The Mage Emperor

Chapter 20 – The last day of peace

(AN:// Hey there! I'm sorry for the long wait. Now I'm done with the work that I had to do at home as well so I can continue writing once again. Normal release shall return from now on, though I'll try to pump out another chapter this week to make up for the long wait. >.<)

The last day of peace

~ Seth’s POV ~

"Uhm, right now?" Gil asked, looking our way with a slight frown.

"Of course, if it's just another doppelganger then we can get rid of it but if it's really something different then we should inspect it carefully before doing anything," Lien replied.

"Erm, alright. Let's go then. I just thought that you wanted to spend some time alone before getting to work," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"You don't have to worry about that. If we feel that our break isn't long enough then we'll simply stay longer," I said, waving my hand.

"Yes, and dealing with that thing is more important than sunbathing and lazing around,” Lien added, continuing with some muttering, “though it sucks that our fun will be delayed.”

Glancing at her from the corner of my eye, I slid my hand from her waist downward and squeezed her ass. Moving back up to her waist, I couldn’t help but smile seeing that she just pretended that nothing happened, though I could see the sides of her lips curling upwards.

As we flew up and followed Gil to the location of the doppelganger, I couldn’t help but feel somewhat envious of his ability to sense everything when it was raining. Although it was a bit of a shame that someone as weak as him could do it while I couldn’t, there was no helping it. Everyone had a different kind of commandment and his happened to be really useful for finding things.

Regardless, I would never want to replace my commandment with anything else. No matter what abilities other commandments gave their wielders, neither of them could provide me with so much boost in progression speed. Other god incarnations would be at an advantage if their souls and mana power were on the same level, but that was kind of impossible to achieve.

I heard some strange things about gods and goddesses with similar commandments and there was nothing good about it. Those in power were afraid of letting my kind having its way, so the other gods with sex-related commandments were usually locked up or killed. The rest that was left alive was because their commandments had so ridiculous requirements that they posed no threat.

Honestly, as the boss of my own country, I could understand other leaders. I wouldn’t want to have some guy living under my rule who could potentially turn stronger than me in just one or two years. If my commandment was found out sooner by some of the bigger sects, they’d have probably sent people to kill me when I was still weaker.

Soon after building Leviathan, it turned out that there were many sects and such all over the world who strived to become stronger than the other and come out on top. Dragon’s Scale was also that kind of place and they had many powerful god incarnations. They even had a few talented people without any inheritance.

Sadly for them, they made a bad decision and started spying on me. They not only failed to find out anything about me and the existence of Leviathan, I also altered the memories of one of their spies. After he reported that I was a weakling, they instantly grouped up against me and tried to get rid of me. Naturally, I made them regret their decision by removing them from the living.

Regardless, I wouldn’t kill others just because they had the potential to become stronger than me. On the other hand, I had no reason to fear their progression speed since mine was probably the best in that regard. I needed only a single woman… unlike some others whose commandment required harems, or cheating, or doing it in public, and other retarded things.

As far as I knew, there was no other sex god or goddess in Leviathan but I did know about two others living out there in the world. One of them was a Chinese man named Zhou, and the other one was living in Lug’s tribe in Africa and her name was Inanna. The former was the god of sodomy, so it wasn’t that easy for him to gain the boost. Inanna didn’t tell me her requirements when I met her but she wasn’t too strong so it was most likely something uncomfortable to talk about.

I was really blessed to have such a great wife! She was the best. Even if there were other beautiful women around who were willing to be with me or even marry me, I didn’t care. She was my one and only, and I was also quite sure that I’d never be able to get along as well with any other woman as I do with Lien, not to mention that she was really compliant with me.

It wasn’t like she never refused sex but it was very rare and usually something to be expected after a tiring day and stuff like that. Well, and I had no reason to complain since she always made up for it, even though she didn't have to. While thinking about useless things, we somehow reached our destination, which was a lake in the eastern corner of the main island.

It was surrounded by lush trees and a few old paths, which were most likely the remnants of a path that used to be for tourists. The surface of the water was covered in dried leaves all around the edges and broken branches filled the water, making it quite hard to see what was under the water.

“You two wait for me here,” I said as I created a wind barrier around my body.

“I’m also going, though,” Lien replied, following my example.

“Can’t you stay here for a moment? At least, let me see if there is something nearby,” I said.

“Uhm- please wait you two. I didn’t say that it was underwater,” Gil chimed in, seeing that we were about to start bickering. “It’s about two hundred meters ahead of us, past these trees,” he pointed forward.

“You could have said that sooner,” I muttered.

“But you didn’t even let me speak. I stopped to tell you that,” he said, shaking his head.

“Fine then, I’m sorry,” I said, sighing loudly. As we walked past the trees, we found ourselves in a clearing which had a small tree with blood coloured leaves and red apples on it. There was no grass and the ground was scorched all around the tree, only a single creature stood facing us. It was also made of vines, just like the other doppelgangers, but instead of the shape of a giant dragon, this one looked humanoid. It looked really creepy with its skull-like face and all the slits in its body.

“What is that thing?” Gil asked while I slowly walked closer to it.

“I don’t know either. I had never seen it before,” I replied, finding it strange that the vine creature didn’t react even when I touched it. Seeing me reaching towards one of the apples on the tree, it grabbed my wrist and squeezed it with all its strength. Much to my surprise, it was physically as powerful as when I was in my elemental form, so the thing crushed even my bones.

I blocked my sense of pain the moment I noticed that thing so I didn’t mind the wound and it also wouldn’t take anything to heal. Turning its head towards me, the vine creature tilted its head to the side. “You can’t take my master’s fruits. He’s going to need it.” The thing said with its crispy, inhuman voice.

“What if I still try again?” I asked but the thing simply let go of my wrist and turned forward once again. Moving in front of it, I waved my healed hand and then poked its forehead. While doing so, I also transformed into my elemental form and probed the creature’s body with my mana.

My aura was hidden the whole time with illusion magic and it also scanned us the moment we appeared. When my mana forcefully entered its body, it most likely realised that I was a serious threat to its existence, so it tried to fire a powerful spatial magic to get rid of me. Sadly for the creature, I was not only right in front of it I was even touching it, meaning that I could seal its magic. While Lien dispelled its spatial magic, I sealed the creature’s mana.

Seeing six sprouts withering at its legs, I knew it’d have attacked me with nature magic if I  had waited a little longer. Grasping its shoulder, I pushed it onto its knees by increasing the gravity on its body to ten times the normal and using my strength. As my mana flooded the creature’s body, I could see the vines around my fingers turning dark brown. Unable to withstand the power of my mana, the creature actually started rotting.

“What do these apples do? Tell me if you don’t want to die,” I said, though I wasn’t expecting an answer. Although it seemed to have some intelligence, I was quite sure that it couldn’t think for itself and had no regards for its own life.

“Leave,” it replied as it struggled to break free from my grasp, not even caring about my threat. Glancing towards Lien, I said, “Bring Ma’at.”

“I’ve contacted her already,” she smiled back at me.

“My, isn’t it great to have such a good wife?” I chortled.

“You’re indeed lucky to have me,” she said while laughing. In the meantime, Ma’at also arrived and landed next to me.

“Can you hear its thoughts?” I asked her through my soul force, but she just shook her head sideways.

“It’s not that I can’t hear it. I can hear what it’s thinking but it doesn’t think of anything. I know that you have a way to block my mind reading but when you’re doing that, I can sense that my ability is blocked. That’s not the case this time, so I’m quite sure that it doesn’t think of anything,” she said.

“I see, that’s a shame. It would have been nice to get some information out of this thing but since it’s useless and it’s nothing but a lump of roots and vines controlled by Sylvanus’ mana, I might as well get rid of it,” I said as I forcefully poured my mana into the creature’s body and used my trait to turn its molecules into oxygen. The thing disappeared in the blink of an eye, not even a speck of dust left behind in its place.

While Ma'at and Gil were watching my every move with interest, I created a small basket and picked off all the apples. Turning around, I said, "Ma'at, I ask you to return to your place with Gil and continue on with the holiday as planned. In the meantime, I'm going to inspect this stuff and share the details with you on our next meeting."

"Alright then. I'm looking forward to the results," she said with a nod, and then teleported away with Gil.

Looking at each other with Lien, we also moved back to our mansion with the apples in the basket. I didn't want to inspect it in front of the others because there was something I didn't want them to know about.

After reaching my current strength, I came to understand that our bodies had their own limit physically, meaning mana capacity and magic power. There were days when my body started hurting here and there a tiny bit, especially after having sex with Lien.

Considering how magic power and mana pool worked, it was no wonder. My body was starting to reach its limits, so I started looking for ways to enhance it, instead of researching mana creation with Lien. If Sylvanus was even stronger, there was a good chance that it had no actual body. It probably had to split its force into many tiny slices, which could be part of the reason these doppelgangers existed.

I always found it strange that it couldn’t just ‘wake up’ and get rid of humankind and I didn’t understand why was its main body sleeping. Maybe it was trying to create its own body which would also explain why it couldn’t act up.

After surrounding our beach with a powerful barrier, I sat down on my sunbed with one of the apples in hand and started examining it.

Raising it to my nose, I quickly sniffed it but as expected, it had no smell. Taking her seat next to me, Lien turned to the side on her sunbed and faced me. Slowly crossing her legs, she leaned forward and looked at me with interest as she asked, "Have you found out anything about it yet?"

Although I tried averting my eyes, it turned out to be impossible for me so I just gave up on the matter and looked at her cleavage while answering her, "The apples are filled with an incredible amount of mana and soul force, which kind of reminds me of soul pills. The ones I could make with my current power are quite similar in size, though still smaller. This also means that Sylvanus is definitely stronger than me right now, but maybe not by much.”

“As for their effect, I’m still deciphering it but it seems to be related to material creation. If my theory is correct, this apple should be able to reconstruct my body and enhance it so that it could withstand even greater magic power than my own.”

“Do you want to eat it?” she asked with a straight face.

“Mhm,” I nodded, looking into her eyes.

“Are you going to be alright?” she bit her lower lip, clearly worried about it.

“Aaah~ I get it now, so that’s why you looked so gloomy. But you don’t have to worry, my answer is a definite yes,” I replied, waving my hand.

“Alright then, I’ll believe in you,” she muttered as she leaned back in her sunbed and rolled over to her side. Leaning on her arm, she continued watching me in silence as I bit into the apple in my hand.

As the apple landed in my stomach, a powerful wave of energy rushed through my body, reconstructing my bones and muscles. Seeing my veins bulging and all my muscles stiffening up, Lien started frowning. Since I sat there in silence even after seconds have passed, her face turned panicked as she jumped up from her sunbed and rushed over to me.

