The Lustful Curse

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 / Welcome to Moonwhisper, Slave

Somewhere in the darkness of the tunnels beneath the city of Moonwhisper, currents of water carried a thief and a slave into the unknown. The prison break was successful, but they still had to survive the endless stream, in which Eugene Mustfill and Korvus Nightshade were at the mercy of the raging element, as if trapped in a relentless whirlpool.

Eugene struggled to keep his head above water, but each time, the waves dragged him under. And each time, he fought back. Korvus wasn't sure how much longer this strange ride would last, but he knew exactly where they would end up. The collector. Most of the tunnels converged there.

Minutes stretched into hours, but soon Korvus noticed a light in the distance. An exit. Freedom. Perhaps even safetyif only temporary. The light grew brighter until it finally consumed the escaping prisoners. Korvus and Eugene were thrown out of the pipe into a massive reservoir filled with water.

"Bloody hell!" Eugene yelled as he plunged down, submerging once more.

For a few moments, he remained underwater until Korvus's strong hand grabbed him and pulled him to the surface. When Eugene opened his eyes, he found himself lying flat on the cold stone floor, as if he had been thrown back into a prison cell. Looking around, he realized they were in a spherical chamber. Somewhere above, light seeped in, illuminating the reservoir and himself. A few torches flickered at the tunnel entrances. It seemed this labyrinth connected all of Moonwhisper, and they had landed at its heart.

Korvus stood nearby. The only thought running through his mind was how ridiculous Eugene looked in his torn, filthy dress. With a smirk, the goblin extended a hand and helped him up.

"Where are we?" the red-haired youth asked as he got to his feet, adjusting his glasses. The glass in one of the frames was shattered. "Damn! My glasses are broken." Glancing down at his dress, which had been made especially for a fantasy festival, he added, "And this thing is only good for the trash."

"We're in the collector," Korvus surveyed the chamber. "The tunnels are all connected. Smugglers and anyone who wants to move unseen use them. The Guild included."

"Because of the Dominion?" Eugene lowered his gaze. Korvus was still holding his hand.

"Partly. But mostly to avoid unwanted attention. Rumors spread fast in Moonwhisper."

"You've been here before? Do you know where to go next?"

"I have an idea. If I'm right, we'll come out in the lower district." Korvus pulled Eugene forward, heading toward one of the tunnels. "And your glasses…" He raised a finger. "I know where to get you new ones. Don't worry about the clothes either."

The prisoners vanished into the tunnel's darkness, and the torchlight flickering on the walls faded. The light from above, which had illuminated the collector, disappeared as well.

As he followed Korvus, Eugene recalled the events of the past night. Lyraeus. The prison. The Dominion wizard. The traitor she tortured. Their unexpected rescue. It all felt so strange, even though it had happened so recently. Half an hour ago? An hour? Yet now, it seemed like an eternity had passed.

Feeling Korvus's warm hand, Eugene thought of him with gratitude. Only thanks to his new friend was he now free. Otherwise, by dawn, he would have been burnedlike the Scum of Lyraeus.

The Scum of Lyraeus. The lustful curse, forcing Eugene to crave pleasure, driving his mind to the brink. And only a man's body could satisfy that hunger. Otherwise… Eugene would descend into madness, with no escape. Lyraeus had cursed him just hours ago. Soon, the curse would fully awaken. He would become a slave to desire for eternity. And Eugene would have to make a choicelose himself completely or try to delay the inevitable, hoping there was still a way out.

He was afraid. But Korvus's warm hand, like fire, kept the fear at bay. Eugene hadn't been in this new world for long, yet he already knew he could rely on the goblin.

It was also strange how quickly he had forgotten his past self. Virginia Mustfill, the person he once was, was gone. Only fragments of memories remained. But with every passing minute, they faded. As if the curse didn't just awaken an insatiable hungerit changed who he was.

Once Virginia. NowEugene. And very soon, his former life would become nothing more than a half-forgotten dream.

That was how it worked, apparently.

The perfect slave of Lyraeus. Without even remembering who he used to be.


For half an hour, the wanderers had been wandering through the labyrinth in search of an exit. Sometimes, the darkness of the tunnels was pierced by torches on the walls. It was here that the smuggler's routes passed. The tunnels shifted one after another, and the torches vanished again. Watching the confident steps of the goblin, it seemed that Korvus knew exactly where they were and how far they were from the exit.

"What will we do once we get out?" Eugene asked the goblin, who was leading him through the darkness.

"First, we'll wash up, change clothes, and eat," Korvus said quietly, as if afraid someone might hear him.

"And then?"

"Then we'll think about it," Korvus replied calmly. He already knew what the next step would be.

"I think Dominion will put a bounty on us. The wizard from Dominion saw us. She'll be searching for us."

"I know," Korvus had already taken that into account in his plan.

"You're so calm," Eugene turned to the thief. "Aren't you scared?"

"I'm not scared," Korvus answered shortly and stopped. Eugene followed him. "Listen, Eugene. We need to blend in with the crowd. In Moonwhisper, there are humans, goblins, and beasts. If we don't stand out, no one will notice us. I'm very good at staying unnoticed. But if I walk around with a guy in a torn women's dress, we'll definitely attract attention."

"Yeah, but…" Eugene wanted to argue, but Korvus stopped him.

"It will be hard for us if we're hungry too, so we need to eat. And…," Korvus hesitated, searching for words. "You're all wet. If you get sick, you'll put us in danger. At the moment when we need to act, you just won't be able to. So, first food, clothes, and rest."

"Do we have time for that?"

"Trust me," the goblin squeezed Eugene's hand, "I know what I'm doing. This isn't the first time."

"Alright," Eugene nodded into the darkness, though Korvus couldn't see it.

"This way," the thief pulled the young man, and they turned into another tunnel. At the end, they saw the light of a torch and a small iron ladder.

Approaching the torch, Korvus released Eugene and began climbing the ladder first. Reaching the top, he pressed his hand against a metal plate. His muscles tensed, and with a screech, the plate yielded to his strength. The light blinded the goblin. Pushing it away, Korvus gestured to Eugene to follow him. The young man obeyed and grabbed the metal bars.

Eugene began to hear sounds, voices. Smells started to emerge. With every step, they became clearer. The light from the hatch grew brighter until it completely enveloped him. The goblin's hand grabbed Eugene, and Korvus helped him climb into the light.

Moonwhisper. A city built centuries ago, which had survived many attacks, greeted a new inhabitant. The city itself consisted of three rings: the lower, middle, and upper districts. Korvus and Eugene found themselves in one of the hidden corners of the lower district a place where no one would pay attention to them.

