The Mage Emperor

Chapter 12 – Cards down, Cards up! (part 2)

--- Lien’s pov ---

“Well, now it’s only the three of us,” I smiled at my little prisoners.

“He’s a monster,” Dixon replied, still shivering in fear. I was sure Seth used chemical magic as well else they wouldn’t be this abnormally afraid of him. They were even worse off than Valerie, even though they weren’t normal humans.

“I wouldn’t call him a monster. He’s very kind to me and he’s also a caring husband, though I’ve got to pay the ‘price’ for his caring,” I smiled at her as I walked around the table and sat down facing them.

“What do you mean by price?” she asked, slightly calming down.

Crossing my fingers, I leaned back in my chair and said, “Well, I’ve got to give him my all which surely wouldn’t fit women who want some ‘air’ and ‘freedom’, but I love him a lot so it’s really not a problem for me.”

“Now then, now that you know a bit more about our relationship, let me enlighten you a little. The fact that I’m here to question you is very good news for you since I believe I have a very good temper. You can’t anger me easily, unless you start badmouthing my husband which you surely don’t want to. This is also good for you because as long as you satisfy my curiosity, you won’t have to deal with my husband. You see, he can be quite impatient at times which doesn’t mean any good for you two.”

“Based on what I’ve seen up till now, you two aren’t some crazy lunatics either who would murder innocent people, though I could be wrong. Either way, in case you’re useful enough to us, you could leave this place in one piece and go wherever you want, even back to Dark city!”

“Is that true?” Damon leaned forward, visibly excited by the chance.

“I want to say yes but you probably wouldn’t believe me. Anyway, it’s still going to be a yes, no matter what you think. You can’t describe my husband as ‘normal’ and I’m just saying this in case you’ve gone through a questioning like this one,” I nodded my head, seeing him unfolding his arms, though his legs were still crossed.

It was really helpful that the table was made of glass, I could see their reactions to everything this way. The fact that he unfolded his arms and left his legs crossed meant that he had experience in these kinds of things. He watched out for his upper body, but he forgot about his legs, just like Hubby taught me.

I found his ‘psychological reaction’ lessons very interesting and they also made me understand why he read my true intentions and desires so easily every time. Honestly, the things he taught me up till now were worth so much that even if I spent my whole life serving him, I wouldn’t be able to pay him back. Thinking that far, my mind almost wandered off to some roleplaying when I realised I was in the middle of an ‘interrogation’.

Alright, I must make them open up somehow else they’re going to lie and then Seth would have to question them again. I want to finish my task with the best of my abilities.

“So? What do you want to know?” Damon asked with a smile, suddenly changing the mood.

Thinking about my options a little, I remembered how they were ready to answer anything a moment ago when Seth was still around. The only thing that seemed to work on these two was fear, which I wouldn’t be able to incite by myself. Luckily, Seth gave me a hint before leaving by scaring the two of them.

Enhancing my right arm, I stood up from my seat and punched Damon in the face, making him fall out of his chair and land on the ground with a loud bang.

“Wipe off that smile from your face. I said that you’re lucky with me because my temper is good and as you can see, I’m still not angry. Have I ever said that I wouldn’t beat you up?” I glared at him.

Shaking his head in a hurry, he wiped the side of his mouth and was about to say something when I raised my hand and said, “Oh, look at this. Your scales were so rough that the skin on my fist almost ruptured. If I were to punch you again, maybe my skin would be damaged. I wonder how hubby would react to that,” I sighed in exasperation.

Damon’s eyes opened wide and he quickly sat back in his seat, not daring to move without my consent. “Now, that’s better,” I nodded my head and smiled at him. Much to my surprise, both his arms and his legs were uncrossed and he was looking at me as if he was ready to tell me even his biggest secret.

“First of all, let me confirm something. You two are coming from Dark city, right?” Seeing them nodding, I continued, “Did you join them at some point in your life or did you grow up there? In case it’s the latter, have you ever seen others join. Also, do you know of a way to join?”

Peeking at Dixon, most likely trying to show a sign for her to play along with his lie, Damon said, “I was born in Da-” Before he could continue, I used earth magic to conjure a piece of rock and shot his face with it.

“Ugh-” he grunted, placing his hand on the wound that the rock left.

“Look at me when you’re talking, or do you want me to stop talking to you and wait until my husband returns?” I asked, raising my brows. “It’d be quite unfortunate for you if he had to bother with something like this because you weren’t paying attention to me. You see, Light city and Dark city wouldn’t be able to beat him, even if they combined their forces. Are you sure I’m not good enough for you?”

Although I told a lie, he was definitely stronger than any of the Grandmasters and leaders of these cities so they’d have to group up to deal with him. At least, that was what Seth told me when we entered Light city and he often overestimated his opponents out of carefulness. Based on Sylvanus’ words, there were more god incarnations like him in the world and they were the truly powerful ones, not these Grandmasters or what.

Since they experienced the pressure first-hand, they seemed to believe me without any doubts. “No, you’re perfect for us-” he started his bootlicking so I interrupted him again and said, “Now try answering my questions again and from now on look at me or I’m going to get angry with you and leave.”

“Please, we don’t want that,” he smiled at me awkwardly.

“Good, then say what you wanted to tell me. By the way, you shouldn’t forget that you’re being monitored by my husband’s chemical magic so try lying and who knows what happens!” I smiled at him.

Seeing the sides of his lips twitching, I knew I reached the desired effect.

“I was born and raised in Dark city but he joined only two years ago,” Dixon chimed in before Damon could utter a single voice.

“Hmm, even though he was about to say that he was born in Dark city? So you tried lying to me once, I’ll remember that, that’s one less chance for the two of you. When you run out of chances, I’ll stand up and leave so you better be careful.”

“And how many chan-” before he could finish his sentence, Dixon covered his mouth and glared at him, “Do you want to get me killed? Die alone if you want to.”

“I’m starting to think that letting you wake up was a mistake. You’re always asking unnecessary things and are telling lies, even though I told you that my husband hates liars and so I do. Your friend is smarter than you, it seems,” I shook my head, looking at Damon.

Standing up from the table, I made my way towards the door as I said, “I guess I should tell my husband to take you somewhere where you won’t be in the way.”

“What?! No, please, wait! I’ll be useful, okay? I swear, I’m not going to lie or ask anything!” he shouted as he jumped up and bent down.

Turning around, I raised my brows, “Are you sure?”

“Yes! I’ll tell you how I joined Dark city, okay?” he replied.

“Hmm, that’s enough for me to forgive your last mistake, but the next one is going to get you kill- removed from the room,” I smiled at him, intentionally slipping up.

Well, we weren’t cold blooded murderers so it wasn’t even true, though they didn’t know that. Seeing me taking my seat, he sighed out of relief and started talking, making sure to keep eye contact the whole time.

“I was born and raised in a village called Mayun, south from here. It was a rather small and dangerous place but we shared our knowledge of magic with each other so everyone progressed quickly and we were able to fend off the monsters. I turned out to be very talented compared to the others since by the time I turned thirteen, I was able to fend off even the strongest monsters by myself. Of course, the true reason was that I was a god incarnation.”

“The leader of Mayun also looked up to me and told me that I’d be the one to inherit his position in a few years of time. The only problem with this was that he had a son who wanted to be the next leader. Thanks to my knowledge, I never wanted to get stuck in a small village like that and I felt quite apart from my family as well. They just couldn’t understand me.”

“Unfortunately, no matter how many times I told the leader that I didn’t want his position, he still kept telling everyone that I’d inherit it one day. Of course, this led his son to start hating me more and more, even though I never wanted his position. Maybe he didn’t pay enough attention to him or I don’t know, but on a fated night he couldn’t hold back his envy and wrath anymore and tried to assassinate me in my sleep.”

“I was way stronger than any of the people in the village by that time so I knew that he was coming for me. After he failed to assassinate me, I let him return to his tent with a warning that next time I’d be the one to kill him. I was too naive at that time,” he paused for a moment.

“He isn’t lying,” Seth remarked through Link.

“Do you have the time to listen to him?”

