The Longest Shortbus / Warhammer 40k

Chapter 27

After spending the next hour calibrating my Crysis armor to allow it to better react to Custodian levels of abuse being smashed into it. Adelith spoke out with excitement as she put away her datapad. "Jake, my Sister's have arrived. Should we go meet them?"

After a moment of considering if I as a Commissar should go 'welcome' these Sisters of Battle into my troops I nodded as I knew that they were elite troops worthy of me coming to show my appreciation.

Getting up, the Crysis Suit swirled around me in a swarm of billions of nanities that anchored itself around my body, and within a couple of moments I was fully clad in my armor and following Adelith into the larger atrium of the Geothermal Plant that had some contrived butchered gothic Latin name.

The squad of Battle Sisters was ten strong being led by the Canoness from the Ordos Hospitaller with them striding through the defenses of the geothermal plant with gore covering their forms showing how they had fought their way here successfully.

Seeing their forms clearly having gone through battle I stood firmly and demanded quickly. "Canoness I assume you are the leader of this squad? Thus as well as their medic I ask you to sound off if your Sisters need medical care, the rot filling this world that could taint your sisters needs to be dealt with first." 

The Canoness was a beautiful if slightly scarred woman. With a single light blue eye that wasn't covered with a holy bandage with a skull embossed in the fabric over the lost eye that she had lost in the path of duty, her voluptuous form was covered in thinner armor that clung and molded to her form. 

And she had long luscious blond hair that went all the way past her knees while she held a Greatsword variant of the Powersword that looked like it would better fit in the hands of a fucking Astartes than a base human.

My demand made the Canoness give a small smile and sound off quickly to the happiness of the listening troops. "We only ran into the poor people of this world that fell to the ruinous powers. Their flesh was but rotting fel magic and our faith carried us through the insignificant trial like the flames of our Melta's burnt their weak diseased forms." 

A wry smile escaped me at the pure zealotry coming from her words and I nodded and looked around and said. "Men back to your stations! The pretty ladies have their own duties so get back to your own!" I yelled then giving the Canoness a look as the men who didn't have orders at the moment ran off to 'find' orders I said more quietly. "Canoness, I need you and your sisters with me for a prayer please follow me." 

The Canoness smiled with pride in her eyes as she eyed me and said. "A man who wishes to give evening prayer in a congregation? If your words are true then you will go far in the Imperium young man."

I quickly led the squad of Sisters of Battle with Adelith merging with the more rank-and-file members as she quietly told them about the fates of her last squad that got overwhelmed by Plague Ogryns and Chaos Spawn.

Once we reached my quarters which was my forces armory and production center along with being where I naturally rested in my small amounts of free time. The Custodians came out of the shadows and unveiled themselves as I heard the Sisters of Battle muttering about the dozens of 3D printers at work. 

"Golden One! It is an honor to see one of the enlightened ones doing his holy work away from the bounds of Holy Terra!" The Canoness spoke with deep reference as she naturally fell to a knee and bowed before the Custodian with her fellow sisters doing the same and looking up at the instrument of the God Emperor's will upon the mortal world.

The Custodian though... With no emotion in their voice, I knew they weren't drinking the whole 'God Emperor' juice like the Imperial Cult otherwise known as the Ecclesiarchy. The Custodian stated in no uncertain terms as he pointed at me.

"Jake Barris is under the Emperor's protection, he serves in his goals and until I leave he will not die before I do. No matter what tools he uses to do his appointed task by the Emperor." 

The Canoness stilled hearing that and her eyes snapped to me and I looked to Adelith who stepped up and fell to a knee beside her 'sister' and spoke to her and the other sisters with great joy. "My fellow sisters, Jake has been blessed by the Emperor himself! He touches upon his dreams shielding him from the ruinous powers and feeds his mind powerful technology and his prayers call upon Empero's grace without fail. He is even capable of calling upon his purifying flames!"

Adelith ranted with zealous fervor her chest undulating as she spoke so excitedly and the Canoness for a split moment looked... Doubtful before she looked between me and the fucking Custodian and then she bowed her head and said. "Then blessed one. I will serve in your designs as you, yourself serve in the Emperor's will." 

The Canoness then gave a small smile and said. "Blessed one, you mentioned prayer? Would you be willing to join us then?" 

And in turn, I smiled as I opened up my Crysis Suit slightly from the top and I took out my blessed Rosary with a golden skull hanging embossed from a small cross that glowed slightly as I filled it with my light.

I walked closer to the Canoness whose eyes widened as the glowing Rosary came closer to her face and once I got a couple of feet from her I sat in front of her and said with a small smile. "Sister, take the Rosary and its beads within your hands, pray with me, and feel the Emperor's strong gaze upon our souls in our prayer." 

After a moment of the Canoness looking into my eyes, the woman slowly grabbed onto the offered necklace held between us and the moment her hand closed around the necklace I began reciting one of the many imperial-mandated prayers with the Canoness following suit.

But as we prayed the necklace glowed even brighter with a dark golden glow that radiated strength, purity, and duty to our souls. The Canoness's breath stuttered with her voice almost failing in reciting the holy hymns as my holy relic drew the Emperor's attention within the warp with one of his countless shards blazing power in our directions from Holy Terra.

A crackling noise rang out with the sisters of battle all moaning in ecstasy as their forms were coated in golden flames with the filthy Poxwalker filth burning away into nothing but soot under the Emperor's disgusted glare.

And as I opened my eyes... I saw Adelith looking at all the other Sisters of Battle with a knowing look, that was also tainted by obvious jealousy at not getting burnt clear of Nurgle filth by the Emperor.



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