The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 52: Unveiling the Dark Truth: A Tale of Confessions and Transformations

For all the readers out there, thank you for the support you all have been amazing. However, recently I have been well over my head with work that I will not be able to continue releasing 2 chapters per week. So, from next week forward it will only be a chapter per week I hope you understand, and I really really thank you for all the support.

I went on to tell Lana everything. I told her about Zane, the chief, the deal between them, the experiment and its failure, being close to death, the light I saw, and my awakening. I even told her about how I killed Zane, leaving no details untold. I also informed her that I was no longer a human but a humanoid, a hybrid of both man and monster.

As I waited for her to digest everything, expecting the worst reaction from her, I was shocked to find out that this wasn't the case. She smiled broadly, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and admiration. She then proceeded to hound me, insisting on hearing more details with excitement gushing from her.

At first, I was taken aback by how easily she accepted everything and believed me. So, I asked her:” Did you really hear what I just said? Did you truly listen to every detail I shared? I killed a person in the most horrific way. I became a humanoid, a monstrosity. I am no longer the Xeno you know and love. Are you okay with that?”

Lana looked at me with confusion and anger plastered all over her face and said:” Are you an idiot? So what if you killed a person? So what if you became a humanoid? I don't care even if you become the devil himself. You are still you, Xeno, no matter how much you change. Your core, your ideals, your gentleness, your ruthlessness, and your ingenuity are all still the same. If you changed into a humanoid, then I will follow you on this path. So, when you are capable of awakening people like you, count me in. I said I will be with you forever, and I mean it. However, if there is something that bothers me, it's that the twins have gotten closer to you. Not only do they get to spend every day with you, but they were also rescued by you in the most brutal and romantic way possible. I mean, what woman wouldn't want to be rescued by the man they love, especially after they thought you were hopeless and dead? It's like a fairy tale, and I'm jealous. Should I go and get myself in trouble so that you would come and save me? I wonder.”

Hearing Lana's reassuring but somewhat disturbing reply, I playfully bopped her on the head and replied:” Hey, Miss Crazy woman, I appreciate your love and support. However, don't go doing insane stuff to get your fairy tale rescue. I would rush to the end of the world to rescue you, and I would take a lethal hit for you. But don't rush into danger; it will make me worry. Anyways, thank you as always, Lana. You always say the best things. I'm glad I got to meet you, and I hope I will always remain the person you admire, love, and look up to.”

Enjoying my reactions to her words and my genuine thoughts, Lana beamed and snuggled close to me.

I was flabbergasted by her sudden approach and said in a panic:” Lana, you're too close. They're hitting me, and it's lethal for a healthy 17-year-old guy like me.”

Lana, acting oblivious, smiled mischievously and said:” What's hitting you, Xeno? I wonder.”

“You know exactly what I'm talking about, Lana. Stop teasing me and let go of me.”

“I refuse to leave you for even one minute as long as you are here. I'll tell the other nurses to take care of the other patients, pretending that I am saddened and heartbroken that the person I love has become a potato.”

Our playful bickering continued for a while until it was interrupted by Ryuji, who entered behind the curtains looking beaten up and bruised.

His face and body were so battered and swollen that I couldn't help but laugh.

I looked at him, almost choking from my laughter, and said in a low voice:” Serves you right, Ryu. Oh, and by the way, just so you know, I was the one who gave Lana the idea of beating you with the metallic tray. It's a fair punishment for a jokester and prankster like yourself, don't you think?”

Ryuji, mad with a vein almost popping from his forehead, looked towards me and said:” Xeno, I'm gonna smack you if you're gonna continue making fun of me, you know.”

Lana, with a chilling aura surrounding her, replied: “You are gonna smack who, Ryuji? Wanna die?”

Ryuji, fearing for his life from Lana's aura and the beating he took before, calmed down and didn't say anything anymore.

I looked at the two, and I really couldn't help but smile. We were like a family, even though we were from different places, had different backgrounds and thoughts. We still got together, laughed, cried, fought, ate together, and supported each other.

Seeing me laugh while looking at them, Ryuji and Lana faced me with complex looks on their faces, and both of them asked simultaneously: “Is there something on our faces that's making you smile so widely?”

“No, it's just that I thought we were like a family. We all faced hardships, losing loved ones, carrying burdens on our shoulders, and some of us have also been used and abused, not knowing what love meant. However, when we are together, we laugh, cry, and even fight. If that is not family, then I don't know what is.”

Hearing what I said, both Ryuji and Lana smiled and looked down, not wanting to show their reactions to me. But I could tell that Ryuji was choking up, and Lana was tearing up.

I'm sure both of them hold the concept of family so dear to them that the mere mention of the word evokes both good and bad memories. It's the same for all of us in this unfair post-apocalyptic world.

Not wanting them to linger on those feelings for too long I changed the topic and asked them:” Don’t you have any questions to ask?”

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