“Are you alright?” she asked as she started touching me all over the place. Unable to move even a single muscle, I continued sitting there in silence as I felt the energy changing my body structure.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay,” I replied to her through Link. I then focused back on what was going on in my body.

A pair of horns grew out of my forehead, followed by a bunch of spikes on my back and my front, surrounded by scales that connected the spikes and covered my whole body. My spine also extended and turned into a tail that was similarly covered in scales and ended up in a spiky protrusion. My nails also turned longer, sharper, and much stronger, resembling claws. The last thing I felt changing was that my eyes started tickling and after losing sight of the world for a moment, my eyesight returned in the next one, much sharper than ever before.

Tilting my head to the side and clenching my fists, I heard my bones popping and could feel that my physical power grew exponentially. It increased by about forty percent, giving me enough strength to lift ten tons of weight with one hand, even without using magic. I didn’t even dare to imagine what would happen if I punched someone with this body.

"What- what the hell has happened to you?" Lien asked with a bewildered look on her face, seeing me slowly swaying my tail and poking her shoulder with it. Of course, I was careful enough not to hurt her since the spikes on the tip of my tail seemed to be very sharp.

"This, I'm not sure," I muttered, still trying to get a grasp on my new body. Looking at my hands, I decided that I’d rebuild my normal human body. Seeing a naked man slowly being built up from the sand next to her, Lien didn’t even look at it since she knew it was my doing. Once it had the exact shape I had a few minutes ago, I used my trait to transform the sand into organs, muscles, bones, veins, and such, and then connected my consciousness with the brain of that body.

Looking at the body that the apple created, I tilted my head to the side and asked, “A Dragonoid?”

“Well, it kind of looks like one,” Lien replied, circling around me. It. Whatever…

Seeing myself covered in eight coloured scales from head to toe and my human head replaced by a draconic one, I really didn’t know what to think. Its capabilities were far greater than that of a normal human body since the elements were integrated into it and it also wasn’t made up of normal flesh and bones.

I had to use magic to move that body and everything inside it was basically condensed mana in different shapes. As Lien knocked on one of the scales, it gave off a metallic sound. Raising her fist, she asked, “Mind if I?”

“Go ahead,” I replied, and then she punched it, or I should say me, in the chest with all her strength. I didn’t even budge and I could barely feel anything from it, while she made the kind of face people made when they kicked into the legs of a chair or the corner of a bed.

“This thing is fucking hard,” she said with teary eyes.

“You should have turned off your sense of pain, dear,” I shook my head as I took hold of her hand and kissed her fist.

“Yes, but I didn’t expect your body to be so tough,” she grumbled.

Although I was over six feet tall, my dragonoid body was even taller than me, reaching a height of two meters. It was probably the most optimal for combat since it wasn’t too big but it wasn’t too small either. Even I had to look up to myself, as for Lien, even if she raised to her toes, she wouldn’t reach my mouth. Well, she surely wouldn’t want to kiss a dragon-like head.

Once I let go of Lien, she stopped in front of my new body and looked it up and down with a thoughtful face on. “Hmm, do you still have that?” she asked as she reached between my legs, but her eyes opened wide in the next moment. “It’s fucking missing!” she shouted.

“It does since that body is more like a ‘divine body’, the perfect war machine. Its cells aren’t organic. That whole body is a giant collection of condensed mana drops that are tightly packed and connected to my soul. If I were to die, this body would also be destroyed. It could explode even,” I explained as I grabbed her hand and put it over the crotch of the body I’ve created a moment ago. Raising her eyebrows, she smiled at me as she started massaging it.

“So it’s also not limited by things such as mana pool because it connects di- uh… directly to the mana streams of the world and the magic power is refined and enhanced to my level in the split of a second upon - mhh - entering my body. Damn it, Lien, can’t you stop for a moment?” I hissed, unable to focus on what I wanted to say anymore.

“Fufu~ what’s up? Your divine body can’t handle some stress?”

“That body doesn’t have such needs and emotions but this one has, so of course, I can’t,” I replied.

Pulling back her hand, she said, “So basically you’ve got a new body that’s made up of mana and isn’t actually human but it’s connected to the world on a much deeper level.”

“Hmm, yeah, something like that,” I nodded.

“By the way, can you transform that body as well or are you going to use this clone from now on? I mean, you can’t really… uhm, do it without that,” she muttered, lowering her head.

“Haha, it’s going to take some time but I’ve already started integrating a few changes to my body structure. I’ll be able to taste things and have emotions just like any normal human. As for the looks, that’s something I’ll be able to change easily, both physically and with illusion magic. These changes are definitely needed because even though my love for you is ‘stored’ in my soul, the physical desires are initiated by my human body.”

“If I stayed in that body, I would probably never lust after you and I don’t want to miss out on that,” I winked at her.

“Is that so? Then why don’t you put that new body of yours aside for now and show me what is it that you don’t want to miss out on?” she asked, leaning closer to me.

“I guess we could try some stuff,” I chortled as I pushed her down.

--- The next morning, Gil’s POV ---

"Is everyone ready?" the teacher asked, standing in front of a giant black screen. She had flowing long blonde hair and orange coloured eyes, matching perfectly with her orange coloured bikini. Since we were on the beach, most of the people were similarly lightly dressed.

Since nobody answered, she nodded her head and continued, "I'll take that as a yes. Well, there are more of you newcomers than I expected, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised by that. Anyway, introductions come first. My name is Cynthia and I am the incarnation of Sol. Since this is your first time in school, let me tell you a few things.”

“First of all, most of the teachers have some rules which you should always abide. In my case, I have three very simple rules which are the following. Firstly, only one person should talk at a time. If I hear someone talking alongside me, I'll call out the person to explain the topic in my place. It's just about mutual respect."

"Secondly, any of you can have questions but please ask them only when I'm done talking about a topic. Don't worry, it never takes longer than three minutes."

"Lastly, once I finish talking about a topic, whether it was a spell or an enchantment or whatever, you're all going to try replicating it. Since this is your first lesson, you aren’t going to experience the third one because we have to sort out a few things before you lot can start learning magic. I believe these rules are very simple, so I hope that it was clear to everyone." she said, eyeing us carefully.

Her words made perfect sense and all but it was honestly too hard to focus on what she was saying because she had a pair of giant knockers that made it impossible to look away. It really didn't help that she was so lightly dressed. Seeing our faces, she just furrowed her brows and disappeared for a short period of time, and returned wearing a thin white shirt that hid her assets… 

So you were conscious of it, huh.

Clearing her throat and pretending that nothing happened, she started the first lesson for the newcomers, such as myself.

"Since you probably know little about Leviathan and magic and how we call things, I'll start with those."

"Leviathan is basically a separate world that exists in a black hole. You’re going to learn about black holes in detail later, but the point is that it allows the mana of this planet to flow through it. Leviathan is utilising some of that mana to sustain the place you have seen and it is also connected to the creator’s soul, which makes it possible for him to sense and kick out anyone with a single thought. This person is someone you should know by now, Seth."

"Leviathan is currently governed by seven people who have introduced themselves during the game yesterday, so I won't go over that again. Naturally, they weren’t picked randomly and once you understand our ranking system, you’re going to find out why."

"The ranks are based on three things. Your magic power, your mana pool, and your personality. The third one doesn’t make you get a lower rank if you have the power, but it may give you a higher rank if it’s good enough. For example, imagine that we have two identical C ranked residents but one of them is much more hard-working than the other.”

“In a single month, one of them may reach the B rank while the other would be still in the middle of the C rank. As such the hard-working one may get a B rank in advance. Naturally, during missions it’s real strength that matters so you won’t be sent to a mission you can’t complete, even if your rank says otherwise.”

“You see, ranks are basically a way of telling our society about your personality. Most of the people in Leviathan are strong enough to sense your power and tell what rank you should be at, so if your rank is higher, you’re more likely to earn their respect.”

“I’ll also warn you in advance. You aren’t in your small villages or cities anymore where you’re the top dog. There are many talents in Leviathan and very few of them are lazy, so even if you are talented, you'll be left behind by less talented people if you don’t work hard enough. You better not slack off if you want to stay strong and on the top,” she waved her finger menacingly. 

“Now then, I'll talk about magic power in a bit but let me hear your questions first, in case you have any," she said as she ran her eyes over the class and waited silently. Our class was quite large with forty-three people in it, so a few of them raised their hands right away.

As she pointed at the person closest to her, the guy asked, “You said that we get a rank based on three things and one of those is our personality. My question is, how do you account for changes? It’s not like a person is going to stay the same forever.”

“I admit that when I first came here, I thought I was some kind of prodigy and started slacking off but after seeing how wrong I was, I’ve reflected on my mistakes. I’ve been working hard during the last month, so am I going to be judged eternally? I imagine you still have my entrance test results which was quite bad…”

Smiling at him, she replied, “Haha, that’s a good question and it’s brave of you to admit your mistakes publicly. On the other hand, you don’t have to worry about that because our leaders would never judge anyone so easily. As you all know, you’ve received your own Monitoring Device which are connected to your nerve system. These devices are a much simpler and ‘stupider’ version of the AIs in Leviathan.”

“But you should use them for a reason. They can track when you’re using your magic actively, which means that it can generate statistics about how much you train each week. It can sense many other things as well so your personality is determined by the statistics. Of course, missions and other tasks are accounted for, so if you can’t train for a whole week because you are on a mission, you won’t have to worry about being demoted.”

“If you feel that you don’t want to share that kind of statistics with Leviathan, you can remove the monitoring device but you are going to stay F ranked in that case. I honestly don’t recommend it, though. Seth can actively sense almost everything in a few kilometers around him so you’d have to avoid him entirely if you wanted to stay completely private. I imagine that’s also the reason he allows people to leave and live elsewhere as they please.”

Sitting back down in the sand, the guy clenched his fists and said, “I see, I’m glad to hear that.,” He seemed to be fired up for some reason. Maybe he was anxious to become stronger.

“No problem. You have nothing to fear if you aren’t a slacker and I have to tell you that it’s still personal power that matters the most. I mean, no matter how lazy you are if you have the power to use WORD magic, you’re going to be Sage ranked anyway. These ranks don’t necessarily matter since you won’t gain any privileges, even if you are Sage ranked or above, though the other residents seem to be much more respectful when they are talking to strong ones.”

“The strong is respected, it’s simple as that,” she added, raising her head proudly. “Anyway, what about the others? There were quite a lot of people raising their hands a moment ago,” she asked, seeing that nobody raised their hands after hearing her answer.

“I wanted to ask the same.”

“Me too.”

