The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 36: Detailed Preparation

“We don’t have as much time as I thought.”

“I guess so. It was probably pretty last minute.”

Kunon and his maidservant were preparing to leave.

They had just finished sorting through the luggage in the guest house with the intention of moving out and packing the bare necessities for the trip.

What he didn’t take with him would be taken to Kunon’s room in the main building.

It was all magic-related documents and books, though.

Kunon’s goal has been accomplished.

At one point.

He can see some unusual things, but he still achieved his goal of making eyeballs.

It’s almost the end of spring.

Kunon’s birthday would soon come and he would turn twelve.

After spending the day with his family, he planned to leave the Kingdom of Huglia immediately.

– I’m going to a magic school.

“The details can be taken care of there, and that’s about the only preparation you need to make.”


My luggage is small.

The only things I absolutely had to take with me were my sleepwear and underwear.

“You will be staying in a dormitory at the magic school, right?”

“That’s the thing.”

The basics seemed to be true, but Kunon wasn’t sure if he was going to go to the magic school or not until the rather last minute.

Because of this, the application period for the dormitory had expired.

In this case, the only option was to negotiate locally.

If there was a room available, I would go to the dormitory, if not, I would look for another place to live.

If not, I would have to look for another place to live. Well, I have money, so I should be able to get something.

“So I guess I’ll be looking for a place when I'm there.”

“That sounds like a lot of work.”

“That’s right. It would be nice to have a reliable maidservant come with me. What do you think, Iko?”

“I’m sorry, Master Kunon."


The maidservant that Kunon trusts the most will not accompany him to the magic school.

Since it is not uncommon for sorcerers to be of royal or noble birth, they are allowed to bring one or two servants with them to the dormitory.

His father intended to have a servant to accompany Kunon – but Iko, the maidservant he most wanted to follow him, refused the offer.

“I’m sorry.”

The maidservant repeated her apology.

“I want to get married,” she said. “I’m already a little past the right age, and it’s now or never. If I give up now, I think I’ll have to give up for the rest of my life.”

When he was told that, Kunon could not ask her to accompany him as strongly as he would have liked. He could only ask lightly.

The reason why the maidservant marriage had been delayed was because she had been attending to Kunon for so long.

She never said so, but Kunon could tell.

He found himself constantly with her.

Even when Kunon was not aware of the presence of the maidservant, she must have been there for him.

I am grateful for her devotion.

It is for this reason that I cannot let her waste any more of her life on me.

– In my head, I know that. But in my heart, I can’t quite put my finger on it.

“I’m not sure if I can live without Iko.”

“Then, will you marry me, Kunon? Will you do it? I’ll tell you what, I will never allow you to have an affair or a mistress. Will you leave Her Highness Princess Milica and take me?”

“How about a reservation for the afterlife?”

“Too bad. I’m the type of person who’s fine with the present. I don’t know about tomorrow or the next life.”

She is a very momentary woman.

The whole Gurion family was a bit hectic at this time.

Kunon had decided to go to a magic school, and everybody was busy preparing for it.

There were a lot of detailed procedures to be completed and itinerary planning to be done.

I had to know at least the bare minimum about the destination and the local cuisine, so I had a lot of research to do.

What was completely unexpected was that I received a call from Ouro Tauro, my brother Ixio’s swordsmanship master.

He said, “If you are going to spend your months and days away from home, why don’t you seriously learn the basics of swordsmanship for a short time?” It was an invitation.

For the past few months, Kunon had been obsessed with making eyeballs.

He used to have a daily routine of shaping and practicing, but now he only does it when he feels like it for a break.

His body was completely out of shape.

Kunon was aware of this and decided to stay overnight under the care of Master Ouro to build up his strength for the trip.

In the end, he could not return home for a week.

His escape route was blocked and he was forced to undergo an incredibly rigorous training.

Thanks to this, he even developed a little distrust of the old man.

He also began to distrust my father, who had agreed to this story without telling Kunon.

You never know what might happen, so you want to send him off as strong as possible……  

This is because of the father’s love.

He was sure I’ll agree that it’s for my own good. But I just can’t shake the feeling of distrust.

But, thanks to his efforts, my body has come back to life in its own way.

And when I returned to the Gurion house after my overnight sword training, I received a forewarning as if I had planned it.

It was from Milica.

She said that she was going to take Zeonly with her tomorrow.


It had been almost four months since I had heard Milica’s voice.

She never runs, but she walks as fast as she can.

“Her Highness!”

I’ve never seen her like this before.

A feeling of nostalgia filled me.

Truly, Kunon was so nostalgic that he was on the verge of tears.

But the tears faded.

“It’s…… isn’t it?”

I had expected that.

It’s not that I’m not a good person. The nostalgia and the emotions that came with it faded away.

– Milica had a large single feather, as tall as she was, growing out of her head.

– That's what Kunon thought, looking into her eyes.

"Oh, there’s a big feather stuck on your head,” he said.

……The shock was so strong that it blurred the fact that she was the first beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life, with beautiful blond hair and ice blue eyes.

Milica had such a beautiful face, what a person.

Even these impressions were all blurred.

To Kunon, Milica was nothing more than a woman with a feather stuck on her head.


“I’ve missed you, Her Highness. Your head is fine, isn’t it?”

“Yes, I also wanted to see Kunon……. head?"

I’m sure it’s fine because it’s not actually stuck on her head. However, I couldn’t help but say.

“- It’s been a long time, Mr. Kunon.”

Dario Sanz, a knight belonging to the Third Order, followed Milica without leaving her side.

Accompanying her as a guard and a watcher, he was always modest, but until recently, he had been a regular guest at House Gurion for two years.

“Hello, Master Dario.”

I had the opportunity to see him for two years, even if it was only once a week. They became close friends in their own way.

He was carrying a huge white sword on his back.

Of course, it was something only Kunon could see.

It was really cool.

And –

“Hey, Kunon. You’ve come a long way to summon me, boy.”

And then there was Zeonly Finrole, who arrived late and leisurely.

He is Kunon’s mentor, a great royal court magician who has complete trust in him when it comes to magic.

He was, well, he was…

“- It's dazzling……!”

Zeonly’s whole body was wrapped in golden light, and nothing could be seen at all.

It’s gorgeous.

It was flashy.

If this is a glow that comes from confidence, then I wouldn’t say it doesn’t suit Zeonly’s personality.

But depending on how you look at it, it was worse than his father, who was a total blur.

Because he was so wrapped up in the light, he couldn’t see anything.

It’s just a light in human form.

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