Wooden buildings, two or three stories high, created a network of narrow streets where the residents of Moonwhisper moved continuously, day and night. There was never a moment when the streets were empty. Numerous taverns, shops, and street vendors filled the lower district with life. This place had become a refuge for those who either acted in the shadows or had no chance to live in the middle or upper districts. Thieves, prostitutes, simple traders they all coexisted, and over time, formed a network known as the Guild.

The lower district, though surrounded by a wall protecting the entire city, remained without proper supervision. Only a few guards reluctantly patrolled the lower ranks of society. The Dominion itself saw this district as merely the first line of defense in case of an attack, it was doomed to destruction to buy time for the middle and upper districts. Perhaps that was why most of the buildings here were wooden.

Fortunately for the residents of the middle and upper districts, they were separated by another stone wall. The middle district consisted mostly of stone buildings ranging from five to seven stories high. Here, there were shops, craft workshops, and the main industries of Moonwhisper, and most importantly here lived those who gladly obeyed the Church of the Kyrexian Dominion. It was on the outskirts of the middle district where the prison was located, from which three prisoners had escaped that night.

The upper district belonged to the elite of Moonwhisper. Loyal servants of the Dominion, traders of rare goods, soldiers, and magicians lived in isolation from the rest of the city. At its very center stood the Citadel of the Dominion a castle surrounded by a river that ran through the entire city. There, the Pastor of the Dominion, the ruler of Moonwhisper, a loyal servant of the Supreme Patriarch, resided. And there, too, hid the mysterious vault that no one could open.

Moonwhisper, like most cities in this world, was under the Dominion's control. The inhabitants of the lower district knew well what crossing the district boundaries without the Church's permission meant. And those who lived in the middle and upper districts were fully aware of what was happening on the streets below. The city was unified, but it was divided by walls walls that protected, but also separated one from another.

However, even these walls were not insurmountable. The Guild and the Church were aware of each other's existence. Rumors circulated that an unspoken agreement existed between them: the Dominion did not interfere with the Guild's affairs, and the Guild did not touch the Dominion. The filth belonged to the Guild, civilization to the Dominion. The balance of these powers remained unshakable.

Until three prisoners escaped from the prison.


The morning dawn illuminated the city, waking up from its slumber. The lower district of Moonwhisper was filling with people and beasts. Street vendors opened their food carts, attracting the first customers. The line at the gates leading to the Middle District gradually grew longer. Shops swung open their doors, and their owners had been calling out to passersby since early morning.

Eugene walked behind the goblin, glancing around. Surprisingly, he was smiling. Beasts of various races, humans, and even goblins were calmly talking to each other. It seemed like the fantasy stories he had read in the past had come to life. The new world was unfolding before him in all its fullnessnot just the dark forests and prisons, but the true lives of its inhabitants. And now, Eugene was a part of this world.

Despite the curse and the uncertain future, the young man couldn't help but admire what he was seeing. He had always dreamed of such a place but never thought he would end up here. However, Korvus was rightseveral beasts were eyeing the red-haired young man carefully, and some were even smiling slightly. Eugene Mustfill stood out too much among the others. But still, Moonwhisper was accepting its new resident.

"Let's go," Korvus waved Eugene over.

"Where to?" Eugene quickened his pace to catch up with the goblin.

"To a special place," Korvus grinned, turning around the corner.

The street narrowed so much that only two people, shoulder to shoulder, could walk through it. Tall buildings seemed to lean on each other, but they still left a narrow passage between them. In this gap, the two fugitives disappeared from the city's view.

Korvus approached a wooden staircase and, without slowing down, climbed upwards. Eugene followed him. After a few minutes, they reached the roof.

"Wow..." Despite his broken glasses, Eugene could still see the beauty of Moonwhisper.

The lower district stretched out to the horizon. On the other side, the wall separating the Middle District rose high. Beyond it, the smoke from factories was visible, with a few tall buildings, and higher still, the Dominion Citadel. The majestic castle towered above the rest of the city, like a guardian watching over its life.

Suddenly, a noise sounded. Eugene looked up. High in the sky, through the clouds, an airship was floating toward the Upper District. Far off in the distance, more of these airships could be seen.

"Welcome to Moonwhisper, Eugene," Korvus climbed onto a roof ledge and spread his arms out. He was smilingslightly, but genuinely. He was trying to distract the young man from his heavy thoughts.

Eugene was now a slave to desire, and his first encounter with this world had been far from easy. Korvus wanted him not to dwell on it. A new day had begun, and that meant they were still alive. This was a rule the goblin had learned long ago and wanted to pass on to his companion.

It doesn't always rain, but the sun doesn't always shine either. This is the cycle of life. And if you're alive, not everything is lost. If Eugene understands this, it will be easier for him to live in this world.

"Moonwhisper..." Eugene walked up to the goblin. Now they were standing side by side, at the same height. The sunlight illuminated Korvus' face, allowing Eugene to see him much better than in the dim light of night.

"A city where everything exists," the goblin placed his hand on Eugene's shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze.

"It's incredible…" Eugene whispered.

"Is this how you imagined it?"

"Yes… but…"

"But what?"

"I didn't think it would be this big."

"Moonwhisper isn't that big a city, Eugene. There's much more."

"Right... I remember." Eugene smiled.

In the sunlight, he noticed how handsome the goblin was. His eyes, his tusked smile, his strong body… The heavy hand on his shoulder… That touch... Something awakened deep inside Eugene, growing like a quiet fire. He couldn't tear his gaze away from his companion.

"Your introduction to the city is just beginning," Korvus jumped off the ledge and headed for a small building on the roof. "Later, we'll eat and visit a place."

"What place?" Eugene hurried to follow.

"They might help us there."

"With the curse?" Hope echoed in the young man's voice.

"No. But with what to do next."

The building resembled a tiny apartment or an annex. Wooden walls, a tiled roof, a couple of windows, and a door. Nothing remarkable. It looked more like a storage space or a shed where residents keep old things.

Korvus approached the door, pointed two fingers at the lock, and, as if escaping from a prison, began to move them as though controlling invisible threads. In a moment, the lock clicked and fell to the ground. The goblin pulled the handle, opening the door. With a gesture, he invited his companion inside.

"Let me guess…" Eugene stepped across the threshold. "Is this illegal? Did we just break into someone's property?"

"Someone's property?" Korvus laughed as he locked the door behind them. "What makes you think that? Because I'm a thief?"

"Isn't that the case?"

Eugene looked around.

It was still an apartment. Small, but cozy. Lanterns and flower boxes with unfamiliar flowers stood on the windowsills. A small kitchen, a table with two chairs, a drawer with plates and spoons. Something resembling a couch. Across from it, a window looking out at the edge of the building. The view from there opened to other rooftops stretching to the horizon.

But what caught Eugene's attention the most was the bookshelf, crammed full of books. There were surprisingly many of them. However, the inscriptions on the covers were unreadable to Eugenehe didn't recognize the language.

