Chapter 19: The Worlds Most Important Meeting
"Did you hear what's happening?" A hushed voice whispered. A male Youkai sat at a bar, keeping his voice down as he looked at the man sitting next to him.
"Of course I did! You'd have to be an idiot to not know!" The man shot back, whisper-shouting.
"To think… all those important people are in the same city as us…" The Youkai behind the bar muttered.
"It's exciting, right?! I feel like I'm witnessing a major world event!" A younger Youkai said loudly, breaking the tension in the room with his eagerness. Every eye turned to him, each Youkai having the same thought.
Ah, to be so young and foolish again.
"No, it's terrifying!" The first man countered, glaring forward at him.
"I know, right? They all hate each other, too!" The man next to him agreed.
"If those guys get into a fight… all of Kyoto would be blown off the map!" The Youkai bartender said, his voice wavering slightly in worry.
"Hah, what are you guys so worried about? You know who's mediating the meeting, right?" The young man's cocky, yet excited, voice shot back.
"Of course I do!"
"Then, what are you scared about? Kami-sama won't let anything happen! He's the whole reason they're meeting here! I bet he took all kinds of precautions - don't disrespect his months of hard work leading up to this by doubting him!"
"Y-You're right… he's definitely got this all covered!"
"Yeah! Kami-sama will handle all of it!"
"You guys are right… haha. We shouldn't doubt Kami-sama…"
On the opposite side of Kyoto, a certain blonde-haired man sneezed.
If any normal person - be it human, devil, fallen, - hell, any person of any race - had entered the room, they would've felt their body freeze in terror. The air was thick - the pure power radiating off each individual filling it. Their breath would've caught in their throat as fear paralyzed them.
If any normal person had entered the room, they would've accepted their deaths. After all, this was no normal meeting.
On the left - Sirzechs Lucifer, the leader of devilkind, and one of the few Superdevils in all of history. A man who could go toe-to-toe with nearly anyone in the world, and who was collectively considered to be a contender for the top 10 most powerful beings in the universe.
On the right - Azazel, leader of the Grigori. A twelve-winged fallen angel, and a maniac mastermind. A man who had lived through the Great War, and had only become stronger since then, as he managed to create his own sacred-gears.
In the front - Micheal, the archangel of Heaven. The twelve-winged angel who took over leadership of Heaven after the great war, and a man who can send devils and demons alike running in fear with just a look.
In the back - Yasaka, the Youkai Queen of Kyoto. A twelve-tailed Youkai who can access the leylines - the near-infinite flow of energy that makes her near-invincible as long as she's near Kyoto.
In the middle - the Youkai God. The man who cleansed not just the energy in the leylines, but who also cleansed the entirety of the underworld. The man who fearlessly defied the four maou themselves as he freed the Nekoshou sisters - defeating thousands of guards with his mind alone. The man who broke into Zekram Bael's indestructible stronghold - which was said to be the most secure place in the entire world.
Not only that - the man who took on Zekram himself and came out unscathed. The man who tamed the uncontrollable dragon, Tiamat, and forced her to become a lowly familiar. The man who took down the immortal Riser Phenex, taking both his sister and mother in the process. The man who outsmarted every faction leader in a game of wits. The man who can make a woman orgasm in just mere sec-
"Can you stop now?" Naruto asked bluntly, staring at Yasaka. Yasaka looked up, blushing slightly.
"Oh, was I reading that aloud?"
"Yes. Yes, you were," Naruto deadpanned.
"Sorry! I was beginning on the script for the manga chapter we'll make about this!" Yasaka explained, giving an apologetic look to Naruto and the rest of the faction leaders in the room.
"Oh, I don't mind. Just make sure I get the chapter early, alright?" Azazel said lazily, giving Yasaka a knowing grin, which she returned.
"You'll be the first one to read it!" Yasaka grinned in return. Naruto hadn't known until recently that the manga operation was not just a Yasaka-run production…
Why the hell is the manga about my life sponsored by the Grigori?
"B-But I should be first! As Naruto-chan's best friend!" Sirzechs whined.
"We can read it together, Sirzechs-chan!" Azazel said, solving the problem.
"Ooooh! That would be fun! Let's do it, Azazel-chan!" Sirzech's nodded with a satisfied grin.
"Can I join as well? That does sound quite pleasant," Micheal asked, smiling brightly at the two.
"Of course! The more the merrier!"
"Hey…" Naruto spoke again, drawing their eyes to him, "Have you guys ever been serious? Like, ever? In your entire lives?"
"Of course, I'm always serious," Azazel shot back, locking eyes intensely with Naruto. For a moment, the room was silent. Then, they all burst into laughter.
"Ha! Good joke, Azazel-chan!" Sirzechs laughed.