“More or less, but I’m mainly watching out for his chemical levels. He tried to lie once, but you dealt with that,” he replied and then turned silent. The moment he finished, Damon also continued his tale.

“His father called me over a few days later and while I was left alone with that crazy guy, he cut himself with a knife and then started shouting for help and told everyone that I attacked him. Since he was very kind to everyone, nobody believed me when I said that he was lying and that he cut himself. Unsure of what to do with me, his father just told me to go home. I waited for days for some kind of punishment while the people in the village simply threw me to the side and glared at me every time they saw me.”

“Even my parents told me stuff like ‘you failed us’ and other shit, not believing their own son. They were shitty parents, I have to tell you,” he shook his head.

“Anyway, I was about to leave the village to wander the world when the leader of the village visited me in my room. As it turned out, he was a member of Dark city and he helped me in getting there.”

“Oh?” I leaned forward in interest, brushing my hair to the side.

“I’m sure you want to know the path to the city, but the problem is that very few people know the way there. You see, we have these black daggers with us,” he said as he took out his own and spun it in his hand, his eyes flashing with a strange glint.

“Don’t even try thrusting it into your head because you’re going to die before that,” I smiled at him. “My husband sealed both your magic and the magic circle that was drawn on your dagger as well, which means that it functions as a normal dagger right now. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t bleed on the floor.”

“N-No, that wasn’t my intention. Dixon also saved me so it’d be quite evil of me if I left her here,” he shook his head, sighing in exasperation.

“He told a lie just now, whatever he said,” Seth chimed in through Link.

“You’ve lied,” I said aloud. “Haven’t I told you not to tell me lies? Do you think my husband is so weak that he can’t monitor you from afar? The only reason I’m not sending you out is that this lie has nothing to do with the information we need. I mean, I don’t care about your relationship with Dixon and I’d be happier if you continued where you left off.”

Forcing a smile on his face, he peeked at Dixon and then turned back towards me to continue. “As it turned out, he was much stronger than I thought and he gave me a scroll and this black dagger. He told me that he knew that his son lied and that it’d help me in getting away from the city. Since I trusted him, I used the scroll which burnt a small formation into my skin,” he said, showing me a pentagram on the top of his hand.

“While I was clenching my fists and gritting my teeth in pain, he took that black dagger and thrust it through my skull. Here comes the fun part. If you have this formation on your body and you use this strange black dagger to kill yourself, you get revived in Dark city as if nothing happened. I also know that teleporting into Dark city is impossible since there is a formation to prevent those kinds of spells.”

“How do you leave the city in that case?” I raised my brows.

“It happens in the same manner we enter it. We have to suicide with a white coloured dagger which we receive only when we’re sent on a mission and it teleports us to different nodes, depending on where we have to go. There is always a person waiting for us at the node who collects the white daggers and then returns to the city one way or the other. He might know the actual location of Dark city or the way these daggers work.”

“Hmm, it seems Dark city has someone interesting backing it and the leaders are also very careful with the way they’re dealing with outsiders. As I see it, you’re nothing but dogs who are following the orders of some people who don’t even dare to show themselves to the world,” I tried provoking them, but my initial steps worked so well that they were afraid to react to my words.

Whatever, let’s hear Dixon’s story.

“Do you have anything else you know about Dark city and could be important to us?” I asked.

He made a thoughtful face and after thinking things over, he said, “Other than what life is like in Dark city and why I’m still there, I can’t say there is. These are things Dixon could tell you as well, though,” he tried to pull back from the conversation. He was surely getting tired of being stared at and wanted to divert the attention from himself.

Poor people didn’t even know that their life wasn’t in danger, I couldn’t wait to finish and then tell them the truth. Well, I didn’t want Seth to miss their faces so I’d wait for him or record it, at least.

“Is that so? But then it’d be fair only if I gave her a few chances to screw up as well and I really don’t want to deal with that. While you… you have no more chances so you’ll have to be brutally honest. What do you think? Who’ll make things simpler for me, you or her?” I asked with a smile.

“Well, me, but she wouldn’t lie either!”

“Damon, let me ask you a question. What kind of man are you? First you thought of suiciding and leaving her here to her fate and now you’re trying to divert the attention towards her. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?” I shook my head and sighed in exasperation.

“B-But I’d have to deal with your husband!”

“Then why don’t you tell me everything honestly and then there will be no problems!” I clapped my hands cheerfully.

“If the people in Dark city found out that I told you these things, they’d kill me. Even Dixon could turn me in since she didn’t tell you anything, even though we were both captured. It’s all on me!” he clenched his fists.

“What? Are you seriously worrying because of that? I wouldn’t tell them!” Dixon cried out.

“Yeah? We both know that the others who returned must have told our superiors that we were captured. If we ever returned to the city, they’d surely question us and it’d be someone who could use chemical magic to check whether we were lying or not. You’d just say that you didn’t tell anyone anything about them and then everything would be alright. As for me, I’d end up in that maniac Mesperyian’s hands and would be tortured to death!” he raised his voice as he started losing his cool.

“Mesperyian? Ask him for details, I know her,” Seth chimed in, his voice sounding very interested.

“Okay,” I replied, waiting for these two to finish.

“Do you really think I’d be let off just because ‘I didn’t say anything’? We both know that I’m doomed as well! Seth may not kill us and let us leave this place, but thanks to the daggers, they’ll be able to track us no matter where we go and once they capture us, we better pray to some greater god to save us!” she also raised her voice in the heat of the moment.

“Then we should just get ourselves killed here! At least, they may be nice enough to give us a painless death!” he shouted at her, pointing at me.

Clearing my throat, I said, “Before you suicide and bury yourselves in your grave situation, why don’t you answer my questions? You may have a way out of this mess if you do.”

“Like what? Will your husband help us?” he shouted at me.

Raising a brow, I replied, “He could, but he won’t if you shout at me like that.”

Staring at me for a few seconds, he shut his mouth and sat down like an obedient dog. “Right, so my only chance to stay alive is to tell you everything, but not even that is sure. Great, my life is pure luck,” he said sarcastically.

“Screw these all powerful beings always messing with people’s lives as they please,” he grumbled.

Clapping my hands, I asked, “Ah, do you think so? Aren’t they all terrible?” I shook my head.

Leaning closer, he whispered, “What? Is your husband forcing himself on you?”

“Huh? Hahaha, no, no. He’d never do such a thing. We love each other mutually and I didn’t even know that he was this powerful when I started going out with him. In fact, I haven’t even heard of god incarnations before he crashed into my life and I thought that he was weak. I come from a common city called Balan,” I couldn’t help but get a bit emotional as I remembered the time we spent together.

“Are you kidding me?” they asked at the same time.

“No, I’m serious. Honestly, I wouldn’t be chatting here with you if we hadn’t heard of Sylvanus and the threat he poses to this world. You may feel that you’re unlucky right now, but if you make the right choices in your life, years later you’ll think back and say that ‘ah, I was really clever for making this and that decision’,” I said.

“And could you tell us what are these decisions?” Damon asked with glittering eyes. He was really hoping that I’d say yes.

“I’m sorry but we aren’t looking for retards. The choices will be rather obvious once you get there, but first Hubby has to deal with some annoying people. Anyway, enough of bullshitting. Let’s get back to the matter at hand and tell me what life is like in Dark city and why you can’t leave. Oh, and tell me about Mesperyian as well,” I said.

Nodding his head, he seemed to be eager to tell me everything, “We can’t leave because secrecy is of utmost importance in Dark city and once you enter, you won’t be able to leave without a black dagger. These black daggers are bound to our souls so even though Dixon’s dagger is in your husband’s pockets, the creator of the dagger would find Dixon instead of-”

“Seth,” I told him his name.

“Seth. Right. Thanks to this, we aren’t able to leave Dark city without our superiors’ consent and we have to return once we’re done with our mission. If we don’t return in three days, we’re going to be hunted down by someone much more powerful.”

“Wait a moment. Is it possible that this person would come for you if you stayed here for three days?” I stopped him for a moment.

“I’m not sure, but it’s possible,” he nodded.

