The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

29. Make a Deal with Miya.


While everyone else was either on the way to their destination or already making scenes for the M.B.I, Kaito who fooled almost everyone finally done checking everything around to make sure no innocent are going to be affected by his battle with Miya. Honestly, Kaito preferred to not have a fight with Miya and definitely tried to persuade her first but remembered how stubborn Miya could be when it come to Sekirei Plan... Kaito decides to take precautions.

'The Inn might be destroyed when everyone came back here...' Kaito thought as he look at the Inn from the outside one last time.

Kaito went back to Izumo Inn quietly by flying from the backyard with the hope to observe furthermore, only to find Miya already sitting in the garden with sheathed katana within her hold.

The moment Kaito landed, Miya turn around and open her eyes as if she already expected his coming. Kaito's faces quickly become ugly at this moment, as he never expected Miya already know his coming.

"Miya-san." Kaito calmly greet her and slightly bowed his head.

"Ah, Kaito-san? You did not help Minato-san?" Miya asked him with a playful tone.

Kaito keep his calm, shook his head, and answered, "No, Itachi and Akitsu were enough to help them." 

"I see."

Kaito had guessed that Miya was probably already aware what his purpose here. He could tell the connection between them getting stronger... The connection made them whenever Miya and Kaito got close, the more feeling of intimate and affectionate bud in their heart.

'Sekirei and Ashikabi connection!' Kaito silently exclaimed.

Kaito suddenly wanted to facepalm as he did not consider the connection within his plan. No wonder Miya is aware of Kaito's fake-out plan and she probably also guesses his purpose here, considering she already knows that Kaito for some reason knows a lot of information.


Both of them become silent for a while until Miya looks up to the sky and muttered, "You are hesitating."

"Yes." Kaito did not deny it, aware of what Miya referring to.

Miya continues to ask, "You know the truth, aren't you, Kaito-san?"

Knowing what Miya was mean, Kaito close his eye and muttered, "Yes."

"Then... You want to stop me?" Miya asked with a cold tone. Miya stand up and then said, "Your source of information is really powerful, isn't it?"

Kaito did not answer Miya's rhetorical question, but as Kaito looks at her with seriousness, Miya already knows that she guessing right.

"Sadly, I won't stop the Sekirei plan, Kaito-san. Unless you forced me to do so.


"I... If possible... I don't want to fight you, Miya-san." Kaito tried to persuade her, but as Kaito have expected Miya just smiled and commented, "The reason why you are coming to this world is to stop Sekirei's plan. To some extent, you know the truth was I am the one who make this plan. No wonder you are coming here when visited this world for the first time." 

Miya pointed at herself and continue said, "Your real target is to stop me."

"I won't deny that at all." Kaito nodded.

Kaito did not even try to lie to Miya at this point or try to correct her statement. Since Miya is already aware of Kaito's plan and her reaction is not quite positive, persuading her peacefully to stop the plan is probably completely busted. Thankfully, Kaito has already planned another scenario in case of Miya herself was aware of the truth.

"Akitsu and Itachi should be part of your group, right? Can you tell me who are you? Who are the people behind you? Why do you want to stop this Sekirei plan?" Miya continues to ask. 

Kaito already predicted this question in this kind of scenario, as she will definitely be curious about his identity. In his next plan, Kaito will use this curiosity to make a deal with Miya out of a fight... and to make sure Miya will agree with this, Kaito needs to bait her... Possibly angered her... Just to make her agree to fight him.

'I am going to hate this.' Kaito thought as he reluctantly proceed with his second plan.

Instead of answering her question, Kaito look at Miya's eyes seriously and stated, "Our purpose coming to this world is not only to stop Sekirei's plan... Miya-san. You know I have told you the first time." 

"...If I remember correctly, it was to wing Akitsu-chan?" Miya replied.

"Yeah. And you are also my Sekirei, Miya-san. I came here for the first time... To wing you."


As it reminds Miya of the truth between her and her late husband, Miya quickly frowned as she holds Katana tightly. She then quickly unsheaths her Katana, which sends Kaito into a status of alert immediately. 

"Ara~ so you are here to rob a lonely widow from her dead husband, Kaito-san?" Miya asked, but there is only coldness in her tone. 

"I know. But I also know the truth, your husband is not your Ashikabi."

"He is still my husband."

"Yes, he is. But I am your Ashikabi, Miya-san!"



Feeling the situation getting worse, Kaito quickly prepared his devil wing in case of getting attacked out of the sudden.  He knows the fact Miya should have superhuman strength, remembering her feat in the memories. She is a queen of Sekirei for a reason after all.


Miya hold her Katana within her palm as she prepared her battle stance.

"I won't give up on you, Miya-san!" Kaito yelled once more, trying to bait her for the last time.