"That was quite the good jest," Micheal conceded.
"You, being serious, Azazel-chan? As if!" Yasaka giggled. Naruto simply stared blankly at them all.
"I thought this was gonna be important. You told me it would be important," He sighed, pushing away a headache.
"It is important, Naruto-chan!" Yasaka nodded.
"Yeah! This is the meeting to decide where we'll hold the 'Three Factions Summit'!" Sirzechs nodded.
"The 'Four Factions Summit' now," Azazel corrected, nodding at Yasaka.
"If it's successful, then tensions between our factions will be nulled, and world peace will be achieved for the first time in history," Micheal nodded, agreeing with the group, "It's quite the big deal."
"So… why are you having it in my bedroom?" Naruto deadpanned, gesturing to the room around them. The meeting between the four faction leaders was, in fact, taking place in his bedroom.
"Kyoto's a pretty neutral zone. While our factions may hate each other," Micheal gestured at Sirzechs and Azazel as he spoke, "The Youkai are pretty friendly with everyone."
"Because of you," Sirzechs explained bluntly, "Everyone loves you, and you're the Youkai God, so everyone loves the Youkai faction now."
"And, I was comin' by anyway to talk to Yasaka about your next manga chapter, so I was like, why not? Might as have it here," Azazel nodded lazily.
"And, it would cause you the least amount of trouble, Naruto-chan! You had to be at the meeting, but we wouldn't want to make you go out of your way!" Yasaka nodded in agreement, "You live here, so it's the least out-of-the-way place I could think of!"
"I think I would've preferred to take the time to go somewhere else instead of… this," Naruto waved his hand outward, "Like, seriously? I could've at least gotten out of bed!"
The meeting was taking place in not only Naruto's bedroom - but also on his bed itself. The whole 'Sirzech's to the left! Azazel to the right! Micheal in the front! Yasaka behind! Naruto in the middle!' part of Yasaka's speech had been very literal. Each faction leader was sitting on their respective side of his bed, looking over their shoulders as their feet dangled off of it like children.
Meanwhile, Yasaka herself was behind him. Literally.
Naruto's head was wedged between the woman's huge breasts, which were bigger than any pillow Naruto had ever seen - even Rias's Naruto-shaped body pillow - as they discussed the lead-up to one of the most important events to ever take place.
"So, I was thinking," Azazel started again, ignoring Naruto's complaints, "Why not just have the summit here?"
"In Kyoto?" Naruto asked, thinking for a moment and then nodding, "Yeah, that could work. Since it's close to the leylines, I'd prefer you guys have it here actually. If there's an attack, then Yasaka would be able to deal with it and make sure no one was hurt."
While Yasaka was notably a step below all the other faction leaders here in terms of strength, when she had access to the leylines, a near-infinite source of energy, she was far stronger than usual. Strong enough to take on even dragons.
"Eh? Someone attacking the summit?" Azazel chuckled, looking at Naruto jokingly, "You're kidding, right? Attacking a meeting between the strongest members of each faction? Leaders that would have guards with them as well? That'd be suicide. No one is stupid enough to try that."
"That would be the height of foolishness," Micheal agreed, nodding at his words.
"Yup! I can't see that happening. Whoever did that would have to be a complete imbecile," Yasaka agreed.
"Yeah… no one would try that. They would have to be a complete idiot," Naruto muttered sarcastically in response, his thoughts reaching back to a certain black-haired friend who had done exactly that, "You'd be surprised."
"You would be there as well, Naruto-chan! What idiot would try to attack the meeting when you're there?" Sirzechs nodded, "Especially when we're on your home turf! You can't get a bigger homecourt advantage than having the summit in your own bedroom!"
"Yeah, I guess you're righ-" Naruto paused mid-sentence, his head slowly turning to look at Sirzechs, "...having the summit in my bedroom?"
"Yeah, we're having this meeting here, so why not?" Azazel agreed, nodding at his words, "It's the most secure place in the world, and would cause you the least trouble. We wouldn't want to make you travel too far for it, Naruto-chan."
"I can travel," Naruto deadpanned, "I have no problem traveling. I can do it instantly, remember?"
Naruto snapped his fingers and a magic circle appeared.
"Well, we would also like to make sure you're comfortable, Naruto-chan," Micheal nodded in agreement, "And what place could be more comfortable than your bedroom? This is the best option."
"No, no, no," Naruto sighed, "This is a meeting with the balance of the world at stake. A first-of-its-kind meeting between each faction to reach world peace! Literal world peace! How comfortable I am at the meeting shouldn't be the most important thing!"
Persuasion Check
[God's Luck] has added [ERROR]
Your [LEGENDARY] Debuff - [Bad Timing] has deactivated your [God's Luck] Perk!
