The Laziest System: Sign-Up System

Chapter 9

|It has been a week! Your gift is ready! Do you want to take it?|

|Accept?| |Y/N|

I swallow my food and press the Y button. I take a deep breath and brace for something. However, just like before, there is nothing. I slowly open my eyes and see the system in front of me.

|Congratulations! You now own 5% of Alphabet Inc|

|The document has been sent to your Requip dimension|

I take a deep breath and get my mind inside my requip space. I can see many of my items inside of it and a small stack of papers among those items. I take them out and start to read them.

After reading for a few seconds, I nod and store them inside my requip dimension.

I have a stock in Alphabet Inc, huh? I don't know what kind of company it is, but I will accept free money.

I shake my head and continue to eat my breakfast. Today is special as someone from the underworld will meet with Lady Yasaka. I must prepare because the chancellor and a few teachers have asked me to come.

They said that they needed all the healers to ensure nobody would die if something happened. They reassured me that it was a low chance of happening, but there was nothing wrong with preparing for the worst.

After eating all the food, I take my bag and walk to college.

~Five hours later~

"Ryan, can you take care of this one?"

"Of course!"

Today is busy. It looks like something is happening because many people need healing. I walk where the other healer told me and see a male Weasel Youkai holding his arm in pain. I can see a gash on his left arm.

"My name is Ryan and I will be the one healing you. Hold still okay?"

The youkai nods his head and says,

"I will leave it to you, doc."

I nod and use my Sky Dragon Slayer magic. My hand glows blue, and his wound starts to close when my magic touches him. After ten seconds, his wound closes up, and he is good as new.

"And done. The wound is gone, but I suggest you not do something too strenuous for two days, okay?"

"Of course, doc. Thanks, doc!"

"No problem."

I walk to the next patient and get ready to help her. However, before I can even do anything, the door opens up, and the head healer runs to me and drags me with her.

"What? What happened?"

"No time to talk! We need your healing spell for the next patient!"

I frown a little and let her drag me to her office. When we get inside, I see a beautiful woman sobbing and a little girl breathing heavily on the couch. I can see a black miasma coming from her mouth and nose. Poison? Curse? Maybe.

"My lady! This is the one!"

At her word, the beautiful blonde lady looks at me and grabs my hands.

"Please, please. Please help my daughter."

"Of course. I will do what I can."

She looks at me for a few seconds and lets me get near her daughter. I kneel next to her and see her look at me with an expression that conveys so much pain and fear. I smile at her and pat her head.

"Don't worry. Everything will be okay."

After saying that, I use a lot of my mana and focus them on my hand. My hand now glows brightly, and I create a magic circle on top of her. Her body is so fragile that I don't think she can handle this much mana simultaneously. The magic circle will give her a small amount of mana continuously.

I manipulate the healing mana inside her body and check her condition. After a few seconds, I frowned at her condition. It is worse than I thought it was.

"Poison, curse, and combination of both. Her organs start to rot and need to be cleaned. However, her heart will stop if I push my mana too much. This is difficult."


|3rd POV|

When Yasaka hears that word, her heart stops for a second as she looks at her daughter in sadness, anger, and frustration. It all began when the blasted Old Satan Faction attacked them, and they even unleashed a powerful Stray Devil.

This particular Stray Devil was easy to defeat, but after they defeated the stray devil, it exploded and released the curse and poison into the air.

The poison expanded at a very fast pace and managed to hit the civilian. Ryan and the others only know about them now because the Old Satan Faction created a barrier to ensure people inside the barrier die. This serves two functions. The first is to ensure Yasaka and her guests cannot ask for reinforcement and their secret weapon to do their job and kill them all.

She wants to blame the devil for bringing trouble into her home and killing her guest, but her daughter's life is more important than her rage.

When she hears the healer says someone might be able to heal her, she finally sees hope, but when Ryan says that, her hope starts to crumble, and dark thoughts get into her head. However, she stops when Ryan suddenly says,

"However, she can still be helped."

Yasaka looks at the young man in front of her and says,

"How? Tell me! Tell me what we can do to heal Kunou!"

"I need a bucket of water."

Yasaka looks at the head of the healer and sees her running out of the office. A few seconds later, she returns with a bucket full of water. Seeing the bucket, Ryan nods and starts to work.

"First thing first, stabilize her."

A magic circle appears above the young girl and starts spinning.

"The next thing is to make sure her heart will not stop. Healing her now…."

Ryan's hand starts to glow brightly, healing Kunou's organ. The people in the room can see Kunou regain her color, and her breathing gets steady.

"Hold in there, okay? The pain will go away soon. I just healed your organ, but the poison is still there, so the pain will still be there."

Kunou slowly nods. She doesn't know what is happening but knows everything will be okay.

Ryan patted her head to comfort her before getting to the next stage of healing. He cancels the first magic circle and starts pouring his mana into his hand. He slowly pours more Sky Dragon Slayer mana into her body and watches them force the curse and poison out of her body.

He keeps pouring his mana into Kunou and almost takes all his mana reserves before she finally opens her mouth and starts screaming. Yasaka is ready to kill Ryan for making her daughter scream but stops when she sees a pitch-black goo from her daughter's mouth.


Yasaka takes the bucket and gets it closer to Ryan. He quickly places the goo inside the bucket, where it slowly dissolves. Ryan releases a relieved breath and says.

"The poison and curse need to be getting out of her body. However, moving them out damages her organs and needs an immediate healing spell. Now, the finishing touch."

Ryan uses the remaining mana to heal Kunou, and after ten seconds, the little girl is good as new. After he is done, he looks at Yasaka and says,

"She is good now."

Ryan gets up and smiles at Yasaka. However, as he gets up, Yasaka jumps at him and hugs him tightly.

"Thank you! Thank you! If not for you, I don't know what will happen to her."

"Don't worry about it, my lady."

"Please, call me Yasaka. That is the least thing I can do for you. If you have anything you want, please tell me."

"Ah, yeah. There is one thing."


"Catch me."

After he says that, his body gives up and falls into Yasaka's hands, unconscious.

"What happened?!"

The head healer quickly gets near him and checks on him. After a few seconds, she released a relieved breath.

"Don't worry, my lady. He is only unconscious from mana exhaustion."

"Good. Good. Take care of him. He is the savior of my family."

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