The misadventures of the necromancer

Chapter XXV

Chapter XXV

"Sora. Are you ready? The hall is full," Esther's shout fills the entire upper floor of the inn. Not that she is too concerned. Her colleague has a tendency to shout, so she doesn't rush.

Besides, she's almost ready. She's just finishing arranging her hair, only needing to adjust the pin she's using to hold her long black hair. As she admires herself in the bronze mirror they share in the room, another shout rings out, "Sora. Hurry up."

She sighs in frustration due to the impatience. But considering that she's already prepared, she sets off for the ground floor hall.

She quickly joins Esther, who has been waiting at the top of the stairs leading to the hall. "Finally. I've been checking, and the hall is full."

This isn't unexpected since it's typical for this inn. Located next to the south gate of Dantar, it's considered one of the best in town. Even though this gate isn't the busiest, it's still a very important one. As it provides the easiest access to the forest containing the giant spiders. Where one of the city's most recognized products originates, their eggs.

Therefore, the south gate is where adventurers attempting to gather eggs usually return after each attempt. So it's the best place to quickly find out if there has been a new rare success with the spiders.

Considering that a few months ago. There was one of those successes, which led to an increase of the try be other adventures. So, many merchants end up frequenting this inn, the Golden Spider. Hoping to make a good deal on this valuable product.

So she's not surprised by her colleague's announcement. Not that her lack of reaction has affected Esther, who continues to gossip. "Apparently, a new caravan has arrived. " Esther whispers as they begin to descend the stairs.

This news is slightly more surprising, as the number of new caravans arriving in town to do business with the eggs has been decreasing. But still, nothing truly new.

"The interesting thing is that it's a caravan from the South. They seem to be from the Mir region." This is truly surprising due to the distance of the route. It would have been simpler for them to stay along the coast to buy goods, acquiring whatever the merchants from the other regions brought to the coast. The cost of making a detour here must be significant. But it seems that someone thought it was worth it.

Personally, she thinks the merchant made a mistake; this route probably won't make much money for him. Maybe that's why he decided to come to such an out-of-the-way place as Dantar. If he really manages to buy eggs he may turn this trip around.

As they descend the stairs, she can confirm with her own eyes what her colleague has just told her. At several separate tables, throughout the hall, there are various people. Dressed in the traditional robes of the southern part of the continent. Some of the distinct yellows from the region almost illuminate the room, strongly contrasting with the more common greens and blues used to dye clothing around here.

The outsiders are scattered throughout the hall, not having gathered at a single table as costumery. Separating and trying to make connections to create new business opportunities does make sense. But it's rarely done as people tend to feel safer with those they already know.

So the most common approach is for most of the group to sit at a few tables next to each other, and then some individuals start branching out to meet new people. This approach to getting to know a new market is strange, leaving her somewhat apprehensive.

"Ah, Sora! My queen has arrived!" exclaims Claron as she finishes descending the stairs. The man is sitting at a table right next to the stairs. With his short gray hair, piercing blue eyes, and a scar on his left cheek, along with his leather armor and the mace he carries, he gives the impression of a capable and powerful adventurer.

She remembers when she first met him, a few days after she arrived, thinking the man had great potential and that her mission would be easier than expected. Unfortunately, appearances can be deceiving. And despite him being brave and friendly, with a reputation for being one of the most capable adventurers in Dantar.

Well, appearances can be deceiving, and for that, one only needs to consider that this adventurer does not belong to the group that recently managed to catch eggs.

But still, the man is pleasant and gives good tips. So she presents him with her best smile and approaches him.

"And how is my champion? I haven't seen you in a few days," she says as Claron returns her smile. Esther starts grumbling something, probably annoyed at missing the chance to serve the man. Having to attend to other customers while Sora engages in conversation.

"So, where have you been?" she asks him in her friendliest tone.

"Ah, that's a good story." He replies, gesturing for her to come closer. Which she does, as the man tends to be a good source of information.

"Silverware." Hearing this strange phrase, she looks at the smiling Claron, unsure how to respond.

"Haven't you heard of the Silverware?" he asks now, seeming a little surprised to see her shaking her head. But his smile quickly returns.

"Of course, you've heard of it. You may not have realized that it's the name, of the inn halfway to Freehope." Hearing that, she understands he's right. Of course, she had heard of the inn. She had even stopped there when she came to Dantar.

Although she found the people in the inn strange at the time, that didn't stop her from being shocked to hear the news of what had transpired there. Several people had been held captive at the inn.

It all ended with the escape of the prisoners when part of the inn burned down. Resulting in the death of several of its staff members.

But in the end, various stories are circulating about the matter. Being impossible to know what is fact and what is a rumor.

Seeing that she recognizes what he's talking about, "I was part of a team that was sent to clean up the area."

"So, were they really doing human sacrifices?" she asks, genuinely curious about what happened.

"I think they were necromancers. After all, we found undead. And it turned into quite a fight." He says, obviously preparing to tell her the story.