Check failed!
Oh, shit.
"You heard Naruto-chan," Yasaka nodded, her eyes narrowing as she looked sharply around the room at the other faction leaders, "His comfortability comes first! If any of you have a problem with that, then we can change the 'Four Faction Summit' back into the 'Three Faction Summit!'"
"No, no, no," Naruto groaned, "How comfo-"
"No problem here," Azazel answered smoothly, and Micheal nodded in agreement.
"None here as well," The angel nodded.
"Come on, Yasaka-chan, you know we all want Naruto-chan to be as comfortable as possible," Sirzechs nodded with a grin. Naruto pinched the bridge of his nose at his 'best friends' words.
"Well, then you should be fine with running all your guards and anyone else you'll be bringing by with Naruto-chan," Yasaka said, her face still deathly serious, "If Naruto-chan doesn't approve of any of them, then you won't be able to bring them! No, better yet, you must remove them from your faction at once!"
"Sounds good," Azazel nodded lazily, "I was only bringing a few guards anyway. I'll bring them by and introduce them to you later this week, Naruto-chan."
"This is possibly the most important meeting in… forever, we're talking about," Naruto deadpanned, "I don't care how many guards you bring, or whoever else from your faction you want to come. You don't need to ask me, you're all faction leaders! And you don't need to kick them out just because I don't like someone!"
Persuasion Check
[God's Luck] has added [ERROR]
Your [LEGENDARY] Debuff - [Bad Timing] has deactivated your [God's Luck] Perk!
Check failed!
"You heard him," Yasaka said simply, and the three faction leaders nodded at her words, while Naruto felt a headache approaching.
"Can Ria-tan and her peerage come, Naruto-chan?" Sirzechs asked, tilting his head at Naruto as he stared at him with big eyes, "It'll be a good learning experience for them! Ria-tan is going to be a future leader for our race! She needs to be there to see how these official meetings work! Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry on top? Pretty pretty please with icing and a cher-"
"Yes, they can come!" Naruto interrupted, sighing as Sirzechs, a literal super-devil and Maou, begged him like a child asking their parents if their friends could sleep over.
"Yay! Thanks, Naruto-chan! Oh, and Serafall wanted to bring Sona and her peerage too!" Sirzechs nodded, "She was supposed to be here too, but she got super busy last second. She said it couldn't wait - something about an important meeting that could determine the fate of our entire species."
"That sounds important," Yasaka nodded, raising an eyebrow at him, "Are you sure you shouldn't be helping her?"
"Nah, nothing's more important than a meeting with Naruto-chan!" Sirzechs cheered.
"Serafall's also not in a meeting," Naruto deadpanned, reaching under the bed covered and lifting up his phone. On the front screen was a stream of texts, all from a certain magical girl Maou, "She's been trying to get me to ditch this meeting and go play mini-golf with her for the last 30 minutes."
"...Oh," Sirzechs said, blushing slightly, then nodded confidently again, "See? I knew this meeting was more important!"
"She managed to get out of this historically important meeting to play mini-golf?" Azazel muttered, his eyes slightly wide with awe, "To be able to blow off such an important event… she's even better than me… I need to step up my game!"
The room was silent for a moment. Then, the fallen-angel leader looked up, his eyes scanning each person in the room, before asking hesitantly, "...How mad would you guys be if I didn't show up to the faction summit?"
"Don't even think about it," Yasaka shot back with narrowed eyes, "I don't care if you're there or not, but if you waste so much of Naruto-chan's precious time today, which he could be using to rearrange my gu-"
"Don't finish that," Naruto deadpanned, and Yasaka cleared her throat with a light blush.
"Ahem, if you waste so much of Naruto-chan's precious time today," Yasaka started again, her face serious once again, "...which he could be using to have mind-melting sex with me and his other wives and harem members, which would feel so good that we wouldn't be able to walk until the actual summit-"
"Get to the point!" Naruto interrupted, his face flushed as Yasaka tried again.
"...Right, if you waste Naruto-chan's time today, and then don't show up," Yasaka narrowed her eyes at Azazel again, pausing for dramatic effect, "Then I will never let you read any of his manga chapters early again!"
"You wouldn't dare!" Azazel's eyes went wide, his face looking aghast at her words.
"I would!"
"That's cruel…" Sirzechs nodded, reaching across the bed and over Naruto's legs to pat Azazel on the shoulder.
"So cruel…" Azazel sighed, "I guess I can't get out of work this time."
"Ok, listen, this had been fun and all, but this is an actually historic summit that'll be held. It can't be in my bedroom, and we need to plan ahead of time to make sure it goes smoothly," Naruto interrupted, feeling strange as he was suddenly the voice of reason again.
