The Lecherous Prince and His Playmate [BL]

Chapter 23

Turning back to look at Youxian, he said, “Even if he likes you, let me warn you, you do not deserve my brother. No one I have met so far deserves him. You are just one of the lucky ones and hopefully he throws you away after he toys with you enough.”

Smiling, he added, “And another thing, when he finally regains consciousness and you are not by his side, he might just toy with you like a cat does with a mouse. No matter where you run to, he will find you.”

Looking at Wu Yong, he said, “So that is what happened, your majesty. I am sure you know Changling does not like you and he is only calm now because of Youxian. I am certain your life means more to you than throwing it away for a cut-sleeve to take it.”

Dong Woo’s eyes hardened, “Watch how you speak!”

Qinghe chuckled, “You offered your son up to a beast. You should be glad that he is saving the kingdom from being taken over by my brother, since Changling has no interest in the throne you sit on.”

The doors slammed open and in walked the twins, one dressed in a light blue tunic and the other in a light green tunic, their eyes landed on their brother who was lying on the bed and they both squealed, Qian Luse ran over to Changling’s side and pushed Dong Woo out of the way who bumped into Wu Yong.

She jumped on to the bed and cried, “Ah!!! My Oraboni, you are too young to die.”

“Hey!” Qinghe called to her.

Qian Lan walked over to Qinghe’s side and kissed him on the cheek. Hugging him, she said, “We got the news and arrived as soon as we could. What happened?”

Hugging his sister to his side, he answered, “Your Oraboni was pissed that his wife ran away and went to relieve his anger.”

Qian Luse instantly stopped crying and glared at Youxian. Qian Lan also turned her attention to him and shook her head, saying, “Can you see what you caused? You should have just stayed put. Who knows what he will be like when he wakes up!”

Mei Yuan walked in with a pot of tea on a tray and a few servants following behind her of the palace. She had previously gone to the kitchen and borrowed a few things, made the tea and left the stunned chef behind since it was not a usual sight to witness—a princess making tea over a stove of fire.

The twins looked over at her and could not help but smile. They stole glances in their brother’s way who seemed disinterested.

Mei Yuan’s eyes widened when she saw the beautiful sisters and blushed, bowing slightly she greeted, “Hello sister-in-law Qian Lan, sister-in-law Qian Luse, if I knew you would be here so soon I would have prepared extra cups.

Qian Luse shook her head and stood up. “Do not worry about that sister-in-law. You have already mastered tea making?” She asked, surprised.

It was as if Changling’s injury didn’t matter anymore…

Mei Yuan shook her head and placed the tray down near Changling’s bed on the table. “I wish I only know the basics of tea making.”

Qian Lan nodded her head in agreement. “I am sure you will master it one of these days. Is her tea any good, Oraboni?” She asked, smiling down at Qinghe.

He looked up at her with a frown and raised a brow. “Do not tease your sister-in-law.”

The girls pouted.

Mei Yuan looked at them confused, but poured for everyone tea. She served them rose tea with a hint of mint in it that she kept in her sleeve for herself but ended up using it and, after sipping on the tea; they got an after taste of apple. Wu Yong’s eyes widened in disbelief and so did his son and Dong Woo.

Youxian was not surprised as them but was impressed that she improved so much from a week ago.

Mei Yuan walked over with a cup of tea to Qinghe, who looked at her lazily. He was still pretending that he wants happy with her in front of other but behind closed doors…

Qinghe took the cup from her and scanned her face. He held back a frown. Just as she was about to walk away, he called her, “Mei?”

She turned and looked at him. She saw that he did not drink the tea yet and asked, “Do you not like the tea?”

Qinghe looked at her and shook his head, “Come here.”

Wu Yong and the others frowned as they watched on.

Mei Yuan stepped forward, confused, and yelped when Qinghe pulled her down. He reached his arm out and wiped the charred marks off her face.

Mei Yuan was taken aback and blushed.

The twins pouted, watching them. They were not used to seeing another woman around their brother and felt jealous.

Qinghe let go of her and mumbled, “You’re a princess for fucks sake.”

Mei Yuan rolled her eyes. “Don’t curse!” she said and huffed as she turned away.

Qinghe let out a chuckle and shook his head. He loved her and she knew it.

Qian Lan said suddenly as she watched Mei Yuan sit down beside Changling and replace the cloth on his forehead, “Sister-in-law, did you learn how to cook yet?”

She sighed, taking a spare cloth, she dipped it in water and wring it out then wiped away Changling’s sweat, “I am still learning,” she answered, disappointed which did not go unnoticed by the multiple eyes watching her.

The twins looked at each other before Qian Luse asked, “Is it hard?” and received a nod.

“It’s mentally and physically exhausting and hard to remember,” she says with a frown.

The twins chuckled. Qian Luse said, “If you do it every day for a month, three times a day, it will become natural.”

She looked over at the twins and complained, “Sister-in-law, how can you speak of it so easily? I had to learn how to make a fire, how to keep the fire going, and how not to burn stuff. Then I was taught how to do washing, not to mix the white sheets with the coloured ones. My back aches from all the cleaning and in between all of those, I have to learn how to make tea and be a good judge, not to mention that I am now also learning how to look after someone who is unconscious.”

“You sound like you are having fun,” Qian Lan commented.

“Having fun, you say?” Mei Yuan forced a smile, making the twins raise a brow at her. “I am sure you both know how hard it is to please Oraboni,” she complains.

The twins looked at her surprised, “He lets you call him Oraboni?” Qian Luse asked.

She nodded. “Yes, after the taste of my tea improved.”

They nodded at the same time and asked again, “Have you learnt to cook more than the basics?” At the same time.

Mei Yuan nodded. “Yes, I learnt how to make steamed buns and dumplings from Yuhua, and Rucheng taught me how to cook rice with shrimp, carrots, corn, and peas. She also taught me how to use the stone grinder to make flour, then we made noodles.”

The twins nodded, “I guess I could continue teaching you how to cook different meals. Do you know how to make chilli oil and jelly noodles?” Qian Luse asked.

Mei Yuan shook her head, “Not really, I’ve seen how to make the chilli oil but Rucheng said it’s best to start from the very beginning so we planted chilli seeds not too long ago and we bought and hung chillies to dry along with garlic and carrots.”

“Who has been doing the cooking while the girls are away?” Qian Lan asked, remembering that they had left a few days ago.

Mei Yuan smiled weakly. “We had fish soup, chicken soup and preserved vegetables so far.”

Qian Lan groaned, “You’re making my brother suffer.”

“If it’s fine with you, Oraboni, I’ll cook for the time being and teach her all your favourite dishes,” Qian Luse said helplessly.

Qian Lan smirked. “You need to teach her how to slaughter and clean ducks, chickens and fish too. Don’t forget Oraboni’s favourite crayfish.”

“I just remembered,” Qian Lan said, looking at Qinghe. “We got a message from Qing.”

Qinghe looked over at her blankly, telling her to shut up. She lowered her head and drank her tea in silence.

“What business do you have with the people from Qing?” Wu Yong asked with his interests sparked.

Qinghe looked over at Wu Yong and asked, “Are you interested in what I do, father-in-law?”

Wu Yong glared at Qinghe, “All those who have business with Qing besides me mostly have bad intentions.”

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