The misadventures of the necromancer

Chapter XVIII

Chapter XVIII

As the bushes and trees pass by in this dark forest, where not even the light of the moon is felt, he can only think, 'Why on earth am I running?' After all, following these hunters as they run toward the scream is not advantageous to him. The boar they were chasing must have gone to the fields of the unfriendly farmer they had encountered earlier.

That is clearly a matter for these three, not for him. Just a while ago, that cursed animal could have attacked him and probably even killed him. Fortunately, his mule had protected them.

So, the risk of this action should not be acceptable. Then why doesn't he stop? An intriguing question that he can't really answer.

Perhaps it's a remnant of his gamer mentality if this were in the game from which this world seems to originate. He would certainly have made this choice. He would try to protect those in need even if it cost him his life.

Of course, being a hero is easy when you're not facing real risks. But that mentality could still cost him his life. So, should he stop here!

Then why doesn't he stop? He simply can't figure it out...

But thinking about the situation differently, he is in what is presumably Nero's body. A body far more powerful than the boar, therefore, the risk for him is really low.

The only reason the animal had posed any danger was due to his own hesitation. If he hadn't hesitated when the boar had appeared, all it would have taken was a spell on his part, and the beast would have been toast.

In fact, if he thinks about the situation carefully, the best he can do is help hunt it down. Ensure that the threat is eliminated so he can sleep soundly.

After all, these three hunters have already failed to catch the animal. It's perfectly possible that they will fail again and leave it loose to attack him and his group again. True, as long as his mule exists, that should be unlikely. But why take the risk?

Indeed, it's best to support these hunters and thus reduce the risks for everyone, especially himself.

"Right, eliminate the threat," he affirms to himself, the conclusion he reached.

"Yes," he hears a voice responding from behind, startling him.

Looking back, he sees that the voice comes from a panting Grumpy. Behind him is his blond friend, looking even more exhausted, and closing the procession is the mule.

They seem to have decided to follow him. Not that the two useless guys should be of much use.

But the mule is a relief to see. After all, that undead creature is probably his best weapon.

But he chooses not to say anything and looks ahead again, following the hunters. As he looks at them, he wonders if it's a good idea to have the mule here after all. With the chaos in the camp, it makes sense that they haven't noticed the real nature of the creature.

But the longer they are around her, the greater the risk.

A risk that he decides to take after all, especially if there is any trouble with the hunters, it will be better to have the mule on his side than not.

So, he remains in running, approaching the hunters. When he begins to notice that they are not in great shape. The short one runs while grabbing his stomach, where his armor is damaged. The woman has a slight limp. The tall one, on the other hand, is quite out of breath and occasionally rubs his ribs.

Their previous fight with the boar must have really gone wrong for them to be in such a state.

This leads him to a strange conclusion. In this group of six, he is probably the one in the best physical condition. Which in his experience, in the real world and in this one, is a completely bizarre situation.

With him realizing this, they finally emerge from the forest in an almost instantaneous transition. One moment they are among the trees, the next they are in a field. During the day, the transition shouldn't be so abrupt, but in the darkness, judging distances is more difficult.

Around them, crops grow. Which he can't identify, for all he knows, it's a cornfield. Making him wonder if there is any corn in this world. If he's not mistaken, there should be corn here, the game had it.

A new shout can be heard, prompting them to continue running, but now they have a better idea of where they are going. In the distance, lights can be seen. If he's not mistaken, it's from the direction from where previously smoke was rising to the sky.

Reaching the conclusion, which he assumes is shared by all, that it's the man's house. With their destination determined, the hunters begin to split up.

Where they previously followed in a line, they now begin to form a loose line. In the center is the woman, on the left side separated by some distance is the short one, who is holding a machete. While the tall one has taken a position on the right, with a further look back, he seems to have set an arrow in place to be shot.

With this positioning, they lose some speed, which he assumes is in preparation for the fight.

While he follows a short distance behind the woman, after all, it's better to let the professionals do their job.

"You're brave to come with us. But this is dangerous, try not to get in the way," he hears the tallest one say.

"Right, we'll try not to get in the way. But if you need help, it's always useful to have more people," he says, even though he's thinking that the two idiots behind him probably won't be very helpful.

"Not always!" affirms the shortest hunter. A response to which he can't say anything.

