The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 43: Crossing paths without meeting

“Hmm. Oh. Hmmm……. Yeah? Yeah…….”

“Mr. Kunon, can we please have some silence?”

“Mute is scary, right?”

“No, I’m slightly more afraid of talking.”

“Iko said she doesn’t like it when I’m silent……. Okay, I’ll shut up. I’ll shut up.”

– I don’t like it either way, thought the male clerk at the sewing store.

“I’m sorry, but if you touch the items for sale too much…….”

As soon as he arrived at the store, a well-shaped child with a maidservant was touching the merchandise.

They are touching them without restraint.

I’m not sure if it’s necessary to touch them so much.

“Oh, don’t worry about it.”

“No, it bothers me. I can’t help it.”

It wasn’t a big store, and there were no other customers.

No matter what I do, he sees it.

And the product I’m touching is the most expensive one in the store. I couldn’t help but be curious.

No nobleman’s son would ever come to this store, and he was wearing an eye patch and accompanied by a maid.

It’s hard not to be bothered when you’re even more conspicuous than you already are and even more bizarre.

“I’m not sure what you’re doing. We have absolute confidence in the quality of our products, so you don’t need to touch and check them so persistently……. They are not fake at all.”

“No. I just want to learn the feel. This is the fur of the dark fox, right? It’s really nice to touch.”

“Well, thank you for that…….”


The kid with the eye patch would pick out a hat and pose in front of the full-length mirror, occasionally calling out to the maidservant who would say something like, “Huh” or “Vegetable thievery is punishable by death, okay?”

“Yes. Have you learned it yet?”

“Yes, this one.”

The male shopkeeper was startled.

In both of the child’s hands, before he knew it, there was a fox with shiny black fur, blending into the dark night and glittering in the moonlight.

It was definitely a dark fox.

Cats and dogs are nice, but a fox is also possible!

“Really? I’ll add this one to my repertoire.”

“The tail should be a little longer, and the fur should be fluffy and a little thicker. Yeah, yeah. Oh, that’s good, that’s cute. Please give her to me.”

“It’s okay. I’ll get you your next fur.”

“What the hell are you doing with our merchandise?”

The male shopkeeper barked.

As expected, there was so much that bothered him that he couldn’t help but mention it.

I had a feeling that something was going on right in front of my eyes, whether it was illegal or something else.

After leaving the magic store in the Sacred Land, Kunon and the others came to a nearby sewing store.

They thought that a sewing store in such a large city would have rare furs that they would not normally see.

The purpose was to increase Kunon’s repertoire of aquatic animals.

Curious, Kunon agreed, and here we are.

On the way, he actually touched a cow, a horse, a dog, and a big hairless rat.

Thanks to this, he was able to reproduce them to a certain extent.

And here we are, looking for further breakthroughs.

It’s easy to find the fur of widespread demons, magical beasts, and animals.

It takes time to recreate them, so those will have to wait.

What we’re looking for here are rare and unusual pelts that are rarely seen. I can’t find it.

The one I’m rubbing my cheek against to check its texture is a dark fox fur scarf.

It’s a very rare fox that has black fur all over its body except for its white belly and whiskers.

Well, I was able to reproduce it well enough by basically just changing the color of a normal fox.

“It’s…… magic to recreate animals……. I see…….?”

Kunon explained it to the male shopkeeper.

He wanted to learn the feel of the fur and recreate it with magic while handing out a sample “water dog”.

The shopkeeper didn’t seem to understand witchcraft itself, but he was somewhat convinced. While petting the dog.

“I’m sorry. I should have explained it properly and asked for permission before I did it.”

I was told that I was free to look at it.

You can use it as a reference for your magic, but that’s not what they said.

Normally, no one would say that much, but I am certain it has not been said.

“Well, can you recreate anything?”

“It’s just a shape and a touch. It’s not alive, you know.”

“Even women?”

“What are you saying to a child?”

The male clerk and Kunon shuddered as they heard Linco’s cold voice for the first time. – Iko was more scared than angry.

“I’m sorry,……”

“It’s not an excuse. You polluted Kunon’s ears.”

“I’m sorry, Linco. It’s my fault.”

“Why are you apologizing too, Mr. Kunon?”

If you’re asking why, it’s because Linco is angry.

But there was certainly no reason for Kunon to apologize.

“It’s hard to recreate a …… person, so it’s impossible.”

In the past, I made a “water doll” that looked just like a maidservant from the distance, but I haven’t touched it at all since I got angry at when I tried to fly it in the royal castle.”

At that time, the royal court magician who was excited with me was also angry.

It’s a nostalgic memory. I wonder if Rondimond is doing well.

If you’re an animal, you’re always in motion.

No matter how much you try to stay still, you can’t stop the heartbeat and pulse. This is something that can make the viewer feel uncomfortable.

No, in fact, even animals must have some discomfort.

It doesn’t matter how much you try to make it look like an animal, it won’t move at all.

“A reenactment of people?”

Once again, it’s an interesting subject.

I think it could be put to some good use.

The broader the range of things you can do with this kind of thing, the better. It’s much better than not being able to use it when the need arises.

“Let’s go, Mr. Kunon. This is a place with bad adults.”

“I’m so sorry! It was an accident! There’s a woman I like and I was tempted to sleep with her.”

“Shut up. You’re not only polluting my ears, you’re polluting my mind.”

He pulled Kunon’s hand, who was thinking and took him out of the store.

“I don’t know what to say. The city is not good for children’s education.”

It seems that Linco is the type of person who is surprisingly passionate about education.


I’ve messed up, the male clerk at the sewing store sighed.

I couldn’t help but say.

I’m not sure if I can recreate a woman.

It was an ulterior motive that came out because of the wonderful reproduction of the dog he was currently holding.

It was certainly an adult thing that was too early for a child of that age. I couldn’t stop regretting that I had asked so rudely.

That’s when it happened.

“The door opened.”

The door opened and two women wearing white robes and hoods came in.

They were a tall woman and a child.

The gender of the child was different, but it was the same combination of adult and child that I had seen earlier.

The male clerk’s back arched as he saw the gold thread embroidery on the white robe.

The embroidery of the ivy leaves of Lailai was a little flashy but beautiful and pure to an extent.

It was instantly recognizable to anyone who saw it.

– He was a big shot of the Holy Church.

He is definitely a high-ranking priest, though he is a ninja by his appearance.

“I heard you have a dark fox scarf here. Can you show me the product?”

“It’s on the shelf over there -…… yes?”

The male shopkeeper pointed at the shelf with his hand, but the child did not follow and came closer.

” – It’s witchcraft, isn’t it?”

The child’s attention was drawn to the dog that the clerk was still holding.

“Witchcraft? That dog?”

The child nodded “yes” to the tall woman’s question and touched the dog with his fingertips.

And then – with a pop, the dog returned to the water.


There was no way to avoid the sudden turn into water.

The male shopkeeper got wet, mainly on his lower body.

It was as if it was a punishment for his rudeness earlier.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t think it was water.”

“Ha, no worries, Hahaha….”

If the kid earlier was a sorcerer, then this kid was a sorcerer too.

Magicians themselves are rare, but I didn’t expect them to keep coming as guests.

It seems too good to be a coincidence, but I’m sure it is.

– It would be a while before Kunon and Saint Reyes knew that they had crossed paths here.

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