At the end of the room, another door was visible. It clearly led to the only room in this apartment.

The one who lived here was extremely attentive to details and cleanliness. A book lover, who likely enjoyed reading in the evenings, watching the sunset. Next to the sofa stood a small box with several bottles, which seemed to resemble alcohol. Apparently, the apartment's tenant enjoyed a drink after a long workday. In any case, the atmosphere of this place gave Eugene a strange sense of peace, mixed with an exotic coziness.

"Well..." Korvus said, sitting on a chair. "Welcome to my home." He raised his arms and stretched.

"This…" Eugene scanned the apartment with his eyes. "Is this your home?"

"Didn't think a goblin could have a home?" Korvus laughed.

"No, I…"

"What?" Korvus stood up and walked over to a small cupboard. He opened it and took out a towel.

"I'm surprised. It's… very clean… cozy…"

"Do goblins have to live in filth?" Korvus handed Eugene the towel.

"What? No… I… I'm sorry…" the young man exhaled. "You see…" Eugene took the towel in his hands. "In my world, there are stories…"

"What stories?" Korvus didn't release the towel, keeping Eugene close.

"Made-up ones. There are many… But there are some that talk about magic and wizards, about creatures that don't exist in our world."

"Like me?" Korvus smiled slightly.

"Yes, exactly. In my world, there are no goblins, but in these stories, there are characters…"

"And they're goblins?" Korvus tilted his head.

"Yes, and there, they're described… In general, they live in caves, kidnap people… and much more."

"Funny." Korvus finally let go of the towel. "Can't say everything's different in this world. My homeland is on another continent." He waved his hand, inviting Eugene to go further. "My ancestors arrived on this land when their homeland perished, and they were searching for a new refuge. But…" Korvus turned around. "The way they did it wasn't the most peaceful. When the local wizards and warriors fought back, most of my people left the continent. But some stayed."

"And you were among them?"

"What? No!" the goblin exclaimed. "That happened almost a century ago. My ancestors stayed here."

"Ah, I see."

"I was born here, in Moonwhisper. But as far as I know, those who stayed in my homeland… they don't live in caves. But their traditions and customs are very different from here."

Korvus opened the door to a room and let Eugene in. It was smalljust enough space for a double bed, a small bedside table, and a wardrobe. There was a window near the bed, and in the corner, a door leading to the bathroom.

"That's the bathroom." Korvus gently nudged Eugene forward, touching his waist. "Take a shower, and I'll find you some clothes."

"Okay," the young man nodded. "Thank you, Korvus… I really…"

"Thank me later." The goblin turned around and left the room.

Eugene Mustfill entered the bathroom, pulled off his dirty dress and underwear. And only now did he truly see what Lyraeus had done. His body had changed. Virginia's chest was gone, along with what had made him a girl. It was as though he had always been a guythin, soft, smooth.

Eugene picked up a small mirror from the cabinet and looked at himself. His face had completely changed. Virginia no longer existed.

He touched his cheek, lips… and became frightened. The ancient magic, almost unknown to anyone, had changed not only his body but also his mind. The memories of his old self began to fade. He tried to hold on to them, keep them in his memory, but they slipped away like water through his fingers, sinking into emptiness.

"What do I do now…" he whispered quietly, putting the mirror aside and turning the knob.

A stream of hot water poured down. The bathroom quickly filled with steam. Eugene stood still, hoping that the water would wash away the curse. He wanted to become himself again… the person he could barely remember. But miracles couldn't overcome ancient magic. It was stronger.

As water droplets hit his body, Eugene couldn't tell what he had done longerwashed away the dirt or studied his new, unfamiliar body. But at that moment, something strange took hold of his mind.

Before his eyes appeared the image of Korvus Nightshadeshort but sturdy, the goblin who saved him. The one who had held his hand, who helped him escape from prison. But Eugene didn't see him as either a hero or a thief. He saw him as a male who, if he wanted, could take him to bed and make him submit. And the thought made Eugene happy. If Korvus wanted to use him for his pleasure, he would obediently submit. He wanted to serve him, be part of his will.

A knock at the door pulled him back to reality.

"Are you okay?"

His chest burned. Eugene was breathing heavily. A strange excitement took over him, invading his mind, dominating him. A hunger he couldn't satisfy. A desire he couldn't resist.

"I need a shower too!" Korvus' voice called again. "I'm all wet from the tunnels."

"Yes!" Eugene shouted, quickly turning off the water. "Sorry, I'm coming out."

He wrapped himself in a towel and opened the door.

Korvus was standing there, holding clean clothes: a shirt, pants, and shoes.

"How are you?" the goblin asked with obvious concern. "You've been in there for half an hour."

"I?" Eugene hadn't noticed how quickly time passed. "I was thinking." He forced a smile.

"Get dressed," Korvus commanded briefly in a low voice.

Something inside Eugene shivered.

"Now it's my turn."

Eugene left the bathroom and began to get dressed.


While Korvus was taking a shower, Eugene examined the goblin's dwelling. Approaching the wardrobe in the bedroom, he opened it slightly. Several identical shirts, almost identical pants, and shoes. Korvus was righthe really knew how to blend in. With such clothes, no one would pay attention to a goblin running by.

The clothes Korvus gave Eugene were just like that. Looking at his reflection in the wardrobe mirror, Eugene almost didn't recognize himself. He looked like any resident of the lower district of Moonwhisper. Although he had only been on the streets for a short time, he noticed that almost every resident looked like the other.

"It's too big," Eugene tugged at the shirt in all directions. It just hung on him, even though he liked when the fabric pressed against his body. Just like Korvus's shirt.

Returning to the living room, the young man approached the goblin's books. There were so many of them that the place could be called a small library. Taking one book in his hands, he opened it. A lot of pages filled with drawings and writing. Even though Eugene couldn't read the language of the people of this world, he immediately understood that the book was about magic. On one page, there was an image of a wizard's staff with handwritten notes, and on another, a drawing of the crystal the goblin had cracked open in prison to free a prisoner.

Korvus studied magic. Or, at least, he wanted to study it. His ability to pick locks was magical. Perhaps he wanted to understand the nature of magic and why he was capable of it. But can goblins even use magic in this world? Or was Korvus special?

Taking another book and flipping through the pages, Eugene realized, though not immediately, that it was about studying language. Alphabet, grammar, correct conjugation usage. Apparently, Korvus had been learning the language on his own.

"Do the people of this world have access to education?" Eugene asked aloud.

Taking another book, he immediately understood it was a geography textbook for this world. Three continents, separated by oceans, filled with seas. One of them was where Moonwhisper was, and the other was Korvus's homeland. But who lived on the third?