“Heh~ I’d like to see that happening. We’d get a new source of information,” I couldn’t help but start humming. “Alright, continue.”

Nodding his head, he said, “The city itself is underground and we have six lords leading us. The system is quite similar to Light city in that we have to earn points by completing tasks and missions, which we can use to better our lives. If you’re strong enough, life is quite nice even in Dark city, except for that you have to suicide at least twice a week, first to get out, second to get back… The only reason people haven’t gone crazy yet is that our death is instantaneous and we get revived instantly in the city. I think teleportation would feel similar to it, though I’ve never had the chance to teleport anywhere with anyone.”

“Hubby could show you later,” I smiled at him, my mind wandering off to whole different places and ideas, and those ideas were very disturbing. I was starting to see what was going on between these two cities and my theory was correct, the grandmasters were doing some real shit.

“By the way, do you have AIs as well?” I asked.

“What? No, that’s Light city’s stuff,” he shook his head.

“Alright, one last question. What do you know about Mesperyian?”

A shudder ran through his body when I said her name aloud and after a moment of silence, he said, “I- She… uh, I had the misfortune to meet her once when I first had to kill someone from Light city and refused to do it. That counted as a huge blunder and then my superiors showed me around the place and gave me a taste of what would be waiting for me there.”

“Mesperyian is a god incarnation who is some super sadistic woman. She loves torturing people and chance had it that she gets power from doing so. I’m not sure how that works and it’s probably because of her commandment, but you get the point. If anyone screws up or makes a blunder, they end up there either for an hour or more. That hour felt like a day and I honestly never want to see her again,” he shivered the whole time he was talking about her.

Feeling a little sorry for asking, I believed I’ve got the answers to everything Seth needed and decided to end the interrogation. “Mhm, thanks for the answers. I think I understand the situation now. I must ask you two to stay in this hut no matter what you see or hear, unless you want to die, of course,” I said as I stood up and pushed back the chair under the table. Taking out my phone, I took a quick look at the time and then made my way towards the door.

“Lien, right?” Dixon stood up in a hurry and asked.

Turning around, I raised my brows as I asked, “Yes, is there anything you want?”

Biting her lower lip, she gathered her courage and asked, “Uhm, could you tell me something? How much chance do we have to stay alive on a scale of ten?”

I knew well enough that this wasn’t the moment to start joking with them since they were clearly fearing the future, so I replied honestly. “Look, Seth won’t hurt you for sure, but the real question is, will he protect you? I would never tell him to do so when I can’t even protect myself from people like the Grandmasters. Knowing him, he probably thought of a way to keep you alive but you’ll surely have to do your own part. He doesn’t like freeloaders and lazy people so if you feel that those qualities are against your nature, you may be better off leaving now and hope that you stay alive.”

“If you can change for the better or you believe that you’re neither of those then you have great chances. The real problem won’t be him but your background. I mean, if you were in his place and everyone ganged up on you to kill two of your hostages, would you die for them?” I asked.

“Even if they meant more, I wouldn’t,” Damon shook his head.

“That’s the sort of situation you’re in, though if it’s just three, maybe four people at the level of Grandmasters, he’d most likely deal with them.”

“Hah? Are you kidding me?” Damon cried out.

“No, I’ve told you he’s a kind person, even if he’s trying to look cold on the outside. He’s really cute when he’s trying,” I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Damn it, Lien, what the hell are you telling them? I’m not kind to everyone!” Seth cried out in my mind.

“Yeah, yeah, you’re a terrible and evil person inside who would let everyone die,” I said.

“No, I- haah- just leave me alone,” he sighed.

“But it was you who talked to me?”


“I thought so,” I chuckled.

“I think I’ve found my idol,” Damon muttered.

“Are you serious?” I asked.

“If what you say is true then yes.”

Shaking my head, I left the building and went back to our house where Seth was having dinner with the person I hated the most these days. She was so unbearable, always trying to please Hubby by dressing up in a style he liked and giving him flirtatious looks. Ever since she noticed that he loved my thighs, her dresses and skirts also turned shorter and shorter, though Seth never spared her a single glance.

I bet she felt like a complete failure! Served her right…

The worst was that she never said anything that conveyed her intentions so Seth couldn’t even tell her to fuck off. Maybe I should tell her in private, though I don’t want to incite some kind of war with my words so I’ll bear with it. But the moment she says something that’s referring to her true intentions, I’m going to tell her to fuck off! Yeah, I can’t wait for the moment.

While I was thinking about all kinds of ways to tell Valerie that she should well… fuck off, I reached the kitchen and found standing next to the cupboard. She was wearing an extremely short, laced black dress which combined with her sexy legs would make any man go crazy. Even her entourage of five men who were standing on the other side of the room were constantly sneaking peeks at her legs.

Looking at my husband’s back, I noticed that something was off since he was resting his head on the table, which he wouldn’t normally do in the middle of a conversation.

“My, if it isn't Lien,” Valerie called out when she noticed me in the doorway.

“I’m surprised you know my name,” I replied as I walked up to Seth and put my hand on his shoulder.

“I've just told Seth that he should stop caring about the old ways and accept that a man can have multiple wives if he so desires. I could be his second wife,” she said unperturbed.

My head was about to explode from the rage that filled my mind, but I tried to stay calm and asked calmly, “You did what?”

“Maybe I'd have a chance to become the first wife, though you're certainly a tough competitor. I'm sure you aren't the kind of granny who is thinking like women in the past. We must think of our future and with Seth, we could give birth to amazing children who could save the planet!” she started talking like some sort of fanatic believer, a real lunatic.

I didn't even know how to react to her words, she seemed to be a lost cause. Turning towards me, Seth had a pain-filled expression on his face as he cried out, “She's crazy, I swear! Ever since she appeared, she’s been talking bullshit! I even told her to stop, but nothing seems to work!”

“Darling, don't be like that. You're my saviour!” Valerie stepped closer and put her hands on his shoulder, also caressing my hand. As I looked into her eyes, I couldn’t help but frown since she was spacing out even while she was talking. “Valerie, did you come here because of our hostages?” I asked. She probably knew that we’ve captured two people from Dark city.

“Hostages? No, I have nothing to do with them at this point, I came only to see him,” she replied, looking at Seth with love-filled eyes.

“Seth, have you checked her? I think she didn't just go crazy, she's different than earlier,” I said, waving my hand in front of her eyes.

“No, I'm perfectly normal,” she forced out a laugh. Seth may had a lot of experience with sneaky people, but Valerie was simply sick. Mentally. He was probably too shocked by her confession and her plans to notice.

“What happened?” I asked Valerie.

“Ah, nothing. It’s just that my father told me that I was failure because I lost to a simple human like you in looks, mentality, and progress speed as well. He also said that I was so stupid that I let you two leave me behind and that I shouldn't go back home until I grew some brain,” she replied, her sentences surprisingly coherent this times.

Standing up, Seth put his fingers on her temples and a moment later, he started frowning as he said, “Hmm, her father used chemical magic on her and screwed up her brain a little.”

After a few seconds passed, her eyes cleared out a little and she looked around in confusion.

“Are you alri-” I wanted to ask, but she suddenly fell to her knees and started crying. Since I was the closest person to her, she hugged my legs and rubbed her snotty nose against my thigh. Looking at Seth, I raised a brow and asked, “What did you do with her? She’s like a kid who lost her parents. And what am I supposed to do now?”

“I removed the excess chemicals from her body, but I may have made her a bit more sensitive accidentally. I’ve never used mind magic on someone other than myself, you know?” he replied, shaking his head.

“Is she going to be alright?”

“Yeah, a good sleep and she should be back to her former self,” he nodded. “ I'm sorry that you have to deal with this after the other two. I was honestly too shocked to notice and she kept tiring me with her bullshit. That's also the reason why I stopped bothering with her and listened in on your conversation instead. I heard most of what they told you and you can fill me in on the rest that I missed.”

“It's fine. I’m useful for something, at least,” I smiled at him, feeling a little happy inside. I not only did well during the interrogation, I could also help out by taking care of Valerie. It felt really nice that after being together for about two months, he finally had to rely on me. I could see him thinking hard about a way to tell me that I was useful, but he didn’t want to lie to me and since we both knew the truth, he decided to keep silent.

