The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

15. Getting Along.



After the event that happen last night, in the morning Itachi comes to visit Kaito in his own room to report what he could find after exploring around Tokyo alone last night.

"How is it, Itachi?" Kaito, wearing a plain white T-shirt calmly asked while standing beside the window.

Itachi who stood in front of him shook his head and explains, "There's indeed a forest that is not far from this place. Though, there are a lot of M.B.I people seems to monitor around there."

"I see... Can you see pinpoint the location of Kusano, Sekirei Number 108?" Kaito asked curiously.

Itachi shook his head once again, "I was unable to do so from outside, I could enter the forest to do so but I haven't really figured out how does monitoring system works in that place."

Kaito nodded in understanding. Even though Kaito has explained all the possibilities of modern monitoring systems like mini cameras or drones to Itachi, He is still always careful in his step, and always calm and rational when taking an action. Itachi will make a move when he was sure it is safe to do so. As expected of a great ninja.

"Well... Keep monitoring the place until the time to help Minato-san has arrived. Report to me if something different happens from the plot. If nothing is changed, Minato should visit that place the next day. Don't let yourself get caught." Kaito said to Itachi.

"Yes, Owner." Itachi answered.

Until the notification is in the same camp as the protagonist's task is completed, Kaito doesn't want to take a drastic measure.

Otherwise, Kaito would tell Itachi to infiltrate M.B.I headquarter and find out the Kouten location.

Akitsu who has been quietly watching the conversation between Kaito and Itachi suddenly asked, "Master, do you need me to help you?"

Kaito smiled, patting her head, and answered, "No, you need to be beside me all the time to protect me, Akitsu."

Hearing the answer, Akitsu's eye lit up, and then seriously answered, "I will protect you with my life, Master."

Kaito shrugged and then said, "Well, let's take breakfast first. After all, the optional task needs us to get along with the protagonist in this world and Miya-san for our task. By the way, I was sure the protagonist should be moving in here today."  

Kaito then walked out toward the dining room, followed by Akitsu closely from behind.

Itachi also agree with what Kaito said so quickly went to his room to change his outfit to plain black t-shirt and jeans they bought yesterday and joined Kaito for breakfast with the others.




In the afternoon, Minato and Musubi finally come back to Izumo Inn while bringing in all of their stuff with them.

"So, you are moving in today, big brother!" Kaito greets him in his room, followed by Akitsu from behind.

Minato nodded happily and replied, "Yeah, Kaito-san. Once again, thank you! I might be still looking around the city if not because of your suggestion."

"No worries, do you need my help with moving in? I and my Sekirei should be able to help!" Kaito asked as he pointed toward the big bulge that Musubi bring behind her.

"I can help if that Master wants me to do." Akitsu followed.

Hearing his offer, Minato scratch his back with apologetic looks and then replied, "Ah, Hello Akitsu-san. Once again, I am sorry for what my Sekirei did."

"No worries. Master command not to fight in this place. Miya-san is scary." Akitsu replied, there a hint of fear in her answer.

"Aha...haha... I agree with that." Minato nodded awkwardly.

"Yeah, the landlord is scary here! I won't do it again!" Musubi added.

While Kaito and Minato talking to each other, Kagari showed up in the hallway and greet them, "Ohh... You guys are here."

Kaito asked, "Kagari-san. Good afternoon! Going to work?"

Kagari smiled and then look at what Musubi brought with her, "It seems you bring a lot with you... Need my help? I can do that before I am going to work."

Minato shook his head and answered, "No worries! Thanks for the offer both you but me and Musubi power should be able to handle this."

"Yes! It doesn't feel heavy at all!" Musubi followed.

Hearing Minato answer, Kagari nodded and then said, "Alright then, I will go on, first."

"Ah, I will also need to do something in my room. Let's go Akitsu." Kaito followed as he walked back toward his room.

"Yes, master." Akitsu responded.

"Have a nice day, Minato big brother!" Kaito waved his hand.

"You too, Kaito!" Minato replied.



After chatting with Minato, Kaito comeback with Akitsu to their own room. Since the protagonist does not want Kaito's help, he doesn't have anything to do. He went to open the chat group instead to see what happened inside.

Kaito look at Akitsu and said, "Please notice me if someone coming. I will open the chat group to see what's up inside." 

"Yes, master." Akitsu replied, sitting beside Kaito with vigilant.


The moment he opened his chat group though, the notification of what he has been waiting for is completed and it made him feel very happy.




[Imagine Breaker (* * * * * *) Ability is ready to use! Congratulation!

[Eight Gates (* * * * *) Ability is ready to use! Congratulation!



With the sense of security he got from his unlocked ability, he went to the chat group with happiness.


[Owner]: "Hello everyone."

[Railgun Girl]: "Ah, you are here, finally. I thought both of you died since you guys didn't show up in here!"

[Owner]: "We were just busy settling ourselves in this world. Anyway, I and Itachi had no problem, so don't worry about us."

[Railgun Girl]: "Just call us if you got a problem!"

[Owner]: "Thanks, but No, Biri-Biri."

