The Legend of Lingpeng

7. Preparation III

In non-human society, wings or the ability to levitate symbolize authority and mark higher bloodlines. In Nithium, the Great Monster society, the hierarchy is strict. Without wings or the power to levitate, one cannot belong to the royal class. This leaves those born into the middle or lower ranks to fight their way out of their destined roles.

The one who defied this rigid system was Alberto Ghornthail Mesmo. He perfected a unique movement technique, allowing him to travel not just across the ground, but through the air without wings—and even through the void of space. His mastery made him unstoppable.

Alberto shared this technique with the Monster generals, guardians, and those he deemed worthy. His strength and influence earned him a rightful place among the elite.

In the past, Alberto had a reputation for breaking the wings and legs of arrogant upper-class monsters. Lucy remembered this well. She once reveled in the same violence, taking satisfaction in crushing the pride of those who flaunted their power.

She exhaled deeply, the memory still tempting her. But now, such feats were beyond her reach. At her current level, even the idea of moving at sound speed seemed impossible. If she couldn’t run that fast, she thought, how can she ever hope to fly?

Lucy, who woke early, clinging to the cool air as the first rays of sunlight fought through the horizon. She indulged in her usual routine, slipping into a high-collared black cloak and a long-sleeved shirt. She fastened two brown leather belts snugly around her waist. She frowned slightly at the empty space where her sword should be—the blade had cracked during last night's strength test, and now she would have to find a replacement. Pulling on her sturdy brown boots, she felt the familiar weight of her training gear settles on her shoulders, ready to face another day.

Her training had progressed well—she had mastered the core fundamentals of weapon-manship, body strengthening, and magical defenses, both with and without her trace activated. But agility—footwork, remained her weakest area. To master it, she needed the vacant clearing she had used the night before, a secluded space surrounded by towering trees.

Yawning deeply, Lucy stepped out of her cabin, her breath misting in the chilly morning air. The damp fog swirled around her, wrapping her in a translucent embrace. As she made her way toward the forest, the sparse rays of the sun finally began to break through, casting a pale light on her path. The quiet serenity of the early morning gave her a brief, peaceful reprieve from the intensity of her training regimen.

In the vacant clearing, surrounded by towering trees, the remnants of her last endeavors lay scattered. Lucy inhaled deeply, releasing the tension that had swirled within her since early morning. She began to stir her mana, focusing intently as it coursed through her body. A soft greenish-blue glow, fluid like water, filled the space. Wisps of mana twisted elegantly around her.

As she channeled the energy into her feet, it thrummed with power. The mana from trace coiled around her boots, casting a vibrant green-blue radiance that illuminated the lingering mist in the air.

[Trace “Passive mode” had shifted to “Standby mode”]

[Mana snaked through “trace”, and coursed through your body.]

[Due to the influence of Mana, all stats indirectly increase by 10%]

Neglecting the persistent notification flashing in her peripheral vision, Lucy focused on a specific agility technique—[Wind Step], a basic movement and agility skill. Just as she had mastered the other core fundamentals without a weapon, she now aimed to perfect this one.

The early morning air was crisp against her skin, carrying the faint scent of dew. Her calves coiled, her muscles taut, and her legs moved with practiced grace. The earth beneath her feet felt firm, grounding her before she sprang forward. In an instant, she surged ahead, the wind whipping against her face as dirt and dust scattered in her wake.

[You have acquired “Wind Steps”]

[Wind Steps. 

Classification: Movement agility skill. 

Grade: Basics—[C]

Proficiency: 0

Requirements: Must Manipulate Magicules—trace. 

Description: This technique allows the user to move effortlessly at high speed, depending on the magicules’ output, and walk as if treading on air.]

Ignoring the flashing messages at the edge of her vision, Lucy darted through the dense forest. The cool air whipped against her face, while the damp earth softened the sound of her steps. Each leap was precise, her calves and feet absorbing the magicules lingering in the air. As she moved, the shock from each rapid motion rippled through her body, but she expertly dispersed it with controlled bursts of magic.