Flipping through the pages, Eugene studied the illustrations. The text was hard to read without glasses, and even then, he wouldn't have been able to decipher it. An unknown tower with a levitating crystal above it, outlined in ink by hand. The capital of the Dominion, located in the center of the continent. Flying airships and their routes. Eugene didn't know much about this world, so he was eager to absorb every bit of information. After all, this was now his new homeat least until he found a way to break the curse and open a portal home.

"I hope Korvus will help," Eugene whispered, returning the book to the shelf.

"In what exactly?" a voice came from behind him. "How do you like the clothes?"

Korvus stood only in pants, wiping his hands with a towel.

"I…" Eugene stared at the goblin, studying his body. Now the young man had much more of a chance to take a closer look. Something inside Eugene fluttered, trying to break free. "I was looking at your books."

"Yeah? And how do you like the collection?" Korvus hung the towel on a hook and put on a shirt. Eugene lost the chance to ask more.

"You studied magic?" Eugene pointed at the book.

"'Studied' is a bit of an exaggeration," Korvus went to the wardrobe and took out one of the books. "I tried to understand what magic is and how to use it."

"And how is magic used in this world? How is it studied?"

"Well…" The goblin fell onto the couch with the book in his hands. "Magic exists everywhere. Wizards are able to use it by becoming a sort of conduit. There are laws and rules in magic. These laws are used to create spells. Each parameter of a spell is defined by even more complex parameters. It's like a system that's self-contained. And the wizard can control this process."

"And the crystals?" Eugene sat next to the goblin, now they were close again.

"Crystals are like amplifiers. They allow a wizard to channel much more magic through them. While a wizard can use magic on their own, their magic will be weak. But with a crystal, they can cast spells that are unimaginable."

"So, if I give you a crystal, you'd be able to?"

"Me?" The goblin smiled shyly. "Parameters, Eugene. I don't know how to account for the parameters of spells."

"But you can learn?"

"Only in the wizard's college in the distant lands. That's where they train them. Or in the Dominion." Korvus fiddled with the book in his hands. "I don't think they'd want to train a goblin. So, this is the only way." He gestured toward the wardrobe with the books.

"Where did you get them from?" Eugene smiled, knowing the answer.

"From those who won't notice they're missing."

Korvus opened the book in front of Eugene's eyesit turned out to be a small secret compartment. The pages of the book were cut out, and inside was a small metal box.

"What's this?" Eugene leaned in, feeling Korvus's warmth.

"I told you I'd help," the goblin opened the box. Inside were glasses. The frame was simple, the color of mahogany. The lenses looked like ordinary glass, with small stones inserted on the sides. "Try them on," the goblin opened the glasses and put them on Eugene.

"Do they fit?" Eugene held the glasses, touching Korvus's hand. Everything was blurry in his vision. The glasses clearly didn't fit him.

"Let me…" Korvus ran his finger across the stones, and they briefly sparkled. "It should be better now."

Indeed, as soon as the goblin touched the edges of the glasses, they seemed to automatically adjust to Eugene's vision. Everything around him became clear.

"Is this magic?!" Eugene gasped. "Magical glasses? Where did you get them?"

"There's a scientist. He's not a wizard, but he studies magic as a science. He's trying to combine magic and technology. As an experiment, he created several pairs of glasses. They were supposed to detect a person's vision and adjust according to their needs."

"And how did they end up with you?" Eugene laughed.

"The same way as everything else," the goblin laughed, moving away from Eugene and getting up from the couch.

Korvus approached the wardrobe again, put the secret compartment back in place, pushed a few books aside, and took out a small pouch. He pulled out a few coins and tossed one to Eugene.

"We need to eat," he motioned for Eugene to get up. "When was the last time you ate? I before the heist at the storage."

"I... back in my world," Eugene tried to remember and realized that more than a day had passed.

"Whoa," the goblin opened the front door. "You must be really hungry."

"Yes," Eugene agreed. Though there was another kind of hunger that would soon make itself known.

"Then let's go. I know a place. You'll like it," Korvus smiled at Eugene again, letting him out of the apartment first.

Eugene paused for a moment, watching the thief lock the door. He was a soft, naive guy who knew nothing about this world, while Korvus knew how to stay calm when needed but remained soft when alone with Eugene. There was care in every word Korvus spoke. A feeling overcame Eugene feeling of safety and protection. Not knowing what lay ahead, the red-haired young man in the magical glasses was sure of one thing: He could trust Korvus.


Returning to the streets of the lower district of Moonwhisper, the slave confidently followed the thief. Looking back, Eugene forgot to watch his steps and occasionally stepped on the goblin's heels. Korvus would only turn around and occasionally wave his hand. The smells of food and drinks filled the streets nonstop. Eugene glanced at the people and their reactions. If he had attracted attention before, now he was just invisible, like Korvus. How much can clothing change perception?

"This way," Korvus approached a tavern on the corner of the street. It was a wooden building, just like the others. Only the stained-glass windows and music indicated that it wasn't a simple house.

Opening the door, the goblin let Eugene go first and pointed to a table in the distance, while he made his way to the bar. Eugene obeyed and, avoiding the other tables, moved forward. Several beasts took seats across from him. At the back, there was a stage where singers and musicians performed in the evenings. Right now, one of the beasts, resembling a cat, was practicing with an instrument that looked like a guitar.

Eugene sat on a small couch and waited for the goblin, who was engaging in a friendly conversation with the bartender or waiter. Looking around, the young man seemed to immerse himself in the atmosphere of the place. It felt like he had been visiting this tavern every evening, singing and dancing. Despite the horror, Lyraeus's curse also gave him an advantage: quick adaptation to the new world. If Virginia needed several weeks to adjust, Eugene had blended into the culture of this place in less than a day. Or maybe it was Korvus's sense of care that helped him accept his new life.

The sound of footsteps brought the red-haired young man in magical glasses out of his thoughts. Korvus returned and sat on the couch across from Eugene.

"The food will be here soon," the goblin settled in. He looked as tired as his companion but still had matters to attend to. Eugene had to follow him.

"And what…?" Eugene looked at Korvus awkwardly. "What's the food?"

"You'll eat," the thief glanced at the slave. "Fruit, it's very nutritious. And juice… it's... from another fruit," the goblin tilted his head.

"Got it," Eugene looked at the bar. "I have a question."

"Ask," Korvus raised his hand.

"What will we do next? I mean… Lyraeus's curse, Dominion, that prisoner… He said we need to find something in the tavern."

"Well..." Korvus sighed. "Then we need to talk about serious matters."

At that moment, the waiter brought a tray with two drinks. They were red, almost the color of blood. Korvus immediately took a glass and took a sip.

