The Marine

Growing Up 14

Waking up, and rolling out of bed, Bill positioned himself into a handstand before doing his morning routine. After doing so he proceeded to ready himself for another school day.

Of course, ‘school’ was just what he called it. Ms. Angie and the others just referred to it as ‘Class’ and in actual fact Bill figured it was more like being privately tutored. After all, the greatest number of kids ever with him in class was ten. Now that it was just him and Ricky, it was even more so like being tutored.

This had been strange at first, but Bill had quickly learned that the state of education in this world was either nonexistent or apprenticeships. Only a few kids received the general education that he had from philosophy to mathematics.

In his last life, he had become an English teacher in the later years of his working life, and so especially enjoyed this world’s philosophy. It was a strange mix of Dante and Machiavelli, which is to say, it often made no sense to him, that was, until what he experienced with Ranse on the beach.

It had been four days since the incident at the beach. That incident forced Bill to rethink what his role in this life should be.

Thinking back, either adrenaline made time go by faster or Ranse must had really run fast since it didn’t seem to take hardly any time for his dad, followed by scores of Marines, to get to him on the beach.

Interestingly, his dad seemed to know exactly what happened and said that the girl must have eaten a ‘Devil Fruit’.

Bill could easily see why such a thing was associated with the devil. After all, although his dad was incredibly strong and whereas giants were impossible to explain. This girl had formed her wrist and mouth into some sort of gun and even fired metal balls.

Where did the metal balls come from; how did the hinges appear?

That was the ‘Devils Fruit’ apparently.

Although Bill had been exhausted after the incident, he was fine enough to go to class the next day. So, to help him understand what actually had happened, Ms. Angie took the whole class to explain Devil Fruits to the boys.

The idea that anyone at any random time could be imbued with a supernatural power of undetermined type or strength was alarming. More alarming was just now nonchalant this horrible fact was being explained to him.

There were three categories of these Devil Fruits which were Animal System, Superhuman System, and Nature System.

The thought of any of these were distressing. Arguably, at the population level, someone turning part alligator was far better than someone turning part acid or literally becoming mercury.

But the real kicker was you didn’t really know if or when that guy you were arguing with would suddenly grow scissors-for-hands and cut your head off.

Thinking through this, Bill had finally understood why his mom had told him that ‘really powerful’ people would be locked up for life.

One saving grace about these Devil Fruits is that only one of its kind could exist at once. So, if or when Mr. Scissors-for-hands cut his neighbors head off, as long as he was kept alive there would be no more people who manifested that particular ability.

Of course, the real danger behind all of these thoughts was, what if there were emotion-manipulating Devil Fruits?

This thought made Bill physically shudder.

To make matters worse, when Bill had asked what was being done about this, the answer Ms. Angie had given was that these powers could be handled with ‘Willpower’.

This answer had been totally unsatisfactory. For the first time in this life, Bill had spoken to his nanny as an adult. Despite this, Ms. Angie was adamant that ‘Willpower’ was genuinely the only way to deal with powerful Devil Fruits.

So, Bill asked another question: “Angie, how can a person become as powerful as my father?” Thinking that while those truly terrifying abilities in his mind may be incontestable, at the very least being physically powerful would give him the best chance at dealing with them.  

But still, her unwavering answer was of course, ‘Willpower’.

Since Bill figured he would get no help and felt that it was completely irresponsible for the ‘adults’ to act this way. He decided to think hard about what to do.

Thinking back months ago, the fat Captain had told Bill how to get so-called ‘true strength’. In that demonstration he specifically mentioned that Bill needed to be able to feel each and every part of his body and try to manipulate it.

In his demonstration, he also mentioned to feel his blood from the heart and control it through the chest along his muscle and bones.

To Bill, a man who had lived over ninety years on Earth, this was a metaphor. To reinforce this, Bill had seen great improvements in his body. Bill found himself unconsciously shifting his weight and altering his balance.

This had been a great success, and Bill thought he had been on the right path.

But now with the revelations of the Devil Fruits, he was pretty sure that when Captain Trapano said to ‘feel your blood’ he actually meant to do just that. Bill was also pretty sure now that this world had magic or something akin to it, and so he should expect almost anything.

And so, Bill figured, the easiest way to ‘feel blood’ was to be upside down and feel the blood go to his head. From there he didn’t know what he was supposed to do but figured that was the best start.

So that was his plan, and shaking his head, Bill decided that unlike those adults around him, if he succeeded, he wouldn’t be miserly with this information.

Finished dressing himself, he patted the wrinkles out of his shirt before heading out to the dining room.

There his mother and nanny sat, as usual they were waiting for Bill before eating.

As they got to eating Ms. Angie looked across the table and said: “William, starting today there is going to be a new pupil in class. I know you will, but I want you to make her feel comfortable. She isn’t used to having classes.”

Looking up from his eggs, Bill didn’t think much about it and said: “Oh, what’s her name?”

Having taken a drink of water, Ms. Angie put her glass down and replied: “Her name is Fia, she just joined the Marines and doesn’t have any family. She may not be able to understand much in class, so make sure to help and treat her nicely.”

