The Longest Shortbus / Warhammer 40k

Chapter 14

'Huh... All I am missing is a Pysker and I would have a full Darktide team. Though I kinda am in between Pysker and a Guardsman.' I thought with grim humor with a loud blasting noise Barghest roared as she smashed her gravity hammer into a traitor Ogryn sending the large abhuman flying with its armor shattered along with its internal organs as the wave of compressed gravity went off like a bomb on impact.

"For the Emperor!" I cried flaring out my inner light and Barghest and Adelith glowed brightly in holy gold with their melee weapons matching as the holy gold energy of the 'God Emperor' mantled their body like his holy eyes were upon them and shielding them all harm.

I was a charging monster within my Crysis Suit that easily kept up with my superhuman physique and the armor protected me from stray Las or slug rounds as I carved the heretic traitors apart with my energy sword that roared with golden holy flames.

"A living saint! Kill him for the Grandfather!" A traitor guardsman screamed hysterically in fear as I roared in response and then kicked a barrel at him that it smashed open upon colliding with his form spilling its flammable liquids that caught on fire upon the candles that he had on his spikey heretical armor.

This was the third patrol we had run into, and I was running out of ammo... I needed to make a weapon that had some form of unlimited or recharging armor along with some kind of spatial storage so I could keep my weapons. But any thoughts on making an Icebreaker or some other such weapon had to be shelved.

There was a twisted roaring noise coming from another hallway and I mentally groaned knowing it was another Plague Ogryn who had been twisted by Nurgle's gifts so however reluctant I was. I switched back to my Suros and as the massive lumbering giant that was more than two meters taller than Barghest, I did the smartest thing and just dumped the last half of my magazine into its knee making it collapse to the ground.

A shout rang out as Adelith saw the opening I gave her and as even as she charged at the Plague Ogryn screaming for the Emperor's strength she blew fist-sized holes into the corrupted Ogryns head with her Plasma Defender before with a crackle of golden enhanced energy she cut the Ogryns head off before it could properly sit up from face planting.

From there we cleaned up the remaining poxwalkers and I took a breath as I flexed my hands to get some feeling in them after carving through so many enemies.

"Are we getting close to your contact Adelith?" I asked with a frown as we left the previous cramped hallway and I saw that we had entered a far more open area of the Underhive with the roof of structures above us more than a mile above our heads.

It was odd to look directly up and see actual light bulbs and windows lit up with power that from the upper hive that wasn't a cesspool. Either way, my observation of the surroundings was cut off as the Sister of Battle nodded and said bluntly. "Yes. I will call a Valkyrie to come pick us up and take us to the Command Ship in orbit.

I stilled hearing that and I gave a weak smile before I said bluntly. "Adelith... I have been given great wisdom and the Emperor's visions. I know that Inquisitor Grendyl is there and to say nothing of my tech heresy that his Mechanicus agents will want to kill me for. The Inquisitor will kill me just on the off chance I am some an agent of the ruinous powers." 

Adelith looked at me long and hard before she closed her eyes for a moment to take a deep breath before she opened her eyes and looked at me with her cool eyes and replied. "Aye... He may very well do that. Or he could take you into his entourage and shield you from any claims of heresy." 

I shook my head with a wry smile as I looked to Barghest and said. "A man's choices are his gilded path... The path the Inquisitor walks is one filled with traitors near him, his intelligence from his underlings is twisted, and his adjutant/apprentice is emotionally compromised due to having been part of the Mobien Sixth Legion before they turned traitor."

Barghest took a step closer and to the side as she held tilted her plasma canon towards Adeliths legs we saw Adeliths hand that was holding the plasma defender tense with our supernatural senses.

But I didn't react to Adelith's errant thought of blasting a hole through me as I took a breath and said with a smile. "Adelith, I am a soul blessed by the Emperor with greater potential. The Inquisitor more likely than not, will either just kill-"

A soft thump rang out and my body stilled as a deadly force formed behind me and a flat voice spoke up from behind me. "You shall not die this day Jake Barriss."

I slowly turned around and my eyes went wide wide as I saw a figure of myth and legend clad in gleaming armor. Armor adorned with gems and complex machinery that would take me weeks of non-stop work to assemble, and a masterwork of a spear and bolter combo that was perfectly weighted in his right hand while in his left he carried a large plasma gun.

A far louder clank rang out as Adelith dropped to her knees in supplication at seeing the warrior of god. The barrier between the horrors of the galaxy and the Emperor himself.

 A fucking Custodian was before me, and I could only whisper out in wonder at feeling his pure soul that was almost alight like any Guardian would have their own souls enhanced by the Light. "The Aquilan Shield."

And in turn the Custodian's voice came through the voice channels of his masterly crafted work of art that was his armor that was worth literal planets. "Jake Barriss, by order of the Emperor of Mankind upon the Golden Throne, you are not allowed to die this day, especially by a servant of the Emperor of Mankind." 

But then it hit me... And I can't lie, I began mentally screaming as I realized something. I never fucking made anything to protect myself from being scried or anything like that!



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