"First, we need to visit the Guild," the goblin stared at his companion. "Madam Claudia... She's one of the leaders of the Guild. She..." Korvus hesitated. It seemed like if he said something bad about her, Madam Claudia would find out. "She's a very peculiar woman. She's the one who sent me and the others to rob Dominion's vault."


"First of all, she needs to know that everyone is dead except me. She needs to know about the vault. And most importantly, she can help us."

"Help with what?" Eugene also took a sip. The drink was very sweet but refreshing.

"And this is where things get serious..." Korvus lowered his voice. "Given that there's something in the vault that..."he paused. "...Was created from the remains of gods... Dominion won't forgive the Guild for trying to rob them. I don't know exactly what will happen next. But, one way or another, there will be a hunt for us. For me for attempting to steal the artifact, and for you for being…"

"Lyraeus's scum," Eugene finished.

"Exactly," the goblin looked away awkwardly. "Moreover, we freed that wiszard. He betrayed Dominion, informed them about the vault... Maybe he was Madam Claudia's informant."

"And how will she help?"

"She'll buy us time, connect us with those who will help us cross the Moonwhisper Gates quietly." Korvus tried to plan his next step clearly.

At that moment, the waiter brought two plates. Each held half of a green fruit, its core dark, almost black. But the most important thing was the smell. It was different. It smelled like roasted chicken from some restaurant in Eugene's world.

Placing the plates on the table, Korvus immediately grabbed a spoon and started scooping out the core.

"Eat," the goblin pointed with the spoon at Eugene. "It's delicious."

Eugene followed Korvus's instructions and began scooping out the fruit's flesh. He occasionally glanced up at his companion and mimicked him. The fruit indeed tasted like roasted chicken. Only now, when the food was in his mouth, did he realize just how hungry he was. And it was indeed delicious, just as Korvus had said.

They remained silent for a few minutes, eating. But once the plates were empty, Korvus turned to Eugene again.

"Anyway, we don't have much time in Moonwhisper."

"Are we running?"

"Yes, but we need to prepare. I don't think we'll be able to return."

"What about your home?" Eugene remembered how cozy Korvus's room had been.

"No big deal, I'll build a new one," the goblin said as if he had already been without a home more than once.

"But where?"

"Our prisoner will help us with that."

"That wolf?"

"Yes. Before that asshole abandoned us and disappeared, he mentioned a tavern called 'The Broken Hearth.'"

"Do you know where it is?"

"That's the thing..." Korvus thought. "There's no tavern by that name. Definitely not in Moonwhisper. And I've never heard of it outside the city either."

"Was he wrong?"

"Maybe he was delirious, but..." Korvus frowned. "He's a traitor. Dominion turned against him much harsher than they did against us. So he'll be hiding. Hiding where no one can find him. That means..."

"A secret place..." Eugene concluded. "That makes it easier to find."

"Not really. The thing with secret places, Eugene," Korvus's voice became more serious, "is that they're hard to find. There's a chance that 'The Broken Hearth' isn't a tavern but something else."

"Why do you want to find it?"

"First of all, he knows someone who might know about ancient magic that could help you. Secondly... the vault..."

"You really want to crack it open?"

"No... but if that artifact is made from the remains of gods, Dominion would've opened it by now. Since the vault is still sealed..."

"Dominion can't open it," Eugene smirked. "This is a quest!"

"What?" Korvus heard the word for the first time.

"The task we must complete."

"Never mind..." Korvus didn't pay attention to Eugene's excitement. "The magic hidden in this artifact is too strong, that's why it had to be sealed."


"If the Dominion opens it... a war may begin. Everyone living in this world will either be killed or enslaved by the Dominion. With such power, the Kyrexian Dominion will definitely use it."

"And you think we can stop it?" Eugene was anticipating their adventure.

"What? No, Eugene, but we need more information. Also... if they manage to open the vault, we'll have to stay away from the cities. The first purges will start there. And that prisoner may help us with that. Plus... maybe we can break the curse of Lyraeus."

"You think there will be a war?"

"If the Dominion gets their hands on the artifact... the whole world will fall before them. But many won't agree, and then they'll be forced to submit by force."

 "Got it. But there's one more question. Why?" After Korvus' words, Eugene suddenly became serious. "Why are you helping me?"

"I..." Korvus fell silent for a moment. "I'll tell you later."

"Why not now?"

"It's necessary. Trust me," the goblin smiled and, trying to change the subject, continued: "One way or another, the Dominion will soon enter the lower district and will be looking for us. We need to buy time and prepare for escape. This journey will be long, Eugene..."

"I know," the young man nodded, "but with you by my side, I feel calm."

"Ha," the goblin laughed. "Thank you."

A few more minutes passed as Eugene and Korvus stayed in the tavern. Then the goblin approached the bartender and tossed a coin on the counter. Together, they left the tavern and found themselves back on the street. Eugene kept glancing around, observing the never-ending stream of people and creatures.

"There's one last thing for today, Eugene," the goblin tugged at his arm.

"What is it?" the young man lowered his head and looked at the goblin.

"Madam Claudia."


For several hours, the thief and the slave moved through the lower district. The goblin constantly turned onto one street after another. The young man followed him. Korvus knew where to look for Madam Claudia and how to get to her. If he was right, she would help them. As the leader of the Guild, she knew the lower district better than she knew herself. She had connections that could ease their escape from the city. But could she be trusted? After all... the mission had failed, and only the goblin had survived.

Korvus was lucky that he was a goblin. Thanks to his origin, the Dominion didn't kill him immediately but threw him into a cage, intending to publicly hang him at dawn. But, observing Korvus, Eugene began to understand that he was very different. Korvus had taught himself to read and write, studied magic, and tried to understand its nature. Eugene felt that not every goblin in this world was capable of such things. Especially since the Dominion couldn't have expected an ordinary goblin thief to open the cage locks and destroy the crystals. The Dominion made a mistake. And very likely, they wouldn't make it again.

If everything was clear with Korvus, it was not the same with Eugene. He was the Scum of Lyraeus. According to the laws of the Church of the Kirexian Dominion, creations of such ancient magic as Eugene should have been burned. Now he was a slave, driven by a curse that no one but Lyraeus could have made. But why did they want to kill Eugene? Why not help? It was highly likely that they knew they couldn't break the curse and didn't want others to know that even the Great Dominion wasn't all-powerful. Everything beyond the Dominion's reach had to be destroyed. Therefore, they would have to escape into the unknown in search of the Broken Hearth. But how? What if Madam Claudia refused?

The exit from the city was guarded by Dominion guards. After the attempted robbery and escape of two criminals, the guards were likely reinforced. Which meant they wouldn't be able to escape unnoticed. All hope rested on Madam Claudia.