“Just so you know, she isn't your rival and I don't care about her bullshit-” Giving up on the matter, he quickly changed the theme to ‘better the mood’, even though I was quite happy with the way things worked out.

“I know, it's fine,” I soothed him. “What about them?” I asked, pointing at the five guys who were standing on the other side of the kitchen in silence.

“We're bodyguards sent to protect her,” one of them replied.

“Is that so? How about you go back to Light city?” I asked, raising a brow.

“We can't do that, we must stay by her side,” he replied, smiling at me in a rather creepy way.

“Then take her to one of the houses. You can sleep there tonight, but you’ll have to leave tomorrow,” I said. For some reason the five of them looked at each other and smiled weirdly before coming closer to me.

“Well, if you don’t mind, Miss Lien,” the same guy said as he bent down and separated Valerie from my leg.

“Noo! Let me go!” she shouted as he threw her over his shoulder. Seeing that he wouldn’t follow her orders, she tried to use elemental magic to attack him, but he mixed up the laws and interrupted her magic.

“Miss Valerie, please don’t make it hard on us,” he sighed as he took her out of the house, followed by the other four.

“Guys! You better don’t try taking advantage of her weakened state or you’ll never get to see the sun again,” Seth shouted after them. Realising what their smile meant, I wanted them gone even more. How could they even think of doing something perverted a mentally broken woman? Was it really only the hole that mattered…

“Men are pigs,” I muttered.

“Pardon me, but I'm a gentleman!” Seth gasped.

“Oh, shut up. We both know who I really meant it to,” I rolled my eyes. Realising that my tone may have sounded harsh, I quickly apologised, “I’m sorry if I sounded rough. I didn’t mean to-”

“It's fine. I can tell when you’re annoyed and when you aren’t,” he patted the top of my head.

“I’m not a dog…”

“You aren’t, but can’t I pat my wife’s head?” he asked, raising his brows.

“You can, but don’t smile at me like that while doing it. It makes me feel as if I was a pet,” I shook my head.

“Hahaha, is that how it felt to you?”


“I’ll be more careful in that case. I just found you very cute. Anyway, let's go and meet our little prisoners. You broke them just like I wanted you to, and now they can't help but want my protection. If I help them out of their slave-like lives, they should be grateful enough to be loyal to me for some time. That's all I need from them right now since there is something they should take care of,” he replied.

“Oh, okay.”

Upon reaching the hut, I entered without any warning and found them sitting in silence in front of the table. Noticing that Seth was with me, they both lowered their heads and waited in silence.

“How well-behaving,” Seth chuckled.

“Can I tell them?” I couldn't help but start grinning when I realised I could tell them the truth.

“Go ahead,” he waved his hand and sat down at the table, facing them.

Taking a seat in his lap, I smiled at the two as I started, “Now that he's done with his business and is here, let me clarify a misunderstanding. We really don’t like liars, but this time we had to make an exception since we needed information. We lied to you.”

“What do you mean?” Damon frowned.

Leaning to the side to meet his eyes, Seth replied, “I've never killed anyone before and I'm not into torture either. Basically, I never intended to kill either of you, even if you didn’t answer any of her questions,” he laughed, pointing at my face.

Damon looked at me with wide opened eyes as he asked, “Were you playing with me the whole time?”

“Yes~” I mused.

Gritting his teeth, he slapped the table and glared at me as he asked, “Damn it, do you have any idea how worried I was? I was worrying about my life here! Do you have no heart?” Seeing me staring at him unperturbed, he gave me a defeated look and slumped down in his chair. “Haah, and here I was worrying for nothing, though you ruined my life anyway. Once I return to Dark city, I’m going to be tortured to the death, so I wouldn’t mind if your all-powerful husband took my life before someone caught me.”

“You’re getting a little bit ahead of yourself,” I shook my head, seeing that unlike him, Dixon was waiting for our explanation in silence. “I guess you’re like fire, always crackling and jumping.”

“Is that so?” he asked sarcastically.

Clearing his throat, Seth replied, “It's a different thing that your life is in risk because of me, which is the reason I'm willing to take responsibility. Considering your background, I believe I could provide you with a way out of your situation, but it depends on you as well. If you think about it clearly, this is a way out of your slave-like lives and if you want my protection, all you have to do is stay here and follow my orders.”

“You won’t have to do anything life-threatening or dangerous, and for now, you’ll have a lot of free time after you’re done with a simple task. Also, you would have never told me the truth without doing it this way, or do you think otherwise?” he asked with a smile.

“Your woman is a devil in human skin,” he muttered, sneaking a quick peek at me.

“Ah, there was one thing that wasn’t a lie. You should never hurt her in any way or you may become the first person I torture to the death,” Seth added.

“That doesn’t sound fun,” Dixon laughed, elbowing Damon.

“Yeah, I just don’t get why I’m the only one who’s being warned and threatened constantly,” he shook his head and put his forehead on the table.

“Are you stupid? The answer is simple. Dixon’s temper is much better and I took it that she understood her position. This is because she reacted much more differently than you when she regained her consciousness and has been careful ever since. Obviously, the threat is meant for the both of you,” I shook my head as I explained everything to this brick head.

“Are you telling me that I’m stupid and would do something stupid?” he raised his head, looking at me with a frown.

“I’m not saying that you’re stupid, but you’re too hot headed. Well, I guess that makes you stupid to some degree. It may be some kind of racial trait, though,” I replied, eyeing his scale covered body.

“Well, I can’t deny that,” he slumped down once again, most likely tired after a stressful situation like an interrogation.

“Alright, even if you want to leave and move on your own, you should spend the night here. You can sleep together if you want to, though there are three rooms in this house and you can also move to another house if you want to,” I said as I stood up from the table.

“Why would we sleep together? We aren’t lovers,” Dixon rolled her eyes.

“My point was that Seth wouldn’t spy on you and you could do as you pleased,” I clarified myself.

“Oh, I get it now,” she nodded. “I’ve got a lot of things to think about now that I’ve got in this situation so I wouldn’t mind going to one of the room-” she fell silent all of a sudden, sensing Seth’s aura exploding.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as I stepped towards him but before I could touch him, he told me that I should stay here and then teleported out of the house. A moment later I heard a loud scream, followed by a loud bang. Realising what it was about, I opened the door and looked towards the house where the servants took Valerie. They were about as powerful as her and one of them was even stronger, not to mention that her mind was a mess right now.

Seeing the way she dressed, they probably couldn’t hold back their lust, thinking that she was a free prey after being ‘expelled’ from the city. My thoughts had been proven true a moment later when two half-naked men rushed out of the building, followed by a bright light which flew past them and cut off their heads. Biting my lower lips, I turned around and closed the door behind me, looking at Dixon with a small smile.

She was standing right in front of the door, so she must have seen everything. “I guess that marks his first time. That’s why you shouldn’t try raping when my husband is nearby.”

Forcing a smile on her face, she asked, “Weren’t those people high-level bodyguards from Light city? I’ve seen one of them before and he killed almost everyone from my group. If not for my quick regeneration speed, I think I’d have died at that time.”

“How did you recognise them?” I asked, opening my eyes wide.

“Their uniform… I’ve etched it into my mind for the rest of my life,” she grit her teeth.

“Oh, I should have known, and you were right about their background,” I nodded.

“Your husband is really,” she paused for a moment and after finding the right word, she continued, “dangerous.”

“Is that so? He’s very nice to me and I don’t think you should fear him either,” I replied.

“Of course, you’re his woman,” Damon rolled his eyes. “You may find him cute and shit but for normal god incarnations like us, his existence is scary enough. I’ve never felt an aura as powerful as his and I’m sure if I was to go over to you and push you down, he’d come flying towards me.”

“He would, but only because you’d be trying to hurt me. I guess I should check out what happened. Things got silent outside,” I smiled at them and then left the house.

Before I could close the door, Dixon said, “I’m starting to understand his character, and I also think that he is a kind person.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Feel free to use anything in the house. We built them out of boredom so it’d be nice if someone actually found a use of them,” I replied and then closed the door.

