The misadventures of the necromancer

Chapter XLVI

Chapter XLVI

Jerome and Sab escort Nero and the poor Adar to the tent where Mercy is resting. Jerome isn’t quite sure what to think. After Nero decided to speak with Mercy, things simply moved in that direction without much resistance.

He’s unsure if he should oppose the decision. After all, Nero is responsible for his entire group, and making decisions without all the information would be a bad sign. Jerome had encountered leaders who weren’t careful about that, and on more than one occasion, things had ended badly.

His hesitation stems more from a desire for Mercy to rest peacefully. That, and...

Turning back to glance at a very downcast Adar. His apprehension about Nero's potential behavior only heightens. That apprehension doesn’t diminish when looking at the other young man. No one could look at Nero and assume he was... well... someone of importance.

Jerome isn’t sure if Nero's ridiculous nonchalance makes him feel better or worse. The young man had slowed down several times, observing the preparations being made for the rescue and the camp.

Finally, arriving at the entrance to the tent, Jerome turns to Nero, primarily to prepare him. “Mercy has been through a terrible ordeal. She’s been resting and has only spoken with others on a few occasions to explain what happened. Try not to be too... too...” Jerome falters, unable to find the right word.

“Treat Mercy with care!” Sab interjects, a bit forcefully. Jerome can only wholeheartedly agree with his sentiment.

Nero simply nods in acknowledgment. Whether it's in agreement or just confirming he heard them, it’s hard to say. After this, he seems to mutter something and then... well... glow for a brief moment. Jerome assumes the setting sun must have illuminated Nero in an odd way.

Regardless, he leads them into the tent. Its interior is illuminated by a pair of lamps set on the sides of the tent. The large tent had been chosen so Mercy could receive people while having space to rest. It is to Jerome’s surprise, that Mercy is standing and appearing well.

“Mercy!” Jerome exclaims, looking at her. Her black hair falls to her shoulders, and her eyes are bright and captivating. Her radiant smile almost takes his breath away. Still, he manages to ask, “You’re up? Are you feeling better?”

“Ahh! Jerome! Yes, I’m feeling better. I need to prepare to join you all.” Hearing her say she’s better makes him feel relieved. Her beaming smile makes him want to agree with her, but his concern leads him to speak.

“Wouldn’t it be better for you to stay here? After all, you must still be tired from everything that happened.”

Mercy steps closer, saying, “I’m not fully recovered yet, but I want to help the others. That would make me feel better.” It’s something he can understand, though he’d prefer she remains safe. Besides, he genuinely wants to see her happy.

“Don’t worry, Jerome. Of course, she wants to help her own,” Sab adds from his side, concluding with, “If necessary, I’ll take care of her.”

Unable to argue further, Jerome nods in agreement. He can’t deny that it would be nice to have Mercy close during the rescue mission.

“But, who is this stranger?” Mercy asks, her smile once again expansive as she gestures toward Nero behind them.

Jerome remembers why they’re here and, pointing to Nero, begins to explain, “Nero here is the leader of Adar’s group...” Upon hearing this, Mercy’s expression shows some surprise. Considering Nero’s appearance, that reaction is more than understandable, but having Adar nod in agreement helps dispel some doubts.

“...and he has some questions. He asked to speak with you.” As Jerome finishes, Nero steps forward, his gaze fixed on Mercy's face.

“Oh, I see. He wants to know what happened,” Mercy says, showing she understands. She seems willing to help, bringing Jerome some relief.

Nero, meanwhile, continues to approach Mercy. She extends a hand to greet him, her lovely voice ringing out. “Nice to meet you, I’m Mercy. I hope you can help us!”

However, Nero doesn’t respond. Instead, he walks past her, heading toward the back of the tent where the blankets Mercy had been resting on still lay. His behavior makes Jerome want to punch this rude boy.

But Mercy, being the angel she is, continues speaking, even though she must be slightly hurt by the disdain of someone who looks more like a beggar. “Yes... you probably want some details about what happened,” she says, her voice fragile as she begins recounting the events. “We were camping here for the night when we began hearing howls. They were terrifying...”