The plans Korvus wanted to finish today had taken too much time. The sun slowly, but surely, was moving toward the horizon. In a couple of hours, it would disappear behind the rooftops. Moonwhisper would be plunged into darkness. But even in such darkness, it would continue to live. What is hidden from view will appear. What is forbidden will be revealed. And at this hour, a new life for Moonwhisper would begin the life of the night.

Turning, Korvus stopped. The street led to a dead end. At the end, a four-story building rose, seemingly covered with rows of small windows. The entrance was adorned with a massive metal door. Several Beasts near it were smoking pipes and talking about something. Before the building stood a small flowerbed with flowers.

"Are we here?" Eugene took a few steps forward.

"Wait," Korvus grabbed him by the hand. "I'll talk."

"Of course, but... what is this place?"

"Madam Claudia works here."

"I got that, but... is it a restaurant, a hotel?"

"Not exactly," Korvus let go of Eugene. "Once we're inside, try not to talk to anyone. If they say anything unpleasant, ignore it."

"What do you mean?"

"Our goal is to buy time. Everything they say... it's not your problem."

"Alright... probably."

"Let's go."

Korvus headed toward the building, and Eugene obediently followed him. As they approached, several Beasts fell silent and stared at them. Smiles quickly turned into smirks. What was the goblin doing here? And, more importantly, why was that red-haired, handsome young man with him?

Korvus pushed the door, and it swung open. At that moment, Eugene realized where they were.

"What the hell!" he exclaimed. The goblin turned around and shot him a fierce look.

It was a brothel.

Several girls in sheer dresses greeted the guests. Several almost completely naked young men sat at tables, waiting to be invited to the upper floors. Red curtains surrounded the hall, and soft music poured from a small box.

One of the young men, hearing the door open, jumped up but froze when he saw the short goblin.

"Hello," the dark-haired young man greeted them, glancing at Eugene. "Welcome to Madam Claudia's World of Pleasure."

"Good... day..." Eugene examined the speaker. He was lean, yet muscular. Out of the corner of his eye, Eugene noticed how several girls giggled, pretending not to notice the goblin's presence. But one of them smiled at Eugene.

"I'd like to speak to Mother," Korvus addressed the young man. This was the secret phrase for Guild workers.

After these words, the young man relaxed as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He was glad the goblin wasn't a client with whom he would have to fuck but was just working for the Guild.

"Come in." The young man quickly turned around and headed toward the stairs. The thief and the slave followed him.

The room was warm, perhaps too much so. Eugene thought it was done intentionally to make guests invite the girls and boys into rooms faster, to strip off their clothes more quickly. Considering how hot Korvus' body was, it must have been hard for him here.

Following the doorman pleasure, Eugene climbed to the next floor, where he heard female moans. They echoed down the hall, touching something inside him. Something that grew like branches, entwining him from within. The burning sensation in his lower belly grew. He knew what it was. If before he tried not to think about it, now... Almost a day had passed since Lyraeus had cursed him. That meant the Lustful curse was about to awaken, locking him in a cage with no way out.

Climbing to the top floor, the keeper opened the door and invited them inside. As soon as the goblin and the red-haired young man stepped over the threshold, he quickly closed the door.

Partly, he blamed himself for rushing to greet the clients without spotting them from a distance. What if the goblin hadn't been working for the Guild? What if he'd chosen him for his pleasures? He wouldn't be able to live, knowing he'd pleased a goblin. With this thought in mind, he hurried downstairs to tell the other girls how lucky he was. It seemed as though the old gods, long dead, had saved him from horror.

Korvus and Eugene entered the hall. The entire upper floor belonged to Madam Claudia. White carpets, as pale as Eugene's skin, were spread across the floor. A few sofas, a few tables. Crimson stained-glass windows were covered by equally crimson curtains. At the end of the hall stood a massive, heavy table that could easily accommodate three people. Behind the table, in a chair, sat a woman.

Her hair was as black as the night in Moonwhisper, and her pale skin reflected the light from a desk lamp. Several books were lying nearby. Behind her, tall shelves filled with volumes rose. In front of the table, chairs were arranged. The woman was large, dressed in a red robe made of fine, silky fabric. This was Madam Claudia. She was writing something in a book.

As Eugene approached, he looked around and noticed a girl in a sheer dressjust like the otherssitting at a small table by the window. She was eating éclairs. Upon noticing them, her face contorted as though she had seen something extremely disgusting. It seemed she was ready to spit out the piece of éclair from the disgust. At that moment, Madam Claudia lifted her gaze.

"Little bastard!" the woman shouted. "Why didn't you die?!"

She slammed the book shut.

"Hello, Claudia," Korvus's voice was low as usual, but now it carried something else. Seriousness? Sternness? Whatever it was, it made Eugene shiver as if the goblin's voice was the catalyst for Lyraeus's curse.

"For youMadam," the woman said, her disgust and anger clear. "Claudia."

For a few moments, they stared at each other, as if their minds were locked in a silent battle.

"Everything was supposed to be quiet!" Claudia finally spoke. "You get in, break into the vault, and get out before anyone notices."

"We got to the vault," Korvus crossed his arms over his chest. "I started the hack."

"And what happened then? What the fuck could happen?"

"What do you think? We got caught. Right at that moment, the guards decided to check the vault. They found us. And then the Dominion wizard showed up."

"And killed everyone except you?"

"As you know, Claudia…" the woman pressed her lips together. "They love executing goblins in public. It's fun!"

Eugene stared at Korvus, unable to believe how authoritative and serious he could be. Just recently, he had been kind and polite to the young man, and now he was negotiating with the head of the Guild.

"That's it, Korvus… That's it. They know about you, fuck it, everyone knows. A group of degenerates tried to break into the Dominion vault. You couldn't even escape… Only the little shit survived."

"Wasn't it you who sent us there?"

"Everything was supposed to be quiet, Korvus. And now… The Dominion is patrolling every street in the Middle District. They're checking every house. They'll be coming for us soon… What the fuck do you think will happen when they break in here?"

"Let me guess... The Guild will make a new agreement?"

"The Guild?!" Claudia averted her gaze. Korvus caught something in her eyes. "The Guild can't handle the Dominion. There will be purges, Korvus. And all because of you." She exhaled. "You should've been hanged… And you, fuck it, decided to run."

"I love life," Korvus snapped.

"And because of that, soon there will be a crowd of wizards and guards here. They'll search every house. They'll interrogate everyone…"

"If it's everyone… it will take a lot of time."

"But first, they'll come for us, the head of the Guild. Because of you, we're all done for!" Madam Claudia turned and looked at the girl, who had been eating éclairs the whole time. Then she stepped away from the table and approached her. "Sunshine… The gods gave you a throat to please our clients, not to eat éclairs 24/7. Go work!" She pushed the girl, and she hurried out of the office.

Only now did Claudia's gaze fall on Eugene.