Enhancing my body, I jumped over to the other house and eyed the two headless corpses on my right with interest. There was no blood on the ground and I couldn’t see any wounds either, except for their missing heads. He probably used some high-temperature fire magic in his spell to seal their wounds instantly.

Raising a brow, I looked into the house through the opened door and noticed two other corpses lying on the ground in the same manner. Filled by curiosity, I made my way towards the corpses and stopped only when I noticed Seth standing in one of the rooms mid-way. Valerie was lying on the bed with her clothes torn, shaking in fear while looking at Seth.

My husband was holding the last bodyguard’s head in his hand, still connected to his body and his blood spilling on his feet and his hand. He crushed his head with his bare hands. The man probably couldn’t even perceive what or who killed him.

“Are you pissed off to yourself for not noticing it sooner?” I asked as I walked closer and stopped by his side, my hands behind my back.

“Yes, though they didn’t get to do anything,” he replied, letting go of the man’s head. He wrote a few tiny letters in the air and the blood disappeared along with the five corpses. Followed by the ‘restore’ word, the house also returned to its former state and not even a scratch could be seen.

“Do you need a hug?” I spread my arms.

“I’d like to say yes but I think we should help her out first,” he pointed at Valerie.

“Of course, but I wanted to make sure that you feel alright after… after doing this. You come first for me, you know?”

“Do you find it gross?” he raised a brow.

“No, I don’t. They’d have deserved even worse so I can’t be bothered by their death, and it’s not like I knew them. Things would be different if you suddenly killed Dixon and Damon, but I suppose you don’t want to do that,” I chuckled.

“Of course not, I haven’t gone crazy,” he replied as he went closer to Valerie, who suddenly pulled up her arms and covered her head. Stopping in his tracks, he looked at me and said, “Now that I think about it, it’d be better if it was you who helped her, you’re a woman, after all.”

“Hmm, you may be right,” I muttered as I went closer to her and sat down on the side of the bed. “Valerie, you don’t have to be afraid, the bad guys are gone,” I took hold of her hand.

Lowering her arms, she peeked at me and then looked around in the room, her eyes stopping on Seth. Seeing him waving at her with a smile, she sat up with her legs tightly shut and asked, “Where have they gone?”

“Erm, haven’t you heard our conversation?” I asked.

“N-no,” she shook her head, trying to remember it. Raising her hand, she held her head and groaned, “Ugh, my head is about to split in two.”

“Do you mind if I touch your forehead?” Seth asked, slowly reaching towards her.

Looking at me and seeing me nodding, she said, “It- It’s fine.”

“I’ll pour some mana into you, please don’t be scared,” he said in a low voice, sounding really gentle and kind. I felt terrible for feeling jealous for a moment, he talked like that only to me before. I knew he did it only to keep Valerie calm, but I was still jealous deep inside.

When he put his fingers on her forehead, I could feel a shiver run through her body, but she didn’t start crying and flailing her arms like some scared chicken. Gritting her teeth, she grumbled, “Uh, this hurts.”

A moment later, Seth pulled back his hand and said, “Alright, I’m done. Sorry for the trouble but they drugged you with a very nasty stuff. If not for your strong resistance, your brain would have turned into a vegetable for the night and you wouldn’t have remembered anything. It was something like alcohol mixed with some powerful toxins.”

“What?” she held her head, visibly in pain.

“Did they give you anything when they brought you here?” he asked.

“Uh, I think they stuffed something into my mouth, but I can’t remember,” she massaged her temples, starting to calm down. “You must have been right because I can feel my head clearing out.”

“Yeah, I poured some chemicals into your body that’d offset the effects of the drug, but I couldn’t do it without touching you directly,” he said.

Oh? Now that I think about it, he has to touch me to use Pleasure Touch. I guess chemical magic can be cast only if the caster comes in physical contact with the victim, which would explain why he isn’t worried about it. But why did he not tell me this? I guess I’ll ask him later.

Looking towards the window, she must have realised that it was getting dark outside and asked, “Can I stay the night?”

“Yes,” I replied, giving up on my childish enmity. She must have been surprised to see that I was the one who said yes since she looked at me with wide opened eyes. She seemed to remember everything by now, which made me understand why was she so retarded when she arrived.

“Thank you very much. I’ll leave tomorrow if I’m a bother,” she said, her lips slightly quivering.

“You don’t have to leave,” I replied.

Nodding her head, she looked down at herself only to realise that her breasts were almost visible and her laced black panties were also plain to see. Quickly covering herself with her hands, she smiled at Seth awkwardly.

Clearing his throat, he stood up and said, “I’ll go back to the house. You shouldn’t fight anyone you find here else I’ll kick you out, even if you went through something like this.”

“Now that you mention it, I remember that I was supposed to request you to hand over the people you captured. I guess I won’t have to mind that anymore,” she sighed.

“Are you with Light city?” Seth asked.

“Please, my own father kicked me out. I’d be a fool if I still stuck to them,” she waved her hand.

“Alright then. Don’t hurt those two, they served me with some useful information and they aren’t bad people either. If you want to hurt them, you better leave now,” he said.

“I won’t do anything of the sort,” she raised her hands defensively.

“That’s good then. Does your body hurt anywhere? My mana could have damaged your mana veins a little,” he asked.

“It’s bearable and it’s starting to fade,” she shook her head.

Showing her a bright smile, Seth turned around and muttered, “That’s good then.”

Oh, boy, some real shit is going on here. I better leave before I accidentally reveal something, I thought as I jumped up from the side of the bed and made my way towards the door. Turning on my heels, I asked, “Do you have something to change into?”

“Uhm, no,” she shook her head.

“This may look strange, but it’s going to be the quickest solution,” I chuckled as I took off my own clothes and after folding them, I put them on the bed. “Once you take a bath and go to bed, you don’t really need clothes, but in case you want to wear something, you can wear these. I’ll get you something in your size by the time morning comes,” I explained myself, seeing her staring at me with a dumbfounded face.

“You’ve got a great figure,” she remarked, slightly nodding.

“Thanks, though you can’t complain either,” I winked at her.

Averting her eyes, she curled her lips downwards as she said, “Yeah, and that was what led to what happened. You should be careful around men, though I guess you have nothing to worry about with Seth nearby.”

“I guess so,” I nodded my head. “Anyway, good night.”

“Good night,” she waved her hand. Turning around, I ran back to our house wearing nothing but my underwears. This was the only place where I dared doing that, and I had to admit, it felt quite thrilling when I remembered that there were strangers in our village. Excited to see Seth’s reaction, I quickly got in the house and closed the door, but when I turned around, I was met face to face with my husband. Seeing my lack of clothes, he raised a brow and waited for an explanation.

I didn’t know why, but his strong gaze made me feel a little embarrassed, so I couldn’t help but cover my chest with my arms as I said, “I gave my clothes to her in case she wanted to wear something.” I felt like a bad girl who did something wrong because of his staring…

“Come with me,” he said as he turned around.

Nodding my head, I followed him in silence until we reached the bathroom and got in. Without saying anything, he took off his clothes and threw them into the laundry basket in the corner. Turning towards me he motioned for me to do the same and made his way towards the jacuzzi.

Sneaking a quick peek at me, he used elemental magic to fill the jacuzzi with hot water and then got in. Realising that I was still standing there and staring like an idiot, I took off my underwears and then walked up to him.

“Do you have a rubber ring?” I asked, stopping next to him.

Raising his hand, he conveniently created one out of air and then gave it to me, “There you go.”

“Thanks, I don’t want my hair to become wet,” I muttered, and after tying up my hair, I got in the jacuzzi and sat down between his legs, resting my back on his chest.

“Haah~ this feels so nice,” I couldn’t help but tremble in excitement as the warmth flooded my whole body.

Resting his arms on the side of the jacuzzi, he spread his legs and closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth. Sighing loudly, he said in my mind, “I’ve set up a few spells against spying, but I’ll talk to you through Link, just in case.”

“I’m all ears.”

“Could you tell me everything Dixon and Damon told you? Just in case I missed something,” he asked.