“Same here,” the others replied.

The reason nobody cared about the fact that Seth could sense them was that they could do the same to each other. Although the area we could sense actively was definitely much smaller, we could still do it and the other residents who joined months before us were strong enough to do the same. These times you had to avoid people if you wanted complete privacy, so nobody really cared about it anymore.

“Oh, that’s cool then,” she said with a smile, followed by a sudden breeze coming from the direction of the ocean. As the breeze lifted up her hair, her orange coloured eyes shone even stronger than before, making her look both stunning and ferocious at the same time. The beauties of Leviathan were indeed on a whole different level.

I could already see some of the guys being mesmerized by her beauty, myself included. Still, for some reason Ma’at’s image flashed in my mind upon seeing Cynthia.

Am I obsessed with her or what? I guess I’m just grateful to her because of her help during the talk with my brother.

While I was thinking about silly things, my eyes accidentally met with Cynthia’s but at that moment, I could sense a glimpse of her power. It was as if my soul was struck by lightning, reminding me that the one we were ogling was a high-ranked resident. Seeing me flinching, she glanced to the side and continued.

“Now then, let me tell you about magic power, mana pool, and the ranks. Here you can see the ranks and the corresponding ‘power’ that you must meet to be considered of a given rank,” she said as she waved her hand and a giant table appeared on the black screen behind her.

Mana capacity measurement (mmol/mol) => example: 63 mmol/mol (B rank)







Sage (1-9)

Warlord (1-9)

Magister (1-9)










10 000

20 000

Mana power measurement (ampere (A)) => example: 75.6 A (A rank)









1 500

3 000

“As you can see on the screen, there are quite a lot of ranks but the first half is quite easy to climb and most of you represent that layer. ‘S’ ranked members are basically Sages, so obviously, S stands for Sage.”

“Mana is stored in your mana veins which can become thicker and stronger over time as you keep using your magic. When your mana veins are emptied and then refilled, they usually become thicker but you’ll also have to deal with the Mana Fever if you are left with too little. That’s also one way to increase your mana pool. The other way is known by all of you, I believe.”

I could see some of the guys sneering and chuckling, probably expecting her to say it aloud. They all seemed to be underage, so I could only shake my head seeing them. Although Cynthia glanced at them, she didn’t say anything either and just continued with her explanation.

“A speck of mana is about the size of a red blood cell and your mana veins are filled with it. As you become more proficient in mana control, you can compress the mana specks to make space for even more. Naturally, it’s not easy to fill up your mana veins completely but it’s still very useful to practice mana control else you won’t be able to use your mana efficiently.”

“Just to show you an example… you, come here,” she said, pointing at a girl sitting close to the stage.

Hopping onto the stage, she brushed her red hair behind her ear and introduced herself, “Hello everyone, my name is Pele. Nice to meet you.”

Furrowing her brows, Cynthia asked, “Pele? Aren’t you the one who went with Seth on a mission?”

“Huh? How do you know about it?” Pele answered with a question of her own.

“Well, I just happened to be with Lien when Seth told her to make you a ring,” she said in a low voice, pointing at Pele’s finger.

“Oh. Hahaha, what a coincidence!”

“She went with Seth on a mission? I wonder what it was like…”

“Yeah, me too. I think I’ll ask her about it after class,” some started whispering.

Clearing her throat, Cynthia said, “Anyway, let’s get back to the point. Please don’t distract me again. You go ahead and use some simple spell, though it can be more complex as well as long as it’s not related to your commandment and I can replicate it.”

“I’ve got it. I’ll go with some earth magic in that case,” Pele nodded her head, and then made a simple platform raise out of the ground.

Pointing towards the ground, Cynthia did the same and then said, “Alright, now please give me your right hand. That’s where your monitoring device is, right?”

“Yes,” Pele nodded, showing her her bracelet. After fiddling around for a bit, the screen flashed and a new table appeared.


Cynthia Moore


#1 Activation speed (ms):



#2 Mana consumption (mmol/mol):



“First of all, let me tell you that I limited my magic power to her level so that’s not the reason I needed less mana for the exact same spell. The reason is that I have better control which made casting magic much more efficient and came with less waste. That being the case, I’d like to point out that her control is better than some of the Sage ranked people, so the disparity isn’t that clear. Most of the newcomers would usually score somewhere around zero point five.”

Glancing at Pele, she asked, “Have you trained your mana control?”

“Uhm, yes, I had some problems with my commandment before,” she replied, sighing loudly.

“I see. You seem to be alright now, though.”

“Yes, Seth helped me with it,” she smiled at her. He also helped me, though not directly. He was like some kind of guardian angel for the people.

Clearing her throat, Cynthia got back on the matter at hand and continued the class, “Anyway, as you can see, your monitoring devices can record this kind of data with the help of a magical formation that’s built into them. It can also connect with other people’s devices so that you can compare your statistics.”

“One more thing. Once you get back to Leviathan, you’ll be able to take a look at all the statistics that are public to everyone. The one that interests most people is called the ‘Magic Board’, which lists all the spells that are taught in our schools, and the best results for each spell.”

“Teacher! Who’s the leading person on the list?” one of the students got a bit impatient and jumped up as he asked.

“Normally I’d say that the answer should be obvious but as a matter of fact, Seth very rarely measures his magic power and casting speed, so it’s actually not him. Lien is the same in that regard so it’s also not her, making the current leader Lug who took first place by casting seventy-three spells the most efficiently. Now that your curiosity has been sated, sit down and wait until the class has ended,” she said, waving her finger.

“Yes!” the guy quickly sat down, remembering the rules.

Turning towards the earth platforms, she cast the same spell again and then her results were updated on the screen.

“Now then, here comes the second part. If I redo the same spell but this time without limiting my magic power, you can see that my mana consumption decreased to 0.13. The reason is simple. The more you compress mana specks, the more they collide and the more energy they produce. Hence, fewer mana specks can do more.”

“Magic power is measured in Ampere because its reaction is quite similar to electric currents. For example, if a bolt of lightning were to strike you, you’d most probably die because it could be as powerful as five hundred thousand amperes. But magic power isn’t electricity.”

“There are cases when people survive being struck by lightning because of their environment but that’s not the case with magic power. When mana leaves your body, it has the signature of your soul. It’s unique to everyone. Mana leaves our body in two ways. One is to burn it to apply enchantments or wrap your body in magical barriers, and the other is to use a spell.”

“Mana is what defines the laws of our world. It is our reality. In other words, when you attack someone, your mana leaves your body and forcefully pours into someone else’s ‘world’, overwriting it with the changes you applied. These changes are the spells you use, which may be as simple as a fireball but it could be a black hole as well.”

“These spells can heal or kill you, depending on what change you cast upon the world, and it’s important to note that you can’t pour your mana into someone else. That’s possible only if you are much stronger than your opponent and you can come into direct contact with them. That’s also why you should always be very careful not to be caught and touched by someone else during combat.”

“For example, if Seth wanted to kill someone, it’d be enough for him to touch you because his magic power is much stronger than anyone else’s on the island. On the other hand, there are traits that make physical contact even more dangerous, just like his, so you should be extra careful.”

“The maximum difference in magic power that your body can intake without being damaged is about fifteen percent. This means that if I have ten thousand magic power, somebody with eleven thousand and six hundred magic power could seriously damage me just by pouring their mana into my body. If it was somebody with eleven thousand and four hundred, it’d hurt but I could get away without anything too serious.”

Seeing one of the students raising his hand, she let him speak. “Teacher, is it known what percentage of difference our body can withstand?”

“Yes, the greater the difference, the more damage you’d take. The threshold for sure death is twenty-five percent, which means that someone with twenty-five thousand magic power could kill me instantly. They'd just have to touch me and forcefully pour their mana into my body, which would make my mana veins and my body burst into smithereens. That’s also the reason why you should never fight someone who’s much stronger than you. Is everything clear to you now?”

“Yes,” the guy replied, nodding his head.

“Now that you know what magic power and mana pool are, let me explain to you our rank system and that’ll be it for this class. The simple ranks are from F to A, F being the lowest. The ranks above A, are what you should achieve as soon as possible because you’re pretty much a weakling otherwise.”

“You’re considered to be a Sage once you can use WORD magic but that alone doesn’t amount to much. You see, the upper ranks are a little different compared to the lower ones. The Sage, Warlord, and Magister ranks are divided into nine levels and each level means a huge difference in power.”

"A warlord at the second level could potentially kill someone, while one at the third level could definitely kill someone at the first level just by touching them. You better take level differences seriously otherwise don't be surprised if you get yourself killed," she said and then turned silent for a short while.

"Any questions?" she finally asked, seeing that we were silent.

"Yes, I have one! What's your rank?" Pele asked, raising  her hand in her excitement.

Great, now I don’t have to ask it.

"Warlord, ninth level. If things go well, I might reach the Magister rank in a month," she replied with a smile.

"That's amazing," the red haired girl muttered.

So that’s what a peak level Warlord feels like, I thought to myself as I scanned her body with my mana. The pressure that returned to my body was insane, though it was nothing compared to Seth’s spells… After fighting him once, I felt that I could face anything.

Raising my hand, I waited for her to point at me and then I asked, "If it's not a secret and you know the answer, how many Magisters and Sentinels are there, and what is Seth's rank?"

"I'm not sure about the exact number so take what I say with a grain of salt, but as far as I know, there are thirty-three Warlords, seventeen Magisters, and six Sentinels. The sentinels are the leaders who have introduced themselves during the game. Once you become a Sentinel, you'll have much more rights than us common people and you're much less likely to be kicked out, even if you make a blunder. I’m also aiming to become a Sentinel but the road there isn’t easy."

"As for Seth, he has a special title, the Arch Sentinel. That title is going to be passed down to whoever is the strongest in Leviathan, or so he said. In the beginning these ranks didn't exist and even the higher ranks were simply called S, X, and Z, so don't be surprised if you hear someone calling it that. They added these new names three days ago but I’m sure you can remember them. The older members will also learn about this change."

"I see, thank you for your answer," I smiled at her.

"No problem. If you have no more questions, please line up in front of the stage and let me measure your magic power and your mana pool. Although your monitoring devices can do many things, they aren't capable of sensing mana directly. They can perceive what flows through them only because of a formation that Seth made specifically for that purpose. It converts the magical currents into electric currents. The point is that this has to be done manually."

Feeling a little nervous after hearing that our power would be measured, I quickly jumped to the front of the line so that I'd be done with it soon. It was also better to be the first because people would just forget about me if there were some impressive ones, and they'd have nothing to compare me to. I wouldn't have to worry about the people in front of me.