Miya shook her head, and then give a cold stare to Kaito, "Seducing a woman who is already married to others is a death sentence, Kaito-san. You must be punished."

"Since none of us want to give up, let's make a deal, Miya-san." Kaito proposed.

"A deal?"

"Yeah. But, give me a second, please."


As he said that, Kaito spread out his devil wing and then fly into the sky, to avoid getting interrupted during his transformation to his magical girl form.

Yes, Kaito is going to use that cursed chainsaw (mysteltainn) again, as he got no other choice. He knows that he won't stand a chance against Miya if Kaito did not go all out, considering the system already told him Miya's capability is 4 stars peak. As a reminder, Kaito's normal capability is only 2 stars, which means Miya is way out of his league.

The cursed chainsaw was able to improve his stats to be equal to a person that has 4 stars strength... which is to close the gap between Miya and Kaito.


Miya who did not know what Kaito going to do looked at Kaito in the sky holding a chainsaw, confused as she watch Kaito's transformation phase currently happening. 


After waiting for a few seconds spending on inciting the transformation sequence and a lot of embarrassing revelations, Kaito finally completed his transformation into a magical girl... wearing a white beret and frilly pink magical girl costume. 


"Woman clothes? I never know you are such a pervert, Kaito-san?" Miya teased but Miya could tell that in this form Kaito seems a lot stronger than usual.

Ignoring what Miya just said, Kaito calmly replied, "Well... let's say, I am at my strongest state with this transformation." 

"Oh...? "

From the sky, Kaito then pointed his pink chainsaw out to Miya and declared, "Miya-san. Let's fight and decide everything with our strength, the loser will follow the winner's wish."

Miya looked up at Kaito seriously and asked, "What do you want?"

"If I win, you will become my Sekirei! But, if you win Miya-san, I will tell you our identity and I will let you do whatever you want with me. In the end, we are going to use jungle rules where the strong rule the weak."

Kaito then landed on the ground and asked, "What do you think, Miya-san?" 


Listening to Kaito's proposal, Miya hesitates for a while. Her instinct told Miya that Kaito is still much weaker than her despite after his supposed transformation, but knowing how smart Kaito is, Miya wouldn't be surprised if he got a trump card to deal with her.

But she is also confident with her battle skill that has been honed for years, and she kind of agrees with Kaito's idea that strength rules everything. On other hand, she is also still mad about what Kaito just said to her. Kaito might be still her destined Ashikabi in the end, but he can't just disrespect her late husband for that.

After thinking a bit, Miya replied positively to Kaito's proposal and said, "I agree, but our fight should not be here."

"Yes, I don't want to destroy the Inn anyway, if it's possible." Kaito agreed immediately as it is a good thing for him. 

His preparation to move all the neighbors might end in vain, but the Izumo Inn still standing without getting destroyed is the best result for everyone. They still have a home to comeback and that's what mattered the most.

As Kaito want to ask Miya where they would fight, all of sudden he felt an earthquake from the ground. Kaito consciously looked at Miya, and find Miya standing calmly looking at a far with her eyes closed... And emit a strange kind of aura.



Shortly after, Kaito could see from far away, a majestic structure... Like an island with a wing of light that slowly rose to the sky. The Kouten... has appeared.


"That is... Kouten!" Kaito who was shocked didn't realize Miya overheard his comment.

Miya who hear what Kaito just said open her eyes and commented, "You really know everything, aren't you Kaito-san? Since you already know what Kouten is, I proposed that we do our fight in there."

Kaito nodded without saying anything, proceeding to spread his wing again as he prepared to take a flight. At this moment, Kaito feels tremendous pressure coming from Miya... As if she is ready to fight him to death. It seems Kaito angered her too much even though he did not want to.

"Ah... Before that Kaito-san, since you already broke this plan and made me unhappy, let's increase the stake of our fight?"

Kaito suddenly had a bad feeling, which is why he nervously asked, "...What kind of stake, Miya-san?"

With a cold smile like she is a demon king, Miya explained in a playful tone, "Let's say, if you failed to stop me, I will activate the Jinki and cause the destruction of humanity..." 

Miya released more pressure and killing intent on Kaito as she continues said, "So, do your best to stop me, Kaito-san."


Kaito took a step back unconsciously, looking at Miya in confusion wondered what was wrong with the current Miya. In the original, Miya never wanted to commit genocide, but why did she suddenly want to do something evil like that?

Miya basically becomes a final boss in a true sense now!

This is really out of his prediction... and Kaito really regrets why he needs to make anger Miya in the first place just to make the success probability of the deal higher.

'Damn, I can't even blame my luck for this, as I was the one who did this on my own!' Kaito thought in panic.

Soon Kaito will learn it a hard way... why he shouldn't piss off an older woman.




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