Nodding my head, I did as told and shared everything with him. After thinking about it for a few seconds, which could mean minutes or even hours for him if he enhanced his brain, he said, “Alright, I think I’ve got a clear idea about our situation. First of all, I think that our situation is dire and I’ll have to hide you along with our families.”

“And do you think I want to hide?” I interrupted him.

“You surely don’t want to, but you’ll have to for a bit. Let me explain everything to you first,” he said.

“If you want to tell me that Light city and Dark city are the same, then we think alike,” I replied.

“Well, not exactly, but it’s something like that. You see, when I try to sense the world with my mana or my soul force, both returns with the necessary information. The problem is that when I tried scanning Light city, neither of the two returned from underground, which I found strange. I was sure that the leaders of Light city were hiding something, but I didn’t understand why was the size of their formation so large. Why did they have to block such a large area under the city?”

“Now that I know that Dark city is underground, I can connect two and two… it’s clearly because Dark city is right under Light city. If my theory is correct, it means that the six Grandmasters and Artemis are all god incarnations who gain power from all kinds of conflicts and these bastards were clever enough to create two forces to fight against each other.”

“They’re controlling Dark city in secrecy and by force while they control Light city as the glorious heroes who protect the weak from the evil. They brainwash people and set Dark city as the enemy of humankind and make their people slaughter each other. The first group thinks that they’re fighting evil, the other is being forced to deal with their shit and murder others if they want to live.”

“That’s really fucked up,” I remarked. “But why are we in danger?”

“Let’s say you had a system like this built over a hundred years ago and working for many years, how would you react if someone like me, stronger than you, appeared in your territory out of nowhere?” he asked.

Turning to the side, I looked at him from the corner of my eye and said, “No, you misunderstood me. I know that they want to get rid of you because you’re a threat to their ecosystem, but why is our situation dire? Also, I know that this is a no go, but I’ll ask it out of curiosity. What do you think would happen if we simply left the area?”

Maybe they’d stop bothering with me, but like you said, that’s not going to happen. I don’t think I should leave a nest of evil like this in one piece. Anyway, back to the matter at hand. The problem is that they started moving. When I touched Valerie, I really wiped out the drug from her system, but I also placed a spell on her which would tell me when she was using magic inside her body.”

Guess what, she was lying, even when I asked ‘Are you with Light city?’ and all the way to the end. If not for being careful and capturing Damon and Dixon, I’d have fallen into their trap and believed Valerie. If I left you alone with her for a few minutes, she could have captured you and then she’d have turned you into a hostage.”

“They aren’t idiots. They gathered every information about me and knew that I hold you in high regards. If they captured you, that’d be my end as well. Obviously, the same goes for our families, which is why I made some preparations. When I heard that Dark city was underground, I told Valerie that I had to go to the toilet.”

“Don’t tell me…”

“Yeah, I teleported back to Balan and brought our parents here. I also used a spell to hide their presences, so they won’t be found.”

“And where are they now?” I asked aloud, turning towards him.

“They’re in one of the empty houses,” he said with a frown, reminding me that I should use Link to talk.

“Then shouldn’t we visit them? I’m sure they’re confused by the situation,” I asked.

“To be honest, I put them to sleep…” he pulled on his neck.

“You did what?” I asked aloud again.

“Well, considering the difference in soul force, they should be asleep for another ten or maybe twelve hours. They’re better alive than dead, don’t you think?” he asked aloud as well, realising that we weren’t talking about sensitive information.

“That’s good to know. Should I go and sleep with them?” I raised my brows.

“Are you angry?” he asked as he put his arms around my waist.

“No, I meant it seriously. Since I’m not strong enough to help, I shouldn’t get in your way either, though I’d like to meditate instead of sleeping,” I replied, shaking my head.

“Are you seriously not angry?” he asked with wide opened eyes.

“Well, it’s pissing me off, but if what you said is true, I wouldn’t want to deal with my father’s questions either. I’d have done the same in your place, I think,” I muttered, giving voice to my thoughts.

“Damn it, am I not a lucky bastard to have a wife like you?” he mused as he pulled me into his embrace.

“You are,” I said playfully.

“I’ll take you all to a safe place,” he added.

“I guessed that much,” I replied.

“Lien, are you trying to crush my arm?” he asked, giving a kiss on the back of my head.

“It’s very irritating, you know? When you can’t do anything,” I replied, loosening my grip.

“Sorry,” I muttered.

“No problem, I just thought it was time to tell you,” he laughed.

Turning more serious, he said, “Regarding your question, don’t forget that I was weak before I started going out with you. I mean, sure, I knew a shit ton of spells and my control was superb, but what did it matter when my mana pool was too small to use anything? It felt as if I was a cripple.”

“You could have had sex with a random girl after getting her drunk,” I pointed out.

“That’d have went against my morals, you dummy,” he flicked the back of my head. “And what do you mean by ‘after getting her drunk’? Are you admitting that I have no chance with women if I’m weak?”

“Ouch! That hurt!” I rubbed the stinging area.

“I didn’t meant to say that, though it’d have made things easier for you,” I shrugged, lowering my arms. Pressing his lips on the back of my head, he raised his hands up to my chest and started fondling my breasts.

“Why do you like doing this so much?” I shook my head helplessly.

“It’s because of nature. You must be thankful to nature for gifting you with these awesome tits and I’m also thankful for them. It’s a sign of fertility which makes them attractive to men, it’s simple as that,” he gave me some shitty explanation.

Slumping down on him, I closed my eyes and let him do as he pleased. My whole body started tingling, excited to be pleased once again. It was a bit embarrassing when I thought about how my body reacted to his touch every time, though I knew he felt the same way about me, since his hard member had been poking my back for a while.

Pressing his nose against the back of my head, he moved down to my nape and then growled as he sniffed my hair, “Pwah- I love your scent.”

“Your nape is also really sexy,” he added, playfully biting my shoulder.

“And what’s so sexy about it?” I tilted my head to the side, giving way for him to kiss my neck. Every time his rough lips touched my skin, I felt a strange excitement and pleasure rush through my whole body.

Uh, I think I’d be soaked in my own liquids if I wasn’t in the water… I thought, feeling his lips slowly moving towards my ear.

“I’m not sure either, I just find it erotic and attractive,” he whispered into my ear upon reaching it, and then pushed his right hand under the water and started caressing my thigh. Pulling up my knees, I slowly spread my legs and then turned to the side to see his expression, even if I could see only half of his because of our position.

I could hear his breath turning rougher from his excitement, filling my mind with a sense of satisfaction. It always aroused me when I saw him lusting after my body.

“Your thighs are sexy as well, I love them,” he growled into my ear. “Haah- this meat, could you take my thing between them?” he asked, his heart beating like crazy. Since my back was touching his chest, I could feel it sending small flutters through my body.

Feeling him pinching my clitoris, I couldn’t help but moan as a strong jolt rushed up my spine, “Haahn~ that felt nice.” Stretching out my legs, I sat on his tummy and closed my legs on his penis. Seeing his cute tip peeking out from between my thighs, I put my finger on his glans and started drawing circles on its bottom. Every time I hit his sensitive spot, I could feel his dick twitching between my legs, sending a shiver through his whole body.

“Uh- I can’t believe how accurately you know the location,” he grunted, almost giving out a small moan as he twitched once again.

“I know all of your weak spots, Hubby,” I chuckled, happy to play around with him like this once in a while. Grabbing my thighs, I pressed them against each other to squeeze his member as tightly as I could, and then started moving them up and down. Feeling his fingers sinking into my breasts and my thigh, I knew he was feeling really good from my legs. His heart was beating so rapidly that for a moment I couldn’t help but worry, thinking that he’d have a heart attack if this continued.

“Haah- haah- Lien… I think I’m going to cum,” he panted on my ear. Excited to see him shooting it into the water, I spread my legs and took his member into my skillful hands. Seeing the swollen veins running across his erect member, I couldn’t help but touch myself with my free hand.

