The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 57: A Fateful Meeting (Part 2)

With that said, I stayed quiet, and we waited in silence for the twins to come and fetch me.

Time passed, and I could feel the frustration and confusion emanating from the old man, yet I didn't even bat an eyelid. When the twins arrived and were closer to me, I told them through Eve: "The old man does not want to join our family. He said I don't deserve his loyalty. So, let's go. I have nothing more to say to him."

Hana was disappointed with the news I just brought. She looked towards the old man and whispered: "Too bad, old man Albert. You would have been a great addition to our family. You seem like a nice old man who has been through a lot. It's the same for all of us. Xeno, my sister, Lana, Ryuji, and I have all been through the same things that you have. Betrayal, anger, sadness, and loss of purpose. We have been through it all. However, in the midst of it, we found each other."

Ha-Eun continued after her sister and said: "A grown tree cannot survive on one root, and the same goes for humans. They cannot survive alone. Being the social creatures that they are, they always seek camaraderie and love. Even if you are disappointed in most of them, or even feel angry or resentful towards them, remember not all of your fingers are the same. We wished you would become a new member of our family, and the only thing we ask of you is loyalty. It's tiring to love someone so much and dedicate all your life to helping and serving them, only to find out in the end that you were dispensable to them. Nothing but a mere tool. Don't you think so, old man?"

The twins' words were like bolts to the old man. He was stunned and silenced. For a few minutes, no words could escape his mouth. Only thoughts were swirling through his head. However, that did not last.

The old man, with anger and frustration in his voice, rose from his seat and screamed, not able to hold back the pain any longer: "You claim to understand me, but how can you? You know nothing of my past or the demons that haunt me. You know nothing about my struggles, my dreams, my frustrations, my anger. You know nothing!"

Seeing the man scream at the top of his lungs, not caring about the people or the guards around us, pained and agitated me. I reached out my chi-infused hands in a manner so fast that no one could see and grabbed him by the wrist and yanked him back to his place.

To the normal person seeing us, it looked like the old man screamed and then suddenly sat back down, embarrassed by his outburst. However, to the old man who was yanked, it was a surprise. He was put back to his place so swiftly and forcefully that even he didn't know what happened.

This time, I looked straight into the eyes of the seated and astonished old man and said through Eve: "You're right. I don't know the specifics of your story, but I know what it feels like to be betrayed, to have your trust shattered by those closest to you. I know the pain of losing faith in humanity and the desire for revenge that burns within. We may have different paths, but our pain unites us. However, old man, your outburst right now almost jeopardized my whole plan, and it almost gave up my act, and that is the one thing I won't allow. Try it again, and I will rip that tongue of yours out so fast that even you won't know what happened. We are here to have a civil discussion and a friendly conversation. We came here to invite you to our family, to become one of us. You said you would pay your soul as a price for power, and trust me, if I wanted, I would have taken it as collateral. Yet I didn't. The only thing I asked of you was loyalty since you were not the only one betrayed. Think about it for a moment. Who in their right mind would give some stranger he just met power, knowing that someday that stranger would turn this power against him and betray him? Anyways, old man, I have said my end and the choice remains with you. Power, loyalty, and a new family and beginning, or nothing!"

I didn't know what the old man saw when he looked into my eyes at that time. However, he was visibly shaken. He was as pale as a sheet and silent. After minutes of pondering, he seemed to have reached a conclusion. He looked me in the eyes again, this time with determination blazing, and said: "Show me what you are capable of, and I will willingly pledge my loyalty to you. Actions speak louder than words, so show me what you are and will be capable of, give me my chance for revenge, and I will forever be your servant. Is that good enough for you, Sir Xeno?"

I indicated my approval through Eve and extended my hand from under the table, and the old man shook it, indicating a deal had been made between us. Even though this deal did not go as I expected, it still was a good deal, and I was happy with it.

I left the old man behind, with the twins pushing me back to the cell, with an internal smile.

He was a handful, and he almost jeopardized my plan, but I couldn’t hate him. He had been through the same things as me, felt the same things I felt, and maybe even more. This man is a good man at his core, and if he joins us, he will be a solid backbone and anchor to all of us in the future.

That thought alone made me elated.


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