The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 49: Written Test and Interview

‘Ok, ok, let’s not hit on her.”.

Serph said, turning Kunon around, who was completely ignored by the saint, but still undaunted.

“That’s it for the practical test. The next step is to take the written exam, so do your best to get into the course you want.

Also, Kunon, you really should stop picking up girls. Reyes doesn’t want you to -“

Because he doesn’t like it, Kunon said to him, “Sir!”

“The saint won’t take me up on my offer at all! I’ve already promised her three parfaits! Caution, please!”

“I’ve heard all kinds of complaints……, but this is the first time I’ve heard someone complain about not being able to pick up girls. Hey, Seyfi?”

When the assistant spoke to him, she whispered, “What was that test you just took? Take it seriously. Tsk.” Shee cursed him with a tongue lashing.

“Oh…… sorry.”

In what universe would an examiner take the entrance exam for an apprentice seriously?

However, there is no way a man can win against a crying child and an angry woman, so I decided to move on without saying anything else.

“Anyway. No picking up girls until the exam is over. You’re still in the middle of an exam, you know.

Don’t do anything to disturb the peace of mind of others at such an important time. You can do that after the exam is over.”

“Oh, I see…… I understand. Sorry.”

It seems that the conversation was understood.

Kunon apologized to the saint.

“A woman is thrilled to be seduced by an attractive gentleman. I’m sorry I asked you out so many times.”

What a positive thought.

It’s amazing that he can clearly call himself an “attractive gentleman”. He’s a great kid.

“Shouldn’t he have failed the test? That boy is definitely the type to cause trouble.”


Serph had no answer to Seyfi’s whisper.

Serph and Seyfi lead us to the school building to take the written exam.

“This year’s test takers are all excellent.”

Serph muttered as he looked at the answer sheets he had collected, and Seyfi beside him took them.

In this regard, none of the four candidates was particularly tricky, and they completed the exam with a lot of time left on the clock.

The only one to worry about was Kunon, though.

Those around him were worried about how Kunon, who wore an eye patch and was blind, would be able to take the written test, but he was able to solve it easily as if he could see.

What is the principle behind this?

The magic he had shown in his practice, the fact that he was Zeonly’s disciple, and his personality were all mysteries to me.

The only thing left now was the interview.

“We’re going to interview you in order. We’ll start with Hank Beat.”


The place where they took the written test seemed to be the waiting area.

Hank was called by Seyfi, and together they left the classroom.


Kunon spoke to Serph, the remaining examiner.

“Who is interviewing and what are you talking about?”

“You’ll find out when it’s your turn. What they’re talking about depends on the person.”

“Heee… What if they ask me what type of woman I like….. or how many women I’ve liked ……?”

Who would ask such a question?

And why is it so difficult for you to answer that question?

Is there something you feel uncomfortable saying?

A child who just turned twelve the other day.

In a relationship with a woman.

It was quite a frightening statement to think about.

“Leeya Horse. This way.”

As I was answering Kunon’s questions about magic, Seyfi came to call Leeya, who was to be interviewed next.

“Ah, yes…….”

Leeya, who had been listening to an interesting story about the same wind attribute as Serph, left the classroom with her hair pulled back.

“Huh? Is it possible that the interview will be dismissed immediately after it is over?”

Hank, who had gone ahead of her, did not come back.

“I don’t know. It depends on the mood of the interviewer.”

Serph slurred his words and played it down.

If he found out now, Kunon would start hitting on the saint again.

– As you may have guessed, the interview will be dismissed after it’s over.

If he broke up with the saint here, Kunon wouldn’t have a chance to pick her up for a while.

“I’ve never seen any other kind of magic except water and earth. That’s why it’s so interesting. Well, I can’t see it.”

“You can’t see, right? But you took the written test. What’s the principle behind it?”

“You want to know?”

It was Serph who asked, “Do you want to know?” Kunon’s face turns to the saint as he asks.


The saint ignored him.

You can’t see, but somehow you can see it.

You can take a written test.

It must have something to do with sorcery.

As a sorcerer, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to know, but it seemed like a long time to leave it alone, and I ignored it, guessing that if I showed any sign of caring, he would surely start hitting on me again.

At some point, if I get the chance, I’ll talk to him.

The questions about witchcraft to Serph made me think that he was not really just trying to pick up girls.

But I suspect he’s also looking to pick up girls.

“Reyes Centrance. This way, please.”


The saint’s turn came and she left.

“It’s just you and me now, isn’t it?”

“Yes, just you and me.”

“I wanted to be alone with a woman.”

“That’s strange. Me too.”

– Hey, no.

In a way, this situation is what Serph has been waiting for.

“Hey, Kunon. About that practical test…”


“What other ways did you have in mind?”


“I turned it red so that it would be obvious that your magic had touched my body, right? Because I can’t think of any other way.”

Yes, Kunon made the color of the water red.


“Because when it touched Serph’s body, it would remain as evidence.”

“You were thinking of going further from that form of endurance battle. Isn’t that right?”

Kunon replied flatly, “Yes.”

“I’ve always been a candidate for a frontal assault. I was wondering if we could do something with erosion, fusion, and takeover.”

“…… Huh.”

Serph is also a teacher at the magic school.

He doesn’t have to say much, just the key words will give him an idea.

“I’m going to let the mist penetrate my windshield, fuse it with the wind, and interfere with my magic from there.

So you wanted to take away my windshield afterwards?”

“Something like that.”

“Did you think you could do it?”

“In my head.

When you take away an opponent’s magic, it’s easier to do it from the inside than from the outside. You see, magic power is usually connected to the magician. That’s why it’s hard to cover and wrap it up.

That’s why you can put water in……. Or better, you just need to let it interfere with your opponent’s magic. Water can penetrate most things.”

“…… I see.”


Kunon stood up and walked away.

“I believe that the water attribute is the best. I really want to advocate that it is the best and strongest, but I couldn’t beat my master. So it’s still only the best.

I’ll study hard here, learn a lot, and I’m sure I’ll surpass my master.”

I walked to the door and opened it to see Seyfi, who was just about to open it from the other side.

” Oh, you surprised me. What’s wrong?”

Seyfi wasn’t just standing there, she was actually trying to open the door. That’s why she was surprised.

“I thought you’d be here soon. It’s my turn now, isn’t it? Let’s go.”

“Oh, ok…….”

“Can I ask you to escort me? I like to be escorted by attractive women.”

” I can’t give special treatment to candidates, even though you are Zeonly’s apprentice.”

“Yes. In other words, Seyfi likes to be escorted, doesn’t she?”

Serph watches Kunon walk away while they were talking about this. It’s not like that, he thought.

Serph looked at the door that Kunon had closed.

He shook his head, reflecting on his earlier words.

“…That’s the disciple of Zeonly… In many ways, a terrifying child has arrived.”

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