“Mh~” I moaned as I stuck two of my fingers into my pussy. Getting closer and closer to cumming, Seth sank his fingers even deeper into my skin, so much so that it was starting to hurt. Getting even more excited from seeing and feeling that he was aroused, I sped up my hand and grit my teeth, filled with anticipation to see his sperm spurting into the water.

“Lien, I can’t hold it,” he growled as he pulled me back and rested his chin on my shoulder. Feeling his member pulsing, I clenched my fingers around his glans and felt overjoyed as I felt his sperm piling up into large bulks behind my fingers and spraying out with incredible force into the water.

Thanks to the clear water, I could see it reaching mid-way to the surface before stopping and slowly floating to the bottom of the jacuzzi, some of it landing on my knees.

“Ah, I must be a real pervert, but I’m so in love with the sight of this scene,” I couldn’t help but gasp for air, feeling my heart beating like crazy from the excitement.

Panting heavily, Seth said, “Don’t worry, I feel the same way about it, and I’m definitely a pervert. Now then, do you want it in?” he kissed my face. Turning around as much as I could in my position, I stuck out my lips and waited for our lips to connect. He seemed to be consumed by the sight of my wet cleavage, so I had to elbow him to notice what I wanted.

“Ah, sorry,” he muttered, leaning forward and kissing me. It was about to feel great when he suddenly pulled back. Placing his hands on my hips, he raised me up and then pulled me back down, his erect penis going straight into my pussy. His thick member spread my folds and stirred me all the way inside, sending strong jolts towards my brain. But what felt the best was the sudden penetration, even if it hurt a little.

Covering my mouth, I leaned forward and closed my eyes. I really had to try my best to stop myself from crying out loud.

“Don’t cover your mouth, I love listening to you moaning,” he pulled my hand to the side.

“You love it because I don’t let you get bored of it by moaning all night,” I grit my teeth.

“I’ll make you moan then,” he replied.

“Hubby, start moving instead of talking,” I said as I straightened my back and grabbed the left side of the jacuzzi and Seth’s right arm, since the right side was too far away. Thanks to our pose, he couldn’t move much so I decided to move on my own and started shaking my hips back and forth.

“Uh, damn that ass. Every damned part of your body is so sexy that I feel like cumming into you just from looking at you,” he gasped in my ear as he put his hands on my hips and started helping me in moving.

The water kept splashing out of the bathtub from my continuous moving, but I couldn’t care any less about it. The only thing I could think of was his cock going in and out of me. Without any warning, he started using pleasure touch through his cock, which made me reach my limit instantly. Shutting my legs, I leaned forward and pushed my head into the water, my lips quivering from the pleasure.

I had such a strong urge to scream out and I wanted to do that underwater, but as the air was about to leave my mouth, Seth grabbed my hair and pulled me out of the water. Hearing my own voice echoing in the bathroom, I couldn’t help but stiffen up inside from the embarrassment.

“Holy shit, you’re gripping my dick like crazy,” he grit his teeth. I could feel his penis pulsing inside me, reflecting his quick heart beat. Although the water flooded my insides, I was gripping him so tightly that I could feel everything through his hot cock.

I kept cumming for almost a minute from his damned magic until my strength left my body and I slumped down on his chest. He also kept moving my hips on his own however he wanted, all the while I was cumming. Feeling that warmth in my lower half, I couldn’t find it in myself to stand up, even though I wanted to turn around.

“Please, stop for a moment,” I gasped for air, feeling his thick member continuously rubbing against my inner walls. Knowing that he wouldn’t stop without a good reason, I added, “I want to turn around and kiss you while doing it.”

Probably excited to see my face, he stopped instantly and helped me in turning around, though he shoved his dick into me as soon as I knelt down facing him. Pressing my breasts against his chest, I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my chin on his right shoulder.

“Cum inside me. Fill up my pussy with your load,” I whispered into his ear. I could feel his penis twitching inside me every time I whispered something dirty into his ear.

“I love it when you talk dirty,” he said in a low voice, slightly panting from all the excitement.

Sinking my fingers into his shoulders, I leaned back a little and looked at the place where we were connected. I could see his member moving in and out of me, which aroused me to no end.

Raising my head, I looked deep into his eyes when I felt his penis twitching and shooting a huge load straight inside me. He came so much that some of it flowed out along with the water, slowly falling to the bottom of the bathtub.

“Haah, shit, it’s so creamy, I think I’ll cum again,” I bit on my lower lip as I closed my eyes and gave in to the feeling.

“Your legs are trembling,” he growled as he grabbed my breasts and flooded my body with a mix of chemicals, the same that filled my body when I had orgasms.

“Ahn~” I quickly covered my mouth and grit my teeth, feeling it rushing into my brain in waves. Unable to hold back myself from getting wilder, I leaned closer to him and bit his shoulder.

“How wild,” he growled into my ear as he grabbed the back of my head and then put his left arm around my waist to pull me as close to himself as he could. Shoving his face into my breasts, he picked up his pace and started moving even rougher than before.

“Seth… I can’t hold back myself, I keep cumming,” I whispered into his ear, my voice shaking from the continuous spasms that ran through my body. “Oh, my god,” I gasped as I felt another strong wave of pleasure rushing through my crotch and filling my legs with warmth.

Leaning forwards, he pressed his lips against mine and shoved his tongue straight into my mouth. Glad to have him inside, I started sucking on his tongue as much as I could. I wanted to devour him so bad.

“It’s so sexy as you keep shaking your hips,” he said through Link.

“I didn’t even notice,” I replied, noticing what I was doing.

“Here comes the next one,” he said as we both opened our eyes and stared at each other while he shot all his sperm into me. I was getting creamier and creamier inside, and I had hunch that it wasn’t just his sperm.

Biting my lower lip, I asked when I felt him stopping his movements, “Are we done?”

Smiling back at me, he wrapped his arm around my waist and raised me out of the water. Turning around, he put my ass on the edge of the jacuzzi and then started pounding me without any warning. Since he moved his right hand under my neck to hold my head, I could see the place where we were connected, and every time his penis moved out of me, I could see it being covered in some white stuff.

We were focusing so much on our private places that he suddenly slipped and fell on me, pushing me out of the jacuzzi. Thanks to his quick reflexes, he caught me before I could hit my head and looked at me apologetically. Placing me on the warm tiles, he raised up my lower half and sat down on the edge of the jacuzzi.

Grinning while looking at my pussy, he shoved his member straight into me, not minding that I was lying upside down. At least, he warmed up the tiles under me in advance. Either way, he started using pleasure touch once again, making me forget all about the reasons. Lost in the pleasure, we continued having sex the whole night.


I woke up lying on my husband’s chest, his arm around my back and caressing my hair. Raising my head, I realised he was looking at the ceiling, most likely thinking about something nice since he had a big smile on his face.

“Good morning,” he kissed my forehead, noticing that I woke up.

Giving a small kiss on his chest, I said, “Good morning to you too.”

After a bit of silence, I asked with a knowing smile, “Do you feel powerful?”

Raising his right hand into the air, he clenched his fist and nodded his head, “I do.”

“That’s good then, just make sure you return to me in one piece,” I chuckled, feeling healthier and stronger than ever before myself.

“Of course, who do you think I am?” he laughed at me, trying to calm me down by shrugging off the threat that he was about to face. Even if the grandmasters were all weaker, they were still six people who knew how to use WORD magic and he could cast only three spells at most in the time his enemies cast six.

“I kind of started hoping that your theories are all wrong and that they don’t want to get rid of you,” I sighed, giving another kiss on his chest.

“That’s wishful thinking, but it’s not going to save anyone. We could try leaving the area and go somewhere else, but then who would get rid of these bastards? Leo? I wouldn’t be surprised if he joined their ranks so the work is left to me,” he replied, brushing his fingers through my hair.

“Mmm~ I love it so much when you do this, it feels so refreshing,” I purred like cat as I closed my eyes.

“Do you want to sleep some more?” he asked, his voice sounding a bit more serious than usual.

Opening my eyes, I looked at him and asked, “Would I wake up in your arms or somewhere else?”

Pursing his lips, he averted his eyes.

“So it’s the latter,” I said as I sat up and moved over to sit on him.