In the end, he could only confirm that underneath the burned stables were ruins with undead. When they found them, the adventurers had to retreat after a difficult fight. Dantar and Freehope are trying to plan how they will isolate the ruins and protect the trade route.

As they talk, several people in the hall listen to the conversation, including the newly arrived merchants.

When she finishes attending Claron and goes to another table, a shout echoes, "Sora, get some water. We need a bucket."

And so she goes to attend to her new task. As she heads towards the door, she can't ignore the hidden glances she receives.

But something strange is happening with the newcomers. For her to receive glances is not new. She knows she's an attractive woman. In fact, she considers that one of her best characteristics because it makes other people only see her as a pretty face.

What's strange is that she doesn't perceive any lust in the gaze of these outsiders, something that is evident when compared to the looks she receives from the usual customers.

For now, she'll consider these as cultural differences because even though she hasn't had the opportunity to interact with people from the South, she's heard that they tend to be more serious. But anyway, she'll have to be more attentive.

Exiting the door with a bucket to fill from the well, located in the square near the inn. Heading there, she notices that one of the new merchants has appeared at the entrance from where she exited. Something that may be innocent, just someone wanting to catch some air.

On the way to the well, she notices the stables that serve this entrance to the city. Where she notices a girl being pulled into the building.

Seeing this, she decides to go see what's going on.

Slowly approaching the entrance to the stables, she hears something inside. As if it were a fight. Deciding to proceed cautiously, she continues to approach.

"Stop... we can't." she hears a female voice say.

"Come on, I don't know when we might have to leave." This time, it's a male voice making itself heard.

With this, the story starts to write itself. Remembering one of the girls who works in the stables has a reputation of coming here to flirt. And she or someone else, who is imitating her has come here to flirt.

"What, but you just arrived. How can a caravan from so far away leave right after arriving?" the female voice sounds sulky.

This conversation reminds her of the southern caravaneers who are in her inn. The man must be a member of that caravan, who must be here to take care of the caravan animals that must be here.

"Darling, I don't make the decisions. If they decide we have to go, I just obey." the man tries to argue, clearly thinking only of one thing.

The situation is somewhat funny. After all the concern felt about what might be happening. It's just a case of a couple exploring their passions.

Thinking that they should be punished for her concern. She decides to interrupt them. After all, this is not the place for these activities. They don't know who might show up. And it could be someone more troublesome than her.

She enters through the door without the couple noticing, being more interested in each other. Now, being able to see them well, she confirms that it's the girl she thought.

While her partner is a young man, who doesn't seem to come from a region as far away as Mir. In fact, his features seem much more familiar to her.

His equipment makes him look like a guard. Maybe that's what he is, a local guard hired for the security of the distant caravan.

Approaching them a little more, the girl seems to notice her presence. With the anxiety of being discovered, they try to separate. In that movement, someone hits something, and something falls to the ground.

She approaches even more, trying to understand what fell. While the guard bends down to pick it up. She sees that it's a sword. Looking at the said sword, she almost instinctively recognizes it. The golden fish head hilt is like no other.

So, she quickly approaches the soldier even more. As he stands up with his sword. His face shows that he recognizes her. Bringing his other hand to the sword's hilt, he exclaims, "Lady Sorana!"

At this moment, she says nothing. It's not worth it. As her hair falls down her back, the sword begins to be pulled out of its sheath.

Blood spurts out when her hairpin enters his throat from the side.

As the soldier's body begins to fall, she grabs the sword he was holding.

The girl starts screaming in terror because of what she just witnessed. But none of this is important right now. This event, when associated with the strange reactions from the members of this new caravan, can only mean one thing.

She has been discovered, and her enemies are closing in. They must have wanted to take some time to catch her in a trap. The reckless behavior of this soldier has just ruined their plans.

The girl continues to scream next to Sorana, having just seen her kill her new boyfriend. For a moment, Sorana considers killing the girl so she has more time to act. Leaving the girl alive means the alarm will be faster. Killing her would afford more time for her escape. But it also means making the city of Dantar her enemy.

For now, this is just a matter among people from outside of Dantar. Even if the city authorities are bribed, the initiative of the inhabitants will always be limited. That is the preferable alternative for her.

That and she does feel some pity for the girl. At the end of the day, neither she nor the poor guy Sorana had to kill is to blame for what's happening.

Fortunately, Sorana has carried everything that is most important for her escape. Most of her money and some import documents. And so she decides to steal one of the horses from her enemies to make her escape.

As she rides towards the city gate. She can't stop thinking about how all of this is a sadness. Not only has she been discovered and had to kill a brave soldier, but her mission here was a total waste of time. Having failed to find anyone with the characteristics she needed.

She passes through the gate, leaving her guards without reaction to the speed, she is imposing on the horse. Thus making her escape quick and unexpected, hoping to evade her enemies.

