The Legendary Fool : A Deckbuilding LITRPG

35: The Revenant Slayer

Tom walked out of Verranuva’s Artifacts ten minutes later, departing rather abruptly after informing the shopkeeper to collect the payment from his residence. Since Verranuva had dismissively labelled them cheap robes, Tom hadn’t hesitated to impose— and indeed, the aged warrior had barely batted an eye at the robes claiming their rightful place in his inventory, instead taking his time to cautiously secure the [Rare] Card Gauntlet, a curious glint flashing in his gaze as he watched the young heir to the Renain House hurriedly take his leave.

Tom was glad that he’d surreptitiously taken a sip of the [Elixir of Soul Restoration] in preparation for his scheme— even if his tightfisted disposition railed at the thought of expending a potentially life-saving Elixir for what was, at best, a gamble. It wasn’t quite greed that had driven him to his actions, but rather, a desire for self-preservation— the Academic City, Renovia, had already far surpassed his expectations. He wouldn’t be surprised if he, in his present state, was one of the lowest levelled people in the city and as such, any attempt to buy artifacts at his level would most likely be met with intense suspicion.

Suspicion he didn’t want to draw to himself.

Zenakris’ guise was the only thing that gave Tom the confidence to execute his plan, more than likely the only reason why his request was seriously considered instead of being laughed out of the door. Tom had done his best to play the part of a curious disciple, querying Verranuva about the origins of the [Rare] artifact. The enthusiastic light in Verranuva's gaze sent a twinge of guilt prickling at his heart— the old man seemed genuinely touched by his show of interest, regaling a grand tale that caused Tom to lightly shudder in shock. Despite his best guesses, he had still grossly underestimated Verranuva’s prowess— the Revenant Slayer was, if his words were to be believed, the only person to solo the Syrnakis— the lifeless tower. Others, perhaps, could replicate his feat— but the reason Verranuva had forged ahead on his lonesome had little to do with his ability and more with status.

For the mighty Revenant Slayer might have been exceptionally skilled, but he remained a mortal. Without noble-tier equipment, none in his posse believed they were capable of conquering the hardest challenge in the entire Syrlore Kingdom—so Verrnauva did the unthinkable, throwing himself in a crucible even nobles shuddered to enter without extensive preparation—- walking out with a rare card and the aptly named, Revenant Claw. It had cost him an eye, but from that moment onwards Verranuva’s fortunes changed— given the title of noble for his exploits, a title that the Syrlore Kingdom gave to anyone possessing a [Rare] Soul Card, he was now, most likely, one of the most powerful individuals in the entire kingdom.

Besides the almost crippling fear threatening to crush his psyche, a flicker of realisation had flashed in his mind.

The surface world wasn’t the game Zenakris, in his memories, believed it to be. He was constrained by his own perception as a resident of the world, but as an outsider, Tom believed in his own unique perspective— the very fact that he was sent to the surface instead of the Aerianiculumn directly proved that the bearded old man, despite all his strength gave consideration to the surface world. If he was correct, the purpose it served was a sort of proving ground— a test, to find monsters like Verranuva—who would then ascend to higher floors.

Though the grizzled old man appeared, well, ancient, when Tom actually looked at him, he was confronted by a realisation that should have struck him ages ago—- age or rather Time… had not extracted its toll from Verranuva. If anything, the man seemed to possess more vitality than his own defined musculature, courtesy of his physical stat— there seemed to be no decline over time.

The most likely conclusion he’d drawn was also one that excited him greatly—levelling up could potentially increase his lifespan. That also meant that Verranuva could still— and probably would— attempt to climb the Aerianiculumn.

Only after Tom was reeling from tales of his accomplishments and his triumph over the lifeless tower’s final [Boss] was he told of the Card Gauntlet’s abilities. Of course, Tom had intentionally been egging on the Revenant Slayer with intention to extract as much knowledge as he could but… his heart could only take so much.

Hearing of the Card Gauntlet’s abilities though… had made the tortuous experience worth it in its entirety.

Tom still remembered the misty aura seeping out of his hands as he cast [Fool’s Gold— Mimic]--- a skill that required direct, sustained contact with the object he wished to Mimic. He thought the gig was up when he saw the aura, but…. Verranuva, much to the relief of his loudly thumping heart, didn’t seem to see anything amiss.

That was the reason he forced himself to ask questions, his hands sweeping across the [Revenant Claw’s] surface with the dexterity of an overly enthusiastic archaeologist trying to decipher meaning where there was none to be found.

Eight minutes and exactly all his Soul Power later did Tom walk out of Verranuva’s Artifacts, completely drained and feeling like he’d just run a marathon.

[Mimic Slots: 1/5]

[Revenant Claw, Rare

Requirements: Level 2 (Stat requirements waived)

Description: A reward for slaying the Revenant King, final boss of the lifeless tower, this is an exquisitely crafted Card Gauntlet that cannot be shattered by any weapons of the Common rank. The claws of a revenant, known for their piercing sharpness and the life-leech poison make for a fearsome melee weapon, whilst the Card Gauntlet itself enhances the wielder's capability in battle to an extreme degree— allowing for a total of eight Deck Cards to be slotted in at once of upto the [Common] rarity.

Mimicked Skill:

Greater Enhancement: Any Common Deck Card channelled via the Revenant Claw has its effectiveness boosted by 75%].

“What in…,” Tom trailed off as he walked away from Verranuva’s Artifacts, gaping at the description that had popped up before him.

This is a cheat…..

Tom himself wasn’t sure if he was referring to Verranuva’s specced out gauntlet or his own skill, that let him copy an artifact the former had staked his life on the line for. Probably… the latter, except Tom knew that it was only ten frickin’ percent of the real deal. That explained why a [Rare] item was locked to holding Common cards, but even then… it was completely broken.

He loved it.

Any magician knew that the escape was the greatest part of the act— and Tom had not been remiss in planning his own. Even if his plan was crude, at best.

Dressing booths had to be washrooms, right?

With a shrug, Tom began to walk over to the solitary one-storey rectangular building placed at the far end of the town square, distinctly separated from all the other stores.

If anyone recognized him, they didn’t show it. Tom appreciated that basic courtesy transitioning over from Earth. Well, it shouldn’t be too surprising considering the ruling class called themselves what roughly translated to nobles, but nonetheless he was grateful for it.

Washroom though, had been an understatement. He hadn’t been expecting what was an entire room-sized stall painted over in a pleasant azure— a large vanity mirror, a table and stool to go with it. There was no sink, only a smooth, round stone placed on the table and a chamber pot that… had some peculiar, yet hygienic operational mechanics. Well, as long as it worked.

Pulling one of the robes he had ‘bought’ from Verranuva, Tom cancelled his disguise and changed into his new combat clothes— quite satisfied with the quality of the material and the stitching. Verranuva might have called them cheap, but to a pauper like him, it was a blessing from the divine.

His old clothes….well… they went in the chamber pot, a sizzling sound echoing out as they were reduced to ashes the moment tom tugged at the chain. Truly… innovative… plumbing.

The round stone, as it turned out, was the soap-equivalent of this world— though it was too soft to be really considered a stone. Rubbing it over his hands and face had left them sparkling clean, and Tom decided to spend the next half and hour scrubbing the filth out of him.

Once he was done, and he’d recovered a solitary SP, he activated [The Shadow] card, using it to crawl over to the next stall over— which he knew to be empty.

His preparations almost done, Tom drew the robe’s hood over his head.

Settling the final preparation in the confines of his status screen, Tom walked outside the stall—- ready to once again face the outside but this time, without any facade to shield him.

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