“What? Do you want a quickie?” he smirked as he put his hands on my hips and shook me a few times.

Leaning closer, I whispered into his ear, “If you return to me, I’m going to reward you with something really, really nice, and dress up in anything you give to me. What do you think, are you motivated after hearing my offer?”

Leaning back, I looked into his gleaming brown eyes. His eyes always reminded me of cute bear cubs and puppies.

“Oh, I’m more than motivated now,” he laughed.

Raising a brow, I replied, “I can feel it poking me.”

“I said I’m more than motivated.”

“Well, then stay alive,” I smiled at him.

Saluting, he said, “Yes, Maam!”

“Are you making fun of me?” I frowned.

“Don’t be silly, I’d never do such a thing,” he started caressing my face, making me think back to the time we spent together.

Raising a brow, I asked in a deep voice, “Are you sure about that?”

“Well… there are exceptions to everything,” he averted his eyes. “But I really didn’t mean it in a bad way this time!”

“I thought so. Anyway, it’s time to wake up and get ready to leave,” I shook my head and got off him.

Catching my hand, he pulled me back into his embrace and after giving me a tight hug, he let go of me, leaving me wanting more of it. “You know, I kind of wonder what would have happened if you were less curious and perceptive of the world around you. I mean, as it turned out, they’ve been observing you ever since we first had sex. I don’t think they’d have ignored you, even if they saw that you were a simple fool since you would have stayed a threat to their lives till the rest of your life.”

“Logically speaking, what kind of leader would want to have someone stronger than them around? If you were less careful, they’d have either captured our parents or me and then they could have blackmailed you with our lives.”

“I don’t think they’d have killed me if that was the case. They’d have simply kept me as a dog and ordered me around,” he replied, shaking his head.

“That sounds even worse… I think,” I muttered.

“Mhm, but that’s why I have to get rid of them. Who knows how many people have fallen victim to them? I’m sure I’m not the only person who found out what they’re doing, but those who know either don’t dare to talk about it or are dead by now,” he said as he sat up on the side of the bed and stretched his arms.

Looking over his muscles, I couldn’t help but get a bit excited, though I hid it well so he didn’t notice. At least, that was what I wanted to believe, but that never seemed to be the case. Even now, he smirked as he looked at me, giving to my attention that he knew what I was looking at.

Rolling my eyes, I walked up to my wardrobe and took a panties and a bra which had a matching dark green colour with white laces on their edges. Turning towards my husband, I slowly stepped into my panties and pulled them up on my legs. After hooking my bra and fixing my breasts in it with circular movements, I opened the upper half of the wardrobe and looked for something light and simple.

When I found a tight dark green dress which had shirt-like shoulders, I quickly stepped into it and pulled it up to my shoulder, ignoring my husband’s perverted eyes which were trying to undress me continuously. In the meantime, he also laid down on his front and enjoyed the sight.

“You should wear something thicker. The weather got colder during the night and it’s going to get colder and colder in the next few days. I’ve warmed up this room a little while you were sleeping, but I’d suggest wearing a thin coat if you go outside,” he said, resting his chin on the bed.

“Why didn’t you tell me that sooner?” I shook my head as I took off my dress and changed into my straw coloured sweater dress. It was much thicker than a normal dress and it was also much more comfortable than most of my clothes. Realising that my legs would still feel cold, I took out a pair of thigh high socks and put them on. Knowing that Seth had a thing for thigh-high stockings and short dresses like the one on me, I couldn’t help but peek at him out of curiosity.

He was staring at me with bloodshot eyes, his face reflecting his savage inner desires. Noticing that I was looking at him, he quickly hid his desires and smiled at me, “This looks great on you, like always.”

“Why do you like this dress so much?” I asked, curious to hear his explanation, even though I knew the truth.

“Hmm, it’s because it outlines your perfect shape which makes you look more desirable. It’s also shoulderless and being able to see your nape from behind and your collarbone from the front… I don’t know, it just makes you look more womanly and erotic. And finally, it may be a dress but it reaches only mid-thigh so it’s quite short and it really makes me want to pull it up on you and look what’s under,” he gave me a detailed explanation, much to my surprise. I thought he’d just laugh at it or something.

“What can I say? Good to know?” I shrugged my shoulders helplessly. “Also, don’t waste your mana to do useless things like warming the house for my sake.”

“Please, the amount I used refilled in less than a second, why’d I not spoil my wife by making the temperature more bearable?” he shook his head.

“Fine then, but I want you to be careful,” I pouted.

“Haha, you seem to be more worried about this battle than I am,” he laughed, shaking his head. “They may be powerful but while these people gained strength by making people kill each other and knowledge by gathering some information from here and there, I gained knowledge and power through learning and training. Well, I also gained a lot of power by… we both know what,” he cleared his throat, a bit embarrassed to say it out loud that by fucking me.

The same could be told about me. Although the effect was weaker on me than on him, I still grew at an incredible speed compared to my old self. If I were to return to Balan, I could beat any noble clan in the city with ease, and even in the country. Last night made me so much stronger that I had a feeling I could fight even Em and Sean.

“Say, I’ve been wondering about it, but what do you think, why do god incarnations go to school when they should just learn everything from their inheritance?” I couldn’t help but ask, remembering that even Em and Sean were all excited to learn there.

“It’s a good question and I have only theories, but I’d say that it’s because they don’t have as much inheritance as me. If you think about it, my ancestor was known by the name Khem and Min as well. Well, Khem or Khnum, I’m not sure about the spelling since I found numerous references on the internet. Anyway, he was supposedly the creator of everything in the Egyptian mythology, which means that he was a knowledgeable person,” he explained through Link.

“Oh, that’d make sense. Compared to normal people, even that ‘little’ they learned from their ancestor is enough to raise them to a whole different level,” I nodded.

“Mhm. What can I say, I’ve got lucky and I knew how to take advantage of it,” he shrugged his shoulders.

“Luck is nice and all but hard work doesn’t count as luck,” I smiled at him.

Smiling back, he nodded his head and finally got out of the bed. Seeing his morning wood standing tall and proud, I couldn’t help but cover my eyes only to peek through the tiny slits between my fingers.

“What’s with that reaction?” he started laughing as he got closer to me and took out an underwear.

“Damn it, Hubby, women can lust after men as well and seeing that erection, I’m naturally getting excited by the sight,” I rolled my eyes, lowering my hand once he put on his underwear.

“Don’t worry, I’ll give you lots of love once I’m done with these old fools, though I’m sure I’ll have to go through a scolding first. I mean, our parents are going to blame me for not telling them anything and stuff like that.”

“Uh, now that you mention it. I’ll try to calm them down while you’re away and explain everything to them, okay?” I asked.

“That’d be great,” he smiled at me.

“Good then.”

“It’s also good that I can sense about fifty people flying towards our village, so I should take you away as quickly as possible,” he said with a frown, turning dead serious all of a sudden. Picking up his clothes, he grabbed my hand and took me to one of the houses where I found our parents sleeping in three separate beds.

I saw the light blinking for a moment and I reappeared somewhere in the wild, probably far away from our hidden village. In front of me were three empty beds and a moment later he appeared once again with our parents levitating mid-air.

Placing them on the bed, he said, “I’ll wake them up in a moment, but before that, let me explain a few things. I’ve prepared a barrier around this area so you should be safe inside, but stay on alert just in case something happens. There is a safe area hidden underground, so it’ll be impossible to spot you. You can get everything done with magic this time, just don’t leave the bunker.”

“Oh, okay,” I nodded my head.

“I love you, I’ll be back,” he gave a kiss on my face and then disappeared once again.

“Oookay?” I looked around a little confused, hearing my father groaning.

Realising that he was about to wake up, I sighed loudly and did what I could and moved them underground through the trap door. The place was rather cozy and it even had a few rooms, though I had no idea when he built it. Knowing that I wouldn’t be able to find out by thinking, I shook it off my mind and waited for my father to regain his consciousness.

I wanted to become stronger as quickly as possible, else I’d never be able to help him at times like these. Hearing my parents-in-law groaning as well, I slapped my cheeks and prepared for the storm.

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