While Mercy talks, Nero sits down on her blankets. Jerome is about to seriously confront this disrespectful boy when Nero interrupts her with, “Cool. Howls. Great. I don’t care.”

As the shock of what he just heard wears off, replaced by pure rage, Nero speaks again, his voice clear and calm. “How many?”

It isn't so much the question itself but the casual yet deliberate tone that gives Jerome pause. Mercy, now facing Nero, speaks, Jerome can only see her back. Still, he can’t ignore the strange tension that seems to cling to her.

“How many what?” she asks, her voice still beautiful and calm, though something feels off.

“I don’t know. There are many,” Nero replies as he stands up. “How many wolves? How many people are alive? Maybe for now, how about. How many are inside the underground?” To Jerome’s shock, Nero’s voice sounds almost playful.

“There were ten of us. So, nine left, but I don’t know how many are still alive...” she responds calmly, though her voice falters at the end, before continuing with a note of pain, “’s been so long.”

“Right, right, understandable,” Nero says, approaching her again. “But how many dead? Because I didn’t see any graves on my way here. And well, to be attacked by a group of red wolves and no one dies? That would be strange.”

Jerome notices Nero’s strange smile as he speaks and the growing tension in Mercy’s posture. But what really gives him pause is that the question is a good one.

He hadn’t seen any bodies either, and in an attack by a group of wolves, at least the first victims targeted should have died. The rest could have had time to escape, even if injured. But, with the way wolves attack, the first target would have had two or three wolves on them. Surviving would be...

“We were lucky,” Mercy responds, the tension in her voice growing more evident.

“Unlucky... to be attacked,” Nero says, still studying Mercy carefully. “But having some luck amidst it is... possible.” Nero’s tone shifts again, now sounding playful but also friendly.

“If you don’t want to...” Mercy begins, irritation creeping into her voice. It surprises Jerome, who’s never seen her like this. Then again, he only met her a day ago. And this Nero is...

Nero, meanwhile, starts moving toward them again, passing by her as he says, “I’m tempted to help... the people who really need it here.”

“But, just to be sure!” Nero says as he approaches them. “You don’t see the...” As Nero asks this strange question, he touches his upper lip with his finger, pressing the rest of it against his face. Jerome doesn't understand what he means by this. And seeing the confusion on Sab and Adar's faces, that is shared by the others.

“No... Well, it makes sense that you wouldn’t,” Nero declares while shruging the question away.

“Come on, let’s talk to the others. We’d better get prepared,” Nero instructs Adar as he starts leaving the tent, the fading red light of the setting sun barely filtering in.

“But... I...” Adar begins, hesitantly, looking disoriented by what just happened. Something Jerome can relate to. He had already concluded this group was strange, but Nero’s behavior surpassed anything he had expected.

“Don’t worry, none of this is your fault. As the girl said. It was just luck, in your case bad kind. Especially with nightfall approaching,” Nero declares without even turning back. Upon hearing this, Adar lets out a sigh of relief and starts following his leader.

Jerome, on the other hand, doesn’t understand anything. If Nero agrees to help, why is Adar still worried? Is there some reason they wouldn’t want to participate in the rescue? And if so, why did Nero seemingly change his mind?

The only thing that makes sense is Nero’s comment about nightfall. At this point, they wouldn't have much choice but to stay here.

“Maybe we should turn them away. That guy seems like trouble,” Sab says, his normally calm voice carrying a note of irritation, which is understandable given Nero’s abysmal behavior.

“No!” Mercy’s melodious voice interrupts. They both turn to her. Perhaps because of the confusion on their faces, she clarifies. “He seems intelligent. I would be more than happy to have him down there.”

And seeing her radiant smile, Jerome can’t disagree. Especially since she’s right—Nero had raised some interesting points. But there’s something in Mercy’s voice that intrigues him. For a moment, he senses almost a hint of malice from her. But looking into Mercy’s angelic eyes, Jerome knows he must be mistaken.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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