The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

9. Completing the Task.

After getting played by 'lolis' for a few hours. Kaito finally was able to retreat to his own room. The moment Kaito thought that he was alone, Kaito quickly opened the chat group to check the task reward provided by his golden finger.



[Congratulation, the Multiverse Chat Group level has been increased by 1.]


New slot for member added +3

Daily Login feature added +1

Store feature added +1

Group task added +1

Streaming mode feature added +1

Group Owner Privilege has been opened!

Next Level Upgrade : Unlock more item on the store, Idle earner and Home base world.




Group Owner Privilege Lv.1

[Set a Daily Task]

  • You can set 1 daily task every day that could be done by the member of the chat group. The reward of the task corresponding on how difficult the said task.

[Salted Fish Earner]

  • You get 25% all of the point earned by all group members.

[Time Counter]

  • You can stop the time of your homeworld when you go outside to visit another world.

Next level upgrade : Immunity feature and Increase level of salted fish earner.



After reading what he got as a reward, Kaito becomes so excited that he screams it out loud in his room. The reward is just so generous, especially the group owner privilege features, Salted Fish Earner is really something he really excited about. From what he understand, as long the group members get a point, he also get certain percentage of it... so it's not an exaggeration that Kaito suddenly owned a passive income.

Kaito suddenly feel an urgency that he need to find a way to increase this feature.



Tips: You can upgrade any feature with points.

Next level Group Owner Privilege upgrade cost : 10000

Next level Multiverse Chat Group upgrade cost : 10000



Looking at the point requires to upgrade, it seems his plan to become stronger salted fish need to be suspended.

Nodded at himself, Kaito quickly entered to the chat group which he quickly get notification from it.



[Daily Login: You got 40 points!]

[Salted Fish: You got 40 points!]

Entered the chat group...


[Railgun Girl]: "It seems the chat group is upgraded..? There are a lot of features unlocked! The moment I entered this chat group I got 75 points from Daily Login!"

[Baroque Works Leader]: "I got 60 points."

[Caped Baldy]: "I got 5 points... My luck is so bad, it seems."

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "umm... It was 20 points for me."

[Railgun Girl]: "It seems I am the luckiest person here, pfft."

[Baroque Works Leader]: "Whatever. It seems we were able to spend this point on the store, but I can't even opened it."

[Railgun Girl]: "I can't open it either! It said Only the owner was able to open it. Where he is? Why we would need to wait for him."

Kaito rubbed his temple looked at violent reaction of Misaka Mikoto. Well, considering her personality Kaito wasn't surprised at all. 

[Owner]: I have done nothing wrong, seriously.

[Railgun Girl]: "Here you are. Open that feature for us, we are curious!"


Kaito quickly check the Store Icon on the left side of the chat group and notification immediately show up in the chat group.

[Owner has opened the store! Go check it out to not missing anything!"]



[Welcome to the store!]


[List of Content : ]


A pack of Cup Noodles with 12 cups inside. (Consumable Item) : 5 Point. (Stock: Unlimited) [Discount 99%]

Water Breathing - Sword Style (Ability): 30000 Point. (Stock 1)

Fire Dragon Slayer Magic (Ability): 100000 Point. (Stock 1)

Teigu Murasame (Weapon) - 40000 Point. (Stock 1)

Point amount: 8040


Tips: Increase the Chat Group Level to unlock more powerful and more variation item on the store!

The store content is reset every 00:00 in Owner world time.



[Railgun Girl]: "This store content... Is it real?"

[Baroque Works Leader]: "Where I could get more point?"

[Caped Baldy]: I bought the cup noodles. This chat group is a good thing."

Saitama already bought it? Well, Considering his living style, Kaito immediately understood the reason.


[Railgun Girl]: "...It does really work. I also bought it, and a pack of cup noodles appeared in front of me."

[Baroque Works Leader]: What is a cup noodle?"

[Owner]: "It is a food. Just try to get was common food in another world, I don't know if that's the case on One Piece World though."

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "I want to try but I am in school right now..."