"How eager you are," Cynthia laughed softly, seeing me stopping in front of the stage.

"This way I'll be done with this quickly," I muttered.

"Haha, aren't you a shy one? But I have bad news for you. Seth and Lien comes to see what the newcomers are like every month, so you’re still going to get some attention," she replied.

"Oh, that's less of a problem since I happen to know them quite well," I said.

"Is that so? That's good for you then," she said, raising her hands. A moment later, a head-sized crystal ball landed in them and a column rose out of the ground. Placing the crystal atop the column, she slightly lowered her head as she said, "Welcome."

Confused by her words, I was about to turn around when Seth suddenly started speaking behind my back, “Hi, hi~ what was your first lesson like? Did you have any problems with your class?"

"No, they behaved well and followed my rules," she replied, a small smile forming on her face when she glanced at the others.

"That's great, I don't like annoying people. 'Live, and let live' - is what I believe in. I don't annoy others intentionally and I expect the same," Seth replied, intentionally saying it loud enough for everyone to hear. I definitely got his message.

“Why do you look so pale, Gil?” he finally asked, turning towards me.


Why the hell does he have to sneak up on me every fucking time? I didn't even notice that he was standing behind me.

“It’s nothing,” I muttered.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“Yes… it’s just that you keep startling me by appearing behind my back out of nowhere,” I rolled my eyes.

“Oh. I swear it’s not intentional, though,” he said with a surprised face.

Clearing her throat, Cynthia tried to catch his attention and asked, "Shall we start measuring their magic?"

"Yes, please go ahead," he replied, moving to the other side of the column. A moment later Lien appeared next to him, wearing a long white shirt and a dark blue bikini underneath. Her dark brown hair was a little messy compared to her usual looks but it also made her look a bit wilder and even more attractive. Turning around for a moment, I saw many of the guys secretly checking her out.

Considering that they both helped me in my private life, I really didn’t want to keep staring at her in that way so I looked at Seth instead. Much to my surprise, I noticed that something was different about him, though I wasn’t sure what. I remembered him to be shorter but I wasn’t sure since I haven’t seen him many times yet, and he also looked sturdier.

As I walked up to the crystal ball, I realised it wasn’t just my imagination since there was a scale-covered tail swaying behind his back, slowly wrapping around Lien’s thigh. I had a feeling it had to do with the apple he took from Sylvanus.

Placing her hands on the crystal, Cynthia said, “Put your hands on the crystal ball and then pour your mana into it. This is a Mana Stone which was created from Seth’s mana so it’s not going to break unless your mana is stronger than his. In other words, you don’t have to hold back.”

Nodding my head, I did as told and after five seconds passed, she told me that I could remove my hands. “Your magic power is fifteen point three amperes and your mana pool is fifty-two point nine mmol. Your data has been recorded so you can go take a rest while the others are measured,” she said in a low voice.

Curious to hear the next person’s result, I turned around and stretched my body, taking a few seconds, and then started walking slowly, using wind magic to drive any sound that came from Cynthia’s mouth towards my ears. Realising that the others were doing the same and that there was a wind tunnel coming from her mouth, I just latched onto it and started listening. I understood that everyone was curious so it was only natural that they all wanted to know how their peers performed.

“Sixteen point nine Amperes for magical power and forty-nine point seven mmol for mana pool. Alright, next!”

My classmates kept going one after the other, some reaching only D, E, or F rank, while a few also reached the B and A rank. Although I continued listening to the results, I started meditating in the meantime, hoping to become stronger as soon as possible. I didn’t want to stay weak and useless.

When it was the last person in the line, Cynthia didn’t continue with her usual non-caring attitude and asked, “Can you use WORD magic or do you just have strong magic power?”

“I can use a few spells, but I’m not a god incarnation so my knowledge is limited to what I learned by myself,” he said calmly. 

“That’s incredible,” she replied. “How old are you?”

“I’m thirty-two years old,” the guy replied.

“Hahaha, what do you think Lien? You aren’t a god incarnation either,” she laughed as she turned towards her.

“Oh you little… You know that it’s different for me since I had Seth, and I can’t really compare him with myself since the level of magic was terribly low in Balan. Unless I managed to leave the city and get to a place where they knew more, I don’t think I’d be anywhere near WORD magic. As for doing it by myself, I don’t think I could reinvent everything in mere ten years that took humankind hundreds of years.”

“If he got to this state without anyone’s help and any resources and extra knowledge coming from books or something like that, then I can only bow down in front of his talent,” she said, followed by a light laughter.

“That’s indeed not the case, Miss Lien. It’s true that I worked hard but there were many people in my city who could use WORD magic. Although I had to work very hard to get access to some of the knowledge that made it possible, I wasn’t the only and first person who could do it. I’ve heard that you are the second strongest in Leviathan and even if Seth were to teach me, I don’t think I’d be able to reach your level at your age,” the guy replied modestly. Not even a shred of arrogance could be heard from his voice, which really made me question his background.

He didn’t seem to have any pride in his achievements, which shouldn’t be possible unless his achievements were mediocre. On the other hand, I couldn’t help but tilt my head to the side upon hearing his statement about Lien. He said that she was the second strongest in Leviathan but when I asked her about it, she told me she became Warlord ranked just recently.

That’d mean that she had to climb two other ranks just to get in the top seven, so why she was considered to be the second strongest was beyond me. In my heart, I decided that I’d ask Seth about it when he started teaching me the reward spell.

“What city are you from?” Cynthia asked, wondering about the same thing as me.

“I come from Miron, which was created in the middle of Europe. Since we didn’t have much wildlife, the whole monster wave didn’t affect us that much and we could continue learning magic. On the other hand, being considerably safe made us slack off, hence most of the people are at my level. To be honest, I’ve also pretty much wasted away the first half of my life, so it makes me feel bad if you compare me to Miss Lien,” the guy said, slightly lowering his head, maybe a little ashamed of himself.

I didn’t know what kind of life he lived but I certainly wasn’t in the position to judge others… if anything, I could relate with him.

“So you’re from that place. There are a few similar countries in the world that were pretty much left ‘intact’. Sadly, the local scientists and governors took everything for themselves so that they could keep control of the masses. If I remember correctly, that place works similarly, right?” Cynthia asked, raising a brow.

“Uhm, sort of,” he nodded.

“I see. Anyway, please go ahead and take the test,” she added, placing her hand on the crystal once again.

A few seconds later, she opened her eyes and stepped back while saying, “Alright, you’re finished now. Your magic power is a hundred and fifty Amperes while your mana pool is a hundred and sixty mmol. You have a huge disparity in your magic power and your mana pool. Why is that?”

“Well, I’ve never really used up all my mana because I didn’t want to suffer from mana fever but I kept practising mana control, so now there is a clear difference between the two. It’s because I trained inefficiently,” he replied.

“Mhm, that makes sense. Your power is strong enough to be considered a Sage, but first let me see you use some WORD magic. Whatever it is, go ahead and use it against Seth,” she said.

Hearing her words, Seth opened his eyes wide and asked, “Eh? Why me? Can’t you take it?”

“You’ve disturbed their souls with your presence, so you should take it as punishment,” she replied, laughing softly. Seeing that Lien also just laughed at it, he rolled his eyes and stood to the side.

“Fine then. Throw whatever you have at me,” he muttered, waving his hand.

Nodding his head, the guy raised his hand and started writing in the air. Compared to what I had seen from Seth, he was like a snail and it took him about five seconds just to finish four letters, BURN. Seth’s body caught ablaze, making the guy panic while everyone else just stood there as if nothing happened.

“Hmm, this would indeed work against normal people and the foundation of this spell is fiddling with the laws related to fire. He can get the Sage rank but his power is rock bottom with this weak spell and his snail-like casting speed. Even without using WORD magic, I’m sure everyone present could have punched you while you were writing, even if you used a spell beforehand to distract them,” Seth analyzed his spell mercilessly and then put out the fire that burned his shirt and the upper part of his pants in the meantime.

Walking past the guy, Seth patted his shoulder as he said, “Although you’re currently weak, you have great potential if you keep working hard. What’s your name?”

“Yes, thank you! And my name is Levi,” he replied.

Since I got around them in the meantime, I could finally see that he really had a tail growing out of his spine and that he had a few scales covering his vital points. The scales looked like liquefied mana since they were transparent blue, but they were clearly hard.

I knew that there were elemental forms with tails but clearly neither of those were active like during his battle, so I couldn’t understand what was going on with him. While I was thinking hard about his scales and his tail, he suddenly appeared in front of me, waving his hand.

“Heeey~ are you deaf?”

“W-Woah, what is it?” I asked, startled by his sudden appearance.

“I asked if you decided on the spell you want to learn,” he said.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you because I was thinking about your… tail,” I whispered the last word, even going as far as to use a wind barrier. “Is it because of that apple?” I asked.

“Hehe, yes, but be quiet about it for now. I mean the apples, not my tail, though I’d rather not hear people talking about it,” he muttered to himself.

“Maybe you should hide it then…”

“Sure, but I want to get used to this wonderful thing!” he said.


“So your answer is?” he asked, furrowing his brows.

“Ah, sorry! No, I haven’t decided yet,” I shook my head.

“Fine then, I’m leaving in that case.”

“Wait, I have a question. Isn’t Lien at the Warlord rank?”

“Hah? How could she be at that level? I mean, sure I’ve taught her a lot of magic but she wouldn’t be called the second strongest if she was only that level,” he said with a frown, confused by my stupid question.

“But Ma’at told me that she was Sage ranked and Lien that she was Warlord ranked when I joined…” I muttered, starting to realise what was wrong with the whole thing.

“Oh, they probably told you so to make you feel more at ease around them. If you scan Levi, you’ll realise that the Sage rank would never make you feel the kind of difference you felt when you scanned those two,” he replied. Doing as advised, I could feel that Levi was much stronger than me and that I had no chance against him, but I indeed didn’t have that crushing and stifling feeling in my body.

“Damn, so they lied to me and I didn’t even notice…” I muttered.

“Man, they’re really bad liars so I don’t get how you didn’t notice it, but whatever. I advise you to take a good rest until you have the time because I’m going to make good use of your commandment once this holiday ends,” he said, patting my shoulder.

“I’m fine with that. It doesn’t cost me anything,” I chortled.

“Great. We’ll go around the world looking for many people and most importantly, Sylvanus! I wonder if you could sense its location if I made it rain across the whole planet.”

“I’m not sure, I’ve never tried sensing a larger area than the size of a normal rain cloud…” I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

“Then it’s time to find out,” he said as he walked past me, laughing. Taking hold of Lien’s hand, they both disappeared. As it turned out, Pele wasn’t the only person in the class who went on a mission with Seth, so the class quickly surrounded them and listened to their tales eagerly. They were quite interesting so I also paid attention. When they finished ‘coincidentally’ Cynthia also said that our break was long enough and continued class.