Her senses sharpened as she directed magicules into her eyes, the blur of trees sharpening into focus. She felt her body gradually adapting to the relentless speed, her movements becoming more fluid, the disorientation fading as the magic steadied her gaze.

[Wind Steps proficiency: 0% → 3%]

Shocked by the rapid increase in her proficiency—though it was only three percent of what she had in her past life—Lucy pressed on. After about ten minutes of leaping between towering trees, bouncing off trunks and branches, she began to fully grasp the nuances of the skill. As the description stated, her magicule output was directly tied to the speed she could achieve. The faster she moved, the more magicules she expended. With that increase in speed, more control over her mana was required, her focus narrowed to near tunnel vision, and greater stability in her posture became necessary.

Normally, her movement speed would increase by twenty-five percent with minimal magicule use. However, when she pushed it further, experimenting with a higher output, she could boost her speed up to fifty-five percent. The downside? At that level, her magicules drained rapidly, much faster than she could absorb from the atmosphere. Before the temporary residue could replenish, her core would run low on energy.

In short, this level of exertion was something she could only sustain in emergencies—at least until her proficiency improved.

Still, she managed to name one particular maneuver she’d discovered when using thirty percent of her magicules for a brief burst of speed.

[“Wind-Threading Steps, Chase” had been registered.]

As Lucy darted forward at breakneck speed, a notification appeared in the corner of her vision, momentarily distracting her. Registered? She frowned, puzzled by the term. Then it clicked.

The skill must be a variation of her Main Technique, so it registered as a variation rather than a new skill. The name, however, still made her sigh. It was odd, sure, but it suited the brief burst of agility it granted. It wasn’t overwhelmingly fast, but it was incredibly stable. A solid variant.

Anyone watching would probably laugh if they saw Lucy—once known as Alberto, the feared Monsterized Knight—practicing such a low-rank movement skill. But Lucy didn’t care. Her body was no longer monstrous; it was human, and female at that. Of course, she had once thought about learning something more powerful. But she decided against it. Stability mattered more—synchronization between her powers and the body that wielded them.

For instance, if someone had 20 units of strength, even if they pushed themselves, they should aim for 20 or maybe 22 at most. That way, they maintained proper stability and fully unleashed their potential.

If someone with 100 potential but only 20 usable strength tried to punch at full power, the strain would cripple them. On the other hand, someone with 20 potential who could fully utilize it would land a clean, effective blow. The result depended on how much the body could handle without tearing itself apart.

The same logic applied to Lucy’s new form. A human body could adapt and improve over time, unlike a monster's. But that didn’t mean she should force all the techniques from her past life into this shell that hadn’t fully grown yet. Doing so would only lead to strain, exhaustion—both mental and physical—and internal backlash. That’s why she focused on adapting her body gradually, mastering each technique through rigorous training.

For now, she was refining her ability to control the flow of magicules in her footwork, using them to boost her speed and outmaneuver her opponents—or, in this case, the towering trees around her. She harmonized her body with the magicules, filtering out strain and gaining vital stability.

With every burst of magic, Lucy’s movements shifted between faster and slower as she leaped from branch to branch. The wind brushed her face, and she felt the power of her newly registered technique coming to life.

[“Wind-Threading Steps, Chase” has been activated.]

[Movement speed increased 30% for One minute.]

After the flashes of messages, Lucy’s feet seemed to barely touch the ground as she leaped between trees, through open paths and tall grasses, landing on tree branches. Mana coated her eyes, preventing disorientation as the wind brushed her face and the scenery blurred around her. She felt a rush of amazement. Her legs were so light it felt like she was running on air, faster than ever.

Each step matched her imagination, her body moving effortlessly as if carried by the early morning breeze. She dashed through the forest, then back again, free of any restraint. The mist had completely vanished, leaving only dew on the leaves and grasses, while rays of sunlight broke through the sky in all their glory.