[Caped Baldy]: "Owner, how to get more point?"

[Railgun Girl]: "Good question. I also wanted to know. Other stuff on the store is sounds amazing but they are so expensive."

[Owner]: "From what I gather, you can get more points by completing the task assigned by the chat group."

[Railgun Girl]: "But there is no task!"

[Owner]: "Exactly."

[Railgun Girl]: "You are the owner, please release a task for us so we could get point to use on the store."

[Owner]: "I can't do anything about the task or the group task! But I think I can do something with the daily task. Let me try something."


After being urged by Misaka Mikoto, Kaito immediately press Daily Task icon below the store icon, and a notification bell ring immediately tell him to assign a task.



[Please Input the Daily Task of the day : --- ]


Tips: It can be really anything, but the reward is depend how difficult the task is to be done.



Kaito pondered for a while, looking at the screen in front of him. He need to assign something that everyone in the group could do while it should be not too easy or too hard to do.

The only problem is, he didn't know yet how the reward scaling with the task itself... What kind of task that could reward the member with thousand worths of points?

Does simple task like killing slimes would enough? Or they need to do task killing a dragon?


After thinking long enough, he decide to wing it and assign the task that he thought should be not too hard or too easy for everyone in the group to achieve.



[Daily Task has been updated!]


Moving around, reach a 10 KM distance.

Reward Assigned: 100 points.


Kaito nodded to himself as he look on the task he just assigned. Running for 10 KM worth for 100 points... Does it mean 100 KM worth for 1000 points?

He really needs to test it later

All the members of the group is belong to superpower group, and it should be no problem for all of them running around for 10 km. 

Even Nanoha should be able to do that with her magical girl suit.


[Owner]: "There, I have set the daily task. The task should be easy for everyone to complete."

[Caped Baldy]: "Running for 10 KM. I can do it."

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "That's what I am doing every night while searching for the Jewel seed!"

[Baroque Works Leader]: "Although this task sounds stupid, with my devil fruit, I can just floating around the desert to complete this task."

Looking at the positive response he got from the members, Kaito can't help but feel proud of himself.

[Owner]: "Well, good to know that I am doing the right thing. Alright, I will leave to the task for now."

[Railgun Girl]: "Owner, before you go, Can I fight you right now?"

[Owner]: "Wait why?"

Looking at Misaka reaction, Kaito get confused because he know that he shouldn't offend anyone in the group.


[Railgun Girl]: "Although my physical ability is better than average, running around for 10 km is bit too much for me, a girl and middle schooler!"

[Baroque Works Leader]: "Normal? I thought you are ability user since the owner recognize you."

[Railgun Girl]: "My ability isn't about a physical things. My ability electromagnetic which mean this task is very hard thing to do for me."

[Owner]: "Are you really level 5 esper? Why you are so stupid?"

Kaito just rolled his eyes looking at her violent response. As expected, Tsundere is hard to deal with, Kaito thought.

[Railgun Girl]: "How rude! What kind of owner you are, instead of helping, you are actually mocking your own member?"

[Owner]: "You are really short-fuse person. Read the task carefully. Who said you need to run on your own to complete the task? Just call a taxi and tell them drive around academy city 10 km."

[Railgun Girl]: "Ah... I can do that."

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "But the cost would be... expensive, right?"

[Caped Baldy]: "Yep. I would rather running for 10 KM than spend my money on taxi."

[Owner]: "Well... The cost won't make a dent in her finances. After all, she is still level 5 esper on the academy."

[Railgun Girl]: "Whatever! I will leave! I am going to complete the task! Bye!"

[Baroque Works Leader]: "Owner, I am going to leave first. I haven't finished One Piece yet and I also want to complete the task."

[Owner]: "Well... I will also leave. Need to complete the task after all. Bye."

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "Bye!"



After Kaito closed the chat group, he went to the training ground again and begin to run for his life for a few hours to complete the daily task that he assigned himself.

Though, It made an impression that Kaito is a training maniac since in the eyes of others Kaito was never really left the training ground from morning until night.



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