It seemed like we weren’t the only ones who were interested in hearing more about our boss. Forgetting about the matter, we continued learning.

--- Lien’s POV ---

Seeing my husband’s half-naked body, I couldn’t help but lust after him. After integrating his original body into his new ‘divine body’, he became a bit taller and even more handsome, which really didn’t help me in restraining myself. We had yet to try out his new body in action, so seeing him half-naked just made me more interested in testing the waters.

“Did you see anyone interesting in the group?” Seth asked when we left the others behind and entered the outskirts of the forest.

“What did you say?” I shook my head, trying to avert my eyes from his muscular upper body. I had to admit I had always been a fan of muscles but with the recent changes, he became even bulkier than in the past, making me feel tinier than ever before. Still, the difference in our height and our overall size just excited me even more.

He was about two meters tall with shoulders as wide as a goddamn wardrobe, while I was only 5’6” tall. I was starting to feel like a midget next him, even though my height was completely normal for a woman. Instead of repeating his question, he grabbed my shoulders and made me face him. “Lien, what are you thinking about?” he asked, his big hands entirely wrapping around my shoulders.

“Gil’s magic power and mana pool have increased by quite a lot since our last meeting and that Levi guy was also quite good, even if we consider his background. There were also a few among the A ranked who had great potential considering that they were all younger than me. As for the rest, I think that they’re going to be like the rest of the residents,” I replied in a hurry, trying to think of something coherent.

Raising his brows, he looked towards the beach where the students started the second half of their lesson, and then looked back into my eyes while saying, “Is that so? I was starting to think that you turned mute because you didn’t answer.”

“No, I was just thinking about the answer,” I replied, accidentally glancing to the side for a moment when he looked back at me.

“Hmm~ is that so?” he asked, grabbing my chin and making me look back at him.

“What do you want?”

“What do I want, or what do you want?” he replied with another question instead, slowly pressing me against the tree behind my back. His towering form looked like a bear compared to me, making me feel powerless. It really didn’t help that I knew how much stronger he was, especially now that he merged his new dragonoid body into the old one.

“I-” not even waiting for my answer, he pressed his body against mine, followed by his dry lips. Forcing my lips apart with his tongue, he hastily pushed it into my mouth and rolled it around, forcibly sucking my tongue into his mouth. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he held me strongly as he started sucking on my tongue, clearly excited to have his way with my body.

Oh, shit, I can’t resist him if he comes on to me so hard.

I was excited enough after seeing his body but feeling how much he wanted me and seeing him being in a rush to get into my panties, I couldn’t help but get even more excited. There was a sense of burning excitement and tingling between my legs, which just grew stronger and stronger whenever his strong fingers sank into my flesh. As he put even more strength into his hug, I could feel that I was in a bind, not even able to move.

“Hold me tight, honey. It makes me feel so safe and warm,” I told him through Link. Hearing my words, we both opened our eyes for a moment and gazed deep into each other’s eyes, quickly closing them in the next second.

Knowing that the other students were still nearby, close enough for us to see them, I couldn’t help but sneak glances at them, hoping that neither of them would turn our way. Who knew if they could see us from out there. Even if we were in the shadows and the sun was glaring at them, it wasn’t like they couldn’t use magic to filter all the light, which made me really nervous.

Placing my hands on his chest, I tried to push him away and warn him about the danger but he didn’t even let me speak and just kept sucking on my tongue.

“Stop resisting, it’s futile,” he remarked through our bond.

“Mhh~ Seth… phease wait,” I hissed between my teeth when he stopped for a moment to take a breath. Ignoring my pleading, he hooked his finger into the front of my top and pulled the strings apart, freeing my breasts from their cage.

Pulling my top off of my shoulders, he went straight for my breasts and started fondling them, carefully rubbing my nipple with the center of his palm. Like the horny dog he was, he pushed his left hand into my panties and grabbed my ass, sometimes poking some really dangerous places. His grip on my breast and my ass was so strong that it even hurt me a little, but he clearly didn’t care about it and just kept going.

“Haah- damn,” he pulled back for a moment and took a deep breath, looking into my eyes. “Your body is so squishy everywhere I touch it. I swear I’ve never touched anything that felt better to my hands,” he said between his pants.

Staring at my breasts, he grabbed both of them and continued fondling them while I finally had the chance to say something. “Seth, the others are too close. What if they turn this way?”

Gently wrapping his fingers around my throat, he leaned close to my left ear and whispered into it, “I don’t care who sees what. You’re going to be mine here and now.”

“But why can’t we go to our bed-” not letting me finish, he once again sealed my lips and continued fondling my body. His large hands easily wrapped around my perverted parts, making me feel dirty and joyous inside. I simply loved it when my man was holding me and lusting after me.

Haah- damn, he’s breathing so hard, though my heart is also beating in my throat. What now? Should I really let him do it here? But the others…

Suddenly grabbing my thighs, he picked me up and pressed me between his body and the tree, and started kissing my neck. Moving to my ear, he whispered once again, “Stop thinking about stupid things. I’m not going to let you go.”

Finally moving downwards, he started caressing my thigh, exciting me to no end. As his hand got closer and closer to my inner thighs, I could feel jolts rushing up and down my legs, slowly increasing my arousement.

Oh, shit. His hands are making me go crazy, and why the hell am I enjoying him in acting in such an overbearing way? I can’t be that easy…

To top it all off, after raising me up, his crotch was pressing right against my pussy, so I could feel his incredibly hot and hard rod rubbing all over my lower half. Unable to think rationally after all this, I threw my arms around his neck and gave up on thinking about the dangers. Pulling my upper body higher, I pressed my lips against his and continued where we left off a few seconds ago.

Using my position to his advantage, he started shaking his hips back and forth, slightly rubbing his penis against my pussy through our clothes. Feeling my insides burning up, I couldn’t help but pull back from our kiss and urge him, “Stop playing with me. You’ve teased me long enough, don’t you think?”

“What? Now you want it?” he smirked, seeing that I needed him urgently. 

“Just take it out already,” I replied, kicking my slippers off of my feet and wrapping my legs around his waist.

“Fine, my dick really wants to enter you anyway,” he muttered as he lowered his hand and freed his new monster. Seeing it being driven towards my pussy, I quickly pulled apart the strings and threw the bottom piece of my bikini to the ground. On the other hand, this wasn’t the first time that he wanted to have sex while being in some other form and having much bigger penis, so I knew it well that it’d make things harder and less pleasant.

“Look, I get that you guys like being really big but there should be a limit… and you know what’s the perfect size for me, right?” I asked, trying to look at him with puppy eyes. As an answer, he looked deep into my eyes while he put that thing against my entrance and then drove it into me in one go.

Much to my happiness, he decreased its size at the same time, so I didn’t have to experience what it was like to be fucked by a fucking horse. I just couldn’t understand why guys wanted their thing to be as big as possible, even though after some point, skill mattered much more than size. Being bigger than most was good but it didn’t feel good if he was too big.

Looking at it spreading my pussy apart, I couldn’t help but bite my lower lip and wait with bated breath for him to start moving. At first he started out slow and pulled it out, letting me see his juice covered, shiny penis.

“You like the sight? It’s your doing, though,” he said in a low voice, resting his forehead on my left shoulder.

“Mh~ I love it,” I moaned as he slowly and gently pushed it back in. I could feel a strong jolt running up my spine, driving me crazy to have more of that feeling.

“Why are you panting so much, honey?” he asked, brushing his fingers through my hair and grabbing the back of my head.

“You were panting half a minute ago just like me,” I grumbled, watching as his thing started moving in and out of me rhythmically. His pole-like dick spread me wide open inside every time he pushed it all the way in, rubbing against all kinds of sensitive spots at the same time. Making the blades and the protrusions disappear from the tip of his tail, he pushed it into my pussy and started rubbing my upper walls with it.

Knowing all too well where to find it, he pressed it right against my g-spot and attacked it relentlessly while still moving inside me. Finding it a bit too stimulating, I could barely keep my eyes opened and found it really hard to breath from all the pleasure that attacked my brain. Seeing that I was feeling really good, he was devilish enough to add pleasure touch and fill my whole body with that wonderful feeling.

Unable to withstand so much pleasure at the same time, my pussy spasmed and my folds clutched his penis as I came hard on him.

“Uh- woah… I can’t believe you’re still so unbelievably tight even after two years have passed. Do you use magic to maintain your ‘freshness’?” he started blabbering about silly things while I didn’t even know where I was from all the pleasure I felt. I had to admit, he definitely deserved his title. After two years of being his wife, he mastered all kinds of ‘skills’ on my body, so I often found myself at his mercy these days.

Biting on my finger, I looked at him, probably looking like some crazed woman. “Do me more,” I said, my voice sounding a little hoarser than I expected.

His pupils widened upon hearing my pleading, followed by a series of twitches coming through his penis. Feeling something hot inside me for a moment, I was forced to realise that he came inside me after seeing my face.

“I can’t believe how hot my wife is…” he muttered, looking at me in a craze. Taking a deep breath, he leaned closer to my ear and said, “I swear I’m going to fucking impregnate you today.”

Hearing his words, my eyes opened wide this time. “Wait, wait! Now? Do you really mean it?” I asked, looking back and forth between the place where we were connected and his eyes.

“Yes. I want to fill you up in a way I’ve never done before,” he said, his eyes filled with determination and passion. I had rarely seen him make a face this serious, so I was sure that he wasn’t just talking dirty this time.

“If that’s what you want then I’m going to remove the protective spell from my womb but I’m probably going to menstruate in a few days so it’s unlikely to happen this time,” I replied, knowing that my cycle was nearing.

“It’s fine. I could easily bring forth your cycle but I sort of want to go the natural way. If we have to wait then so be it, we’re going to wait,” he said in a low voice as he kissed my forehead.

Feeling his rough lips on my skin, I felt my heart being filled with warmth. It felt great to be loved, especially by the one I loved the most. There was probably no better feeling than that, not even with sex included. Closing my eyes for a moment, I took a deep breath and cancelled the spell that had been guarding my womb for more than two years now. Gazing into his eyes, I and nodded my head, “You can move now.”

“Hehe, I’ll do my best so that neither of us would regret this,” he smiled at me, his smile filled with his love.

Embracing me gently, he teleported us into our bedroom and put me on our king-sized bed, which was so soft that my body simply sank into it as soon as he pulled out his arms from under my back. Placing his hand on my face, he smiled at me as he got on the bed and stopped between my legs and gently caressed my thighs.

