The Longest Shortbus / Warhammer 40k

Chapter 8

We... Utterly mulched our way through the traitor guardsman, enforcers, and especially the Pox Walker zombies. Barghest's plasma shotgun shot three dozen balls of super-heated plasma at extreme speeds with each shot that would pierce through the corrupted Ogryn's metal shields that we met on the way.

And it was becoming clear that the traitors were already being made aware that an 'Astarte' and another 'lesser' super soldier were now roaming their territory. "Die angel of the corpse emperor!" A corrupted Ogryn screamed out as he tried to smash Barghest with a hammer that was just a large mass of concrete on the end of several twisted-together rebar poles.

But in response, Barghest roared as she shattered the concrete orb on the end of the corrupted Ogryn's hammer with a mighty punch before she spun and smashed her Gravity hammer directly into the head of the heavily armored Ogryn's head with her yelling out. "Bad Ogryn's die!" 

The gravity hammer disregarded the armor the corrupted Ogryn was wearing like it wasn't even there with the gravitational forces crushing the helmeted head like a soda can pushed into an industrial press, sending fluids and brain matter everywhere.

'Is the fact that an 'Astarte' is here a good thing? Or a bad thing?' I thought as already I could feel my instincts screaming at me that something was wrong as we entered the storage area and kept clearing out any patrols of corrupted people we ran into.

I was well aware that there was an Inquisitor working to put down the insurrection and heretical acts on this planet as this was actually an important planet to the Imperium Of Man due to its many Leman Russ factories along with it previously having a strong presence in the Imperial Guard and Navy.

God only knows how that Inquisitor would react to learning an unknown Astarte was running around and letting him know what was going on.

But just as I was wondering how I should react to the inevitable confrontation I would need to have the Inquisition and the forces of the Imperium working to bring Atoma back into the fold. I heard a massive crashing noise, no not a crashing noise. I heard the unholy screech of sheet metal being ripped apart by pure physical force.

And then a roar of fury reached us as from the side came the heavy thuds something running towards us and as I whirled around to the side I mentally cursed at the sight before us. In a brief moment, as I took in the Plague Ogryn's form and started shooting it with my assault rifle, I could only think two things. One it was fucking huge, and secondly, it was a weapon of destruction!

The Plague Ogryn was twenty-plus feet tall, with a thick rotund body that was oozing with thickly congealed fat that could seemingly block bullets. Its whole body was a rainbow of revolting colors of vomit, and its head was corrupted beyond a human even an Ogryn's appearance as the Plague Ogryn had massive bone spurs growing from its skull to protect it, along with bone plates and spikes in its jaw line and cheeks.

Along with that, it had something like an exhaust pipe that was spewing rancid corrupting glowing yellow filthy gas from its upper back as it charged through the heavy bullets I was shooting precisely into its face without missing a single bullet. And lastly for one final sign of its corruption into Nurgle's loving grasp... The Plague Ogryn had its entire frontal stomach torn open with its entrails bouncing everywhere with the occasional broken Pox Walker bouncing out of the folds of their intestines.

Just like how the larger Great Unclean One's Greater Demons of Nurgle would carry their beloved lesser siblings in Nurglings within their own open cavities in their exposed stomachs.

Barghest didn't even make a battle cry either as she met the Plague Ogryn's charge with a full-powered Gravity Hammer swing that hit in the middle of the chest of the Plague Ogryn's shoulder blasted off one of its corrupted arms making the monster laugh and before Barghest could recover from her hammer going through the arm.

The Ogryn blessed by Nurgle's love flared its internal engines with great power and with unexpected speed and force, the Plague Ogryn spun in a circle and slammed a vicious backhand into Barhest's side pushing her shield into her side and launching her... She who weighed more than a thousand pounds with her armor and weapons more than five meters and smashed into a ramshackle house or storage shed, bringing it down upon her.

'Fucking Nurgle resilience!" I mentally snarled as the Plague Ogryn finally gave me his full attention as he used his sole hand to cover his face from further headshots and I realized if I wanted to be quickly killing Plague Ogryn's and other beings with true unnatural resilience. I needed magical or otherwise a lot more firepower!

I threw my Suros Regime onto my back and then I used my enhanced strength to throw a sticky semtex grenade onto the upper chest of the Ogryn as I ran to the side to avoid the powerful explosion that went off in a few seconds with the Plague Ogryn crying out wetly as the explosion tore off much of its upper flesh exposing it's innard bone work and the clear modifications of chaotic machinery that was stuffed into it's body.

But before the Plague Ogryn could continue its charge at me, Barghest finally got herself unburied from the ramshackle building that was dropped on her, and as Barghest shot a round of plasma balls into the Plague Ogryn I used the chance as the stupid Ogryn charged again at Barhest who was so much bigger than me. To run behind it and on its armless side and my plasma sword sliced through the leg of the Plague Ogryn with a terrible hissing noise as the sword carved through the corrupted flesh.

A loud crashing noise rang out as the Plague Ogryn tripped face-first into the ground and as it's heavy form dragged forward across the ground with the running momentum it had. Barghest smashed the Plague Ogryn in the head with her gravity hammer finally ending its undead and corrupted existence as the wave of compressed gravity pulped its head.



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