Bill knew it was possible for children to join the Marines, but this was the first time he’d seen it. After all, Vallipo was a wealthy island and due to its strategic value was not somewhere Marine children would normally be sent to.

Bill: “She’s going to be a Chore Boy?”

Nodding her head, his mom replied: “She’s already a Chore Boy, your dad has already seen to it. After a few years she will be sent out to onboard duties, but for now it’s been decided to give her some stability and an education.”

Nodding his head back, Bill thought that while it was sad that this kid lost their parents, at least she wasn’t completely abandoned. So answered with a simple: “Yes ma’am.” Before finishing his breakfast and heading to class.

The classroom hadn’t changed much at all during these years. The desks were larger and fewer, but Bill still sat beside Ricky near the bay windows.

As Ricky walked in, Bill said to him: “Hey, we’re getting a new classmate.”

Taking his seat, Ricky turned to Bill replying: “Cool! Do you know who it is?”

Nodding his Bill answered: “It’s a girl, a new Chore Boy named Fia. I don’t know much else.”

At the mention of ‘Chore Boy’ Ricky gave a small ‘eh?’ sound before replying sarcastically: “A ‘Chore Boy’ is going to be in here with us? We’re Officers kids! What is she supposed to help clean up? Buhahawha!”

Seeing Bill not laugh along with him, Ricky, who was never the bravest kid, said: “What?”

Looking at Ricky sternly, Bill replied calmly: “I don’t see why you’re laughing. You and Sasha want to be Marines, well as I see it, this new kid already has ya’ll beat.”

Looking defensive, Ricky said quickly: “I don’t even really want to be a Marine, Sasha just dragged me along. Plus, I was just playing. I wouldn’t really make the new kid cleanup for me.”

Rolling his eyes in response, Bill replied: “Sure.”

Before Ricky could defend himself further, Ms. Angie had walked in the room.

Seeing the teacher come in, Bill and Ricky stood up and waited for her to be seated.

Ms. Angie: “Boys, starting today, you have a new classmate. When I call her in, I want you to introduce yourselves. She will then do the same. After that class will start.”

Seeing the boys nod their heads in agreement, Ms. Angie called out: “Fia, come in.”

As soon as Ms. Angie did so, in walked a girl with a somewhat pretty face. She had coarse sandy brown hair, and dark tanned skin.

Despite her being dressed in the Marine attire, as soon as Bill saw the ‘Fruit Ninja’ he shifted his legs, ready to dodge at any moment. Although he didn’t feel trauma from the incident at the beach, he knew just what this girl was capable of.

Behind her eight to ten-year-old face was a literal explosion waiting to happen.

Although he knew in his heart he had to be on high alert, in spite of himself, saw fear in the girl’s eye when she looked at him.

While Bill had pivoted ready to dodge and attack, the girl had backed up in order to run away.

Ms. Angie had also seen this dynamic and so quickly said: “Ricky, why don’t we start with you.”

Oblivious to what this girl was, Ricky pointed to himself while saying haughtily: “My name is Riccio Occhiali, but my friends call me Ricky! I’m nine years old but almost ten! I like swimming, building, and lately I’m the best runner!”

After Ricky gave his introduction Bill still hadn’t looked away from the girl, who also hadn’t looked away from him.

Noticing this Ms. Angie said flatly: “William, it’s your turn.”

After this, Bill still didn’t speak. Seeing this girl was like the first time he saw the giant Rear Admiral. Although the fear wasn’t the same, the adrenaline didn’t let him open his mouth.

Seeing the boy not speak, Ms. Angie sighed and turned to the girl and said softly: “Fia, why don’t you introduce yourself to your new classmates?”

Hearing this, the girl broke her sight from Bill and looked to Ms. Angie before weakly mimicking Ricky: “My name is Fia Cannone. I don’t have any friends, but you can call me Fia. I’m nine I think, and I like to eat when I’m hungry. My favorite food was oranges, but not now.”

Stopping for a second, the girl looked up before looking back down and continued deflated: “I like ninjas, but I ate the Cannon-Cannon Devil Fruit on accident.”

As the girl walked into the room, as Ricky and Fia gave their introductions, Bill was thinking a mile a minute. This girl was on one hand very dangerous, but on the other hand so pitiful it seemed cliché.

As she spoke meekly, Bill decided that he needed to see this world, this world in its entirety. He needed courage to be the man he knew he was. This world wouldn’t make it easy for him. In his last life, his role had been living a good life in his to his small hometown.

In this world, his role had to be different.

Looking away from the girl, Bill looked at Ms. Angie and said firmly for the first time: “My name is William D. Ox. When I grow up, I will join the Marines.”

After this declaration, Ricky complained that he was going to be in the Marines first. Ms. Angie on the other hand had an altogether different expression.

She knew they couldn’t stop him.

I didn't originally plan for there to be a whole chapter dedicated to Bill's decision to join the Marines, but the more I thought about it the more 'right' it seemed. If you enjoy the fanfic don't forget to comment/favorite!

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