Wrapping my arms around his back, I pulled him closer to my body, leaving only a small space between us which was enough for me to see the place where we were connected. Although he was looking at my face, I couldn’t help but glance back and forth between him and his dick which was slowly inching closer and closer to my entrance.

“Haha, are you trying to rip my arms off?” he asked when his penis finally touched my entrance. Noticing that I was gripping his arms with all my strength, I looked at him apologetically, but he just shrugged it off and gave me a simple kiss. Although it was simple by nature, it was a long one, conveying me way more of his emotions than our french kisses.

Pulling back after a long minute of kissing, we both opened our eyes and he said, “One of my life goals is to make you happy for as long as I can. I hope that you’re going to continue staying by my side for the rest of my life, my love.”

“That’s only natural,” I smiled back at him, giving a small peck on his lips. Seeing the sides of his lips curling upwards, I couldn’t help but feel happy inside because I knew my actions made him happy.

Feeling his dick being driven into my body, I quickly looked down to see the event, only to feel a strong jolt run up my spine, followed by an incredible wave of warmth. The way it slowly went into my pussy and then came out covered in my pussy juices looked so hot, I thought I would orgasm just from the sight alone. Since he came into me earlier, his penis was also covered in his thick sperm, making the view even better.

Moving slightly to the right then to the left, he then shoved it all the way in, and then pulled out, slowly edging me closer to orgasming by moving only on the outer areas. He was going slow but steady, and put a lot of effort into making me want more and more. I was getting more and more aroused, even though his movements just made me get closer and closer to climaxing.

Moving over to my ear, he started nibbling on it while he asked in a low voice, “What’s up? Do you have any requests?” 

Feeling my chest and my legs shaking from the arousement and the pleasure at the same time, I didn’t even know what to say and just enjoyed the pleasure in silence. “Hehe, good girl. How about I reward you a little?” he muttered to himself.

Raising my head, I looked into his eyes for a moment, only to feel my whole body stiffening up as he started using pleasure touch in its strongest form. He rarely did that but every time I was left both mentally and physically exhausted, and in a bliss.

“Look at your nipples, they’re standing straight,” he said in a low voice as he moved over and kissed my face.

“A- Ah~” finding it hard to breathe, my words turned into nothing but an attempt to speak as all I could do was moan. A good twenty seconds later when I was thinking that I’d lose my mind if that pleasure continued any longer, he suddenly stopped the spell.

“Mhh~ oh my god…” I covered my mouth as I looked back down, seeing my pussy cream all over his penis and the bed soaked in my juices.

“Yum, yum, you squirted real hard,” he chuckled, seeing my reaction. Although he stopped the spell, my orgasm didn’t end so abruptly since he continued moving skillfully the whole time. Raising my head, I looked towards the top of the bed with upturned eyes, unsure of what to do with myself from all the stimulation.

I could only clench my fists and anticipate my husband’s sperm. Since my folds were clamping down on his penis the whole time, I didn’t have to wait for long either. Shortly after stopping his spell, he couldn’t hold it back anymore and busted a huge, fresh, steaming hot load into my pussy. I could feel it spurting against the walls of my pussy and some light hotness moving deep inside me, though only for a short time.

“Pwaaah-” I finally breathed out after my orgasm ended, leaving me exhausted and weak but in a bliss. Panting heavily, I looked into my husband’s eyes and said, “I thought I’d go crazy.”

As he finished loading his sperm into me, he also looked at me and said, “I’m being careful with that, don’t worry.”

Smiling at him, I started caressing his face, “Silly, I wasn’t worried about that even for a second. I trust you with my all, you know?”

“Hehe, thanks,” he smiled back, kissing my face. “Look down if you want to see what we did,” he whispered into my ear and started nibbling on it as he slowly raised his waist and pulled out his penis. Like a metal pole, it was still hard and hot as it slowly came out of my insides, continuously forcing my folds apart. When it was finally all out, I couldn’t help but gape upon seeing all the fluids and his sperm on it.

Sitting back up, he leaned on his arms and pointed his penis towards the ceiling, showing it to me in its full magnificence. “Haah- can I ask for a reward?” he asked, still panting from all the excitement.

“Well, I could do something for you,” I raised my eyebrows and smiled at him deviously. Quickly rolling over to my front and turning around, I leaned on my arms and looked at his thing from point blank range, leaving only a few inches between his dick and my mouth. Seeing it twitching when I got closer, I glanced at Seth and then looked back at his dick.

“I wonder what this thing wants from me by twitching and spasming so much,” I asked as I once again glanced at him and blew some air on his penis. 

“I think that it wants to get into your mouth,” he replied, brushing his fingers through my hair.

Feeling his hand on my head, I knew he really wanted me to give him a blowjob and considering all the pleasure he made me go through, I felt that it was the least I could do for him. Getting a little closer, I took his tip between my lips and slowly moved forward, making sure to stir him up by licking the underside of his glans.

“U-Uh~ that’s incredible,” Maybe not expecting my movements, he started moaning from the pleasure.

Unable to restrain himself, he quickly wanted to take control of the situation and grabbed my head with both of his hands. Knowing that he’d start fucking my mouth soon, I looked up at him and waited for him to start moving.

“Aaargh- shit! I can’t fucking resist when you look at me like that,” he cried out when he finally looked down at my face. His penis grew even thicker and bigger, even though he came just a moment ago, and he started moving inside my mouth as he pleased, continuing all the way down to my throat.

“Sorry Lien, I can’t stop myself,” he gasped for air as he picked up the pace and gazed deep into my eyes. I didn’t even have to say a word to tell him that it was okay, he just nodded his head seeing the look I gave him.

“Thanks,” he muttered, making his movements even rougher and quicker than before. Although I just wanted to clean him up, it turned out the experience was too arousing for my husband so he turned it into blowjob. It took quite a lot of time to satisfy him orally but I managed to do it, even if my jaws became tired of it.

By the time we stopped, it was almost noon and we were covered in sweat and all kinds of fluids, so I really wanted to take a bath.

Looking at the bed, I said, “We’re not going to clean this up normally, are we?”

“I don’t think it’s possible to clean this by normal means,” Seth muttered, staring at the dirty blanket and the soaked bed. Glad to see that we agreed, I used magic to clean it up and then we made our way to the bathroom to take a shower.

I moved this mansion here on the day we decided that we’d bring the others with us. Since  the walls were made of glass and I was stark naked, I couldn’t help but flinch when I stepped out of our room. I knew that the glass was darkened from the outside so unless I turned on the lights, nobody would see me, but I also felt thrilled knowing that it was still a dangerous situation.

Slapping my ass, Seth followed in my steps, laughing when I turned around to glare at him. I could feel my ass stinging even seconds after his slap…

“What? It looked so hot, I couldn’t stop it,” he raised his hands defensively.

“That doesn’t mean you have to slap it with so much strength!” I grumbled, continuing on my way. Once we reached the large bathroom which had a shower and a large bathtub in it, Seth walked past me and sat down on the toilet to pee, whistling happily while watching me walking into the shower.

“Are you not going to wait for me?” he asked.

“I’ve changed my mind. I want to take a nice hot bath, so I’m just going to refresh myself in here,” I replied as I opened the faucet and quickly wiped off most of the ‘dirt’ from my body. Stepping out of the shower, I walked over to the bathtub and used water magic to fill it up. Turning around, I sat down on the side of the bathtub and crossed my legs, facing my husband.

“Aaa~ I can almost see a tiny part of your pussy,” Seth remarked, leaning forward on the toilet to look under my legs.


“Great for you, I guess,” I muttered.

“You let me see your whole pussy while you filled the bath with water, though. Are you sure it was a good idea? Because now I feel tempted to fuck you again,” he added, licking his lips as he ran his eyes over my body.

“Are you still human? Or did you maybe restore your sex-drive?” I asked shaking my head, baffled by his words.

“Actually, I didn’t…” he shrugged his shoulders, and continued staring at me like a horny dog. “For fuck’s sake, I won’t be able to resist you in the bath,” he shook his head as he muttered to himself.

Pretending that I didn’t hear him, I decided to change the topic for the time being and asked, “By the way, have you thought about eating more of that apple?”

“The one that was made by Sylvanus?” he asked, standing up from the toilet. He was more than ready for the next round…

“Mhm,” I nodded, trying to avert my eyes. But being the pervert I was, I just couldn’t take my eyes off of his thing.

Shuffling the water in the toilet, he walked over to me while saying, “I thought about it but I’m a little unsure if I should. I want to test this body thoroughly and see if there is anything weird about it before upgrading it even more. By the way, I think that if we keep going like this, you should be able to withstand the magic power that’s in the apples in a few months.”

“That’d be great,” I smiled at him.

“Indeed. Do you want to go sightseeing after this? I’m quite sure these islands are filled with beautiful places and yet we haven’t checked out either of them,” he quickly changed the topic from ‘work’ and ‘power’ to casual stuff. I had a feeling he didn’t want to talk about magic for the time being and wanted to do what we came here for. Enjoy our holiday.

Well, missing out on some sexy time was simply impossible for us, but we had more than enough time left for taking a stroll. As he stopped in front of me and ran his eyes over my body, stopping on my breasts and my private place for a moment, I could see his face twitching. Sighing loudly, he turned away in a hurry and got into the bathtub, his member all ready.

“Hahaha, why would you get horny? Haven’t you had enough? We’ve just finished doing it,” I laughed as I turned around on the side of the bathtub, facing him.

“Yes, but seeing your goddamned body makes me horny every fucking time,” he started complaining and praising me at the same time. No matter how many times he told me, it really made me happy when he told me that I looked beautiful or that I made him aroused.

Seeing me grinning, he splashed some water on my face and started laughing. Returning the favor, I then closed my legs on his head, forcing him between my thighs.

“Ah, wait, wait! I can see your pussy crystal clear this way!” he cried out, closing his eyes. Being as weak against me as he was, he couldn’t keep them closed for more than a second and just looked at it once again.

“So what? Are you afraid of it now?” I asked, my heart filled with amusement. It was so amusing to see him trying to resist his own desires. Although he never admitted it, I knew that his commandment increased his sex-drive. I couldn’t imagine a normal guy who would be willing to do it even ten times a day with the same woman for years, and yet he had no trouble.

Of course, we didn’t do it that often but he was definitely not normal in any way. I found it quite worrying that I was the same. These past few days I started feeling something strange in my body, as if there were some new powers in birth. If it was finally time for me to get my commandment, I really wanted to know what it was.

“I’m not afraid of it but I’m trying to resist this lewd body of yours!” he cried out, gently slapping my breasts.