"And who the fuck is this?"

"Let's say… my assistant," Korvus sat in the chair in front of the table.

"You're his whore, right?" the woman approached, studying Eugene's face. "A whore ready to lay down for a goblin? Pervert," she drawled. "Such open views are welcomed in our house," Claudia added, not hiding her mockery. "What's your name, sunshine?"

"Sit down, Eugene," Korvus motioned to the chair next to him.

Eugene remained silent, afraid to say too much. He didn't even fully understand what was happening.

"Sit down," Korvus repeated in a commanding tone. The burning sensation in Eugene's body intensified, and he obeyed.

"Well done, training him like that," Claudia smirked as she sat back down. "But still… why are you here? The Dominion will be here soon."

"What do you know about the vault?" Korvus remained serious. "Who told you about it?"

"It's none of your business."

"It is. I tried to break into it."

"And fucked up," the woman pulled out a cigarette case and took one out.

"Because of you…" Korvus smiled slightly.

"It's just a vault. A big safe. You just needed to crack the lock."

"Oh, gods…" Korvus smirked, baring his fangs. "You don't know…"

Claudia narrowed her eyes.

"What don't I know?"

"Who got in touch the Guild? Who told them?"

"Was it the Wolf?" Eugene interrupted. Korvus immediately turned to him.

"The Wolf?" Claudia frowned. "What the fuck Wolf are you talking about? It was a private job. The Guild…" She paused for a moment.

"They don't know," the goblin concluded. "You were dealing behind the Guild's back."

"Shut up, bastard," Claudia flared up.

"Why? Desire for power? Money?"

"Say one more word and I'll cut your throat."

"Now I understand…" Korvus laughed. Eugene looked at him in confusion. "You wanted to change the power balance in the Guild," the goblin continued. "You took a job to crack the vault. Sent us, the ones no one ever uses. The ones whose deaths no one cares about."

"Think you're the smartest?"

"But you were wrong."

"In what way? Didn't take into account your survival?"

"I offer a deal," Korvus stood up and began slowly walking around the table, glancing at the books.

"You?" Claudia laughed. "What could you possibly offer?"

"You help Eugene and me get out of Moonwhisper and forget about us forever."

"Leave Moonwhisper?" Claudia frowned. "You're an impressive idiot, Korvus."

"And in exchange…" the goblin grinned, "I'll give you information."

"I thought you were going to sell your whore," Claudia glanced at Eugene. "No information is worth the cost of escaping Moonwhisper, especially now."

"And most importantly..." the goblin turned to the woman. "You'll tell me who gave you the order."

"No!" The woman laughed.

"The vault didn't just contain an artifact for the Dominion's wizards," said Eugene.

Claudia and Korvus turned around.

"So what was there?"

"This is the very information I want to give you, in exchange for escape."

"That's why the Dominion captured a wizard," Eugene continued. "They tortured him, trying to find out what's inside. Get to it. After all, what's in the vault…"

"…isn't just an artifact?" the woman wondered. Looking at Korvus, she continued: "Answer the question… Why couldn't you breeak it?"

"Aside from a thousand locks, there was also magic."

"I see." Claudia's breath grew uneasy. "Well, let's say I agree to the deal."

"Wonderful." Korvus returned to his chair.

"Then, fuck it, speak."

"The vault was created tens, maybe even hundreds of thousands of years ago. As soon as we saw it, we realized how old it was. When I was thrown into prison, I met a prisoner there. A Wolf. A Dominion wizard who betrayed them."


"No. He was the one who told me what's hidden in the vault." Korvus smiled, knowing he held the winning card. "An artifact created from the remains of gods."

"Go to hell," Claudia shook her head. "I don't believe you."

"Truth is always different from familiar reality."

"That's impossible."

"And this is exactly why you sent the group. You set up the entire Lower District. The thing is, the artifact holds incredible power. It must, because it's made from the remains of gods. With it, anything is possible. And here's how the Dominion sees it: The Guild learned about the vault, wanted to steal the artifact and gain the power the Dominion itself doesn't have. After all, how long has the Dominion had the vault? A hundred years? Two hundred? They still haven't managed to open it."

Madam Claudia began to fear. Her heavy breathing was even audible to Eugene.

"If it were just a regular theft, they'd be angry. But you tried to steal what they crave the most." Korvus looked Claudia in the eyes. "But in reality, the Guild didn't even know about the mission. So the question is: who gave you the order?"

"Fuck…" Claudia whispered, lighting another cigarette. "Shit… Alright."

"Then I'm listening."

"The group. It was a group of wizards. There was no Wolf there. They appeared out of nowhere. They offered a lot…"

"And a shift in the balance of power in the Guild?"

"Partly. One way or another, they were willing to pay any price. To them, the artifact was the only thing that mattered. Whether those who went after it survived or not they didn't care."

The woman took a deep drag.

"It had to go quietly. The Dominion wasn't supposed to find out. But they didn't say anything about the magic in the vault, or the artifact itself. Just that it's important. I thought these wizards wanted to run their experiments on it. Or… how would I know what they do with magic? Maybe it's just a crystal the group of rich wizards wants to get their hands on."

"Why bypass the Guild?"

"Are you stupid? Money, Korvus. The sum they offered…"

"Why you? There are better thieves."

"Thieves talk too much about their business. And whores know how to keep secrets."

"Did they contact you after?"


"You got involved in matters far beyond our lives. And dragged me into it."

"If you had died, Korvus, there wouldn't be a problem."

"Unlucky… Either way, now you're in deep shit too."

"Why your stupid goblin's head think so?.." Claudia shot a glance at Korvus.

"You know about the artifact. You know about the wizards. The vault. You know too much."


"So here's the deal." Korvus concluded: "We escape from Moonwhisper with Eugene, and you pretend it wasn't you, but just a group of idiots trying to rob the Dominion."

Madam Claudia shifted her gaze from Eugene to Korvus. She understood perfectly well what she had gotten herself into. If the plan succeeded, she could buy half of the Lower District and become the sole head of the Guild. But if the plan failed… her life would be worth nothing.

And now, with the Dominion hunting for the thief, with the Guild becoming a threat… a war could start inside Moonwhisper. The Guild's fracture, the confrontation of fragmented factions, and the Dominion.

But what Korvus offered could save her. Let the thief escape, and tell the Dominion and the Guild that it was just idiots trying to steal the artifact. Fragile, but perhaps the only solution. Or not?

"Agreed," Claudia said.

"Then shall we shake hands?" The goblin approached the woman.

"Not with you."

"As you wish." Korvus headed to the bookshelves and took one of the books.

"You don't even know how to read, why do you need a book?"

"I'll look at the pictures," he replied coldly. "The sooner we leave the city, the better for you. In two weeks we'll return here. The escape plan should be ready."

