The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 54: Overcoming Guilt and Misunderstandings

As soon as I returned to my cell, the twins rushed to me and hugged me tightly.

They looked terrified and remorseful, and they spoke in unison: “We’re so sorry, Xeno. We didn’t mean to inflict any sort of pain to you.”

Then Ha-Eun broke down and sobbed: “Please forgive me, please don’t hate me and abandon me. You’re the only one I have, the only reason I live. Please, please.”

I was shocked by their reaction. Why were they apologizing so profusely? Wasn’t it my idea to make them say those things in front of Rick? Why did they feel guilty for following my orders? I should be the one asking for their forgiveness. I made them do things that went against their nature. I had to calm them down and reassure them.

I stroked their hair gently and said: “Hey, it’s not your fault. You did nothing wrong. You were just following my orders, so you don’t have to worry about anything. You’re still my precious twins, and I love you both.”

But they didn’t stop. They kept apologizing and crying harder. I was puzzled. Why were they still upset and in tears? What had happened to them that made them so distressed?

I couldn’t understand, so I asked them: “What’s wrong with you today? What’s bothering you? Didn’t I tell you it’s all okay and that you’re dear to me? So, what’s the problem?”

The twins looked up at me with their eyes full of pain and said: “Even though you say that, we could sense how you felt when we were talking to Rick. We could feel your disgust and shock. Don’t lie to us, didn’t you think for a moment that we betrayed you? Weren’t you repulsed by us and our words?”

I realized what they were thinking. Did I show my emotions so clearly, or were they just too good at reading people?

Either way, they got it wrong. I wasn’t disgusted by them; I was disgusted by Rick and myself. And by the whole human race. I was also amazed by their skills and their actions, not resentful. The only thing I might have felt towards them was a bit of pain. Ha-Eun’s stab hurt like hell. Did she have to hit the bones and muscles so hard? I had to use all my chi power and even Eve’s nanomachines to keep up the act.

I couldn’t let them misunderstand me any longer. I lifted their heads and looked into their eyes.

I then said: “You two are very good at sensing emotions and subtleties. So, look at me and listen carefully. If you find any trace of lying or negativity in me, you can do whatever you want. But I’m only going to say this once, so pay attention. The disgust you felt from me was not directed at you. It was directed towards Rick and myself. And for humanity. As for the shock, I was only impressed and amused by your talent and your actions. The only thing I might have thought about you was that Ha-Eun’s stab was freaking painful. Seriously, did you have to go for the bones and muscles? I had to use everything I had and even Eve’s nanomachines to keep my façade. I really cherish both of you a lot. You are my precious twins, and I am ready to face anything for you. And I think I have proven that quite enough. So don’t worry your little heads about it. I am so possessive that even if you die, I won’t allow you to leave me. You will be mine forever, so you better brace yourself.”

I continued:” Now enough of that; we have more pressing matters to deal with. I need to keep meditating to unlock more advancements. And I also need to find some allies in this facility and I need your help with that. So, again are you willing?”

The twins hearing what I said and judging that I had no grudges or ill feelings towards them beamed like never before. They were so happy that I was tackled to the ground again, however this time they were rubbing their heads on my chest like cats.

I couldn’t help but smile at their antics. Yeah, that’s how they are supposed to be, happy. And recently the twins had gained some weight and they were all in the right places. Even though they still can’t be compared to Lana in fullness however they were on their way.

My thoughts were cut by the twins pinching me. I looked at them while wincing, and they said:” You were thinking something rude about us right now, weren’t you Xeno?”

I was flabbergasted. Were they truly mind readers? If so, I must watch out for what I think around them from now on.

I hurriedly tried to deny all accusations; however, I couldn’t since I was already being chased by the twins in the cell as they were laughing. Well, if they were happy so be it.

We spent some time joking and chatting with each other. They had recovered their old selves, and I was relieved. If they had lost their smiles, I wouldn’t know what to do. The twins were my emotional anchor in this hellhole, and without them, I would be lost. 

The next day came and I was busy studying and practicing. I controlled my chi and reviewed my martial arts and bodybuilding routines. My moves were so fast and precise that no one could keep up with me. They were also so powerful that they left trails in the air.

I then proceeded to train the twins using the new martial arts regimen that Eve had devised for them. They were showing incredible progress in their self-defense arts so I decided to train them in combat.

After we were done with our routine, we freshened up and then I suggested to the twins.

“How about we go outside today? Are you in?”

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