The Lecherous Prince and His Playmate [BL]

Chapter 26

Changling gazed up at him with a tired look in his eyes and said, “I honestly do not know. I have been lying here doing nothing while my consort took advantage of me. I should have your hands cut off.”

Youxian ran his hands over his sweaty face, pushing his hair out of his way, and said, “Would you still consider me your consort when I cannot use my hands?”

Changling pulled his face and shook his head, “No, I will kick you out of my palace.”

Youxian chuckled and brought Changling’s soiled hand to his mouth and started licking it clean while he looked down at him seductively.

This scene was so sexy, but Changling had no energy to turn them over and devour him.

After licking all his ass cum off Changling’s hand, he said, “I guess it was good that I ate proper and cleaned myself out while wasn’t living with you.”

“Mn?” Changling asked, confused as he was pulled out from his beastly thoughts.

Youxian looked down at him and said, “Or your hand would have tasted foul.”

Changling did not need to know anything further. He, too, was glad that Youxian took care of himself while he was out.

Youxian leaned his body down and started licking all the semen off of Changling’s tip while he wiped his member clean then licked his fingers.

He moved on to licking the semen off of Changling’s face and left the semen on the sheets that were already soaking in.

Youxian got off the bed and stood up and stretched his body. He looked back at Changling and asked since he looked sleepy, “Do you want something to drink? I can go fetch it for you.”

Changling shook his head, “Help me lie properly.”

Youxian nodded his head and climbed back onto the bed. Changling sat up slightly and was pulled up to the head of the bed.

He placed a pillow under Changling’s head and looked down at him. “Are you sure you want nothing?” Youxian asked, concerned.

“I am happy that you are concerned for my wellbeing,” Changling said with a tired smile and closed his eyes.

‘Who wouldn’t be, especially when I am the one that caused you to be in this condition,’ Youxian thought.

He crawled off the bed, climbing down the steps, and heard, “Don’t leave, Ah-Xian.”

He looked back at the bed at Changling and saw that he still had his eyes closed. He sighed and climbed back on the bed and lied down beside Changling, who wrapped his arms around him and hugged him.

The bed smelled like Changling, and the feeling of being embraced by him was no longer uncomfortable. 

Youxian closed his eyes and took in this calm that he had never felt before. He rested his hand on Changling’s and turned his head to give him a kiss on the nose and said, “Sleep and do not wake until you feel well.”

Changling released a scoff and said nothing.

Many thoughts raced through Youxian’s mind until he fell asleep; his eyes snapped open when he heard Changling coughing. He quickly sat up on the bed and looked at Changling, but all he did was cough.

Youxian checked to see if he was bleeding and saw that his bandages needed to be changed. He felt dirty as well, so he got up and covered Changling.

Walking through the doors, he closed them behind him then went outside and saw that it was morning already, although it was dark outside.

Changling probably started coughing because they were not closed and both were still naked.

“Brother-in-law?” Qian Luse called out to him.

Youxian caught a fright and turned to look at her while he covered himself.

“Good morning sister-in-law,” he greeted her.

“Why are you up this early? Brother is still sleeping,” she asked as she took off her outer robe and closed Youxian with it, who felt embarrassed.

She hugged him from the side and dragged him off to the kitchen. There he saw that a pot of tea was brewing.

Sitting down on the stool, he looked at Qian Luse and said, “His Highness’s wounds need to be redressed.”

She nodded her head. “Anything else?”

Youxian was not sure but spoke anyway because that is what he did with Rucheng, “I want to take a bath and eat.”

She nodded her head again and said, “I will have the bath ready in no time.” 

He thanked her for the tea and sipped on it while he thought of what he needed to do and the decisions he made.

He sighed deeply and asked, “How can you take orders just like that?”

“I am willing to serve my brothers and you are his consort thus, I must serve you,” she answered.

Youxian looked at her for a moment, then got up and said, “I want to go see the Crown Prince later.”

“Reason?” She asked.

He turned around to look at her and said, “It’s personal. I do not see why I should tell you.”

“If it affects Oraboni, then it concerns me,” Qian Luse said.

Youxian shook his head and said, “You need not worry. I do not plan on hurting my husband again.”

‘I accept it,’ he said to himself. It was hard, but last night he accepted it. He had learned long before that he wouldn’t mind being with the prince, especially if it meant that he would protect everyone he loved.

He walked off to his chamber and looked through the cupboard for clothes to wear. He sipped on his tea after searching for clothes and sat on the bed thinking about what he was going to say to his brother.

“Your water is ready,” Qian Luse said from the other side of the door.

Youxian got up and walked over to the door. He handed her the cup after opening it and asked, “Did you change Prince Changling’s bandages?”

“Yes,” she answered with a nod of her head.


Youxian was sitting in the bathtub that was filled with roses and the surrounding air, with incense and steam. He sat hugging his legs with tears in his eyes as he thought of the journey ahead of him.

Qian Luse walked in and saw that he was crying. She sat the tray of tea down on the first step and poured him a cup. Picking it up, she handed it to him and said, “Cheer up, brother-in-law. I am certain that everything will work in your favour.”

Youxian took the cup from her with a weak smile. Looking at her, he said, “I have not been long by his side, but I love him. I think there is something wrong with me.”

She raised a surprised brow and said, “That certainly is a surprise. Never would I have thought that Oraboni would have someone who loved him, but are you sure about this?”

“It was love at first sight, but he terrified me when he kept me locked up here,” he said and took a sip of the tea.

Qian Luse nodded her head and said after she sat down on the edge of the bathtub, “Oraboni is rough around the edge’s but he has a purpose for everything. He saw that your father was handsome the day he paid us a visit and figured that you would be, too. You grew on him as well and he would not have invested so much time in you if he too did not have feelings for you — If you are patient with him, he might tell you, but he has proven it already.”

“He has?” Youxian asked, confused.

Qian Luse nodded her head and scooped the water into a bowl and poured it over his shoulder and said, “Yes, never has he gotten angry because someone left him. I think you have a place in his heart and deserve the position of his consort.”

Youxian turned his gaze away from her, facing the front and looked down into the cup of tea and saw his reflection. 

There is someone who loves me?

I have a place in his heart?

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