"I know." The woman threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray. "Now get out. And take your whore with you."

But then, looking at Eugene, Claudia smirked:

"You're smarter than I thought. I approve."

"What are you talking about?" Korvus turned around.

"Along with the thief from prison, Lyraeus' scum escaped… The red-haired youth, cursed to please men for life or go insane." The woman laughed even louder. "They say Lyraeus is dead. And that means he'll stay with you until he goes mad… and then he'll become just a tool for your pleasure. That's the only way a person could end up in bed with a goblin… Smart."

Korvus didn't pay attention to her words. He gestured for Eugene to follow him, and they left Madam Claudia's office.

A few minutes later, under the watchful eyes of the brothel's workers, they exited the establishment.

After stepping away from the building, Korvus stopped.

Eugene looked at him, trying to understand what he was thinking. Korvus looked unusually serious.

"What do you think?" Eugene spoke, bringing the goblin out of his thoughts. "Will she help us? Or will she betray us to the Dominion?"

"Madam Claudia?" Korvus glanced at Eugene. "She'll definitely betray us. She'll try to make a deal with the Dominion, lie to the Guild that she found the thief and Lyraeus's Scum. One way or another, when we come to her, Dominion guards will be waiting for us, and I'm sure the wizards will be there too. But, as I said..." The goblin smiled at Eugene again. "We've bought time. Two weeks."

 "So, you've thought all this through?" Eugene laughed.

 "The advantage of being considered a stupid goblin is that they expect nothing but stupidity from you."

 "And now what?"

 "The book..." The goblin fiddled with the tome he had taken from Madam Claudia. "There are a couple of answers here. Let's go home."

Korvus and Eugene headed toward the thief's dwelling. Eugene still didn't understand where and when to turn, so he simply followed the goblin. By the time they reached the house on the roof, the sun was touching the horizon. A few more minutes, and Moonwhisper would be plunged into darkness. Some streets were already lit by lanterns. The flow of people had slightly decreased, but Eugene still tried to watch where he was going to avoid bumping into anyone.

On the way back, Korvus bought something resembling a roasted piece of meat from a street vendor. Eugene realized again how hungry he was in Madam Claudia's world of indulgence.

As Eugene waited for Korvus to open the door, he finally understood the feeling he had been experiencing all day. If before it had seemed like just safety and care when he was with the goblin, now he realized: it was confidence. Confidence that problems could be solved. Korvus, though he never said why he was helping him, displayed a clear, cold calculation in his actions. It seemed as though any problem the thief encountered immediately found a solution. And knowing that Korvus was by his side, Eugene was sure: one way or another, they would find a way to break Lyraeus's curse.

 "It's been a tough day," Korvus fell onto the couch, watching the sunset through the window.

 "I agree." Eugene sat beside him.

 "But..." The thief stretched. "We've done everything we planned. Soon, we'll go to sleep, and... tomorrow will be a new day."

 "What are our next steps?" Eugene leaned back on the couch. "Madam Claudia will betray us, so we can't escape with her help... How will we leave Moonwhisper? And where to? To the Broken Hearth? If it's a secret place, how will we find it?"

 "Eugene," Korvus looked at his companion. "You don't have to think about that... Not today. We have time, and we'll definitely use it properly."

 "Have you already thought of something?"

 "Something, yes," the goblin smiled, patting Eugene on the head. "I'll tell you tomorrow."

 "Alright, then..." Eugene's face suddenly changed. He tried to stand, but immediately collapsed onto the floor.

 "Eugene!" Korvus jumped to his feet.

At last, the hour had come. The hour when Lyraeus's curse completely filled the body and mind of the young man. If before it had only reminded him of its existence, now it made itself known in full force. The ancient magic had fully consumed Eugene, forever binding his soul to it. Eternal slavery of desire.

Eugene Mustfill tried to rise, but he couldn't. He remained on his knees, feeling his heart beat faster, and his thoughts becoming tangled. The room blurred before his eyes. It seemed that his glasses only made the situation worse. The young man ripped them off and tossed them aside.

His body began to tingle, the burning sensation below intensifying. He knew what he had to do. He knew how to stop the curse and buy some time. Action had to be taken immediately—every minute brought him closer to the edge, where madness awaited. Oblivion, into which he would fall and lose himself forever, becoming nothing but a willless, thoughtless slave, submitting only for pleasure.

Only one thing could save him. A male body that would take him, that would use him. And only then would the curse subside—at least for a while.

Eugene lifted his eyes and saw Korvus. From the side he had never seen before. His gaze darted between Korvus's lips, which he longed to kiss, and the strong arms that should hold him in an embrace. He looked at the goblin's pants and anticipated what was hidden beneath them.

He desired him.

He desired to be used. Nothing else in this world mattered to Eugene, except serving Korvus

"Eugene..." The Goblin stepped closer. The scent of his body only intensified the madness that consumed the young man.

"Please..." Eugene begged Korvus, "Take me. I want you, please..."

"Eugene, I can't..." The Goblin tried to refuse, but he understood where this was going.

"I'll do anything you say. I don't care how goblins are treated in this world. I want you..." — Eugene repeated.

"I don't… I don't want to hurt you," Korvus tried to find the right words, but Eugene pressed his face against his groin, succumbing to the warmth of the goblin's body.

"Let's make a deal..." Eugene remembered how serious Korvus could be.

"What kind of deal?" The Goblin knew how the lustful curse worked, but had never seen it in action before.

"You will take me… You will fuck me… The way you desire" Eugene began to gasp from the desire that had built to its full strength. "As long I am cursed, you can fuck whenever you want… Please Krovus…"

"Everything I want?"


"Every time?"


"I'm..." Korvus hesitated, choosing his words, — "I will be rough... and you will obey. If you make a mistake... you will be punished."

"Yes..." Korvus' low voice consumed all of Eugene's attention. The world around him vanished. The world around him vanished. He stood on the edge of the abyss, where on one side was submission, and on the other — death.


Korvus had never been with a person before, but he had always been curious. In Moonwhisper, attitudes towards goblins were extremely derogatory – no one ever considered sharing a bed with them.

Korvus recalled Madame Claudia's words. Had he truly exploited Eugene's curse to obtain something he'd lacked for years? Was he grateful for the curse because Eugene would endure everything Korvus loved doing with his partners?

Had Eugene become not only a slave to desire but also desired to be enslaved by Korvus? To obey his every word…

But on the other hand… If Korvus didn't claim Eugene, the latter would go mad and lose his mind – equivalent to death. Practicality and pleasure merged as one in the goblin's room. Desire and necessity had converged – useful and enjoyable. They became Eugene Mustfill.

"Then…" Korvus trailed his hot palm over the Eugene's cheek, who knelt begging him. "Be a good boy."

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