And so, they finally approach close enough to see the house. It's a stone structure with a thatched roof. There's an open door from which most of the light is coming out, and on the side is what appears to be a window from which more light is emanating.

In front of the door is a cart, or something similar. The cart, which seems to have taken a heavy blow, has been placed to block the boar from approaching the entrance of the house.

From time to time a figure appears in the entrance, but it's not worth focusing too much on it. For on one side of the cart is what appears to be the farmer with his hoe, and on the other is a very furious-looking boar the size of a pony.

The man waves the hoe to keep the boar at bay, thus preventing the animal from going around the cart and charging at him.

Meanwhile, the beast, unable to go one way because the house blocks it, nor the other due to the hoe, keeps charging at the cart itself.

This gradually moves it from its position, risking leaving the door unprotected. Which in turn leads to a more agitated farmer, brandishing the hoe more and more.

On the other hand, with their approach, the shouts can be heard more and more. He can finally understand at least some of them. The woman anxiously screams, "Come inside."

Anxiously is the wrong word, the best word would be desperately. But unfortunately for them, the man cannot do what she asks. The cart may be preventing that, but more importantly than that, leaving the boar without anyone pressuring it might allow it to dislodge the cart more easily.

Besides, the man's movements seem more and more erratic; he must be getting tired. So, they don't have much time.

This leaves him with few options; allowing the hunters to make the plan is dangerous and too slow. Unfortunately, the man is simply too close to the boar.

"He's too close. Lure the boar over here," he says aloud, trying to get the hunters' attention.

"Right, Seres, go that way," he hears the grumbler's voice say. As he goes to the shorter hunter.

For said hunter to turn and almost shout at them, "What are you doing?" Likely the only reason he doesn't shout at them is in order not to attract the attention of the animal further ahead.

"Didn't you hear him; we have to lure the boar," the blond one on the other side responds with a strange calmness as he passes by the tall hunter, pointing to the originator of the order.

"You're crazy, we need to approach carefully. We may only have one chance to kill it. Letting this drag on will only be more dangerous," the woman asserts this time, looking at what she must think is madness.

"The moment that boar comes our way, he's dead," retorts Grumpy with a strange confidence in his voice.

"Here, here, stupid beast!" shouts the blond at the top of his lungs.

"Damn it!" exclaims the tall hunter behind him as he pulls the string of his bow and lets the arrow go.

When the action begins, he feels a presence behind him. And understanding what must be the origin of that presence, he says quietly.

"Stay away, the boar probably doesn't want to face you. Only intervene if he gets close enough to be a real threat."

Hearing his instructions, the mule moves away, while the previously silent line explodes into shouts and movements to attract the aggressive animal.

Finally, the opponent seems to notice them and, with a final headbutt to the cart, turns to face his new challengers.

The wretched beast finally begins to charge at them, arrogantly thinking that all these people will not be a challenge for him. Which is stupid after all, three of them had injured him, but he's an animal. As such, it's in his instinct to face challenges; it's that behavior that has made him what he is.

So, he starts his charge; instead of advancing toward the center as desired, he turns toward the short hunter.

"Ben, be careful," shout his companions.

While they try to warn him, the brave man continues forward, distancing himself from Grumpyr, seeming to want to face the animal alone.

He, on the other hand, can only think, 'Fools.' The animal will never get so close.

Although it would have been preferable for the animal to have advanced in his direction, it would be better for his aim. But you take what you can get, as such, he focuses and recites "Draco's Flames."

In his mind, he returns to be in front of a monitor and simply presses a button. At that moment a sensation of heat arises within him, focusing on his hand. Where a fireball appears.

With the fireball in hand, he stretches out his hand, pointing it at the animal. To have the ball shoot out of his hand.

The boar perceives the approach of the ball, but unfortunately for him, his size prevents him from moving fast enough to dodge it. Not that it would work anyway; after all, he hadn't aimed at the animal but at the ground in front of it.

When the fireball hits the ground, a massive explosion of flames erupts, engulfing the beast.

Quickly the beast emerges from the sea of fire that appeared, probably more due to the inertia of the animal than any other reason.

So, everything ends with the boar lying on the ground burning, while the hunters look open-mouthed at who they just have discovered to be a mage.

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