Still, Lucy pressed on. How long had she been running with the wind?

[Remaining time: 20 sec.]

As if reading her mind, a timer appeared in front of Lucy's eyes—twenty seconds remaining. If anyone watching zoomed in on her movements, they might mistake her agility for a high-level technique. But it was just a basic one. Was it because she was in a human body now? Or was it something else? The Wind Step's proficiency was only supposed to be around seventy percent to reach this kind of speed with her current agility stat. This wasn’t what she expected at all.

Wind-Threading Steps, Chase wasn’t just about a burst of speed. It was a variation meant to give an edge—dodging attacks while maintaining balance for counterattacks. Yet for a newly learned skill, this speed felt excessive.

But wondering about the reason didn’t change the fact that this sudden development was strange. Not that Lucy was complaining. In fact, if she progressed the same way she had in her past life, things would be pretty boring.

Either way, she wanted to test it further. She pivoted sharply and headed back to her usual spot. The morning mist had cleared completely, and the sun’s rays now filtered through the treetops, casting dappled light across the forest floor. The towering trees swayed gently in the breeze, their leaves rustling with a soft, rhythmic sound. As she ran, Lucy noticed her steps barely touched the damp, leafy ground. It was just as the Wind Step technique described.

The dense trees loomed like obstacles, but she leaped toward them with ease. Wind streaked behind her as she zigzagged between trunks, her movements as fluid as the air itself. The timer ticked down, but her body moved instinctively—centered, balanced, and always ready for the next leap.

[Remaining time: 5 sec.]

Five seconds left. Lucy moved with pure speed; every wild motion was sharp and precise. Her body, now powered by magicules, was far more efficient than the monster’s body she had in her past life. If it kept adapting and growing stronger, she could handle high-level techniques with ease. Her movements would be sleek, and effortless.

[Remaining time: 0 sec.]

[“Wind-Threading Steps, Chase” had been deactivated.]

With the timer hitting zero, Lucy came to a halt and exhaled deeply. The morning air was cool and crisp, but there was no sweat on her skin, no sign of fatigue. Ten days of relentless training had brought her body to a new level of endurance, leaving her feeling calm and focused.

She turned her gaze to the massive tree trunk she had slashed the night before. The deep gash carved into the bark stood out sharply in the daylight, a stark reminder of the force behind her simple sword strike. Seeing it now, it felt almost surreal. Did I really do that? The damage was more severe than she had expected, a testament to her growing strength.

Perfect, she thought. This will do nicely.

Clenching her fist, Lucy felt the surge of energy coursing through her veins. The technique she had practiced earlier—basic body strengthening—came to the forefront of her mind. With Trace still active, the familiar sensation of power thrummed within her, waiting to be unleashed. The anticipation made her heart quicken, but her focus remained steady. She was ready for the next step.

[Destructive attack Technique has been activated.]

[Destructive attack Technique 

Classification: body strengthening and Weapon-manship.

Grade: Basics—[B]

Proficiency: 0

Requirements: Must Manipulate Magicules—trace. 

Description: Counter fist and weapon technique with rapid 45 movements, 56 movements, and 93 movements. 

Note: Currently, only 45 movements are available, 56 movements, and 93 movements are unavailable, and would unlike depending on proficiency.]

Of course, two of the high-level movements were still locked due to Lucy's zero proficiency, but the technique was worthwhile because it could be used both with and without weapons. It was also easier to learn than the other basics. Plus, as a B-rank Basic Technique, it packed more impact than any C-rank technique.

Earlier that day, Lucy had practiced by swinging and throwing punches in the air. But now, she was ready to direct that force at a real target.

Lucy looked up, her eyes closed, as the cool breeze gently brushed her skin. She let her body relax, tension melting away as she channeled mana from Trace. The energy pulsed through her, and she started bouncing lightly on her toes, her momentum building with each breath.