“Haahn~ you rubbed against my nipples,” I moaned playfully.

Unable to hold back himself, he finally moved forward and started licking my insides. Wrapping my thighs tightly around his head, I leaned forward and rested my chest on the top of his head, leaving him with nothing but that ‘squishiness’ he loved so much.

“Mhh~ Which place do you want to check out first?” I asked in a low voice, this time moaning genuinely.

“Hmm, how about the moa- mountain top? I’m sure the view there is amazing,” he replied as he pulled out his tongue for a moment, accidentally mixing up his words.

“Actually, I think we should move the mansion over to some mountain top. Imagine sleeping right on top of a mountain with the beautiful ocean in front of us! Oh, and let’s not forget about the starry night sky and the moon at night,” I said with enthusiasm, imagining the scenery.

“Sounds good. If I remember correctly, Ma’at also decided to camp out on the top of a mountain. Should we move over to her?” he asked, which I found a little weird considering that it’d make it much harder to have sex if we suddenly got in the mood. Maybe he wanted to move closer to someone else so that he could restrain himself. Well, it surely wouldn’t hurt to tone ourselves down during the holiday otherwise we would remember only how and where we had sex.

“I’m fine with that,” I replied with a nod.

“Cool. Now then, before we leave for the trip, I guess I should finish you up and then you should return the favour somehow,” he said as he continued licking my pussy. Once he finished working on me, we couldn’t help but go for two more rounds in the bathtub and then finally managed to get out.

I realised if I ever wore a bikini, we’d surely end up fucking for hours. There was just no other direction… While he got out of the bath and dried his body with his towel, I sat down on the side of the bath tub and slightly squeezed my breasts between my arms, waiting for his reactions.

Just as I expected, as soon as he noticed it, he cleared his throat and quickly charged towards the door.

“Even if you clear your throat, I know what you want,” I chortled, seeing his cute reactions.

“I swear you’re a crime to the eyes but fear not, I’m going to resist your bewitching actions until the night comes!” he left the bathroom waving his finger, talking as if he was in the middle of some script.

“Haha, good to know!” I shouted after him, as I got out of the bath and used magic to dry my body. After packing a few things, we teleported to the foot of the mountain where Ma’at resided and climbed it in a few hours. We could have done it much quicker but there were many things to see on the way up, even ruins of the Mortal Age.

That was how people started referring to the time when humans couldn’t sense and use mana. I was a little curious about what it was like to live without magic but at the same time, I wouldn’t want to give up the freedom I had. Although our world has become much more dangerous because of monsters, and there were many vicious people who murdered each other without a shred of hesitation, I still preferred living in this era.

If people in the Mortal Age were the same as in our era, then even if they had thousands of laws controlling everything, there were surely many people who got around it and crapped on the whole thing.

That time was probably safer for most of the people but they were also powerless and had very few ways to deal with others if life turned on them, so in a sense, living in this era was actually safer. On the other hand, you had nothing to fear if you were strong enough and worked hard, which surely wasn’t the case in the past.

Somehow I could imagine that time as nothing but a socialized construct where people relied on connections and sneaky methods to avoid being judged and take advantage of others. Well, maybe it was better than that but I had no way to know.

While I was thinking about the silly things like the past centuries, Seth was thinking about something entirely different. “Hey, Lien, have you thought of a name yet?”

“Hmm? What name?” I asked, furrowing my brows.

“For our child, obviously,” he replied, rolling his eyes.

“Man… I’m not even pregnant yet, why not think about it after we find out its gender?” I asked as I shook my head.

“What if I make you have twins? Do you think it’s beyond my control?” he said with a frown.

“No? But would you really do that?” I raised my brows.

“Well… being an only child wouldn’t be that much fun, no? And if they are of different age, they may start fighting each other because of the difference in understanding and mindset once one of them reaches that age. If they were of the same age, I think that they’d get along better,” he replied.

Tilting my head to the side, I kept staring at him for a few seconds in silence while I was thinking about what he said. “Look, although I agree with the age part and it makes sense, you shouldn’t forget that you want to have a daughter and a son as well, right?”

“Mhm,” he nodded.

“Then it’s very likely that they wouldn’t get along, even if they were of the same age, but then again, I think that it’s going to depend on us for the most part. If we are responsible and raise them well and teach them to love each other, they’re surely going to get along well. We’ll have much less time to deal with Leviathan and will have to focus on our children. I hope that you asked for permission while prepared for that,” I told him my opinion honestly.

“Of course. I always give my best for the things I want, so it’s only natural that I’d take parenting seriously. There is also the matter that they’re going to have a high status in the society which is going to surround them, meaning that we’ll have to watch out for even more things than for normal children. I don’t want them to turn into some bossy assholes who would abuse their status. I have many ideas about what we should teach them and watch out for but I don’t think you want to listen to them right now, so I’ll leave it at that,” he said.

“I’m very glad to hear that,” I told him, followed by a small kiss on his cheeks. It made me very happy that he was already thinking about what to teach our children and what to watch out for.

“So what about the names?” he asked, turning the conversation back to the initial question.

“You’re still on about that? But fine, if you’re going to make me bear two children anyway, we should think of two names,” I shook my head helplessly.

“Why are you shaking your head? Do you not want two children? - is what I’d ask seeing your reaction, but I know that you are happy about it, so I’ll just consider your contradicting actions as retardism,” he remarked, rolling his eyes.

“Hah? It’s you who is retarded. I just shook my head because I thought that I’d have to wait for nine months for the children to be born and we couldn’t… you know…” I didn’t want to finish my sentence since I felt that I would sound like a complete pervert. I realised it was too late to think about that, though.


“Hehe~ is that what’s worrying you?” he asked with a smirk on his face.

“Can’t I shorten the pregnancy time to a week?” I muttered. I had the ability to speed up things and the babies would still stay the healthiest ever under my care, so there was nothing to lose. Well, nothing other than the nine months of struggle of being pregnant. I wanted to experience what it was like so I believed that a week or maybe a month should be enough.

Regardless, we were living in an era of magic. There was no need to suffer, and it was also much safer for the babies if we used magic to nurture them until they developed enough to be born.

“Are you asking me or were you just talking to yourself? It’s not me who’s going to be pregnant so I don’t think that I should have any say in it?” he shrugged his shoulders, leaving it all to me.

“Great,” I unintentionally blurted out. I was kind of happy that he didn’t butt into something like pregnancy and told me that I should bear with it for nine months or that I should give birth to our children in one day. He left it entirely to me.

“You seem to be happy about that?”

“Yes. I expected nothing less from you,” I replied, smiling at him. He very rarely annoyed me and although there were times when he said that he wouldn’t let me do something, most of the time he didn’t butt into my decisions. Then again, he butted in only if I wanted to do something dangerous so I couldn’t feel angry with him even at those times.

“Uhm… okay?” he raised his brows, probably not realising what made me happy. “By the way, I think that I’ve thought of a good name for the girl. How about Irin? Or Irina?”

“Hmm- Irina Clearfall. It sounds quite good but somehow it doesn’t go that well with our surname, does it?”

“Maybe Cathy? I kind of like that name,” I added after a bit of thinking.

“I do like that name and it’d also ring well with our surname but I think that we should think more about it,” he replied, still not satisfied with it.

“Well, both her first and last name would start with the C letter so maybe we should go for something else. Something starting with F maybe? I think it’d ring well,” I muttered to myself, deep in thought.

“What about Felina? No. Felice!” he clapped his hands, clearly liking the name.

“Felice? Felice Clearfall. Damn, I like it too much to refuse,” I shook my head.

“Hah? Why’d you want to refuse?” he asked with a frown.

“Because now you picked the name for one of them, I must find a good name for the boy before you,” I replied, sticking out my tongue.

“I’ll take that as your acceptance for Felice. As for thinking about names, don’t forget that my mind is quite a bit quicker than yours so I found this name from way more possibilities than you,” he tried to comfort me, though I didn’t really care about who picked the name.

“You do realise that I didn’t really mean it, right?” I asked. “And yes, I know that this is the time when you would say that ‘of course you didn’t’ while not believing me, but you can tell that I’m not lying.”

“Uhm- yes, I just haven’t checked it because I believed you anyway, and honestly speaking, I didn’t even care,” he replied.

“Alright then. By the way, do you like the name Reiner?” I asked.

“Reiner? Reiner Clearfall,” he muttered to himself and then raised his head with a smile on his face, “I’m fine with that. I think that it sounds good.”

“Are you sure it’s alright to agree with me so quickly? We voiced three options for our daughter…” I asked, not sure if I should simply accept the fact that we both liked that name. Well, it was also true that with my thinking speed, I considered about a thousand names before saying it aloud.

“I think that it was only because we couldn’t think of the perfect one as quickly as for the boy, and since we both like it, why should we keep thinking about it?” he raised his brows.

“Well then, Felice and Reiner, is it?”

“Yes,” he nodded.

“Damn, I’m really looking forward to it now,” I said as I clenched my fists and imagined the future. “But there is one more thing that’s worrying me a little. Are you sure that we’re old enough for it? I mean, we’re only nineteen years old…”

Stopping in his tracks, he put his hands on my shoulders and made me face him. “Look, I know that we are considered young but don’t forget that we aren’t kids anymore either. I think that running a place like Leviathan is no easy task, not something any kid could do. If we can do it, why can’t we raise a child? I also think that I’ve outgrown my immaturities over the years, even if I’m not perfect. And then again, I don’t think that anyone is perfect. We just have to watch out for our children and guide them well, and then there will be no problems.”

Taking a deep breath, I couldn’t help but agree with him. “You’re right. I should stop worrying.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be there for you whatever comes our way, and I’m sure you’re going to be there for me as well,” he pulled me into his embrace and kissed my forehead.

Wrapping my arms around his back, I snuggled up to him and closed my eyes to enjoy his warmth, only to be interrupted by some noise.

“Khm~” someone cleared their throat next to us, so I quickly opened my eyes and turned to the side, only to see Ma’at staring at the two of us with a frown.

“I came here because I sensed your presence, Lien, but I see that you two are lost in your little world, so I guess I should go back to my camp,” she said.

“Ah, wait! Do you mind if we stay nearby?” I asked, pushing myself out of Seth’s embrace. It kind of hurt to break away from him, mentally.

“As long as you don’t start making out in front of me and being all lovey-dovey, I don’t mind,” she said.

“What are you talking about? We rarely even kiss in front of others, and even when we do, it’s usually other people who come in on us or something like that,” Seth said with a frown. It was true that we rarely kissed or did lewd things in front of others, so her accusations were baseless. Even now, it was her who appeared while we were being ‘lovey-dovey’.