Unfortunately for her, as she enters the forest, she looks back. To see a group of riders emerging from the city gate. She can only assume that they must have had someone follow her when she went to fetch water. Even with that, their reaction time to the events that unfolded was excellent.

This reveals another piece of bad news - whoever is pursuing her is very competent and capable. Which will greatly hinder her escape.

Sorana runs, getting more and more tired. She had almost been captured on more than one occasion. And the stress of it all is beginning to take its toll.

Several hours have passed since this cat-and-mouse game began, and she doesn't feel like she's winning. Whoever the leader of this operation is, one thing is certain. They are a capable and prepared individual. Her escape should have been a success.

But she encountered groups of adversaries on her way out of the city. The only explanation she can find is that they left scouts outside of Dantar in case she managed to evade them inside the city.

In her last encounter with them, she was forced to startle her horse, which was already very tired. But that act allowed her to distract her pursuers, although she had no way of knowing for how long or when they would find her trail again.

Looking around, all she sees are trees and bushes. Her heart beats rapidly, and sweat drips down her body. Knowing what she knows now, she thinks about how she should have confronted the first group of scouts she encountered.

There were only two of them, and with some luck, she could have taken them down and continued fleeing in any direction. Anyway, if she had kept going straight, the advantage would still have been hers. After all, she would be in front. And they would have to follow her until she had a chance to lose them.

But her decision to avoid them allowed the group behind to approach. Until they managed to surround her. And in this forest that she never had time to explore properly since she arrived in the city. She has no conviction that she can escape them.

Her mistake now risks costing her everything. As she begins to climb a small hill in the middle of this forest, another terrible realization dawns on her. She is not worth the ridiculous resources they are spending to catch herDespite, being an important figure and certainly a nuisance. The amount of personnel they are using to catch her is absurd. Especially since it seems, that most of the group pursuing her are foreign mercenaries. The group posing as merchants from the south.

An action with so many mercenaries, so far away from their territories can only mean one thing. They want to capture her, to obtain information on their true target.

With this, her climb ends on a rock wall. Despite not being very tall, she doubts she has the energy or time to scale in her current state.

Looking around, she cannot see where there might be a point of ascent. For a moment, fear and despair overwhelm her. The certainty that she will be caught becomes almost oppressive.

"Not if I'm captured, Irina will be at risk." The words remind her of what is at stake.

So, after taking a deep breath, she manages to refocus. Deciding it's best to backtrack a bit. Maybe she'll discover another path.

After walking a little, she begins to hear movement around her. Which gives her chills, as they must be her pursuers. Slowly, she retreats as the sound of approaching footsteps grows louder.

At the top of this climb, she returns to the rock wall where she had been. When the first figure appears, with another following closely behind.

Immediately, she recognizes them as soldiers of the royal guard. Who now brandish their weapons and parts of their armor, seeming to have given up disguising themselves. After all, it no longer makes sense for them to do so. How could she not know who is pursuing her?

The soldier at the front raises his fist over his heart in a military salute, saying, "Lady Solana. We finally found you."

On their flanks, several other figures reveal themselves, five in total. These appear silently, almost like ghosts. Although their faces are hidden, she recognizes them as the mercenaries who posed as merchants. Since some of their colorful garments can be seen under the dark cloaks they now wear.

"Lady Solana, it's not worth continuing to fight. Why not surrender?" The soldier who had spoken before tries to appeal to her.

Why? Because she doesn't want to be tortured into betraying her own. But he must know that someone unaware of what's going on wouldn't have been sent on this mission.

She takes another step back, her back hitting the rock behind her. There, a strange calm settles in. This is a good place for this fight. They can't surround her. Her back is protected by the wall.

She still has the sword she took from the soldier in Dantar. And she feels confident facing most of the members of the royal guard. The problem will be the capabilities of the mercenaries. But if her hunch is correct, they want her alive.

And that's the only outcome that is unacceptable to her. Getting them to kill her here is not a bad result. Protecting Irina is the most important thing.

She raises her sword in preparation for the fight. While her opponents do the same. The royal guards have their swords, while the mercenaries reveal a series of identical daggers.

"This doesn't have to end like this." the same soldier tries to argue calmly.

"I disagree." her response is also calm. They must all know that there is no other solution.

"Then come."

She can only smile at the declaration. Why would she leave her defensible position going into the middle of them?

They exchange glances, probably deciding how they will advance. When noises appear from above, seeming to be someone running. For a moment, she fears, that they have sent more people to gain a position above her.

But they seem as surprised as she is. Before any other thought comes to her. Someone jumps from above the rock wall, landing in front of her.

He is a dark-haired young man dressed in a brown wool coat. The coat is his best piece of clothing, the rest of his clothes look worn and ragged. He breathes quickly, seeming to be as tired as she is.

While she studied him, he looked around, seeming as amazed to see them as they were to see him appear out of nowhere.

Suddenly, his head turns to look at him from where he came, and he yells.

"What are you doing here? Run."

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