Me, the worlds most unpredictable ninja, being the voice of reason? How the hell did this happen?
"Can we serious? Please?" Naruto asked, and the room went silent as everyone stared at him.
Persuasion Check
[God's Luck] has added +20 to your roll!
[Ladies's Man] has added +5 to your roll!
Check success!
Wait, did that actually work?
"Y-Yes, you're right, Naruto-chan," Yasaka nodded, her back straightening, "We should handle this meeting in a serious matter."
"Yeah, I guess you're right," Azazel nodded as well, and Micheal and Sirzechs mimicked him.
"Thank you," Naruto let out a relieved sigh, "Now, first we should decide on the location. Kyoto is fine, but we'll need a place that isn't too close to any civilians in case there is an att-"
"Naruto-channnnnnnnnn~!" Naruto's bedroom door swung open, and a black blur burst through. It launched through the air, flying straight over Micheal's head as it plopped onto Naruto's lap in the bed.
"Uh, Kuroka?" Naruto asked, staring at the voluptuous catgirl that was now lying on his lap, "We're kinda in the middle of something important."
He gestured at the various faction leaders sitting on the edges of his bed, and Kuroka looked up. She glanced at them one by one, then promptly turned back to Naruto, ignoring them completely.
She grabbed the top of the blanket that was covering Naruto's legs, pushing herself into his side as she pulled it over herself.
"Nothing's more important than cuddles!" She replied with a mischievous grin, pushing her large breasts into his side as she was clothed in her loose-fitting pajamas, "Don't mind me!"
Naruto stared at her blankly for a second and then sighed.
We're already having a meeting in my bed. It can't get anymore unprofessional than that.
"Right, so we'll need to pick a location that can both hold the meeting and is far from the housing area. If there was an attack, I don't want any of the civilians to be caught up-"
"Naruto-channnnnnnnnnnnn!" A second squeak came as his bedroom door slammed open, and a white blur shot over Micheal's head and into Naruto's lap.
"Oh, yeah," Kuroka smirked, "Shirone's here too."
"Hi!" Shrione grinned happily, crawling under the covers next to her sister.
"...whatever," Naruto sighed, "So, Yasaka, do you have anywhere in mind that could-"
"Naruto-chan! Breakfast is ready!" Naruto's bedroom door swung open again, this time courtesy of a big-breasted blue-haired fallen angel.
"It's your favorite!" Raynare cheered, walking in behind Kalawarner as the older woman hoisted up a large pot of steaming ramen.
"Damn, you know how to dress em'," Azazel nodded appreciatively, looking at the skimpy maid outfits that Raynare and Kalawarner were clothed in. In response, Raynare looked at him dryly, her nose wrinkling.
"Don't look at me with those eyes," She said bluntly, "This body is for Naruto-chan only. If it were up to me, any man who dared to look at my body, which is Naruto-chan's property, would be forced to endure the worst torture imaginable. That wouldn't be enough, so afterward they would be thrown into the pits of Tartarus by Hades himself, who would gladly do so to help Naruto-chan. However, that also wouldn't be enough, so afterward they would-"
"Anyway!" Naruto interrupted her, looking at the two women, "We're in the middle of something important right now, so could you just save it for late-"
Naruto stopped, his mouth closing as he considered his own words.
Am I really gonna turn down ramen?
He glanced over, looking at the four faction leaders casually sitting on his bed. Then at Kuroka and Shirone under the covers. Then at the two scarcely dressed fallen. Then, at the door to his bedroom opening again, watching as Mittelt, along with Katerea, entered the room.
Nah. Fuck it.
"...Actually, get me a bowl. A big bowl." Naruto nodded, then held up a hand as he stopped himself again, "Actually, just some chopsticks. I'll eat from the pot. On second thought, I don't even need the chopsticks."
Naruto promptly grabbed the large pot, consuming pot after pot of ramen over the next hour as the 'meeting room' became more crowded, and as the constant interruptions meant that no progress was made.
Naruto Uzumaki:
[Youkai God]
Lvl: 505
STR: 762
DEX: 725
CON: 540
INT: 215
WIS: 750
CHA: 999
LUK: 0
Skills: [Chess Mastery]
Perks: [Martial Arts], [You're a Wizard, Naruto], [Ladies Man], [God's Luck]
Debuffs: [Confusion], [Bad Timing]
Naruto Uzumaki is a Hero from another world, who has been reborn with the power of the Gamer system!
AN: Thank you for reading! I'll be updating this story three times a month (Four times a month on Patreon) but I've also added more chapters to the Patreon! You can now read up to 20 chapters ahead of my public publishing schedule (Which includes 10 chapters of this story!) on !
See y'all next week!