“Yes, in these last two years, we’ve perfected our self-control and now we can restrain ourselves from doing that kind of thing in front of others. Can you name even a single time when we kissed or did something lewd while you were present?” I couldn’t help but question her aggressively.

It was hard enough to quit being lovey-dovey in public because once the mood turned that way, I couldn’t help but show my affection for him, which often turned into a kiss and then more…

“Fine, fine, I admit that you are behaving well,” she waved her hand as she turned around. “Come with me in that case. I’ve got a house in Leviathan so I decided to simply camp out in a place. You can move your house there if you want, or you could also set up a tent. I’ll leave that to you two.”

“I’m fine with a tent. It’d be quite fun,” I replied after glancing at Seth and seeing him nodding.

“Great. There is more than enough space, here,” she said as she pushed a big bush to the side and showed us a clearing on the top of the mountain. The clearing was indeed quite large in size which had a small tent set up in one of its corners, and a man-made pool right next to it. There were about fifty poles surrounding the clearing, each connected with a thick rope which was used to hung down some Japanese-style lanterns.

Although the lanterns weren’t lit up, I could easily imagine how beautiful the place looked at night. It was a shame that it was still quite early.

We spent the rest of the day chatting and exploring the island with Ma'at and Skadi, who also decided to stay in the camp with us. There were way too many places to see so even though we used teleportation to move from one place to the other, we still couldn't finish touring the island. Deciding that we would finish it tomorrow, we returned to our camp at night.

Since it was dark, we lit up the lanterns and sat down around the fire to roast some marshmallows, followed by some cold drinks. It was the best during a hot summer day.

"Hahaha, and then he asked for my help, not knowing that I was the person he threatened to kill. He wanted me to help him in killing myself," Skadi was talking about a funny old story which happened before she created her queendom.

"So what did you do to him?" I asked, laughing as I imagined the scene.

"I told him who I was and then got rid of him. You should have seen his face when he realised that he was trying to undermine me the whole time," she continued laughing.

"Don't you want to come out?" Seth asked shortly after she stopped laughing. We sensed two people hiding in the bushes nearby, who arrived about ten minutes ago. Considering that they didn’t come out even after ten long minutes and just hid in there like some creeps, Seth probably got bored of waiting and called them out.

"Ah! Wait! It's us, we mean no harm!" Gil and Brian walked out from the bushes, stopping a few meters away from us.

"I don't think anyone was worried about that," Skadi replied with contempt.

 "You should be, though, stupid woman," Brian barked at her, clearly not fearing another beating.

"Wha- stupid woman? A slap would be enough to kill a fly like you!" she cried out, pointing at him with anger. "Hell, I don't even have to touch you!" she added.

"Please don't bother with this mentally disabled person!" Gil quickly rushed to his help, as usual.

"You are right, I shouldn't bother with him," she replied, sighing loudly. "But why were you two hiding there in the bushes? Could it be that you wanted to spy on us? And why did you think that we couldn't sense you?" she started bombarding them with questions instead.

"Stop kidding, they just didn't dare to interrupt us. Gil came to tell Seth which spell he picked," Ma'at quickly cleared up the misunderstanding. Her commandment was really handy, as usual.

"I see, so which one of you is Gil?" Skadi asked, eyeing the two with suspicion.

"It's me," Gil took a step forward and lowered his head.

"I see. You indeed seem to be more reasonable than your stupid friend," she replied, not missing the chance to get back at Brian.

Hearing her words, the person in question simply shrugged his shoulders and turned to the side with a ‘humph’. Seeing that shortly after he once again turned towards Skadi and wanted to say something, I decided to step in, “Please stop bickering like kids and let him speak.”

Closing his mouth, Brian nodded his head like a good boy while Skadi simply kept quiet and gave up on the matter.

“You can keep it private so come with me-” Seth said as he stood up, but Gil just waved his hand and said, “There’s no need.”

“Ah, great, I won’t have to stand up in that case,” he laughed as he sat back down right away and then looked at Gil. “So? Which spell did you pick?” he asked.

“I’d like to learn the Portal magic,” he replied, making both of us smile. It was a good choice but whether he picked it intentionally or by chance would affect the value of his decision by a large margin. To create a portal, one needed to learn many things about space and it wasn’t an easy spell to learn either. Not if it was your first spell related to space.

But if somebody learned how to create a portal, they could use the required knowledge to their advantage to create black holes, enhance their gravity magic, and many other things. Portal magic was like a bundle of many other spells, so it was naturally the best pick on the list. On the other hand, it was seemingly the only worthless spell on the list.

Probably thinking the exact same thing, Seth asked, “Why did you pick that spell? It can’t do more than move you from one place to the other, and later you can do that by using teleportation magic. It’s taught to everyone in school.”

“I may know much less about magic than you but I believe that teleportation magic is mainly related to mana and mana flow, am I right?” Gil replied with a question.

“That’s indeed true,” Seth nodded. “So how did it affect your decision?”

“However I thought about it, Portal magic would require me to know more about space and spatial laws so that I could bend them but after taking a look at what was taught in school publicly, I realised that we’d never go too deep into spatial laws. Although there is knowledge about it in my inheritance, I believe it’d be much quicker and easier to learn it from you than to learn it through some dry source. And I imagine you’d have to teach me a few other things first, meaning that I’d get more than what I bargained for,” he replied honestly.

“Haha, it’s good to see that you’ve once again realised the clues I left behind. If I didn’t know better, I’d think that you knew me for years,” Seth laughed, hearing his answer.

“Well, you helped me once even though you didn’t even know me, and I’ve experienced the same thing the second time. Seeing how close you were, I simply believed that your actions weren’t meaningless and I tried to find a meaning. It happened to work out and I’ve got the first place in the game. The spells on the list had a short description and this was the only spell that seemed to be pointless.”

“Once I came to that conclusion, I spent a few hours pondering about it and realised what was the catch,” Gil replied.

Smiling at me, Seth asked, “Did you know that the spell list wasn’t even my doing? I simply agreed to it once Lien was finished with it.”

“Oh… that’s quite unexpected, though I guess this just shows that I should expect similar things from you two,” he replied.

“See? I told you that someone would see it in you and would pick the Portal magic,” I couldn’t help but stick out my chest proudly.

“But it’s a new guy! Maybe the older ones wouldn’t have picked it,” he said, waving his finger.

“Seth, people don’t think that you are as devilish as they say,” I said. Most of the people feared him and secretly called him the devil and other weird, ‘evil’ names, but I was quite sure that they didn’t think of him that way. After all, whenever they saw him in person, I could see their eyes being filled with reverence.

“Zhong also wanted to pick this spell,” Gil chimed in.

“See? They just say that you’re evil but they don’t actually think that way!” I said, raising my finger.

“Today I’ve also heard multiple groups talking about you and they were all praising you,” Gil once again helped me out.

“Fine, fine,” he waved his hands dismissively. “Gil. I’ll teach you the necessary things after we return to Leviathan, though I won’t have much time to help you for a few days because we’re going to attack those stupid Germs. You may stay if you want to chat with us, but leave me alone if you want to learn magic,” he added, glancing at him.

“No, I don’t want to bother you anymore. Please enjoy yourselves. We’re going back to our camp,” he replied courteously and shortly after left with Brian.

“Shouldn’t we also retire for today?” I asked.

“What? You can’t wait to get in bed with your husband?” Skadi asked with a stupid smirk on her face as she elbowed me in the side.

“It’s not that! How could we even do it when you’re going to sleep only a few meters away from us, and you’d also see us through the tent,” I shook my head and tried to reason with her.

“Hahaha, I was just kidding. I don’t even know about your nighttime activities and I rarely see you do anything in front of us. I just feel that there is some kind of vibe between you two all the time,” she laughed, seeing that I took her words ‘too seriously’. If only she knew…

I’d dare to bet my neck on it that Seth is already thinking about how to have sex with me.

“Shall we take a bath together?” Seth asked all of a sudden, making us all freeze, while Ma’at started laughing. Knowing my husband, I realised right away what he meant and just rolled my eyes.

Since Skadi was the only person who was still looking at him with doubt, I said, “He meant that we should take a bath in the pool in our swimsuits, right?”

“Huh? Of course, what else could I mean?” he asked, not even realising the implications of his words. These days he seemed to be quite dumb when it came to matters regarding gender differences and other women’s privacy. To him, it was given that I was his wife and that he was interested only in me, and he thought that this was obvious to everyone.

“Oh! For a moment I thought that you two are some believers of polygamy and that you wanted to pull the two of us into your-” Skadi started blabbering, making Seth rethink what he said.

After wishing good night to each other and taking a nice bath, we returned to our own tents and laid down to sleep. Well, the other two probably did. As for Seth and me… we had different plans for the night. Seeing that he was just sitting behind me, staring at me with a smile on his face, I urged him, “Come closer and hug me. I’m not going to bite.”

"Oh, I wouldn’t mind it even if you bit me,” he laughed as he laid down behind me and pulled me into his tight embrace. Feeling his hot skin pressing against mine, I quickly used some water magic to cool myself from the inside. Probably noticing it, he said, “It's quite hot so tell me if my hug becomes unbearable.”

"I'm using magic to cool down my body so you don’t have to worry about that," I replied, snuggling up to him. Feeling him so close and against my back, I couldn’t help but kiss his arm to express my happiness. His hug was go gentle and safe.

“Mhh~ I love it when you embrace me from behind.”

“Now, look at that… are you trying to seduce me by being so cute?” he asked, leaning closer to kiss my neck. Feeling my hair brushing past his face, he started sniffing it like some kind of dog, showering me in his kisses at the same time.

“Hahaha, stop~ what are you doing?”

“Wait, not my neck!” I tried to push his head away, feeling that he started sucking on my neck.

Suddenly stopping, he growled into my ear, “Why do you smell so goddamn good? Haah- and these jugs of milk...” he grasped my breasts. “Shit, you’ve made me way too horny,” he added as he started rubbing his lower half against me.

“What are you talking about? I didn’t even do anything,” I said in a low voice, grasping his hand and pushing it towards my lower half. Understanding that I gave him the okay sign to carry on, he rolled over me and knelt down above me on all fours.

“If being super cute counts as doing nothing, then you’re right,” he replied, taking the top of my ear between his lips. Gazing deep into his eyes, I licked my red lips as lewdly as I could and raised my arms to show him a defenseless pose. As his male instincts kicked in, he jumped at me like a hungry wolf, unable to contain his desires.

It was so easy to incite him into doing sexy stuff. Placing a sound proof and light bending barrier on our tent, he did his best to knock me up. The next morning, it was time to tell him that I’ve got my commandment… that night.

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