The Longest Shortbus / Warhammer 40k

Chapter 10

 I didn't know what it was like being a Pysker. But as I woke, to the sounds of heavy gunfire I woke to the realization that even having transformed from a basic human to a super soldier. There was still infinite space for growth of my body.

I flexed my hand and my body was covered in bright energy as I called upon the Light within myself, and my bindings and the dented door into my ritual pod were blasted off and sent flying outwards making the sounds of gunfire die as out as the people outside knew something was up.

I stood up with my Crysis suit flowing over my body with its nanomachines seeping into my pores and all over my body. And then with glowing light covering my form, I stumbled outside the pod.

As soon as I got out of my enhancement pod I saw what I had feared to be the case, Barghest was hiding somewhat behind some cover as she used her plasma launcher to hold down the entrances into the main warehouse, we were using for the ritual. While the nurgle worshipping Pox-walkers and the traitor guardsmen of the Moebian Sixth legion tried to push through Barghest's holding.

"Such filth..." I spoke as I could feel it. I wasn't a Pysker but even still, I was the bearer of pure Light energy and Nurgle's taint was all too apparent to my enhanced senses.

I raised a hand and called upon the light within myself and then as light flooded my hand I threw my hand outwards sending a pillar of light towards the large cargo container they were using as cover from Barghest's plasma rounds.

'I need to refine my Light, and even transform it into an element or something.' I thought with a frown as the pillar of light only smashed and exploded against the cargo container and pushed it back a good few meters with the people behind it screaming as a couple of them got crushed as the heavy thick metal container actually rolled over.

"Barghest, let's move," I said as I walked over and pushed aside some debris as I was well aware that this place wasn't something just Barghest and I could holy by ourselves. I needed to make some automated defenses if the dream of actually holding territory was to be a thing.

And so knowing this place wasn't something we could keep, and that I certainly wasn't going to leave the ritual site to their eyes... I had also brought along a very nice, and powerful... Ever so slightly nuclear bomb.

Barghest's eyes widened seeing me arming the bomb and she reached into her waist bag and threw a football-sized grenade into one of the hallways like a professional baseball pitcher who was on all the drugs and she quickly broke from her cover as she ran beside me as we sprinted down a hallway with Barghest's adamantium shield blocking the bullets and las-fire. All the while we sprinted at superhuman speeds from the enclosed environment leaving the ritual site behind.

And in but a couple of minutes as the sounds of gunfire broke down as we smashed through the lines of Poxwalkers and re-entered the main Hive City of the Underhive, a deep rumble rang out and I grabbed Barghest's arms and groaned as her heavyweight took so much of my strength and power as I blasted out my Light from my feet to launch us into the air and over the nearby buildings as from the tunnel we just exited out of.

A pillar of dense flames exploded outwards violently as I threw us into one of the nearby habitation towers through a broken window. The Hive cities thick metal and endless porous structure absorbed a great deal of the blast while containing and directing it in all directions allowing us to avoid being battered by the explosion. 'Heh, that probably killed a good thousand of those fuckers.' 

But then I recalled how the Moebian Sixth was a regiment of more than ten million guardsmen... And how the vast majority of those nurgle-cursed monsters I killed were just Pox Walkers. Hapless wretches twisted by Nurgle's loving embrace who were nothing more than simple zombies.

'Fuck so I didn't actually accomplish much.' I thought dryly before wincing as I felt a shiver as something... Weird actually like caressed my very soul, making me look around wildly.

"Boss you ok?" Barghest asked with her gauntlet-covered hand landing on my shoulder in a supporting manner as I peeked out of the tower we slammed into the burnt and ravaged remains as the smaller hab-building's lower flowers were slagged by the high-temperature heat of the explosion that was like a blow torch carving through the buildings.

I couldn't help this fucking weird feeling that something was around here but with no sign of what I was feeling I said with discomfort still in my voice. "Yeah, let's just get out of here though. Something has stirred from the bomb... Or worse, something was awakened feeling my ascension." I said holding up a hand that filled the pure Light in my hands making Barghest's eyes glow in the reflected light.

"Let's go then, Boss. And Boss?" Barghest spoke slowly as she scratched her head and looked at me uncertainly. "Did you get the light from the Emperor?" She asked curiosity... And also some trepidation.

And I was reminded that Barghest and all good Ogryn's were too stupid to be disloyal and truly loved the Emperor and even if Barghest was enlightened and  beyond the typical intellect, she was still thoroughly brainwashed by the Imperial Cult.

In the tiny second I had that thought I slapped my hand onto my armored chest as I spoke strongly. "Of course! See this holy light in my hands Barghest, although I have received a portion of the Emperor's loving light with the ritual of putting my soul close to his so he could enlighten me... I still need time to channel his light into his wrath to purge the heretic!"



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