[Railgun Girl]: "You!!"

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "Umm... I don't think the owner should be in a problem. He should be the strongest person in here after all."

[Caped Baldy]: "Ohh? Are you strong, owner?"

[Owner]: "Might be. But right now, I am not your opponent at all, Saitama-sensei. But in the future, I should be able to fight against you."

Actually, there is no way for Kaito to fight Saitama but as the owner, he needs to pretend to be reliable.

[Caped Baldy]: "I see. Then, I will wait when the times come."

[Baroque Works Leader]: "The strongest person in here is actually the person with the nickname Caped Baldy, huh?"

[Railgun Girl]: "You can try to fight me then, Mister Caped Baldy... Or your name is Saitama? I want to see what kind of power would scare the seemingly powerful owner of this chat group."

[Caped Baldy]: "Not interested at all."

[Railgun Girl]: "Why you are also rejecting the duel like that bastard owner?"

[Owner]: "Biri-Biri, you should forget your idea to fight Saitama-sensei. The reason why I don't want to fight him is that he is too strong. For comparison, Let's say Saitama could technically blow up the moon in one punch."

[Railgun Girl]: "Are you kidding me?!"

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "Mister Saitama is amazing?"

[Baroque Works Leader]: "With that kind of power, he should be a king or a person with powerful authority in his world, right?"

[God Tongue]: "I just sign in and the topic of the chat is quite scary."

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "Saitama-sensei is a monster?"

[Caped Baldy]: "No, I'm just doing a hero job for fun."

[Railgun Girl]: "You are actually a hero?! With a strong hero like you, your world must be very safe!"

 [Owner]: "Wrong. Saitama-sensei world is very dangerous, though not as dangerous as your world... I think?. I can share the story about Saitama-sensei in this group. A short one compared to One Piece, just about 24 episodes."

[Railgun Girl]: "What you are waiting for then? I am curious!"

[God Tongue]: "Me too! Though I haven't finished One Piece yet."

[Railgun Girl]: "It would take hundreds of hours to finish One Piece! Besides, I am curious how dangerous Caped Baldy's world is."


Looking at the respond of the chat group member, Kaito quickly upload the memory of One Punch Man in his mind to the chat group.




[Railgun Girl has downloaded the memory copy of One Punch man]

[Baroque Works Leader has downloaded the memory copy of One Punch man]

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl has downloaded the memory copy of One Punch man]

[Caped Baldy has downloaded the memory copy of One Punch man]

[God Tongue has downloaded the memory copy of One Punch man]

Congratulation, You have been rewarded with 5000 Points!



[Railgun Girl]: "Okay, I am out to consume the media."

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "I will also want to take a look! The story about a hero sounds amazing!"

[Baroque Works Leader]: "I will also take a look."

[God Tongue]: "Me too! So, excuse me, owner, I will leave too!"

[Caped Baldy]: "Anyway, Owner. Why there is no more daily task?"

[Railgun Girl]: "Ah! That bastard must be forget. Booo!!"

[Owner]: "Ah, I almost forget that. Let me fix it real quick."


Kaito quickly opened the daily task section to assign new daily tasks, but then he was greeted by a warning from the chat group system.


[Because the function of both Daily Task and Store time reset based on Owner world. It was unusable until the Owner finished the ongoing task as his world currently freeze in time.]



Looking at the warning in front of him, Kaito can't help but think that he is screwed. Forget about taking time when he is doing a task, he needs to complete his current task as soon as possible. Besides, it reminds Kaito that the time in Naruto world still running as he staying here with Itachi... which could be bad if somehow the plot of Naruto changed because of this.


[Owner]: "It seems until I finished my current group task, I can't update the daily task or the store."

[Railgun Girl]: "Why?"

[Owner]: "Because the time was frozen in my world when I am doing a task in another world. And both store and daily task time was based on time of my world."

[Uchiha Prodigy]: "Then owner, why you didn't freeze the time in my world?" 

Looking at Itachi's question who suddenly pops out, Kaito can't help but feel bad. Honestly, it would be much easier if he lied about this, but then he knows that he needs to be honest to get trusted by others.

[Owner]: "Honestly, That's one of my privileges as an owner, but I promise to find a way for everyone to at least have this feature later."

[Uchiha Prodigy]: "I see. I am sorry for asking." 

[Owner]: "No worries, I also feel bad about this."

[Railgun Girl]: "Then, if you feel bad... you guys should finish the task as soon as possible! Without daily tasks, none of us could get any point!"

[Owner]: "Let me think about this."



After that, Kaito closed the chat group to ask Itachi and Akitsu's opinions about this. 

Kaito knows that it is really to finish the main task if he wanted to. They just need to either destroy M.B.I, Kamakura Island where Kaiten is located, or just kill their current tenant, Miya just to stop this Sekirei Plan. In the end, they agreed to finish the task as quickly as possible, at least until the first optional task was completed (which they assumed to be acknowledged by the protagonist as an ally).

The reward of equipment was too tempting for them, especially for Kaito who does not want to use that cursed pink chainsaw.




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