Her focus sharpened. Pulse, breathing, blood flow, energy flow—every sensation heightened. She felt the weight of her body as if for the first time. All her senses locked onto the towering tree before her, everything else fading into the background. Slowly, she opened her eyes, now glowing with an intense, cold determination.

Her fist tightened like iron, and with a sudden push off the ground, she shot forward. The air stung her face as she closed the distance in an instant.

The technique required Magicules—mana drawn from Trace—to flow into her muscles, amplifying her fists’ strength tenfold. Energy surged through her body, her strength rippling to the surface.

As her fist collided with the trunk, a thunderous explosion tore through the air. Splinters and shards of wood erupted outward as the force of her punch obliterated the tree. The shockwave rattled the ground beneath her feet.

Lucy blinked, slightly dazed by the sheer devastation before her. The tree didn’t just crack—it had been annihilated, reduced to nothing but scattered fragments. Where a trunk once stood, there was now an empty space, its remnants blown far beyond where she expected.

What would have taken thousands of sword strikes had been undone by a single punch.

The “Destructive Attack Technique” had lived up to its name, leaving behind nothing but destruction. When enhanced with high-density atmospheric mana from Trace, the technique’s power far exceeded anything ordinary.


Lucy let out a deep breath, satisfaction swirling through her body. If this basic technique held such power, what would happen when she mastered it fully, unlocking the rest of the movements?

The thought stirred her imagination, and a smile tugged at her lips. If she could perfect the skills she'd learned and push her body beyond its current limits, maybe—just maybe—she could surpass the boundaries of being human.

What once seemed like an impossible dream, becoming the richest, now felt within reach, waiting for her to seize it.

[Trace “Standby mode” had shifted to “Standby mode”]

A faint message blinked in front of Lucy’s eyes as she felt the subtle shift—moving from "Standby" to "Passive Mode." The glow, barely noticeable at first, flickered weakly, then gradually brightened. It was subtle, but someone with keen eyes would catch it. The light pulsed softly, drawing in mana like a single drop of water falling from a stalactite, sending ripples through a still pond.

At that moment, the sound of something wet soaking the ground echoed. Blood, her blood. It dripped from her hand, which had just shattered the tree in front of her. The mana she used dulled the pain and reduced the backlash, so Lucy made no sound—not even a groan.

She checked her fist. Her knuckles were red, skin torn here and there. Her arm trembled slightly, absorbing only part of the blowback from her own strength.

It was a strain she could push through, even if she didn’t want to. She’d grown stronger that passing the Adapter’s test would be easy. Still, a bitter smile crept onto her lips as she walked toward the nearby stream. The water, trickling down from the well-maintained riverbank, glistened in the soft morning light.

If she hadn’t trained so rigorously, the force behind her blows would’ve wrecked her body long ago. Despite her intense training and her foundations from the Arcane Academy—one of Elvaris’s most prestigious magical institutes—she still couldn’t fully control her Technique with bare hands.

In short—

“I need a weapon that can channel my power and handle High-Density Atmospheric Mana,” she muttered.

Ordinary weapons were useless. Her old sword had turned to scrap after just a single swing of High-Density Mana. Even regular Adapter Gear snapped after only a handful of uses. But she had a solution—her past life’s memories held the key to a weapon capable of enduring both her raw power and the dense mana she commanded.

“I guess I’ll have to go there now.”

Lucy already had a plan. She would head to the Interspecies Federation branch in the southwest of the capital. 

There, a… 

“High-Density Atmospheric Weapon - Interstellar pole,” she whispered. It was Alberto’s most cherished weapon, lying dormant and waiting.

After rinsing the clotted blood from her hand, she wrapped it cleanly in a bandage. With her destination clear in her mind, she strode out of the forest and into the capital as the morning sun bathed the streets in gold.

Elvaris buzzed with life, the air thick with the scent of fresh bread, steel, and booze. Her boots tapped steadily on the cobblestones as she moved through the chaos toward the southwest—where the famous Adapters of Elvaris resided.

End of Training Arc, Next Chapter... Adapter's Test

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