer listening to.

I turned my saliva into a vile mix of Paralysis and an addictive Aphrodisiac venom. 

"It's okay, I understand that it's hard with such friends." Eclair

While saying that, I took her along towards the exit, but more importantly closer to the portal to my basement.

She looked at me with such joy and hope, like I was being a Saint that showed her the path to enlightenment.

"But you won't have to worry anymore. My pets don't have to think about anything, they will just have to follow my commands and accept their punishment."

At first she became confused, but followed by my sharp teethed grin and quickly followed by my bite into her shoulder. She became afraid and let out a pained scream until the Paralysis kicked in and finally shut her up. 

I continued to pump the venom into her for another minute, before I tossed her into the portal as well.


I quickly rinsed out that bitches disgusting blood out of my mouth along with the remnants of the venom i made.

walking over to Kaori i grab everything left behind from the phones to the schoolbags.

Irina give me a Portal to my room.

('Ssure, give me a moment.')


When I kneel down in front of Kaori she shook more violently. So i spoke to her in a soft voice.

"Hello little one. Don't worry, you're safe now." thankfully She calmed down a bit.

first i undid her gag "W-Who are you?" Kaori

"that doesn't matter. all that matters is that im a friend." after that i first undid her leg restrains.

"But im gonna ask you to is not to take off you blindfold until I brought you back to Tessa's Place and i have left okay?"

But i didn't receive an answer from her. So i looked up to her only to see her sniffing the air while being surprisingly calm.


"T-Tessa?" Kaori

what the...

"Tessa, wh-what don't you want me to see?" Kaori

How can she tell... she most likely only heard me speak with those girls. and at that i was trying to be a whole different person.

"You got it wrong im not her. but out of curiosity, Why should i be Tessa?"

".... The way that you speak to me. you sound so hurt. but you didn't even fight that 'girl' for a minute."

... okay Kaori, it's scary how you noticed that when YOU where the one in danger.

"but the way you started to speak to me. its the same as when we first met... back then you helped me out when i got myself into trouble just like now."

i mean yeah, that can be a connection. but it would be no surprise if that was just a coincidence. 

"... L-lastly ... I-i know how you..."

what was that last part?... also why are you getting so red?

"..." Kaori

"can you repeat the last part, i didn't quite get that." Eclair

"You smell the same! not similar. not slightly like you met her and talked with each other but identical."  Kaori


... W-what, w-w-why do you know what i smell like?!?


"I-im sorry if that's weird b-but i really like how you smell." Kaori

how am i gonna respond to that?!?

"D-do you think im disgusting now?" looking at her deflate at that assumption i started to remove her hand restrains and gently pulled down her blindfold

"No, no i don't think so. its just quite a surprise how you managed to sniff me out while i was trying to hide this."

She looked at me quite surprised as she saw the new me. with her even turning a decent shade of red after i said 'sniff me out'.

"... Alright how do your arms and legs feel?"

"... numb. while you were decently fast in getting here, it doesn't change the fact they still tied me up and argued about what to to with me for about half an hour."


hearing her response i pick her up in a princess carry. to wich she surprisingly didn't complain. but considering what she went through i decided to just bring her back trough the portal that appeared a while ago.


Heyo, Z. here

just wanted to say hope you liked the chapter.

while i gotta say i Personally am not 100% happy with it im happy enough to release it.

but for the sake of progress instead of stagnation i moved forward. also i decided to have a go robbing an ai art site of its time for a 'drawing' of Eclair (i didn't pay shit) (also i crashed the site for 30 mins on accident while making it wich gave a good laugh on my end.) 


look into the comments for it. (its also gonna replace the current cover fyi)


otherwise hope ya have a good day/night

Your friendly internet Degen.



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